Re St.Katharine's Dock Estate

Taylor Woodrow PLC 21 November 2001 21 November 2001 For Immediate Release TAYLOR WOODROW ANNOUNCEMENT ON ST KATHARINE'S DOCK ESTATE Taylor Woodrow plc, the international development group, today (November 21) announced that, following an exercise to establish market interest in its St Katharine's Dock investment property, it would not proceed with a sale of this important asset at this time. Group chief executive, Keith Egerton, commented: 'The marketing exercise we have conducted over the last three months has confirmed significant interest in our St Katharine's Dock property. However, we are not currently able to structure a transaction which is clearly in the interest of our shareholders. This property generates a good level of income and there will be better opportunities for a sale.' * ends - Enquiries: Tony McGarahan Communications Director Direct line: (01784) 428769 Mobile: (07796) 276342 Email:
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