Directors' Notification of Dealing in Shares etc.

Quadrant Group PLC 30 May 2000 Quadrant Group PLC Director's Shareholding At the Extraordinary General Meeting ('EGM') of the Company held on 27 September 1997 the Company's shareholders approved the issue of warrants to Scawton Limited to subscribe for 550,000 of the Company's ordinary 20p shares ('Ordinary Shares') at a subscription price of 100p per Ordinary Share ('Warrants'). Scawton Limited is a company associated with David Coghlan, a Director of the Company. The Warrants were exercisable at any time following the Company's Annual General Meeting on 21 October 1997 and prior to 29 May 2000. Full details surrounding the issue of the Warrants were set out in the circular to shareholders dated 10 September 1997 and the accompanying notice of EGM. On 24 May 2000 Scawton Limited transferred 270,000 Warrants to Arazan Limited, also a company associated with David Coghlan. On 29 May 2000 Arazan Limited exercised Warrants to subscribe for 170,000 Ordinary Shares at a subscription price of 100p per Ordinary Share. The Company has also been notified that, on the same date, Arazan acquired a beneficial interest in an additional 70,000 Ordinary Shares at a price of 100p per share. Following the exercise of Warrants and acquisition of interest in shares by Arazan Limited, David Coghlan's interest in the ordinary share capital of the Company has risen by 240,000 Ordinary Shares to 1,930,875 Ordinary Shares representing 29.98 per cent of the Company's enlarged issued share capital. Application will be made for 170,000 Ordinary Shares to be admitted to the Official List. Admission is expected to become effective on Monday 5 June 2000.


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