1st Quarter Results - Part 2

Telefonica SA 16 May 2001 PART 2 TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP The analysis of Telefonica Media Group's first quarter results is greatly affected by its major expansion during 2000, which led to a significant change in its sphere of consolidation. Of particular note is the change in ATCO's consolidation from the equity method in March 2000 to the global integration method after Telefonica Media Group increased its stake in the company from 26.8% to 100%, and the inclusion of Endemol, which from August 2000 was fully consolidated and, therefore, does not appear in the financial statements published in first quarter results for the previous year, The integration of these two companies has meant an important change in the Telefonica Media Group's consolidated revenue and EBITDA profile. Telefonica Media Group had positive EBITDA for the second consecutive quarter, of .10.5mn, compared to a figure of .-6.6mn in the same period last year. This performance is particularly impressive as it comes against a problematic economic backdrop, with the difficult environment that exists for Spanish advertising market and the Argentine economic crisis. These results enable the Company to advance its policy of anticipating EBITDA breakeven for some of the companies, and to reach a position of self-financing Group operations. Operating results reflect losses of .6.7mn, versus losses of .15.2mn in the first quarter of 2000, a 55.7% improvement. FREE-TO-AIR-TELEV1SION AND RADIO BUSINESS ANTENA 3 Antena 3 remains just behind TVE 1 in audience figures and has consolidated its leadership position amongst the public with high commercial potential. The television advertising market in Spain fell 1.1% vs. the first quarter of 2000, which has meant that the channel's advertising revenues have also dropped, down 2.2%, compared to the first quarter of 2000, to .132.9mn. However, the company has maintained the best advertising market share/audience share relationship of Spanish television companies, with a ratio of 1.35 vs, 1.24 in the same period last year. Finally, first quarter EBITDA increased to .31.6mn compared to .38.3mn in 2000. ATCO The combination of the traditional summer slowdown in the Argentine television advertising market and an uncertain macroeconomic environment in that country explains the slump in this market, due to a loss of consumer and business confidence. In spite of this, Telefe's market share has risen 40.1%, an advance of 2.1pp on December. Nonetheless, this reduced confidence has led to a drop in revenues compared to the same period last year, although this has been partly compensated for by a cut in operating costs, continuing the trend which began with the implementation of better management systems by the new management team after the Telefonica Media's take over. In this scenario, EBITDA has changed from .3.1 mn in 2000 to .5.6mn in 2001 ONDA CERO RADIO According to the data from the first results of the General Media Survey 2001, Onda Cero shows the highest growth in the sector, consolidating its position as the number two radio station with a market share of 23.1 % vs. 21.6% in the previous period. According to this report, the total number of listeners was 2,775,000 an increase of 61.3% on the the first quarter of 2000. In line with this higher audience, Onda Cero's revenues at the end of the first quarter showed growth of 37.7% vs. March 2000, which allows us to be optimistic with regard to the target of ending the year with positive EBITDA and net profit figures. These would be the first positive results obtained since its launching. CONTENT BUSINESS ENDEMOL This first quarter Endemol has acquired the remaining 50% of the French company, ASP Endemol. This company is now known as Endemol Entertainment France and will be consolidated in Group financial statements by the global integration method. Endemol's clear worldwide leadership position in entertainment content creation has seen its first quarter revenues reach .198.6mn, growth of 53.0%vs. first quarter 2000. This is very positive, especially if we consider the strong seasonal nature of the production business, with the second and fourth quarters being the busiest. Accumulated first quarter EBITDA was . 37.5mn, a 95.4% increase on the same period in 2000. The subsidiaries which have made the most positive contributions to EBITDA have been the producers in Italy, Germany and France. PAY TELEVISION AND DISTRIBUTION BUSINESSES VIA DIGITAL Throughout the financial year, Via Digital has continued its strategy of client capture within a highly competitive environment because of new entrants (Quiero TV), the increased activity of cable companies and Sogecable's aggressive marketing strategies.This situation is further aggravated by the proliferation of pirate cards. The pay TV platform has fulfilled its client target for the first quarter of 2001, with its client base now standing at 673,987 subscribers, a yearly increase of 34.8%. As regards content, the development of the company's own channel, Gran Via, is remarkable, having such a great commercial and audience success, that it has even been bought by some of its competitors. In financial terms, operating revenue was, 63.9mn, 41.2% up on the first quarter of last year. On the other hand, costs have increased far less (6.7%) and this has allowed EBITDA to advance 13.5% over the same period In 2000 (. -67.4mn vs. . -78.5mn). INTERNET BUSINESS TERRA-LYCOS GROUP Terra-Lycos was created in early November from the merger between Terra Networks, S.A. and US-based Lycos, Inc. It is one of the world's largest internet companies. The first quarter of 2001 is the merged entity's first full quarter. The pedod was characterised by difficult macroeconomic conditions in the countries in which we operate, particularly the US, hitting one of our core businesses, the online advertising. During the first quarter a new organisational structure was announced, focussed on business areas and on the profitability of the company. The reorganised group comprises three strategic business units - access, media and commerce, incorporating the company's key businesses - and two geographical units - the US, and Latin America & Spain - which together cover the 42 countries in which Terra-Lycos operates. These geographical and business units are supported by a number of global support functions. The company's new matrix-based organisational structure will help it to focus more effectively on the bottom line and on profitability in general. On the operating side, Terra-Lycos accounts for more than 7 million access subscribers as of March 2001, including all the subsidiaries, with almost 1 million new subscribers added since December 2000, representing an increase of 15.4% or 167.8% up since March 2000. Subscribers from Spain and Latin America reached almost 4.5 million, that is 2.5 million more than the previous year. Average daily page view were up 22.3%, from 350 million in December 2000 to 431 million in March 2001. Increases were seen in all countries of operation, but particularly in Spain and the US. Lastly, unique users rose by 7.4% compared with the previous quarter, from 94 to 99 million. The year-on-year increase was 52.3% (up from 65 million). In terms of pro-forma first quarter 2001 financial results, revenues were .177.2mn a 60% annual advance. Revenues were fairly stable thanks to the geographical and functional diversification in spite of the first quarter seasonal nature, and the poor market conditions. The 2001 first quarter revenue breakdown by business area is as follows: - .55mn from the access business, representing 31.1% of total revenues. - .123mn from the media business (advertising and e-commerce), 69.4% of total revenues. Terra-Lycos's business model is evolving in line with the market but always with a clear focus on profitability. In fact, the company is not promoting the free internet access in any market where it operates, but is concentrating all its efforts on pay-services. The company's pricing policy is moving increasingly towards bundling and quality offers. The company's progress towards profitability is evident in the almost 30 percentage points advance in EBITDA since 3Q00. In terms of expenses, Terra Lycos is benefiting from the synergies generated by the merger and from measures designed to control and cut costs without impacting growth. This is the first quarter in which revenues have exceeded operating expenses, which is reflected in the above mentioned improvement at EBITDA level. While the company's revenues remained virtually unchanged, EBITDA has risen by .26mn. The quarter saw further acquisitions activity and new product and service launches. Acquisitions included: - Acquisition in January of Raging Bull, a leading financial community on the web; - Acquisition of leading digital mapping company Iberwap, also in January; - Finalization of Lycos Asia's acquisition of My Rice, one of the leading portals in China; and Announcement (after the and of the quarter) of purchase of a 49% stake in Uno-e, the joint venture with BBVA. New products and services included the following.. - Launch of Lycos Talk Radio, the first Interactive radio network on the net; - Launch of the first voice portal in Spain, providing access to the content and services of the country's leading portal; - Launch (following the quarter close) of Lycos 411, a service that provides internet access via a telephone call; - Launch of internet portal Terra Caribe in the Caribbean. DIRECTORIES BUSINESS Having finalised the takeover bids for operators in various Latin American countries, the Telefonica group is now in the process of segregating their directories businesses for integration into the TPI-Paginas Amarillas group. The assets of CTC-Publiguias were integrated in March 2001, following full consolidation in the accounts of TPI from January. The Peruvian and Argentine directories businesses have not yet been formally consolidated in TPI's accounts, but their activities have been integrated in order to give a clear and true view of the business scenario in which the company will immediately be operating. The results appearing under the title Telefonica's directories business' therefore include TPI-Espana, Publiguias, TPI-Brasil, Goodman, Paginas Doradas in Argentina and Guitel in Peru. Remember that the seasonality of the business and the industry practice of recognizing revenues at the time of publication of each directory make for fluctuating and incomparable quarterly results. 1Q01 was a period in which TPI's Latin American presence was consolidated and the internet services business saw strong growth in Spain. The Spanish directories subsidiary TPI-Espana's revenues increased by 15.3% on the same quarter 2000, in the absence of white pages advertising revenues following completion of the agreement with Telefonica. This was off-set however by additional revenue from producing three new editions of yellow pages. On a like-for-like basis, 1Q01 revenues from yellow pages were up 7.5% year-on-year. Internet services revenues rose by around 120%, to .2.8mn, and account for a growing proportion of total revenues (from 10% in March 2000 to around 19% in March 2001). This result can not be extrapolated to the rest of the year because of the higher concentration of directories publications in the second half of the year. TPI-Espana's operating expenses increased significantly to .24mn, due primarily to increases in the size of the work-force and higher distribution and marketing expenses from publishing more directories. Publiguias' results were consolidated for the first time in the TPI Group, and accounted for 33.4% of total revenues. However, we do not feel able to extrapolate this performance over the full-year as the publication timetable for the most important directories is different. Revenues in local currency fell 1.8%, despite the publishing business growth of 0.9%, a reversal of 2000's negative trend, when the directories published in this quarter saw revenues drop by 1.9% compared to the previous edition. The remaining companies In Brazil, Argentina and Peru together contributed around .27mn, a performance that we do not expect to see repeated in the full-year figures due to the different evolution of each respective commercial campaigns. CALL CENTER BUSINESS ATENTO Atento Group's strategy for 2001 is to become one at the world's leading providers of customer relations management services (CRM). It aims to achieve this through operational and commercial excellence, a global and strategic client focus and innovation in the development of value added services. Commercial activity in the first quarter of 2001 focused on developing long-term relationships with strategic clients in the external market (ie, outside Telefonica group) and improving strategic links with other group companies. A major success on this front was the agreement signed with BBVA, which is to outsource all its Spanish and international call centre operations to Atento. This deal is expected to generate revenue of around .86.4mn annually and add .15.1mn to group EBITDA. It should also boost economies of scale in some of Atento's markets and enhance its knowhow in strategic, high value added segments such as financial services. External market sales in 1Q01 were significant and will have a favourable effect on group results over the next few months. Atento signed deals with a number of companies and has established long-term relationships with, among others, BSCH, Ace Insurance, Citibank, AIG, Warrantech, American Express, Direct TV, Coca Cola, American Airlines and Varig. Atento group posted 1Q01 sales of .153,5mn, a 68.7% year-on-year rise. The internal market generated .108.1 million of this, 70%. Sales are becoming even more diversified geographically. The proportion from Brazil, Spain and Chile, traditionally the largest contributors fell in the face of rising income from Puerto Rico, Morocco, Central America, Columbia, Argentina, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Venezuela. EBITDA 1Q01 was .11.4mn, a 7.4% rise on 1Q00. Operationally, Atento had 26,340 positions at end March 2001, against 24,121 at end-December 2000. These positions ware attended by 42,533 employees, a 9.4% rise over the quarter basically due to the integration of the Telinver call center activity into Atento Argentina and the expansion of centres in new markets such as Venezuela, Japan and Mexico. Note finally that Atento has announced the expansion of its presence in Italy. It plans to invest .6.7mn in a new centre with over 500 positions. BROADBAND CAPACITY MANAGEMENT BUSINESS EMERGIA Emergia provides Telefonica group's international broadband infrastructure services and manages the group's wholesale market capacity. Its clients are international carriers, ISPs and other companies which make intensive use of communications services requiring city-to-city, door-to-door connectivity inside Latin America and with the US. The broadband market is expected to grow at an annual rate between 60% and 100% for the next four years. Emergia is in pole position as the first company to offer the service in the region. It also has the competitive advantage of being part of the leading telecoms group in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world. In March 2001, the company ended its infrastructure investment when it completed the 25,000 km terrestrial and undersea fibre-optic cable network. Having made an initial investment of around US$1.3bn, Emergia starts with a capacity of 40 Gbps, expandable to 1.92 Tbps. A series of sale and purchase agreements also gave Emergia extra capacity in the US and Europe. COMPANIES INCLUDED IN EACH FINANCIAL STATEMENT - Telefonica, S.A. has direct interests in the share capital of Endemol Entertainment Holding, NY, and Mediaways, GmbH Internet Services, which are considered to belong to Telefonica Media, S.A. and Telefonica Data, S.A., respectively. - Telefonica S,A also participates directly in the share capital of CE1 Citicorp Holdings. For this pro-forma income statement's report, it is assumed that CEI's 50% shareholding in Cointel (which in turns, owns 52,88% of Telefonica de Argentina) is consolidated as part of Telefonica Latinoamericana (Telefonica Internacional). Also,CEI's 26.82% shareholding in ATCO and 26.82% shareholding in AC Inversora S.A. are consolidated as part of Telefonica Media S,A, - As regards Telefonica, S.A.'s acquisitions made in 2000 in the Latin American companies Telefonica de Argentina, Telecomunicacoes de Sao, Paulo, S.A. (Telesp) and Telefonica del Peru, S.A., it is assumed that the contributions of these shareholdings to Telefonica Latinoamericana, S.A, Telefonica Moviles, S.A. and Telefonica Data, S.A. have been made since the beginning of the year in the proportion In which each of these, after the spin-off carried out, may consolidate the business which the Latin American companies carry out in fixed telephony, mobile telephony and data transmission, respectively. - As regards Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile, S,A (CTC), part-owned by Telefonica Latinoamericana, although to date its spin-off has not begun, the company's data transmission activity has been allocated to Telefonica Data. Telefonica Latinoamericana does not include Startel's mobile telephony business, in accordance with a pro-forma results presentation which only includes the fixed telephony activity in Latin America. - As regards the businesses remaining in TASA and'Telefonica del Peru after the aforementioned spin-off, included in Telefonica Latinoamericana, we would highlight that these companies still include the directories activity which has been added for the presentation of these pro-forma income statements to the TPI Group, in accordance with a view of the Telefonica Group's directories business. RELEVANT SHAREHOLDINGS OF TELEFONICA GROUP AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES TELEFONICA, S.A GROUP SHAREHOLDINGS SIGNIFICANT EVENTS. - On 27 April 2001, Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion announced changes in its board of directors following the resignation of Messrs. Alberto Cortina de Alcocer, Abel Linares Palacios and Jose. Maria, Mas. Telefonica. do Espana, S.A.U. appointed as its representative member to the board Mr. Jose Maria Alvarez-Pallete Lopez and Mr. Javier Lopez- Mingo Olmo as its secretary and non-board member. - On 24 April 2001, Telefonica Data Peru spun off its data unit in Peru, initiating operatons with an estimated investment of $20mn. - On 23 April 2001, Telefonica and BBVA announced the start-up of three initiatives as part of the strategic alliance signed on 11 February 2000, as follows: - The integration of BBVA's call centre business in Atento, leaving the bank with a 9% shareholding in Atento. - The acquisition of a stake by Terra Lycos (tentatively 49%) in Uno-e. - The acquisition by Telefonica, through Telefonica Media, of a 47.5% stake in BBVA Ticket (leader in the management and sale of musical events), equivalent to BBVA's holding in the company. - On 20 April 2001, Telefonica de Espana announced that It had more than 100,000 broadband digital lines installed in Spain. This number is in line with the total for all of 2000, fuelled by higher sales growth and a major reduction in installation time. The company's currently has 905 switches, compared with 603 at year-end 2000. - On 9 April 2001, Telefonica and Iberdrola reached an agreement whereby Telefonica will acquire Iberdrola's stakes in the Brazilian telecoms operators in which they both have interests. The operation entails an exchange of Telefonica shares for Iberdrola's shares in the Brazilian companies TeleSudeste Celular, TeleLeste Celular, Celular CRT and Telesp. Iberdrola will receive 19,136,307 million shares, implying a total value for the transaction of approximately $313mn. The Iberdrola share packages are: - 3.48% of SP TELECOMUNICACOES HOLDING, S.A. - 7.00% of TBS CELULAR PARTICIPACOES S.A. - 7.00% of SUDESTECEL PARTICIPACOES S.A. - 62.02% of IBEROLESTE PARTICIPACOES S.A - 3.38% of TELELESTE CELULAR. The operation also includes the acquisition of IBERDROLA ENERGIA, S.A.'s stake in CELULAR CRT PARTICIPACOES (0.66%), through the Telefonica Moviles tender offer. Last, the deal is subject to approval by ANATEL - On 6 April 2001, Terra Lycos initiated its Caribbean operations with the presentation of its Dominican Republic portal, in line with its goal to become the leader of the region's internet market, With this, Terra Lycos expands its presence to 42 countries, - On 30 March 2001, Emergia concluded its fibre-optic ring around Latin America with connection to the US, making it the company with the largest and most extensive high-capacity fibre-optic system in Latin America, in addition to be the first company in the region to finish a high-capacity underwater fibre-optic network, beating out its competitors by at least two months. - On 29 March 2001, Terra Mobile expanded its international operations with the launch of services in Brazil, marking its first endeavours in Latin America. Two days before, Terra Mobile had announced that registered user numbers in March had surpassed four million, marking an increase of 33% from mid-January, The strong pace of growth has enabled the company to rapidly consolidate its position as Europe's leading portal. In Spain, the company boasts roughly 10 million monthly page views through its internet web and around four million through Its WAP. - On 29 March 2001, Telefonica's board of directors appointed Messrs. Carlos Colomer, Affonso Ferrari and Antonio Alonso as new members. The first two will take the place of Alberto Cortina and Carles Vilarrubl, while the third will hold the post of general secretary and secretary to the board in place of Jose Maria Mas. - On 7 March 2001, Telefonica Moviles held a rights issue to incorporate Telefonica del Peru's cellular assets in the Group, issuing 65,939,564 new shares with a nominal value of .0.5 each and a Issue premium of approximately .3.3 per share. - On the same day, Telefonica de Espana SAU's board of directors appointed Angel Vila Boix, the managing director of Desarrollo Corporativo de Telefonica SA, as its representative on BBVA's board of directors. - On 2 March 2001, Telefonica Moviles reached an agreement with Motorola to manage its four cellular operators in northern Mexico (Bajacel, Movitel, Nortel and Cedetel). The deal was reached prior to obtaining the necessary regulatory permits, currently in course, to acquire the operators, scheduled for the second quarter of the year. To carry out the operation, approval will be submitted at Telefonica SA's upcoming general shareholders' meeting for a rights issue, through which the companies will be acquired through an exchange of shares and subsequently transferred to Telefonica Moviles. - On 28 February 2001, Telefonica Moviles launched a public tender offer to acquire 54.32% of Celular CRT S.A (210,437,216 ordinary shares and 1,391,142,262 preferred shares). The transaction carries an Implicit premium of approximately 40% to the average price of Celular CRT's preferred stock from 19 February to 23 February. inclusive. The offer, which will be carried out once the pertinent authorisation is obtained, is aimed at acquiring and subsequently de-listing Celular CRT, and involves two operations: - Takeover bid via the exchange of BDRs: representing new shares of Telefonica Moviles, - Takeover bid via the exchange of ADRs or, as relevant, BDRs, representing new shares of Telefonica Moviles. On 26 February 2001, Terra Lycos announced the appointment of Stephen J. Killeen as chairman of the company's US operations. He was previously chairman and general manager of marketing at MSGi. CHANGES TO THE SPHERE AND ACCOUNTING CRITERIA OF CONSOLIDATION TELEFONICA In January, Telefonica, S.A acquired 4,406,606 shares in Terra Networks, S.A. at a cost of .52.16 mn. With this purchase, Grupo Telefonica's stake in the company reached 37.58%. The company continues to be FULLY consolidated on Telefonica Group's accounts. In January, Telefonica, SA acquired 811,051 shares in Telefonica del Peru, S.A.A., at a cost of . 859,447. With this purchase, Grupo Telefonica's stake in the company reached 93.26%. The company continues to be fully consolidated on Telefonica Group's accounts. Also in January, Telefonica, S.A. acquired 100% of Mediaways, GmbH for .1,479mn. The company has started to be consolidated on Telefonica Group's accounts by the global integration method. In the first two months of 2001, Telefonica, S.A acquired a total of 6,551,543 shares in Telefonica Moviles, S.A, at a cost of .55.10 million. Grupo Telefonica's stake in the company is now 92.94%. The company continues to be consolidated an Telefonica Group's accounts by the global integration method. In February, Telefonica, S.A. created the 100% owned subsidiary Telefonica Gestion de Servicios Compartidos, S.A, with initial capital of .60,102. The company is not included in the sphere of consolidation, and has been included in Telefonica Group's consolidated financial statements. TELEFONICA PUBLICIDAD E INFORMACION Goodman Business Press, S.A., acquired in 2000, is included within Telefonica Group's sphere of consolidation in 2001, by the global integration method. As a result, Cernet, a 100% owned subsidiary of Goodman (which designs web pages) is also included within the sphere of consolidation in 2001, by the global integration method, In 2001, Buildnet, S.A., in which Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. owns 46.35%, and Goodman 51.24%, is now being consolidated by the global integration method rather than by the equity method as it was in 2000. TERRA NETWORKS GROUP In the first quarter of the year, Terra Networks, S.A. helped set up the Spanish company Azeler Automocion, S.A. which was incorporated with initial capital of . 8,41 million, 50% of which was fully subscribed and paid by Terra Networks, S.A. The company has been recorded at its acquisition cost in Telefonica Group consolidated financial statements. Also, in the first quarter of this year, Terra Networks. S.A has formed the following 100% owned subsidiary companies: Terra Networks Financial Services USA Lic., Terra Networks Maroc, and Terra Networks Caribe, with share capital of 12,020 and 264.4 million euros respectively. Of these, Terra Networks Financlal Services USA Lic has been included in Telefonica Group financial statements, by the global integration method: the other two companies are carried at acquisition cost. TELEFONICA LATINOAMERICANA GROUP (TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL, S.A.) The Telefonica Internacional parent company increased its stakes in Telefonica de Peru, Telefonica de Argentina and Telesp thanks to Telefonica, S.A contribution of its holdings in those companies. On January 30, 2001, Telefonica de Argentina approved the reorganisation of certain of its businesses, mainly those of the companies in which it has a controlling interest: TCP S.A, Advance, S.A. and TYSSA S.A. As of January 1, 2001, spin-offs and mergers took place in Telinver S.A., Advance S.A. and TCP S.A. As of February 1, 2001, undertakings were made between TASA, Advance and TMA, S.A. (Telefonica Moviles Argentina) to carry out company reorganisations. With regard to this restructuring, the fact that TASA's financial statements included are three-months ago should be borne in mind. TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP In January, Endemol Group acquired 50% of Endemol France for .159.3 million. The company is consolidated in Telefonica Group financial statements by the global integration method. TELEFONICA DATA GROUP in the first quarter of 2001, the following changes have taken place in the sphere of consolidation of Data Group: On January 16, Telefonica Data Mexico (previously Optel) increased its capital through the issue of 16,992,251 shares, which were fully subscribed by Telefonica Data Holding. On March 6, the company made a further capital increase by isuing 16,743,904 shares, with Telefonica Data Holding purchasing 5,228,385 and T. Datacorp 11,515,519 shares. After these increases, Telefonica Data Mexico has capital of MXN 241,738,667.8, with the following stakes being held in the Company. T. Data Holding Mexico: 52.0% T. Data Holding: 20.4% T. Datacorp: 18.4% Minority interests: 9.2% The Spanish company Telefonica Data Caribe, S.A., a 90% subsidiary of Telefonica DataCorp, S.A has provided 50% of the capital in setting up Telefonica Data Cuba, at a cost of . 108,182. The company has been recorded at acquisition cost in Telefonica Group consolidated financial statements. TELEFONICA MOVILES GROUP The Spanish company. MoviPay International, SA, 50% owned by Telefonica Moviles has been recorded at acquisition cost in 2000 but in 2001 it was consolidated in proportion to the stake in the company. MORE TO FOLLOW
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