Tanfield Group PLC
("Tanfield" or the "Company")
FDG Announcement
The Directors of the Company note the recent announcement made by FDG, the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer who Smith formed a Joint Venture with in May 2015, on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/2016/0228/LTN20160228009.pdf.
As announced on 17 February 2016, the board of Tanfield is currently reviewing the position of the investment in Smith and its carrying value and will update shareholders in due course.
For further information:
Tanfield Group Plc
Daryn Robinson 0700 349 7489
WH Ireland Limited - Nominated Advisor
James Joyce / Nick Prowting 020 7220 1666
Peterhouse Corporate Finance - Broker
Peter Greensmith / Duncan Vasey 020 7220 9797