Interim Results
Yule Catto & Co PLC
31 August 2000
- Turnover of continuing operations at £259.4m contains good organic growth.
- Constant currency profit before taxation close to last year.
- Significant reduction in borrowings.
- Further dividend increase of 4.4%.
- Restructuring of the group well advanced.
Commenting on the results, Alex Walker, Chief Executive, said:
'The steep rise in the well-publicised price of petroleum-based raw materials
masks what has been an important phase in the development of Yule Catto,
during which we have strengthened our financial base and continued
repositioning of the group in sectors that will deliver future growth. In
common with others in our industry, the short term impact of high input costs
remains a preoccupation.'
For further information, please contact:
Mr Alex Walker, Chief Executive 01279 442791
Mr Sean Cummins, Finance Director 01279 442791
Continuing operations
2000 1999
Six months to 30 June Notes £000 £000
Total turnover 1 259,407 226,103
Ebitda 1,2 40,281 38,543
Total operating profit 1,3 30,733 30,843
Profit before taxation 3 23,343 24,913
Net borrowings 152,376 164,358
Free cash flow before dividends 4,704 167
Adjusted earnings per share 4 10.8p 11.4p
Earnings per share - FRS3 6.5p 7.9p
Dividends per share 4.7p 4.5p
1. Including attributable share of joint ventures
2. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation.
3. Before amortisation of goodwill.
4. Adjusted earnings per share excludes the amortisation of goodwill.
Good progress has been achieved in restructuring the group, reducing debt,
increasing dividends paid to shareholders and investing in future growth
initiatives. Exchange rate movements continue to have an adverse translation
effect on the consolidation of overseas results. A favourable product mix,
improvements in productivity and the benefits of new products have generally
offset the impact of a very difficult raw material environment resulting in a
constant currency profit within 2% of last year at £23.3 million. The
increase of 4.4% in the interim dividend reflects your Board's confidence in
the future prospects for our group.
Review of Operations
Polymer chemicals
The rising cost of major raw materials experienced towards the end of 1999
persisted relentlessly throughout the first half of 2000. We have enjoyed
strong volume growth but despite achieving improvements in selling prices,
unit margins have inevitably come under pressure.
Emulsion resins saw volumes advance in all territories with the continuing
growth in the Far East particularly pleasing. Auxiliary polymers benefited
from a buoyant PVC market and the increased market penetration of newer
We continue to expand into more technically demanding applications for
synthetic latex and we are pleased to confirm that the Malaysian government
has granted an advantageous taxation status to the recently announced
expansion at our facility in Kluang. The investment will provide exciting
growth opportunities to an already flourishing business. In the meantime, the
coming months will continue to be challenging for the division as a whole,
with third quarter input prices high and the timing of the inevitable fall
providing the greatest uncertainty.
Pharma & fine chemicals
With margins in line with expectations, sales of generic actives continue to
produce excellent profits for the group but volume was held back by customer
destocking. We have invested in additional marketing and technical expertise,
which will be supported by a new pilot plant facility. This will increase the
pace of development of our diversified pipeline of generic and ethical drug
intermediates and provide a strong platform for future growth. The benefits
of this investment are already emerging with sales of ethical products
substantially increased in the period.
New contracts with major flavour and fragrance houses have ensured a high
level of utilisation of our new facility dedicated to odour critical products.
The progress of our Dutch company stalled in the second quarter as an
explosion at a supplier resulted in a critical raw material being temporarily
unavailable. Consequently production has been limited to half of its normal
capacity, with recommencement of raw material supply anticipated during the
third quarter.
Performance chemicals
New pyrazole product introductions directed at hair dye applications have
enjoyed a rapid take-up with further launches expected later in the year.
Sales to the timber treatment industry were at a high level as were sales of
other speciality inorganic products. Volume growth in pigments has been
particularly strong following further recovery in the Asian market enhanced by
a successful penetration into China. Investment in kiln rebuilds has improved
efficiency, capacity and product quality. The higher profit also reflects the
benefit of restructuring undertaken during last year.
Building products
After a slow start to the year, the division has seen an improving order
intake which, coupled with a restructuring within the office partitions sector
will recover profitability in the second half.
Discontinued operations
During the last six months we have made significant progress on the
realignment of the group's activities to provide more focus on Speciality
Chemicals. We successfully sold our business involvement in rooflights and
plastic sheet distribution in May for £53.1 million, producing an exceptional
profit on disposal of £20.5 million. In early July we announced the sale of
our flat roof waterproofing operation and further changes to the group's
portfolio are expected in the second half of the year.
Cash Flow
Cash management remains a key priority for the group and it is pleasing to
report that net debt has fallen to £152.4 million, primarily driven by our
disposal exercise but further assisted by a free cash flow from operations of
£4.7 million.
The significant rise in raw material cost and the resultant selling price
increases have placed pressure on working capital. However, sound management
action has largely counteracted the impact. Additional capacity and process
improvements have been the focus of a greater level of expenditure on fixed
assets, which will progressively increase as we commence construction of our
synthetic latex facility in Malaysia.
We have purchased 5,035,773 shares in the open market for cancellation at a
cost of £10 million. Further to the approval granted at the Annual General
Meeting on 23 May 2000 it is the intention of your Directors to continue to
purchase shares for cancellation whilst market sentiment causes the shares to
trade significantly below their long term value.
The interim dividend of 4.7 pence per ordinary share will be paid on 22
November 2000 to members on the register at the close of business on 6 October
2000. The dividend reinvestment plan introduced last year will be offered
until further notice.
Following a successful implementation of integrated IT systems throughout the
group, we are concentrating on maximising the benefits of internet technology.
The group's strategy is being developed by a dedicated team focused upon
delivering the best solutions for the various markets in which we operate.
Changes to the Board of Directors
Following an unforeseeable increase in commitment required to satisfy other
business interests, John Napier has regrettably resigned from the Board with
immediate effect.
Near term trading conditions are overshadowed by high raw material prices and
while there are signs that the pressures may ease they will be a feature of
much of the remainder of this year. We shall continue to restructure the
group, invest in technology, processes and new products to come through the
current industry cycle confident that shareholders will benefit. Looking
further ahead, the work undertaken to reposition the group will produce
positive results and deliver exciting growth prospects.
A E Richmond-Watson
31 August 2000
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
6 months ended 30 June 2000
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations Total
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
£000 £000 £000
Turnover of company and subsidiaries 236,589 22,008 258,597
Share of turnover of joint ventures 22,818 1,510 24,328
------- ------- -------
Total turnover 259,407 23,518 282,925
======= ======= =======
Operating profit
Existing operations 27,218 1,514 28,732
Amortisation of goodwill (6,490) - (6,490)
------- ------- -------
Operating profit of company
and subsidiaries 20,728 1,514 22,242
Share of operating profit of
joint ventures 3,515 150 3,665
------- ------- -------
Total operating profit 24,243 1,664 25,907
Sale and termination of businesses - 30,332 30,332
Interest payable (net) (7,390) - (7,390)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 16,853 31,996 48,849
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities (6,419) (10,379) (16,798)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 10,434 21,617 32,051
Minority interests (665) - (665)
------- ------- -------
Profit attributable to shareholders 9,769 21,617 31,386
Ordinary dividends (6,879) - (6,879)
------- ------- -------
Retained profit for the financial year 2,890 21,617 24,507
======= ======= =======
Operating profit before amortisation 30,733 1,664 32,397
Profit before taxation (excluding
amortisation and sale and
termination of businesses) 23,343 1,664 25,007
Earnings per share - Adjusted 10.8p 0.5p 11.3p
- FRS3 6.5p 14.3p 20.8p
Dividends per ordinary share 4.7p - 4.7p
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
6 months ended 30 June 1999
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations Total
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
£000 £000 £000
Turnover of company and subsidiaries 178,955 31,889 210,844
Share of turnover of joint ventures 47,148 2,360 49,508
------- ------- -------
Total turnover 226,103 34,249 260,352
======= ======= =======
Operating profit
Existing operations 20,947 2,202 23,149
Amortisation of goodwill (5,294) - (5,294)
------- ------- -------
Operating profit of company
and subsidiaries 15,653 2,202 17,855
Share of operating profit of
joint ventures 9,896 294 10,190
------- ------- -------
Total operating profit 25,549 2,496 28,045
Sale and termination of businesses - - -
Interest payable (net) (5,930) - (5,930)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 19,619 2,496 22,115
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities (6,852) (686) (7,538)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 12,767 1,810 14,577
Minority interests (482) - (482)
------- ------- -------
Profit attributable to shareholders 12,285 1,810 14,095
Ordinary dividends (6,941) - (6,941)
------- ------- -------
Retained profit for the financial year 5,344 1,810 7,154
======= ======= =======
Operating profit before amortisation 30,843 2,496 33,339
Profit before taxation (excluding
amortisation and sale and
termination of businesses) 24,913 2,496 27,409
Earnings per share - Adjusted 11.4p 1.2p 12.6p
- FRS3 7.9p 1.2p 9.1p
Dividends per ordinary share 4.5p - 4.5p
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
12 months ended
31 December 1999
Turnover of company and subsidiaries 442,433
Share of turnover of joint ventures 89,758
Total turnover 532,191
Operating profit
Existing operations 48,319
Amortisation of goodwill (10,796)
Operating profit of company
and subsidiaries 37,523
Share of operating profit of
joint ventures 17,738
Total operating profit 55,261
Sale and termination of businesses -
Interest payable (net) (11,847)
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 43,414
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities (14,908)
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 28,506
Minority interests (1,571)
Profit attributable to shareholders 26,935
Ordinary dividends (17,246)
Retained profit for the financial year 9,689
Operating profit before amortisation 66,057
Profit before taxation (excluding
amortisation and sale and
termination of businesses) 54,210
Earnings per share - Adjusted 24.5p
- FRS3 17.5p
Dividends per ordinary share 11.2p
as at 30 June 2000
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Goodwill 231,891 191,985 240,020
Tangible fixed assets 156,640 143,730 160,942
Investment in joint ventures 12,538 25,114 14,053
Investments 64 44 48
------- ------- -------
401,133 360,873 415,063
------- ------- -------
Current assets
Stocks 55,610 58,373 58,237
Debtors 111,493 108,495 115,099
Bank and cash balances 6,446 6,960 9,521
------- ------- -------
173,549 173,828 182,857
Creditors - due within one year
Borrowings (37,662) (40,816) (34,382)
Dividends (17,212) (17,110) (10,336)
Other creditors (128,943) (105,969) (125,136)
------- ------- -------
Net current (liabilities)/assets (10,268) 9,933 13,003
------- ------- -------
Total assets less current liabilities 390,865 370,806 428,066
Creditors - due after one year
Borrowings (121,160) (130,502) (177,513)
Other creditors (576) (1,571) (1,912)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (8,711) (5,521) (9,884)
------- ------- -------
Net assets 260,418 233,212 238,757
======= ======= =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 14,930 15,424 15,427
Reserves 240,405 213,256 218,341
------- ------- -------
Shareholders' funds 255,335 228,680 233,768
Minority interests 5,083 4,532 4,989
------- ------- -------
Capital employed 260,418 233,212 238,757
======= ======= =======
for the six months ended 30 June 2000
6 months 6 months 12 months
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 28,184 20,378 69,818
Dividends received from joint ventures 1,251 1,327 6,963
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance
Net interest paid (8,753) (7,967) (12,940)
Dividends paid to minority interests (824) (886) (1,393)
------- ------- -------
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance (9,577) (8,853) (14,333)
------- ------- -------
Taxation (4,894) (4,683) (9,079)
------- ------- -------
Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (10,439) (8,079) (17,723)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 199 95 741
Investments net of disposals (20) (18) (2)
------- ------- -------
(10,260) (8,002) (16,984)
------- ------- -------
Free cash flow before dividends 4,704 167 36,385
Acquisitions and disposals
Sale and purchase of businesses 53,133 - (56,684)
Equity dividends paid - - (17,079)
------- ------- -------
Cash inflow/(outflow) before
management of liquid resources
and financing 57,837 167 (37,378)
Issue of ordinary share capital 32 323 381
Purchase of own shares (9,979) - -
Exchange movements 2,108 1,681 1,152
------- ------- -------
Movement in net borrowings 49,998 2,171 (35,845)
======= ======= =======
30 June 2000
1. Analysis of total turnover
6 months ended 30 June 2000
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations Total
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
£000 £000 £000
Analysis by activity
Polymer Chemicals 113,121 - 113,121
Pharma & Fine Chemicals 49,362 - 49,362
Performance Chemicals 82,698 - 82,698
Building Products 14,226 23,518 37,744
------- ------- -------
259,407 23,518 282,925
======= ======= =======
6 months ended 30 June 1999
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations Total
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
£000 £000 £000
Analysis by activity
Polymer Chemicals 85,989 - 85,989
Pharma & Fine Chemicals 53,688 - 53,688
Performance Chemicals 73,143 - 73,143
Building Products 13,283 34,249 47,532
------- ------- -------
226,103 34,249 260,352
======= ======= =======
2. Analysis of profit
6 months ended 30 June 2000
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations Total
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
£000 £000 £000
Analysis by activity
Polymer Chemicals 13,887 - 13,887
Pharma & Fine Chemicals 8,668 - 8,668
Performance Chemicals 10,572 - 10,572
Building Products (135) 1,664 1,529
Holding companies (2,149) - (2,149)
Interest payable by joint ventures (110) - (110)
------- ------- -------
30,733 1,664 32,397
======= ======= =======
6 months ended 30 June 1999
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations Total
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
£000 £000 £000
Analysis by activity
Polymer Chemicals 13,853 - 13,853
Pharma & Fine Chemicals 10,876 - 10,876
Performance Chemicals 8,816 - 8,816
Building Products (16) 2,496 2,480
Holding companies (2,475) - (2,475)
Interest payable by joint ventures (211) - (211)
------- ------- -------
30,843 2,496 33,339
======= ======= =======
3. These accounts have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
set out in the group's audited accounts for the year ended 31 December
4. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 1999 has been
extracted from the statutory accounts, which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237 of the
Companies Act 1985.
5. This statement will be sent to all shareholders by 1 September 2000 and
can be obtained by the public from the company's registered office at
Temple Fields, Harlow, Essex CM20 2BH.
6. An interim dividend of 4.7p (4.5p) per share, totalling £7.0 million
(£6.9 million) has been declared by the directors.
7. Earnings per ordinary share are based on the attributable profit for the
period and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the
period - 150.9 million (154.2 million).
8. Adjusted earnings per share excludes the sale and termination of
businesses and the amortisation of goodwill.