2nd Quarter Results - Part 2

Telefonica SA 3 September 2001 PART 2 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION Spain The Spanish cellular market had around 26.6 million customers at the end of June 2001, equivalent to a 66.6% penetration rate for the total Spanish population, which reflects an increase of 2.8 p.p. in the second quarter of the year, similar to that of first quarter. As had been anticipated, on the basis of patterns seen throughout Europe, growth is gradually slowing down, although we could see some recovery at certain times of the year (e.g., summer and Christmas) in line with the seasonal fluctuations of the business. Telefonica Moviles Espana had 14,853,336 active customers at the end of June 2001 (219,530 of ETACS-MoviLine and 14,633,806 of GSM-MoviStar) with two thirds of the total accounting for prepaid. This subscriber base implies a 30% increase on the previous year and an absolute increase 5% higher than the advance achieved in the first quarter of the year, so underscoring the success of the new growth model. Telefonica Moviles Espana's estimated share of declared customers at the end of June was 55.8%, a mere 0.1 p.p. lower than at the end of March and just 1.7 p.p. below the level at the end of June 2000, which represents the lowest share market loss since the liberalization of the Spanish market. Telefonica Moviles Espana's estimated share of traffic stands at 61%, far above its customer market share, due to the fact that it uses more conservative criteria to calculate the customer base than its competitors and its higher quality customers. These results have been obtained thanks to a more than 53% estimated share of net adds in the second quarter, outstripping both first quarter 2001 and second quarter 2000 levels even though the competitive environment has toughened since then. The Company continues to benefit from its customer loyalty programme, with a sharp decline in the churn rate of around 45%. More important still is that the economic churn rate, which measures the economic impact of the disconnections over sales, is approximately 30% less than the conventional churn rate (measured by number of lines), as the average usage of Telefonica Moviles Espana's disconnections is far lower than that of its customers. In addition, traffic totaled 6.52 billion airtime minutes in second quarter, an increase of 7% from first quarter (against only 4% growth in the customer base) and nearly 30% increase from the same period last year. At present, Telefonica Moviles Espana's customers use their mobile telephones for communication purposes 85 times a month (including conventional calls and SMS), compared with less than 80 times a month in the first half of last year. This improvement, which underscores the real growth potential for the use of mobile telephony in Spain, was made possible by the concurrence of the following factors: * The significant increase in SMS, which allows the Company to introduce customers to the use of basic data transmission services in a natural way and registered year-over-year growth rates of 200%. Data services now account for nearly 12.5% of customer revenue, virtually double the figure in first half 2000. * Stabilisation in the number of billable minutes per client (MOU), derived from the more stable communication patterns of increasingly mature users, despite the 30% increase in the customer base, have caused the annual trend of decline in this measure to slow steadily. As a result of these, the MOU in first half 2001 was a mere 2.5% lower than in the second half of 2000, in spite of the increase in the number of short messages. As a result, average revenues per user (ARPU) in the second quarter 2001 were down just 12% on the same period of last year, marking the lowest annual decline to date and in line with the upbeat prospects for this indicator in the medium term. This ARPU performance looks more impressive still, when we consider that it was coincident with two sharp reductions in call termination rates. Regarding the launch of new services this quarter, it should be noted the roll- out of new GPRS services like MoviStar Intranet GPRS and Correo Movil GPRS, which are destined to become essential services for business users in the coming months, further strengthening the popularity of this technology. Other increasingly important factors are efficiency levels, the achievement of economies of scale and tight cost control policies - all particularly important in the light of the Spanish macroeconomic and regulatory environment of the last few months. The near 40% decline in SAC in comparison with the first half of 2000 leads to a considerable improvement in operating margins. Likewise, productivity ratios shows improvements, reaching more than 3,500 connections per employee, one of the highest among European operator. In all, Telefonica Moviles Espana's financial results continue to show solid growth, reflecting the Company's competitive position and ability to foresee shifts and trends in the market. * Operating revenues in the first half of 2001 were 2.67 billion Euros, an increase of 20% on the same period in 2000. Operating revenues in the second quarter of 2001 (1.37 billion Euros) were 5.5% higher than in the first quarter of 2001, in line with the seasonal nature of the business. It should be noted that the sums accrued by contract clients as 'points' under the loyalty programmes are deducted from revenues, and that the fact the Company has stepped up its efforts in this respect in recent months, has had an effect on growth rates. In fact, stripping out the impact of these programmes, revenues would have been 24% higher than in the previous year. In addition, the reductions to call termination rates introduced this year (17%) should also be noted, as these have had a negative impact on revenue growth. * EBITDA reached 1.24 billion Euros, 52.9% higher than in the first half of 2000. This growth far outstripped growth in both revenues and customer numbers, thanks to the improved operating efficiency of Telefonica Moviles Espana, and the sharp decrease in SAC, as shown by the comparison of growth between first quarter and second quarter (13.4% increase in EBITDA compared with 5.6% rise in revenues). To properly compare EBITDA growth with the previous year, as we pointed out last quarter, it is important to consider the accounting criteria generally used by the Company, whereby the costs of launching new technologies are capitalized until their commercial launch, since they are considered start-up costs. This policy affects the costs of developing UMTS technology, including the fee for use of the spectrum assigned to Telefonica Moviles Espana for the future operation of this technology, as it has since the Company obtained the license in April 2000. Of the total 117.4 million Euros of fees accrued in 2001, 81.5 million Euros corresponding to UMTS licenses have been capitalized. Rest of Europe The second quarter saw a number of significant events that helped the Company advance towards its goal of bringing forward the commercial launch of operations in Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland through the launch of services using GSM/GPRS technology, which will enable it to sign up customers in these markets prior to the launch of UMTS services. On April 27, the Company concluded a roaming agreement with E-Plus in Germany that will allow GSM/GPRS services to be launched in the next few months. Negotiations for similar roaming agreements with operators in the other countries are being carried out. In Italy, an interconnection agreement with Telecom Italia was reached in June and the initial interconnection tests have been completed successfully. Subsequent to the end of the first half, on 17 July, an interconnection agreement was reached in Germany with Deutsche Telecom. At the same time, negotiations for interconnection agreements in Austria and Switzerland are in the advanced stages and should result in similar agreements in the short term. Also, the Company has already contracted the GSM/GPRS network switching equipment, as well as the most important service platforms, with installation set to begin towards the end of July. Meanwhile, the management teams of the German and Italian operators are now complete at top level, and will very soon be in Austria and Switzerland, where the CEOs have already been appointed. Currently, more than 600 people are working directly on launching these companies in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland. At the same time, Telefonica Moviles has made significant progress towards setting up a common operational framework that allows synergies in Europe to be maximised. These include reducing installation time in the areas of operating systems, platforms and service portfolios. Additionally, on 5 June the German regulator (RegTP) announced a proposal for a new UMTS infrastructure sharing rule that includes virtually all the points Group 3G had submitted previously. Specifically, the rule includes the possibility of two or more operators sharing network sites and radio equipment and network roll-out via agreements for area sharing. Negotiations are currently underway with other mobile operators to reach deals of this type, in Germany and elsewhere. This would significantly decrease the level of capex estimated initially and the operating expenses associated with the networks, which explains the delay in the supply and financing contracts with suppliers needed to adapt them to the new scenario. Morocco Medi Telecom closed June 2001 with 754,821 customers, more than triple the prior-year figure, and has achieved a market share of 32.6% in its first 15 months of operations. Growth in the second quarter was particularly strong, with nearly triple the level of net adds in first quarter of 2001, reflecting the success of advertising campaigns designed to boost prepaid recharges. Financially, the company became EBITDA positive for the first time since the launch of operations in the month of June, setting it well on track to achieving its goal of EBITDA breakeven by the end of 2001. Latin America The performance of Telefonica Moviles' subsidiaries in Latin America in the first half of 2001 has been characterised by the continued growth of the prepaid segment, which still leads the increases in operators' customer bases and allows for a reduction of bad debt risk and subscriber acquisition costs. At the end of June, the prepaid segment represented 68% of the customer base managed by Telefonica Moviles in the region which, excluding customers in Mexico, reached 9.9 million subscribers. Taking into account the Mexican operators in the north of Mexico, total customers under management in the region (including Mexico) reached 10.9 million. The efforts made in the area of customer loyalty through various initiatives aimed at both the prepaid and the contract segments should also be highlighted. These are showing positive results, with the year-over-year churn rate down for the majority of operators. It is worth noting the positive financial performance of the main operators in their local currencies, which show an improvement in the profitability of operations. This positive margin performance is the result of cost control efforts made by all the operators. Of note on the marketing front is the continued across-the-board trend towards lower SACs, which, as a result of operators' policies to improve customer profitability, has shown an average 14% decrease in euro terms. Brazil At the end of the first half of 2001, the Brazilian operators managed by Telefonica Moviles - TeleSudeste Celular, Celular CRT and TeleLeste Celular - had roughly 5.1 million customers, having achieved more than 1.1 million net adds over the last twelve months. This growth has largely been driven by the prepaid segment which, as of June 2001, represented 63% of the Brazilian customer base. The management of the three Brazilian operators in the first six months of the year has focused on the application of a selective and profitable growth model. As a result, although the total volume of gross additions continues to rise, the current exchange rate climate has prompted operators to focus their efforts on customer retention. This commercial strategy has enabled the three Brazilian operators to maintain their leads, in spite of growing competitive pressures, in their respective markets, with average market shares of 65% and, in the case of Celular CRT, 71%. The measures adopted to increase the retention rates for higher-value customer contributed to an improvement in the chum rates of the contract segment which, on average, dropped 0.6 p.p. between January and June. The changes in the pattern of customer usage should also be stressed. Although in year-over-year terms this has logically dropped with the addition of new subscribers with a lower MOUs, in the contract segment the MOU has stabilised compared to previous months. Operating revenues for Telefonica Moviles subsidiaries consolidated by the global integration method in Brazil (i.e., TeleSudeste Celular and Celular CRT) showed an 11.4% growth in local currency terms over the same period last year. This performance is explained by the increase in the customer base, which was partially offset by the lower ARPUs. The operators' margins showed an excellent performance with respect to the first half of 2000, with a 41.7% margin as a whole (compared to 36.1% in 2000), This performance can be attributed to positive results from cost control policies and to the constant improvements in productivity, which allow for EBITDA growth in local currency terms of 29%, or 17.4 p.p. higher than the growth in revenues. In euro terms, this growth slowed by the depreciation of the real against the euro over the last 12 months. Argentina TCP at the end of June 2001 had 1.86 million customers, representing year-over- year growth of 35.6%, narrowing the gap with its main competitor. In the last twelve months, it has seen a growth of 488,000 customers, representing 25% of the total net additions in the Argentinean market. This growth has been achieved thanks to the prepaid segment. In one year it has almost doubled its weighting within the total customer base (reaching 64% in June 2001), thereby reducing bad debt risk. Over the last quarter the Company continued to develop measures to cut SACs, the most important of which entailed a reduction in handset subsidies, lower commissions to distributors and fewer traffic promotions, in line with the policy of selective growth the company is pursuing in the new operating context. TCP'S operating revenues for the first half of 2001 (i.e., from October 2000 to March 2001) came to 388.1 million Euros, an increase of 5% year-over-year. This performance can be attributed to the moderate growth in additions and to lower ARFUs despite the increased volume of minutes derived from the growth in the customer base. For the six months ending 31 March 2001, EBITDA reached 38.9 million Euros, or 2.5% of Telefonica Moviles consolidated EBITDA. It should be noted the positive performance of EBITDA margin with respect to previous months, reflecting the cost control policies being implemented, focused principally on the following: lowering SAC's, reducing spending on advertising, strict restrictions on network costs and general expenses, corporate reorganization - which has included transferring customer care service activities to Atento - as well as adjusting capex in line with levels of demand. All this reflects a clear improvement in operations in recent months, as is shown in the increase in EBITDA margin, which in the second quarter of 2001 (which ended in March) reached 10.5%, an increase of 1 percentage point from the previous quarter. This improving trend in the company's margins has persisted through June. Peru Telefonica Moviles SAC ended the month of June with 973,065 customers, maintaining its leadership, with an estimated market share of 66%. It should be pointed out that despite the increase in the number of competitors since the start of the year, in the second quarter Telefonica Moviles SAC increased its share of net adds by 14 p.p. from the first quarter. On the commercial front, in the last three months the company broadened the data service and the Red Privada Movistar (Movistar Private Network) offer aimed at the corporate segment. These initiatives are already proving to be successful, with a 23% rise in the corporate customer base in the second quarter of the year. Telefonica Moviles SAC also continued with its loyalty programmes, encouraging calls between mobile phones using its network and offering lower tariffs which allowed it to reduce the contract-client chum rate by 65% compared with the first six months of 2000. In the first half of 2001, Telefonica Moviles SAC obtained revenues of 142.6 million Euros, up 16% on the same period last year. This rise is explained by the increase in the customers base, which was partially offset by lower ARPUs derived from the increase in the number of prepaid customer (79% vs. 73% in June 2000). The EBITDA margin improved significantly in the second quarter of the year over the first, rising by 7 p.p. to 34%, giving an accumulated figure of 31%. In absolute terms, EBITDA reached similar figures to June 2000, marking a turning point in the downward trend followed in the first quarter of the year. This was largely due to the slowdown in the growth of operating costs, especially in commercial areas, the year-over-year decline in per unit SACs and the reduction of interconnection expenses after new termination rates for fixed-mobile calls were set in March 2001. Chile At the end of June 2001, Telefonica Movil, the subsidiary of Telefonica CTC Chile managed by Telefonica Moviles, had 1.4 million clients, 15.6% more than at the same period of last year. The pace of growth of new subscribers is clearly improving, despite the decline in SAC, with net adds exceeding 120,000 in the second quarter (+70% from first quarter 2001). We would point out the increasingly narrow gap in customer numbers between the operator and its main competitor, which in second quarter 2001 decreased by more than 46% compared to first quarter 2001. Meanwhile, Telefonica Moviles is bidding for new 1900 MHZ mobile licenses, with awarding process expected to be announced in the coming months. Mexico During the second quarter of 2001, the management of Bajacel, Movitel, Norcel and Cedetel has focused on customer loyalty initiatives, which have lowered the chum rate by 3 p.p. in the last few months. These operators had a customer base of 1,060,159 customers at the end of June. In spite of the stepped-up activity of new entrants, since Telefonica Moviles began managing these companies there has been a reversal in the trend of diminishing customer numbers, with positive net adds in all customer segments. On the commercial front several initiatives have been carried out to improve the distribution network. In this regard, it should be noted the development of the consumer sales channel, which has entailed reaching commercial agreements with new distributors and large department stores and the start-up of nearly 600 new points of sale. The weighting of this channel in total gross adds has already reached 15% in only four months. Other improvements included the training of sales forces for the companies segment and the design of a plan for the scope of the distribution network. In line with Telefonica Moviles' business model for operators, it is planned to set up a new logistics framework, outsourcing this activity and continuing to select specialist distributors, as well as developing new systems for the settlement of commissions. Guatemala and El Salvador At the end of the first half of 2001, the customer base of Telefonica Moviles' subsidiaries in Guatemala and El Salvador totalled 393,343, 33.2% more than at the end of June 2000. Their combined market share remained stable throughout the year despite on competition, especially in Guatemala with the recent entry of a fourth operator. HORIZONTAL BUSINESSES At the end of June 2001, Terra Mobile had nearly five million registered users, with a 64% growth from December 2000. Geographically, the growth in registered users in Germany and the UK was 15% and 21% respectively on the first quarter 2001. At present, Germany accounts for 25% of total registered users and will be a key market for the roll-out of our GPRS operations. Quarterly growth in Spain was also strong with more than half a million registered users at the end of June 2000 (+35% with respect to March 2001). Turning to Mobipay, on May 30, Telefonica Moviles, BBVA, Airtel and BSCH signed an agreement to integrate all their mobile telephony payments systems projects. Other financial entities, mobile operators and payment methods processing companies have joined the project or have stated their intention of doing so, including Amena, CajaMadrid, Banco Popular, Banesto, Banco Sabadell and Xfera and the processors Red 6000, SERMEPA and 4B. DATA BUSINESS TELEFONICA DATA GROUP In line with our strategy for expansion and consolidation in Latin America and Europe, during the second qnarter we have come close to completing all the necessary steps for the integration of our affiliates in Latin America and Germany into Telefonica Data. As a consequence, Telefonica Data now has a local Latin American presence in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, and local European presence in Spain, Germany, Austria and Italy. To these regions, we can add Puerto Rico and Miami, where a Telefonica Internet Data Center is currently located, with a total surface area of more than 16,000 m2 at the end of June. Furthermore, the last weeks have seen the advancement of the geographic roll- out, with the start-up of operations in the United Kingdom through the company mediaWays UK. Thus, at the end of June, Telefonica Data Group is present in 14 countries. This increased geographical coverage allows Telefonica Data to increase its international network and incorporate services to benefit both local and regional clients. As a provider of global telecommunications services for businesses, Telefonica Data has an extensive portfolio of services including data and Internet service, telephony, advanced integrated client solutions and all of our new hosting services. From a commercial standpoint, it is worth mentioning the new agreements signed in this quarter with Sol Melia and Fiat Auto Espana. In the former, Telefonica Data signed a collaboration agreement that includes, among other points, the deployment of a network linking the 350 hotels of the company, located in 30 countries, as well as the company's corporate headquarters. This will improve internal communications, the generation of important efficiencies and cost savings, and will facilitate, in the medium term, direct access to Internet from all the establishments of the hotel chain. The second agreement involves the creation of a data communications network linking more than 100 concessionaires of the company in Spain, This network, based on the interLAN service of Telefonica Data, will allow for the total integration of geographically dispersed equipment and offices, ensure communications between concessionaires and between the latter and Fiat Auto Espana. Also noteworthy is the strategic alliance signed in Brazil with Banco Itau, strategic leader in the main States of Brazil, with a broad coverage national network. This alliance will allow the provision of quality, value-added services to the bank, based on the management of its corporate telecommunications network, which, as of the beginning of 2002, consists of 3,000 agencies and customer service points, and 12,000 electronic ATMs. More than 2 million customers daily use one of the remote channels of the bank. Furthermore, in the second quarter of the year, progress was made in the provision of Hosting, Housing and other services to ASPs (Application Services Providers). In addition to the Telefonica Internet Centers (TICs) already existing in Miami, Lima, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires and Madrid, new additions are the TIC of Santiago de Chile and, in Europe, new facilities in Germany, Italy and Austria, which allow offering value added services directly in 9 countries. At the end of June 2001 there were 9 centers with 25,594 square meters available. From an operational viewpoint, the total number of connections of the Group reached, at the end of June 2001, 525,936 ports, with continued migration from traditional technologies to IP technologies, which today represent 71% of the connections. Of these ports, 76% are deployed in Europe (including Spain), and the remaining 24% in America. The number of POPs reached 1,239, of which 64% are in Europe and 36% in America. From an economic-financial viewpoint, Telefonica Data Group's revenues reached 922.6 million Euros in the first semester of 2001, with an increase of 75.6% over the first half of 2000. Revenue growth was significantly boosted by Telefonica Data Spain, which reached 358.6 million Euros at the end of June, up 19.3% from the first semester of 2000, accounting for 38% Telefonica Data Group's income. As for the Americas, segregated affiliates revenues (Argentina, Brazil and Peru) totaled 171.4 million Euros, reflecting an increase of 46.5% versus the same period of the prior year. The total contribution of these affiliates to the Americas reached 82%, Argentina having the highest contribution (41%) and Brazil having the highest growth versus the first half of 2000 (95%). Revenue for the start-ups in America (Mexico, the USA and Uruguay) grew at a solid rate, leveraged on the global customer base of the Group. The income of the first semester of 2001 in Europe (excluding Telefonica Data Espana) reached 357.6 million Euros. These numbers are the best evidence of the strategic importance of the Telefonica Data Group's presence in Europe. Of all the companies, the highest revenue contribution comes from mediaWays (65% of the total revenues for Europe), which had the highest revenue growth versus the same period of the previous year (103%). MediaWays is established in the market as Germany's number two IP network, with a market share of 30% in Internet services. On the other hand, the operations of Atlanet in Italy have generated 16% of revenues coming from Europe, totaling 56.4 million Euros. With respect to EBITDA, the consolidated results of the first semester of 2001 reached 22.2 million Euros, equivalent to 2.4% of the Total revenues of the Telefonica Data Group, as opposed to 53.9 million Euros in the first half of 2000. Said variation was mainly the consequence of the following factors: * The incorporation of certain companies in Europe, which are still in their first stages of activity, as is the case of Atlanet in Italy which, along with ETI in Austria, generated this semester a negative EBITDA of 25.5 million Euros; and, in the Americas, due to expenses from the launch of the Uruguayan affiliates, Mexico, and the USA (Miami), which generated altogether a negative EBITDA of 14.2 million Euros in 1H00. * The results of Telefonica Datacorp reflect the restructuring of its Service Business and International Services units (TDSI), The latter, created in the beginning of 2001, has made a concerted effort for the establishment of the International Network and the leasing of the necessary circuits. In this context, TDSI has generated a negative EBITDA of 15.5 million Euros. Given this circumstance, TDSI is in the process of rationalizing its assets and commitments with third parties that will allow the optimization of the international network, assuring a critical mass of customers and achieving economies of scale to improve this operating indicator. * It should be noted that Telefonica Data Spain reached EBITDA of 66.5 million Euros, with a 19% EBITDA margin. Nevertheless, these results cannot be extrapolated to the rest of the fiscal year, since a continuous improvement in revenue growth is expected. Concerning costs, it must be noted that the Group has started a general cost and investment rationalization plan, which will bring substantial improvements in operating income in the coming quarters. MEDIA BUSINESS TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP Telefonica Media Group reached an EBITDA of 69.2 million Euros in the first half of the year, compared to the negative EBITDA of 9.7 million Euros in the same period of the previous fiscal year (the second quarter of the fiscal year is the third consecutive quarter in which Telefonica Media obtained positive EBITDA, reaching 58.7 million Euros, as compared to a similarly positive balance of 10.5 million Euros in the first quarter of this year). This trend is especially remarkable considering the complicated economic situation in Latin America and the crisis in the Spanish advertising market. These results enable the Company to advance in its goal of anticipating its EBITDA break-even level and achieving self-financing of the Group's operations. It is also necessary to emphasize that, for the first time since the formation of Telefonica Media as a Group, operating income is positive at the end of the semester, with a profit of 29.6 million Euros, as opposed to losses of 27.8 million Euros in the first semester of 2000. Analysis of the first semester results of the Telefonica Media Group reflects strong growth during fiscal 2000, due to a significant change in its sphere of consolidation. An important factor of this change was the addition of ATCO, in which stake was increased throughout the fiscal year from 26.8% to 100%, consolidated by the global integration method since May 2000, (i.e. the last two months of operations were incorporated in the numbers of the last fiscal year), as well as the addition of Endemol, which has been consolidated by the global integration method since August 2000, and which therefore, did not appear in the financial statements published in the first semester of the previous fiscal year. The addition of these two companies has caused very important changes in the Telefonica Media Group, in terms of both in revenues and EBITDA. FREE-TO-AIR TELEVISION AND RADIO BUSINESS ANTENA 3 The television advertising market has continued the negative trend started during the first quarter of the fiscal year, when it showed a decrease of 6.3% with respect to the same quarter of the previous fiscal year; an increase in advertising time and an aggressive price strategy to increase market share, adopted by RTVE, should be noted. In this context, advertising revenues for the channel reached 287.3 million Euros, down 8.5% versus the end of the first semester 2000. Nevertheless, the channel continues maintaining the best ratio between advertising market share and audience rate, reaching at the end of the first semester a ratio of 1.34 as opposed to 1.28 in the same period of the previous fiscal year. Finally, EBITDA in the first semester rose to 78.5 million Euros, 28.7% less than in the same period of the previous fiscal year, reflecting the unfavorable conditions of the advertising market explained above. ATCO The current macroeconomic uncertainty in Argentina has caused a deterioration in the Argentine advertising market during the second quarter of the fiscal year, due to the change in consumer expectations and a reduction in corporate confidence. In spite of this situation, Telefe continues being the leading channel in the Argentine market and the second largest channel in Latin America in terms of audience share, with an average share of 39.4%, up 1.5 percent to its audience in the same period of the previous fiscal year. Nevertheless, in spite of the positive market share performance of the channel, the prolongation of the macroeconomic uncertainties in the region has caused a drop in revenue, in comparison to the same period of the previous fiscal year (18.6%). This has been more than compensated by the reduction in operating expenses (20.8%). This reduction in expenses, which has occurred since the company was managed by Telefonica Media and new management control systems were implemented, contributed to slightly positive EBITDA in the semester (205,151 Euros), compared to negative 3.2 million Euros recorded in the same period of fiscal 2000. ONDA CERO RADIO Similar to Antena 3, Onda Cero has been affected by the slowdown in the advertising market arising from the symptoms of economic deceleration, as well as by the change in the commercial policy of RTVE, which is much more aggressive in prices and has more dedicated advertising time. This has caused many advertisers to switch media (from radio to TV). However, Onda Ceio is presently the number two national radio station in the broadcast market, according to the second results of the General Media Survey. This report shows an increase of 50% in the number of listeners, compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year, reaching 2,512,000 listeners. In line with this audience share improvement, Onda Cero revenues at the end of the first semester grew 34% with respect to June of 2000. Although not translated into an improvement in EBITDA in the first semester of the fiscal year, (negative 3.8 million Euros, compared to negative 3.7 million Euros in the same period of the previous fiscal year) it does signal the strong probability of achieving positive EBITDA numbers at the end of the year. CONTENT BUSINESS ENDEMOL During this first semester of the fiscal year, Endemol's global leadership in entertainment content creation has allowed it to reach 450.3 million Euros in revenue, up 73.4% with respect to the same period of the previous fiscal year. This behavior can be considered very positive, if we take into account the reduction of the advertising market in Europe and the remaining countries where the production companies of Grupo Endemol operate. As a result of the positive revenue evolution, accumulated EBITDA for the first semester reached 91.0 million Euros, up 108.0% with respect to the same period of the previous fiscal year, surpassing the company's expectations at the beginning of the fiscal year. These results reflect the success of the integration of Endemol with Telefonica Media, as well as the optimization of the enormous creative and entrepreneurial potential of this company. Finally during this quarter, Endemol's M&A activity continued with the acquisitions of the British company Brighter Pictures Ltd. and the Fuchsia company. These companies, along with the purchase of the remaining 50% of ASP Endemol in France (which will change its name to Endemol Entertainment France) during the first quarter of the fiscal year, are incorporated into the financial statements of the Group by the global integration method. Lately, Endemol has reached an agreement with TV Globo, the undisputable leader of Brazilian broadcasting market, to create a joint-venture to commercialize all Endemol formats in Brazil and to develop new initiatives in this market. PAY TELEVISION AND DISTRIBUTION BUSINESSES VIA DIGITAL The pay television market continues being characterized by an aggressive competitive environment of promotions to increase subscriptions, a situation further aggravated by card piracy, the aggressiveness of new entrants, increased activity from cable companies, and competitors' promotional strategies. In this highly competitive environment, Via Digital has practically covered its new subscription targets for the first semester of the fiscal year, reaching 710,229 subscribers (159,699 subscribers more than in the first semester of 2000), a growth of 29% year-on-year. In financing terms, operating revenues grew 37% versus the first semester of the previous year, reaching 132.1 million Euros. On the other hand, costs have increased at a lower rate (7.6%), which led to 10% higher EBITDA than in the same period of 2000 (-145.7 million Euros, as opposed to -161,9 million Euros). INTERNET BUSINESS TERRA-LYCOS GROUP Total revenues for Terra-Lycos during the quarter reached 179.4 million Euros, 6% higher than the upper revenues range expected for the period. On the other hand, EBITDA margin was -36%, in line with the best case scenarios projected for the period. From an operating viewpoint, positive trends with respect to subscribers and audience share continue. Thus, the total number of subscribers for Spain and Latin America reached 4.3 million. During the quarter, following Terra-Lycos' strategy to focus on the pay access business, the company terminated the free access service in Brazil after completing the migration of customers to the paid product. Altogether, Terra- Lycos customers have decreased by 470,000 due to the cancellation of the free service, which explains the reduction of the total number of subscribers with respect to the previous quarter. Nevertheless, following the strategy of focusing on pay products through the supply of differentiated, quality service, Terra-Lycos has obtained during this quarter a historical record in new pay customers. Thus, during the quarter, 190,000 new pay subscribers have been obtained, which brings to 30% the total portfolio of subscribers in this category. Particularly remarkable is the increase experienced in broadband customers through ADSL, a highly strategic development for the Telefonica Group, As of June, Terra-Lycos had 133,000 subscribers, an increase of 123% in only one quarter. As far as the audience of the Group's portals is concerned, daily page views during the month of June reached 460 million, an increase of 6.7% versus March. The number of unique users reached 103 million in June, 4% more than in the previous quarter and 37.3% in annual terms. Concerning the pro-forma financial results of the second quarter, Terra-Lycos achieved total revenue of 179.4 million Euros, 34% more than in the same quarter of the previous year. If we compare the six first months of this year to the same period of the previous year, the growth is 46%. Thus, the geographic and business diversification of Terra-Lycos's revenue source serves to mitigate the effects of macroeconomic circumstances, such as the slowdown of the economy in the U.S. which impacts online advertising. In terms of revenue by business line, 38%, i.e. 69.0 million Euros, come from the access business, the highest figure in Terra's history. On the other hand, revenues from the media business, which includes both advertising and electronic commerce, reached 110.7 million Euros, accounting for 62% of total revenue in the second quarter. It is necessary to emphasize that this gross sales figure continues showing a maintained growth, both during the quarter, 4%, and in the accumulated figures of the year, 21%, over the same period in the previous fiscal year. In turn, Terra-Lycos continues improving operational profitability, although it is still negative, as expected from an emerging business in full growth phase. Thus, EBITDA margin in the second quarter of the year was -36%. The improving profitability trend for Terra-Lycos began in the third quarter of the previous year, with an improvement of 35 percentage points in EBITDA margin, million Euros). Terra-Lycos has continued developing products and services, and benefiting from its global presence. In this sense, it is important to emphasize the agreements reached with Unliver and eBay, achieved due to multicountry presence of the Company and distribution capacity to an audience of nearly 100 million internet users. At the same time, Terra Lycos continues focusing on vertical content for its portals, where it is improving its offer. From employment search portals like Bumeran, which was just launched in Mexico, or Lycos Carreer in the U.S., which has increased its audience 200%; to financial portals such as Quote.com in the U.S., which started offering Quote.com TV, a service equivalent to a financial television channel. This type of vertical integration, such as in the case of Lycos Zone, a children's site, has allowed Terra Lycos to get customers like Danone for the marketing of its products to children. Among newly launched services, we can highlight Lycos 411, which is a pay Internet-access service through a telephone operator. In Mexico, E-line has been launched, a pay service that permits customers to receive incoming telephone calls while they are connected to the Internet. DIRECTORIES BUSINESS TELEFONICA'S DIRECTORIES BUSINESS As we indicated in the previous quarter, the results published under the heading 'Directories Business' include not only all the companies consolidated within TPI, but also those currently in the process of integration, such as Telinver in Argentina, and Guitel in Peru. From a financial perspective, consolidated revenue for the directories business grew 9.0% versus the same period of fiscal 2000. This growth reflects the positive revenues from TPI Spain which grew 5% compared to the first semester of the previous year, in spite of the fact that no revenues from the sale of White Pages were obtained. In the first semester of 2000, this income totaled 16.5 million Euros, and represented 15.3% of the total income obtained by TPI Spain in the first half of 2000. Without taking this effect into consideration, TPI Spain's revenue would have increased 24%, and EBITDA would have increased 73%. With regard to the publishing business, in these first six months of 2001 a total of 25 Yellow Pages directories have been published, two more than in the same period of the previous year. On a book-to-book basis, revenue increased 7.6% with respect to the previous edition. Concerning the White Pages, a total of 17 directories have been published, 7 more than in the same period of the previous year with a 7.2% growth in revenues. The most substantial growth took place in Internet, with revenue growth of 135.6% and total customers reaching 145,000 in the period. In the Latin American directories business, the most notable highlight is the publication of the first edition of GuiaMais in Sao Paulo, which contributes as of June around 21 million Euros in income. This has amply compensated the lower contribution of Publiguias to the income of the Group (-14.2%) basically due to the depreciation of the Chilean peso with respect to the Euro. In Chile, it is also necessary to emphasize that, during the first semester, the negotiation of the new contractual framework between Publiguias and Telefonica CTC has been concluded; this framework will prevail during the next five years, and its immediate effect is a substantial improvement in the operating margin of Publiguias, whose EBITDA margin rose from 7% to an expected 25-30% by the end of 2001. Nevertheless, the positive trend in consolidated revenue has not been reflected in the Group's EBITDA for two main reasons: the failure to obtain net income from White Pages advertising sales, which were booked directly in EBITDA since there were practically no associated expenses, and; higher expenses derived from the start-up of commercial activity in Sao Paulo with the launching of GuiaMais. Isolating these two effects, the EBITDA of the Group would have increased by more than 35%. On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that the higher level of financial expenses is affected by debt incurred from the financing of the purchase of 51% of Publiguias from Telefonica International, and the beginning of the operations in Brazil. During the first half of the present fiscal year, Spain represents 56% of the income of the directories business of Telefonica SA. CALL CENTER BUSINESS ATENTO During the second quarter of 2001, commercial activity for the Atento Group has continued to focus on developing future relations with foreign markets, and improving strategic relations with the companies of the Telefonica Group to create and implement cost reductions and productivity, as was the case with the automation of certain services at Telesp. From a financial viewpoint, Atento Group's revenue reached 317.0 million Euros, 62.6% more than as of June of 2000, with the local market accounting for 68% of total revenue, 2 p.p. less than in the previous quarter. This percentage reduction is due to the new agreements with external companies in newly added markets such as Argentina, Japan, Mexico and Venezuela, and to global contracts signed with customers such as BBVA, Cigna, and Warrantech. Furthermore, it is worth highlighting our continued geographic diversification, as those countries with greater participation (Spain, Brazil, Chile) have reduced their weighting. Peru maintains its participation, and an increased weighting was registered for Puerto Rico, Morocco, Central America, Colombia, Argentina, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Venezuela. As a result of the revenue performance, the Group's EBITDA was 25.6 million Euros, up 39.5% versus the same period of the previous year, with an improvement in EBITDA margin in the second quarter versus the first of more than one percentage point (8.7% versus 7.4%). Profitability improvement resulted from the continuous consolidation of the business, (following an initial 'start-up' stage), as well as a strategy centered on greater operating efficiency, generation of value added long term contracts with strategic customers, and strict control of expenses and investments. For the second half of 2001, it is anticipated that margins will continue improving, thanks to the higher contributions coming from new markets (especially Japan, Argentina and Venezuela), strong cost control initiatives, rationalizing investments and the implementation of new services, currently in the process of negotiation. With regard to operating performance, as of June 30, Atento had 28,628 positions, 2,288 more than in March of the current fiscal year, filled by 47,069 persons. This represents a quarterly growth of 10.7%, driven by activity in new markets such as Venezuela, Japan, Mexico, as well as the capacity increase in Peru and Morocco. Finally, Atento continues its international expansion, having inaugurated its service center in Monterrey, Mexico, a country in which it was already operating. The center required an investment of 5.6 million Euros, and currently has more than 600 customer service positions. Atento Mexico plans to open by the end of year a new customer service center in Mexico City, as a second phase of its expansion in the country. At the moment it is already present in 15 countries in four continents. BROADBAND CAPACITY MANAGEMENT BUSINESS EMERGIA Emergia has been positioned as the only operator in Latin America with a 100% operational high capacity closed broadband loop. Besides having its own infrastructure, Emergia has expanded its network and route availability to the United States and Europe through the purchase and sale of capacity in the amount of 66.9 million Euros. Thus, Emergia is prepared to offer better service to its global customers and optimize the international management of the Group's broadband capacity. It is noteworthy that the agreements reached were made with operators already present in Latin America, which is why the number of competitors in the region did not increase. During the period, 27 STM-1s equivalent have been activated (4,185 Mbps), 16 in Emergia's loop and 11 in third-party networks acquired by interchange of capacity. Finally, it is necessary to clarify that the work related to the Project Brazil 2002 has begun, in line with the strategic target to obtain greater terrestrial capillarity using Emergia's capacity as exchange currency to minimize investment. The objective is to interconnect more than 50 cities in one of the markets with the greatest potential in the region, enhancing the possibility of obtaining synergies among the various companies of the Group involved in the project. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: Investor Relations Department Gran Via 28, 3rd floor, 28013 Madrid. Tel: 91-584 47 00 / 584 47 02 / 584 03 06. Fax; 91-531 99 75. Email: Francisco.Blanco@telefonica.es Email: jaime.nicolasmoure@telefonica.es Email: ezequiel.nieto@telefonica.es Email: dmaus@telefonica.es Email: dgarcia@telefonica.es www.telefonica.com/ir/eng MORE TO FOLLOW
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