2nd Quarter Results - Part 4
Telefonica SA
3 September 2001
Telefonica S.A.
Consolidated Income Statement Full Consolidation
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 change 2001 2000 change
Operating revenues 15.302,7 13.278,0 15.2 7.699,4 6.830,3 12,7
Internal expend
capitalized in fixed
assets (1) 323,6 440,7 (26,6) 213,4 219,6 (2,8)
Operating expenses (8.914,8) (7.710,1) 15,6 (4.504,0) (3.931,5) 14,6
Supplies (3.452,9) (2.640,8) 30,8 (1.801,7) (1.391,4) 29,5
Personnel expenses (2.686,5) (2.385,1) 12,6 (1.353,1) (1.218,0) 11,1
Subscontracts (2.521,8) (2.466,5) 2,2 (1.228,4) (1.242,8) (1,2)
Taxes (253,6) (217,7) 16,5 (120,8) (79,3) 52,3
Other operating income
(expense) net (354,9) (185,5) 91,3 (180,5) (115,0) 56,9
EBITDA 6.356,6 5.823,2 9,2 3.228,4 3.003,4 7,5
Depreciation and
amortization (3.618,7) (3.299,2) 9,7 (1.846,0) (1.663,2) 11,0
Operating profit 2.737,9 2.524,0 8,5 1.382,3 1.340,2 3,1
Profit from associated
companies (180,3) (53,4) 237,5 (39,2) (52,1) (24,7)
Financial income (expense)
net (926,8) (772,0) 20,0 (439,1) (393,2) 11,7
Amortization of goodwill (483,2) (163,6) 195,3 (251,1) (87,4) 187,3
Extraordinary income
(expense) net 203,4 306,0 (33,5) 174,1 179,8 (3,2)
Income before taxes 1.351,0 1.840,9 (26,6) 827,1 987,4 (16,2)
Income taxes (459,1) (454,0) 1,1 (254,1) (150,8) 68,5
Net income before
minority interests 891,9 1.386,9 (35,7) 572,9 936,5 (31,5)
Minority interests 256,6 (397,8) c.s. 143,8 (193,5) c.s.
Net income 1.148,6 989,0 16,1 716,7 643,0 11,5
Outstanding shares
(million) (2) 4.543,4 3.451,7 31,6 4.543,4 3.451,7 31,6
Net income per share 0,25 0,29 (11,8) 0,16 0,19 (15,3)
(1) including work in process.
(2) Average number of shares in the period. The figure includes capital
increases to fund the acquisition of new shareholdings in Telefonica de
Argentina, Telefonica del Peru, Telesp, Telesudeste, Endemol, ATCO and
Motorola assets, and the issuance of new shares in respect of convertible
bonds, weighted for the number of days over which they have traded. Bonus
issues charged to reserves are excluded from calculations, as they involve no
change in the ownership structure.
Total number of outstanding shares at the end of the period was 4,671,915,885
Full Consolidation
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
2001 2000 % Change
Subscribed shares not pad-in 423,8 3,1 n.s.
Long-term assets 68.706,1 52.031,2 32,0
Start up expenses 635,9 209,0 204,2
Intangible net assets 20.357,9 7.294,2 179,1
Fixed net assets 39.574,2 37.470,4 5,6
Investments 8.138,1 7.057,6 15,3
Goodwill on 9.219,9 4.830,4 90,9
Deferred expenses 950,5 1.176,0 (19,2)
Current assets 15.110,7 11.603,4 30,2
Inventories 870,1 811,9 7,2
Accounts receivable 10.133,6 8,159,1 24,2
Short-term Investments 2.374,1 1.753,6 35,4
Cash and banks 647,6 459,8 40,9
Other 1.085,2 419,0 159,0
Assets = Liabilities 94.411,0 69.644,1 35,6
Shareholders' equity 27.251,5 15.637,6 74,3
Minority interests 8.852,3 11.841,6 (25,2)
Badwill on 34,6 0,0 n.s.
Deferred income 1.384.3 1.072,5 29.1
Provisions for risks 6.712,6 6.746,9 (0,5)
and expenses
Accrued taxes payable 1.857,7 1.171,6 58,6
Long-term debt 24.426,5 16.685,5 46,4
Short-term debt 9.839,7 7.618,9 29,1
including current
Interest payable 508,3 409,0 24,3
Other creditors 13.543,5 8.460,5 60,1
Financial Data
Consolidated net debt (1) 31.244 22.091 41,4
Consolidated debt ratio (2) 44,3% 42,6% 1,7 p.p.
(1) Net debt: Long-term debt + Short-term debt including current maturities -
Short-term investments - Cash and banks.
(2) Debt ratio: Net debt /(Shareholders' equity + Minority interests +
Deferred income + Accrued taxes payable + Net debt)
Telefonica de Espana
Selected Operating Data
Unaudited figures
June %
2001 2000 Change
Lines in service (thousands) (1) 20.618,6 19.797,8 4,1%
ISDN basic access 752.535 487.612 54,3%
ISDN primary access 15.291 11.488 33,1%
Lines in service / 100 inhabitants (1) 51,7% 49,7% 2,0 p.p.
ADSL connections 157.702 15.326 n.s.
% ADSL coverage 81,2% 48,6% 32,6 p.p.
Traffic (million of minutes) 68.940 49.871 38,2%
Employees 41.010 45.637 -10,1%
Lines/employees (1) 502,8 433,8 15,9%
(1) Basic telephony lines (including public telephones, Ibercom, ISDN and
connections lines with PABX)
Telefonica de Espana (individual) operating revenues
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June %
2001 2000 Change
Revenue derived from usage 2.967,0 2.932,1 1,2
Local 899,5 903,1 (0,4)
Provincial 283,4 289.0 (1,9)
Domestic long distance 478,1 522,5 (8,5)
International long distance 337,2 264.3 27,6
(outgoing) (1)
Fixed to mobile 741,9 738,7 0,4
Interconnection International 140,3 111,3 26,1
Interconnection National 262,3 191,3 37,1
Operators (1)
Others (175,6) (88,2) n.s.
Monthly fee 1.638,5 1.516,0 8,1
Connection fee 130,6 144,5 (9,6)
Customer equipments 136,1 69,4 96,2
Others (2) 113,3 123,5 (8.2)
Total operating revenues 4.985,6 4.785,5 4,2
(1) Net of foreign participation
(2) Including special services, IRIS services and others.
Telefonica de Espana Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 change 2001 2000 change
Operating revenues 5.159,8 5.048,8 2,2 2.571,1 2.568,2 0,1
Telefonica de Espana 4.985,6 4.785,5 4,2 2.491,9 2.432,0 2,5
Others and eliminations 174,2 263,4 (33,9) 79,2 136,3 (41,9)
Internal expend capitalized 88,9 129,4 (31,3) 46,1 66,2 (30,4)
in fixed assets (1)
Operating expenses (2.750,7) (2.837,0) (3,0) (1.395,1) (1.469,3) (5,1)
Other operating income (57,9) 1,2 c.s. (37,6) 3,7 c.s.
(expense) net
EBITDA 2.440,2 2.342,5 4,2 1.184,5 1.168,8 1,3
Depreciation and (1.381.4) (1.473,2) (6,2) (704,7) (729,4) (3,4)
Operating profit 1.058,8 869,3 21,8 479,8 439,4 9,2
Profit from associated (0,6) 0,3 c,s. (0,6) 0,3 c.s.
Financial income (204,1) (264,4) (22,8) (99,2) (129,2) (23,2)
(expense) net
Amortization (0,2) (0,2) 0,0 (0,1) (0,1) 20,0
of goodwill
Extraordinary income 129,6 118,7 9,2 77,9 241,2 (67,7)
Income before taxes 983,6 723,6 35,9 457,9 551,6 (17,0)
Income taxes (263,1) (206,4) 27,4 (120,0) (170,0) (29,4)
Net income before 720,5 517,2 39,3 337,9 361,6 (11,5)
minority interests
Minority interests (0,0) 0,1 c.s. (0,0) 0,2 c.s.
Net income 720,5 517,3 39,3 337,9 381.9 (11,5)
(1) Including works in process
Note: TTP has been included on the accounts of Telefonica de Espana, both in
2000 and 2001.
Note: Telefonica Sistemas Group and TSIP are not consolidated in Telefonica
de Espana, both in 2000 and 2001.
Telefonica Moviles Group
Selected Operating Data
Cellular customers
% Change Weighted
Thousands June 01 01/00 % Partic. (1)
T Moviles Espana 14.853 29,7% 13.754
CRT Celular 1.592 36,5% 541
TeleSudeste Celular 2,729 26,6% 2.072
TeleLeste Celular 740 25,6% 74
TCP Argentina 1.860 35,6% 1,686
T Moviles S.A.C. Peru 973 20,1% 840
TEM Guatemala 239 22,6% 98
TEM El Salvador 154 53,7% 73
Newcom Wireless Puerto Rico 181 122,8% -
Mexican operators (2) 1.060 n.s. -
Medi Telecom 755 n.s. 213
Telefonica Movil Chile (3) 1.416 15,6% 617
Total 26.552 37,0% 19.968
(1) Number of lines weighted for the Telefonica Group's stake in each
(2) Bajacel, Movitel, Norcel and Cedetel. Management control was assumed in
March, though we do not consolidate those operations as a transaction
process has been concluded during July 2001
(3) Managed by TEM and part-owned by the Telefonica Group.
Participated companies
Thousands June 2001 2000 % Change
Europe and Mediterranean 15.608 11.683 33,6%
area customers
Contract 5.035 4.111 22,5%
Prepaid 10.573 7.572 39,6%
Latin America customers (1) 8.287 6.388 29,7%
Contract 3.028 2.870 5,5%
Prepaid 5.259 3.518 49,5%
Total minutes 14.931 11,751 27,1%
(1) Includes only Telefonica Moviles participations
Telefonica Moviles Espana
Thousands June %
2001 2000 Change
Cellular subscribers 14.853 11.451 29,7%
Contract 4.988 4.090 22,0%
Prepaid 9.865 7.361 34,0%
Subscribers net adds 1.184 2.398 (50,6%)
in year to date (a)
Contract 221 543 (59.3%)
Prepaid 963 1.856 (48.1%)
TME Penetration (b) 37,1% 28,6% 8,5 p.p.
Total airtime 12.618 9.568 31,9%
minutes, In millions (a)
Employees 4.089 3.662 11,7%
(a) January-June accumulated data
(b) TelefonIca Moviles Espana cellular lines /100 inhabitants
Telefonica Moviles Group
Combined Income Statement
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 change 2001 2000 change
Operating revenues 3.933.9 3.445.5 14.2 1.994,6 1.793,8 11,2
Internal expend
capitalized in fixed
assets (1) 55,4 28,8 92,2 39,3 15,6 151,1
Operating expenses (2.344,1) (2.224,7) 5,4 (1.194,1) (1.136,4) 5,1
Other operating income
(expense) net (93,6) (78,1) 19,8 (39,3) (59,9) (34,3)
EBITDA 1.551,6 1.171,5 32,4 800,4 613,2 30,5
Depreciation and
amortization (628,1) (480,9) 30,6 (323,2) (254,4) 27,0
Operating profit 923,4 690,5 33,7 477,2 358,7 33,0
Profit from associated
companies (70,8) (32,8) 115,6 (40,3) (31,2) 29,4
Financial income (expense)
net (185,1) (138,9) 33,2 (100,1) (81,8) 22,4
Amortization of goodwill (16,1) (13,9) 16,2 (8,8) (6,0) 48,7
Extraordinary income
(expense) net (27,6) (6,9)(299,3) 20,1 40,4 (50,1)
Income before taxes 623,9 498,0 25,3 348,0 280,2 24,2)
Income taxes (262,8) (151,1) 74,0 (132,0) (66,5) 98,6
Net income before
minority interests 361,1 347,0 4,1 216,0 213,7 1,1
Minority interests 17,7 (30,0) c.s. 8,3 (13,7) c.s.
Net income 378,8 317,0 19,5 224,4 200,1 12,2
Note: Financial statements for 2000 include all the mobile telephony assets
held by the Telefonia Moviles Group as of 1 January, and the entire stake
acquired In the 2000 takeover round.
(1) Including works In process
Telefonica Moviles Group
Companies Financial data
Unaudited figures Euros in millions
June %
2001 2000 Change
Telefonica Moviles Espana
Operating revenues 2.671,1 2.224,9 20,1%
EBITDA 1.244,9 814,1 52,9%
EBITDA margin 46,6% 36,6% 10,0 p.p.
Brazilian Companies (1)
Operating revenues 632,0 635,7 (0,6%)
EBITDA 263,6 229,3 15,0%
EBITDA margin 41,7% 36,1% 5,6 p.p.
TCP Argentina
Operating revenues 388,1 368,5 5,3%
EBITDA 38,9 78,1 (50,2%)
EBITDA margin 10,0% 21,2% (11,2 p.p.)
Telefonica Moviles Peru
Operating revenues 142,6 122,9 16,0%
EBITDA 44,2 44,0 0,5%
EBITDA margin 31,0% 35,8% (4,8 p.p.)
T. Moviles Guatemala y El Salvador
Operating revenues 93,3 89,9 3,8%
EBITDA (0,6) 7,1 c.s.
EBITDA margin (0,6%) 7,9% c.s.
Note: EBITDA before management fees
(1) TeleSudeste Celular and CRT Celular
Telefonica Latinoamerica Group
Selected Operating Data
Unaudited figures
June %
2001 2000 Change
Lines in service (thousands) 20.912 17.766 17,7%
Telesp 12.006 9.217 30,3%
Telefonica de Argentina 4.450 4.203 5,9%
Telefonica CTC Chile 2.743 2.627 4,4%
Telefonica del Peru 1.713 1.719 (0,3%)
ADSL connections 112.115 5.349 -
Telesp 100.634 5.349 -
Telefonica de Argentina 5.135 0 -
Telefonica CTC Chile 3.786 0 -
Telefonica del Peru (1) 2,560 0 -
% ADSL coverage
Telesp 61% - -
Telefonica de Argentina 57% - -
Telefonica CTC Chile 46% - -
Telefonica del Peru 44% - -
Total traffic
(million of minutes) (2) 58.294 54.690 6,6%
Telesp 31.409 28.631 9,7%
Telefonica de Argentina 14.488 12.960 11,8%
Telefonica CTC Chile 8.141 8.491 (4,1%)
Telefonica del Peru 4.256 4.608 (7,6%)
Employees 32.055 36.808 (12,9%)
Telesp 12.257 13.737 (10,8%)
Telefonica de Argentina 8.822 9.373 (5,9%)
Telefonica CTC Chile 5.913 7.542 (21,6%)
Telefonica del Peru 5.063 6.156 (17,8%)
Lines/Employees (3) 732 557 31,3%
Telesp 979 671 46,0%
Telefonica de Argentina 504 448 12,5%
Telefonica CTC Chile 756 526 43,7%
Telefonica del Peru 459 455 0,8%
Note: Data for Telefonica CTC Chile correspond to its fixed telephony and
Sonda businesses. Data for Telefonica de Argentina refer to the period
October 2000-March 2001.
(1) Including the lines in service of CABLENET
(2) Including local, DLD and ILD minutes in cumulative terms to June 01. In
Peru billed traffic is generated by PSTN lines.
(3) This ratio excludes Sonda employees in the case of Telefonica CTC Chile,
and Cable Magico employees in the case of Telefonica del Peru.
Telefonica Latinoamerica Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
Operating revenues 5.178,0 4.847,5 6,8 2.583,3 2.549,6 1,3
Internal expend
capitalized in fixed
assets (1) 88,5 110,2 (19,7) 43,9 58,1 (24,5)
Operating expenses (2.477,3) (2.359,0) 5,0 (1.199,1) (1.218,8) 1,6
Other operating income
(expense) net (209,5) (83,3) 151,6 (139,7) (41,2)(238,8)
EBITDA 2.579,8 2.515,4 2,6 1.288,3 1.347,6 (4,4)
Depreciation and
amortization (1.295,2) (1.256,2) 3,1 (638,1) (654,1) (2,4)
Operating profit 1.284,6 1.259,3 2,0 650,2 693,5 (6,2)
Profit from associated
companies 1,2 6,1 (79,8) 3,2 5,5 (41,9)
Financial income (expense)
net (423,7) (491,2) (13,8) (225,7) (275,7) (18,1)
Amortization of goodwill (40,2) (26,5) 51,9 (19,6) (13,4) 45,9
Extraordinary income
(expense) net 92,1 (66,8) c.s. 168,4 (75,5) c.s.
Income before taxes 914,1 680,9 34,2 576,5 334,4 72,4
Income taxes (201,1) (137,8) 46,0 (79,7) (113,7) (29,9)
Net income before
minority interests 713,0 543,1 31,3 496,8 220,7 125,1
Minority interests (59,8) (410,1) (85,4) (18,1) (171,4) (89,5)
Net income 653,2 133,1 390,9 478,7 49,3 871,0
(1) Including works in process
Note: Financial statements for 2000 include only the fixed telephony assets
of the Telefonica Latinoamericana Group as of 1 January, and the entire stake
acquired in the 2000 takeover round.
Telefonica Latinoamerica Group
Companies Financial data
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
2001 2000 Change
Operating revenues 2.206,5 1.951,6 13,1%
EBITDA 1.128,6 1.034,9 9,1%
EBITDA margin 51,1% 53,0% (1,9 p.p.)
Telefonica de Argentina (1)
Operating revenues 1.542,3 1.504,8 2,5%
EBITDA 800,8 900,9 (11,1%)
EBITDA margin 51,9% 59,9% (7,9 p.p.)
Telefonica CTC Chile
Operating revenues 719,8 725,2 (0,7%)
EBITDA 303,8 307,2 (1,1%)
EBITDA margin 42,2% 42,4% (0,2 p.p.)
Telefonica del Peru
Operating revenues 663,9 619,9 7,1%
EBITDA 342,4 308,5 11,0%
EBITDA margin 51,6% 49,8% 1,8 p.p.
Note: EBITDA before management fees
Note: Data for Telefonica de Argentina include the ISP business of Advance,
while those of Telefonica CTC Chile and Telefonica del Peru include Sonda and
Cablemagico, respectively.
(1) The data for Telefonica de Argentina refer to the period October 2000-March
Telefonica Data Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 change 2001 2000 change
Operating revenues 922,6 525,4 75,6 516,3 270,0 91,2
Internal expend
capitalized in fixed
assets (1) 10,3 11,0 (6,1) 1,2 (0,1) c.s.
Operating expenses (909,2) (479,0) 89,8 (500,5) (242,3) 106,5
Other operating income
(expense) net (1,5) (3,5) (57,1) (2,1) (0,7) 200,9
EBITDA 22,2 53,9 (58,9) 14,9 26,8 (44,4)
Depreciation and
amortization (85,4) (39,9) 114,0 (45,6) (19,6) 132,6
Operating profit (63,2) 14,0 c.s. (30,7) 7,2 c.s.
Profit from associated
companies (0,8) (2,6) (68,7) (0,7) (2,4) (72,0)
Financial income
(expense) net (23,4) (2,8) n.s. (16.5) (1,8) n.s.
Amortization of goodwill (40,7) (2,8) n.s. (20,3) (1,5) n.s.
Extraordinary income
(expense) net (0,6) 6,2 c.s. 2,9 6,1 (52,9)
Income before taxes (128,8) 12,0 c.s. (65,3) 7,6 c.s.
Income taxes (3,1) (5,6) (44,1) 5,2 0,0 n.s.
Net income before
minority interests (132,0) 6,4 c.s. (60,1) 7,6 c.s.
Minority interests 27,9 (1,3) c.s. 16,5 (0,7) c.s.
Net income (104,1) 5,1 c.s. (43,6) 7,0 c.s.
(1) Including works in process
Note: 2000 figures have been restated to include ETI and Telefonica
Sistemas, which were previously part of Telefonica Intercontinental and
Telefonica de Espana Group respectively. Include all the data assets of the
companies of Telefonica Group.
Telefonica Media Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
revenues 683,6 121,2 464,2 400,0 90,9 340,1
Internal expend
capitalized in
fixed assets (1) 0,6 0,1 600,0 0,5 0,1 n.s.
Operating expenses (616,7) (129,3) 377,1 (343,3) (92,4) 271,7
Other operating income
(expense) net 1,7 (1,7) c.s. 1,5 (1,6) c.s.
EBITDA 69,2 (9,7) c.s. 58,7 (3,1) c.s.
Depreciation and
amortization (39,5) (18,1) 118,4 (22,3) (9,5) 134,5
Operating profit 29,6 (27,8) c.s. 36,4 (12,6) c.s.
Profit from
companies (56,9) (38,5) 48,0 (26,5) (35,1) (24,6)
Antena 3 TV 21,5 33,3 (35,4) 13,1 22,3 (41,2)
Via Digital (68,7) (65,4) 5,0 (35,5) (30,1) 17,9
Others (9,8) (6,4) 53,9 (4,2) (27,3) (84,8)
Financial income
(expense) net (48,9) (14,3) 242,4 (27,7) (14,2) 95,4
Amortization of
goodwill (63,6) (31,9) 99,5 (33,6) (19,7) 70,6
Extraordinary income
(expense) net (42,7) (8,6) 393,4 (40,1) (2,4) n.s.
Income before taxes (182,5) (121,1) 50,7 (91,5) (84,0) 9,0
Income taxes 16,2 22,5 (28,3) (5,5) 12,0 c.s.
Net income before
minority interests (166,3) (98,5) 68,8 (97,1) (72,0) 34,7
Minority interests 9,9 11,0 (10,3) 3,8 11,0 (65,3)
Net income (156,5) (87,6) 78,7 (93,2) (61,1) 52,7
(1) including works in process
Terra Lycos Group
Operating Data
June 2001 June 2000
ISP Customers, in thousands (1) 4.293 2.659
Average daily page views (mill.) 460 205
Unique Visitors (mill.) 103 75
(1) Without Lycos-Europe
Terra-Lycos Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited Figures
Euro in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
revenues 356,6 80,6 342,2 179,4 44,9 299,6
Internal expend
capitalized in
fixed assets (1) 0,3 1,0 (71,4) 0,2 (0,0) n.s.
Operating expenses (487,8) (234,1) 108,4 (241,1) (139,4) 72,9
Other operating income
(expense) net (10,6) (1,5) 616,7 (3,3) 1,5 c.s.
EBITDA (141,5) (153,9) (8,0) (64,8) (93,0) (30,3)
Depreciation and
amortization (87,8) (26,9) 226,6 (49,4) (15,3) 223,0
Operating profit (229,3) (180,9) 26,8 (114,2) (108,3) 5,4
Profit from
companies (126,3) (4,8) n.s. (13,8) (4,7) 192,9
Financial income
(expense) net 68,9 0,3 n.s. 38,9 (3,3) c.s.
Amortization of
goodwill (271,0) (57,8) 369,0 (143,4) (30,6) 368,0
Extraordinary income
(expense) net (6,7) (0,5) n.s. (72,2) (0,1) n.s.
Income before taxes (564,4) (243,7) 131,6 (304,7) (147,0) 107,2
Income taxes 173,3 76,2 127,6 87,8 51,0 72,1
Net income before
minority interests (391,1) (167,3) 133,7 (216,9) (96,0) 125,8
Minority interests 0,7 1,7 n.s. 0,9 0,5 94,9
Net income (390,4) (165,6) 135,7 (216,0) (95,6) 126,0
(1) including works in process
Directories of Telefonica Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited Figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
revenues 192,8 176,8 9,0 141,2 117,5 20,2
Internal expend
capitalized in
fixed assets (1) 0,3 26,9 (98,9) 1,1 9,3 (87,7)
Operating expenses (172,8) (163,8) 5,5 (115,9) (95,0) 22,1
Other operating income
(expense) net (11,1) (8,9) 24,5 (6,3) 5,7 10,6
EBITDA 9,2 31,0 (70,3) 20,2 26,1 (22,7)
Depreciation and
amortization (9,9) (9,2) 7,7 (4,5) (4,6) (2,0)
Operating profit (0,6) 21,8 (102,8) 15,7 21,5 (27,1)
Profit from
companies (0,2) (0,0) n.s. (0,1) 0,0 n.s.
Financial income
(expense) net (8,5) (5,2) 62,9 (2,6) (2,7) (3,7)
Amortization of
goodwill (1,1) (0,0) n.s. (0,5) 0,0 n.s.
Extraordinary income
(expense) net 2,0 0,3 473,7 2,0 0,8 146,5
Income before taxes (8,4) 16,9 (149,7) 14,5 19,6 (26,2)
Income taxes 0,8 (12,6) (106,1) (4,1) (11,1) (63,5)
Net income before
minority interests (7,6) 4,3 (275,9) 10,4 8,5 22,5
Minority interests 9,3 8,8 6,1 6,6 7,0 (5,7)
Net income 1,7 13,1 (87,0) 17,0 15,5 9,8
Note: Including all Telefonica Group directories businesses
as of 1 January 2000
(1) including works in process
TPI Paginas Amarillas GROUP
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited Figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
revenues 152,8 114,8 33,1 128,2 98,9 29,6
Operating expenses (140,7) (81,2) 73,3 (107,1) (67,9) 57,9
EBITDA 12,1 33,6 (64,1) 21,1 31,1 (32,0)
Depreciation and
amortization (8,1) (4,7) 73,7 (4,3) (2,5) 73,5
Operating profit 3,9 28,9 (86,4) 16,8 28,6 (41,2)
Profit from
companies (0,5) 0,0 c.s. (0,3) 0,0 c.s.
Financial income
(expense) net (5,7) 0,0 c.s. (3,7) (0,0) n.s.
Amortization of
goodwill (1,1) 0,0 c.s. (0,6) 0,0 c.s.
Extraordinary income
(expense) net 0,8 0,2 220,8 0,7 0,2 252,6
Income before taxes (2,5) 29,1 c.s. 12,9 28,7 (55,2)
Income taxes 1,5 (10,6) c.s. (3,9) (10,3) (62,4)
Net income before
minority interests (1,1) 18,6 c.s. 9,0 18,4 (51,1)
Minority interests (8,8) (0,8) n.s. (6,5) (0,7) n.s.
Net income 7,8 19,3 (59,7) 15,5 19,1 (18,6)
TPI - Paginas Amarillas Group
Selected Operating Data (Spain)
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
June %
2001 2000 Change
Books (published)
Paginas Amarillas (Yellow pages) 25 23 8,7
Advertising revenues
Paginas Amarillas (Yellow pages) (1) 86,7 80,6 7,6
Paginas Blancas (White pages) (1) 11,9 11,1 7,2
Revenues On-Line 7,9 3,4 135,6
Paginas Amarillas Habladas 1,9 1,5 25,0
(1) On Like-for-like basis. Paginas Blancas not including advertising revenues
from Telefonica in 2000
Atento Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited Figures
Euros in millions
January-June % April-June %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
revenues 317,0 194,9 62,6 163,5 103,9 57,3
Internal expend
capitalized in
fixed assets (1) 0,0 (0,1) c.s. 0,0 (0,1) c.s.
Operating expenses (291,1) (178,4) 63,2 (149,0) (99,9) 49,1
Other operating income
(expense) net (0,3) (1,8) c.s. (0,3) 3,8 c.s.
EBITDA 25,6 18,3 39,5 14,2 7,7 83,4
Depreciation and
amortization (36,4) (18,7) 94,4 (20,2) (10,8) 87,0
Operating profit (10,8) (0,4) n.s. (6,0) (3,1) 96,1
Profit from
companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s.
Financial income
(expense) net (28,1) (15,3) 83,4 (13,7) (10,2) 34,7
Amortization of
goodwill (4,2) (0,3) n.s. (2,1) (0,3) 636,2
Extraordinary income
(expense) net (0,8) (1,4) (42,4) 1,3 (1,5) c.s.
Income before taxes (43,9) (17,4) 152,2 (20,5) (15,0) 36,1
Income taxes 6,4 0,7 777,0 2,6 1,2 117,3
Net income before
minority interests (37,4) (16,7) 124,7 (17,8) (13,8) 29,0
Minority interests 1,0 (0,1) c.s. 0,6 0,0 n.s.
Net income (36,4) (16,8) 116,9 (17,2) (13,8) 24,7
(1) including works in process