Taylor Wimpey plc
Taylor Wimpey Employee Share Ownership Trusts
Share Transfers
Taylor Wimpey plc ('the Company') has today transferred 10,000,000 25p ordinary shares ('Shares') held in Treasury to its Share Ownership Trusts for nil consideration.
5,000,000 Shares were transferred to the Taylor Woodrow Employee Share Ownership Trust 1995 ('ESOT 1').
5,000,000 Shares were transferred to the Taylor Woodrow Employee Share Ownership Trust 2004 ('ESOT 2').
These Shares will be used to meet the valid exercise or vesting of options or awards over Shares granted under the terms of the Company's various share plans including the save as you earn and the 'all employee' share plans;
Following these transactions, ESOT 1 holds 5,612,550 Shares; ESOT 2 holds 5,247,984 Shares with 92,732,927 Shares remaining in Treasury.
Each of the executive directors of the Company is a potential beneficiary under both ESOT 1 and ESOT 2 and therefore is regarded as having a notional interest in the current holdings of each ESOT.
James Jordan
Group Company Secretary and General Counsel
Taylor Wimpey plc
22 December 2008