
Yule Catto & Co PLC 9 May 2001 YULE CATTO & CO PLC ('YULE CATTO') Sale of Unilock Limited ('Unilock') Yule Catto is an international producer of speciality chemicals, which are supplied to global customers, ranging from manufacturers of medical gloves, paint and adhesives to the pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries. Yule Catto announces today the sale of Unilock to the former Divisional Chief Executive of its Building Products Division, Clive Sanders. Unilock is a leading supplier in the UK of office partitioning systems and has net assets at completion of the sale of some £1.6 million. Commenting on the transaction Alex Walker, Chief Executive of Yule Catto said: 'The sale of Unilock completes the disposal of Yule Catto's building products businesses and achieves the realignment of the group's operations into a company focussed upon speciality chemicals.' 9 May 2001 ENQUIRIES: Yule Catto plc Tel: 01279 442791 Alex Walker, Chief Executive Sean Cummins, Finance Director College Hill Tel: 020 7457 2020 Gareth David Email: gareth.david@collegehill.com Lisa Pearson Email: lisa.pearson@collegehill.com


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