3rd Qtr & 9 Mths Results-Pt 3
Telefonica SA
16 November 2001
Investor Relations
Gran Via 28, planta 3a, 28013 Madrid, SPAIN
Tel: +(34)91-584-4700/584-4702/584-0306 Fax: +(34) 91-531-9975
E-mail: Francisco.Blanco@telefonica.es
E-mail: jaime.nicolasmoure@telefonica.es
E-mail: ezequiel.nieto@telefonica.es
E-mail: dmaus@telefonica.es
E-mail: dgarcia@telefonica.es
- Telefonica, S.A. directly participates in the share capital & Endemol
Entertainment Holding, N.V. and Mediaways GmbH Internet Services, S.A., which
have been considered into telefonica Media, S.A. and Telefonica Data, S.K.,
- Furthermore, Telefonica, SA has participated directly in CEI Citicorp
Holdings until May 2001, when it was contributed to Telefonica
Latinoamerica. For the purpose of this report, the 50% stake held by this
company in Cointel was consolidated within Telefonica Latinoamerica(Telefonica
Internacional, S.A), which, in turn, holds 52.88% of the capital of
Telefonica. de Argentina (TASA). Also, CEI holds 26.82% of Atlantida de
Comunicaciones, S.A. (ATCO) and 26.82% of AC Inversora, S.A. which, for
the purposes of the pro-forma financial statements, are 100%
consolidated in Telefonica Media.
- With respect to the acquisitions made by Telefonica, S.A. in fiscal
2000 in the share capital of Telefonica de Argentina, Telecomunicaciones de
Sao Paulo, S.K (Telesp) and Telefonica del Peru, S.A., the contribution of
these stakes to Telefonica Latinoamerica, Telefonica Moviles, S.A, y
Telefonica Data, S.A. was assumed as of the beginning of the year, in the
proportion in which each of these, after the spin-off carried out,
consolidate the business which the Latin American companies carry out in
fixed telephony, mobile telephony and data transmission, respectively.
-In the case of Company do Telecomunicaciones de Chile, S.A. (CTC),in
which Telefonica Latinoamerica has a stake, although its process of separation
has not yet started, its data transmission activity has already been
assigned to Telefonica Data, On the other hand, Telefonica. Latinoamerica
does not include the mobile telephony business, carried out by Telefonica
Movil (Startel), with pro-forma presentation of results
exclusively for the fixed telephony activity in Latin America.
- On October 30, Telefonica de Espana announced a reduction in rates effective
as of October 31, this being the fifth reduction for the year. The 7% global
decline in rates satisfies price cap regulations. With this last decrease,
the per minute price during daytime hours (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m)
for provincial and interprovincial calls will be 23.43% and 18.64% lower,
respectively, while rates for international calls will drop by 9.28% for all
rate zones.
- On the same date, Telefonica Moviles Espana renewed GPRS services offer with
a new rate schedule and expanded service to include the prepaid segment. The
new rate is based on a usage charge of 0.025 euros per Kb. A GPRS package
will also be marketed; it includes connection plus a handset at a price of
179.70 euros. For contract customers, in addition to usage charges, bonus
plans will be offered that will allow each user to choose his plan based on
the type of usage.
- On October 23, Telefonica Moviles consolidated the brands of the Mexico
companies Cedetel, Norcel, Movitel and Baja Celular under the trade name of
Telefonica Moviles Mexico. At the same time, Telefonica MoviStar became the new
image for marketing products and services in its stares, service centers; and
points of sale in the retail network. Two days later, Javier Zorrilla was
named CEO of Telefonica, Moviles Mexico, having served as Director of
the Division of Sales and Territories at Telefonica Moviles Espana.
- On October 18, Terra Lycos announced the acquisition of the trademark,
domains and principal assets of Decompras.com from El Sitio, the Internet
platform of Claxson Interactive Group,Inc., with a view to establishing the
largest market for e-commerce in Mexico and Latin America. Decompras.com is the
leading e-commerce company in Mexico and Latin America, with sales of nearly
$7M in 2000. With this purchase, Terra Lycos consolidate its expansion in the
Internet market for that continent by strengthening its line of e-commerce
products and services.
- On October 17, Terra Espana rolled out its new ADSL product, known as ADSL
Plus, the only product offering services and content tailored to users
of this technology. The monthly fee for the service is 42 euros. From the
standpoint of content, Terra ADSL customers will have exclusive access to the
Multimedia Zone (which has more than 220,000 page views and nearly 50,000
video clips served up per day, in addition to offering a video catalog with
over 12,000 titles classified by subject), benefiting from the streaming
media possibilities available with ADSL, taking advantage of its higher
capacity, throughput, always-on connection, etc. Since this technology was
launched, more than 10,000 new users have been added, with up to 1,500 new
subscribers in a single day. All told, the number of Terra Lycos ADSL
customers has surpassed the 100,000 mark.
- On the same day, Terra Lycos and the BBVA Group announced the founding of
a company (Iniciativas Residenciales en Internet, S.A.-I.R.I.S.A.-), with
each partner holding a 50% interest, for the development and management of a
vertical portal devoted to real estate, which will operate under the trade name
- On October 11, Group 3G, a Telefonica Moviles subsidiary in Germany,
introduced the trade name it will use to offer telecommunications
services in that country (Quam), with the commercial rollout date
expected before year's end. An advertising campaign on both TV and print media
was launched on October 15 to introduce the name on the market.
- On September 27, Telefonica was selected to enter to the Dow Jones
Sustainability World index, effective as of October 5, This index includes
312 international companies from 62 different industries in 26 nations, each
of which stands out for its achievements in the economic, environmental and
social spheres, and it has a combined market capitalization of 6.2
trillion euros. Apart from Telefonica, 10 other telecommunications
companies are on this index (Sonera, Vodafone, Telecel, Telstra, Telus,
Deutsche Telekom, BT, Cable&Wireless, Telia and Swisscom).
- On September 14, Telefonica Moviles announced its decision to cancel
the tender offer for 54.32% of Celular CRT initiated this past February 27.
This decision was made as consequence of market volatility, heightened by the
events of September 11 in the U.S., placed at risk the efficient execution of
the transaction.
- Pursuant to the agreement reached between Telefonica and Iberdrola on April
9, 2001, providing for Telefonica to acquire Iberdrola entire equity
interest in the Brazilian telecommunications companies of which both are
shareholders (Telesp, Celular CRT Participacoes, Tele Sudeste Celular
Participacoes, Tele Leste Celular Partcipacoes), on September 11 the
Brazilian telecommunications regulatory agency (ANATEL) approved without
restrictions the transfer of stock of either the holding companies or the
cellular carriers Celular CRT Participacoes, TeleSudeste Celular
Participacoes, and Tele Leste Celular Participacoes. Once the approval is
finalized, the shares will be transferred as agreed, subject to Brazilian
legal provisions and to approval from the Central Bank of Brazil or other
agencies as needed.
- On September 7, Telefonica de Espana rolled out its retail line of ADSL
services aimed at home users and businesses, adding to the package already
available to phone carriers and Internet service providers (wholesale offer).
This new service will allow flat rate Internet access 24 hours a day with no
limit on the size of downloads as well as access to the Telefonica portal,
bit rates of up to 2 Mbps, a permanent connection and simultaneous telephone
usage. It is available over basic telephone lines as well as over ISDN and
allows for auto-installation. Depending on bit rate, prices are as follows:
for 256 Mps: 39., for 512 Kbps: 75. and for 2000 Mps: 150,. The possibility of
an ADSL line is available to 86% of phone lines throughout the country, and
Telefonica de Espana has plans to achieve 90% coverage by year's end.
As part of the reorganization plan of the Telefonica Group by business lines,
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. Telefonica. DataCorp, SA and Telefonica Internacional,
S.A. implemented several capital increases during the first nine month of
the fiscal year. In exchange for such increases, Telefonica S.A., made a
non-monetary contribution of its shares of the capital of Telefonica de
Argentina, S.A., Telefonica del Peru, S.A.A. and Telecomunicacoes de Sao Paulo,
- Telefonica Moviles received shares of Telefonica de Argentina and
Telefonica del Peru, representing 97.93% of the Argentine company
Telefonica Comunicaciones Personales, S.A. and 97.06% of the Peruvian
company Telefonica Moviles Peru Holding, S.A.A., which companies arose
from the spin-off of the mobile businesses in Argentina and Peru.
- Telefonica DataCorp received shares of Telefonica de Argentina and
Telefonica del Peru, representing 97.92% of the Argentine company
Advance, S.A. and 93.22% of the Peruvian company Telefonica Data Peru,
S.A.A., as well as the assets and liabilities of the data business owned
by Telefonica de Argentina and Telefonica del Peru.
- Telefonica, Internacional, S.A. received shares of Telefonica de
Argentina and Telefonica del Peru, calculated on the basis of the value
of the assets and liabilities of fixed telephony and complementaries,
owned by Telefonica de Argentina and Telefonica del Peru.
- Telefonica Internacional, S.A. received 306,211,253,813 shares representing
61.96% of the capital of the Brazilian company Telesp.
These contributions have not modified the consolidation sphere as
compared to the first nine months of the previous fiscal year.
In the month of January, Telefonica, S.A. acquired 100% of Mediaways GmbH for
an amount of 1,472.9 million euros. The company was included in the sphere of
consolidation of the Telefonica Group by the global integration method.
In the month of February, Telefonica, S.A. formed the 100%-owned affiliate
Telefonica Gestion de Servicios Compartidos, S.A., disbursing in full an
initial capital of 60,102 euros. The company was included in the sphere of
consolidation in the consolidated financial statements of the Telefonica Group
by the global integration method.
In the month of June, Telefonica, S.A. increased its capital by
122,560,575 shares with a face value of 1 euro and with an issue premium of
4.5 euros per share. In exchange for this capital increase, Telefonica
received, as a non-monetary contribution of Motorola, certain investments in
mobile business in Mexico: 100% of the capital of the company Corporacion
Integral de Comunicacion, S.A. de C.V.;
100% of the capital of the company Grupo Corporativo del Norte, S.A.; 79% of
the capital of the company Telefonica Celular del Norte, S.A. de C.V. (the
remaining 21% is contributed indirectly through the acquisition of 100%, of
Corporacion Integral de Comunicacion, S.A. de C.V.); 73.81% of the capital of
Celular de Telefonia, S.A. de C.V. (the remaining 26.19% is indirectly
contributed through the acquisition of 100% of Grupo Corporativo del
Norte, S.A. de C.V.); 100% of Baja Celular Mejicana, SA de CV; 0.00001% of the
capital of Baja Celular Servicios Compartidos, S.A. (the remaining 99.99999% is
contributed indirectly through the acquisition of 100% of Baja Celular
Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.); 0.00001% of the capital of Tamcel, S.A. de C.V. (the
remaining 99.99999% is contributed indirectly through the acquisition of 100% of
Baja Celular Mexicana, S.A. de CV); 22% of the capital of Movitel del Noroeste,
S.A. de C.V. (the remaining 68% is contributed indirectly through the
acquisition of 100% of Tamcel, S.A. de C.V.); 22% of the capital of the
Moviservicios, S.A. de C.V. (the remaining 68% is contributed indirectly through
the acquisitions of 100% of the Tamcel, S.A. de CM) and 22% of the capital of
the Movicelular, S.A. de C.V. (the remaining 68% is contributed indirectly
through the acquisition of 100% of Tamcel, S.A. de C.V.). In addition, as a
complement to this operation, Telefonica contributed in cash 12.33
million euros. These as were contributed in the month of July to
Telefonica Moviles, S.A. which increased its capital stock by 203 million
shares that were fully suscribed by Telefonica, S.A. These companies have
been fully consolidated.
In the month of September, Telefonica, S.A. acquired 114,500 shares of the
affiliate company Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. (T.P.I.)for the
amount 0.36 million euros, a transaction that generated a consolidated
goodwill of 0.32 million euros. With this transaction, Telefonica now holds
a stake of 59.9% in the capital of T.P.I. The company continues to be
consolidated in the financial statements of the Telefonica Group by the
global integration method.
The company Goodman Business Press, S.A. acquired in fiscal 2000, was
included in the sphere of consolidation of the Telefonica Group in the present
fiscal year by the global integration method.
As a consequence of the event indicated in the previous paragraph,
Goodman's 100%-held affiliate Cernet was also included in the sphere of
consolidation for this fiscal year by the global integration method in 2001;
it is a company dedicated to Web page design. The company Buildnet, S.A.,
46.35%-held by Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion, S.A. and 51.24%-held
by Goodman, was consolidated by the global integration method in 2001 (in
2000 it was Integrated by the equity method).
During the first nine months of the fiscal year, Terra Networks, S.A.
participated in the formation of the Spanish company Azeler Automocion, S.A.
with an initial capital of 8.41 million euros, subscribed and paid up 50% by
Terra Networks, S.A. The company was included at acquisition cost in the
consolidated financial statements of Telefonica Group.
Also during the first quarter of fiscal 2001, Terra Networks formed the l00%
owned companies Terra Networks Financial Services USA LLC, Terra Networks
Maroc and Terra Networks Caribe, an investment of 12.12 million euros, 0.01
million euros and 0.26 million euros, respectively. The first of these
companies was included in the financial statements of the Telefonica Group
by the global integration method; the other two were booked at acquisition
To establish an online financial services site, through agreements reached
with BBVA, in the month of August of the current fiscal year, Terra Networks,
S.A. acquired 49% of the capital of Uno-e Bank, S.A., for a total of 160.43
million euros. The transaction generated a consolidated goodwill of 130.25
million euros in the consolidated accounts of the Telefonica Group. The
company has been included in the consolidation sphere of the Telefonica Group
by the equity method.
Telefonica Internacional, S.A. has sold this year 35.86% of its capital in the
Argentine company Cablevision, SA, obtaining capital gains of 255.8 million
euros. The company was eliminated from the sphere of consolidation of
Telefonica Group.
Telefonica Internacional, S.A. acquired an additional 100% of the capital
of Telefonica. Peru Holding, SA,, at a cost of 220.76 million euros. The
transaction generated a consolidation goodwill of 46.27 million euros.
With this acquisition, Telefonica Internacional becomes the only shareholder of
the aforementioned company. The company continues to be consolidated in the
financial statements of the Telefonica Group by the global integration method.
During the course of the current fiscal year, Telefonica Internacional
executed a share purchase option with BBVA for the stake holding in Sao Paulo
Telecomunicacoes Holding, S.A., a company which in turn holds shares of Telesp
Participacoes, S.A. This transaction has increased the stake in the capital of
SPT Holding by 0.5292%, at a transaction cost of 80.10 million euros. The
company continues to be consolidated in the financial statements of the
Telefonica Group by the global integration method.
The parent company the Telefonica Internacional increased its stakes in the
affiliates Telefonica del Peru, Telefonica de Argentina, Telesp and CEI
Citicorps Holdings, by contributing the aforementioned stakes of Telefonica,
On January 30, 2001, Telefonica de Argentina approved the reorganization
of certain businesses, including those of its subsidiaries TCP S.A.,
Advance, S.A. and TYSSA S.A. On January 1, 2001 there were spin-offs and
mergers at Telinver S.A., Advance S.A. and TCP S.A. On February 1, 2001
commitments were made between TASA, Advance and TMA, S.A. (Telefonica
Moviles Argentina) for corporate reorganizations.
In January, Grupo Endemol acquired the remaining 60% of Endemol France for
an amount of 159.3 million Euros. The company was included in the financial
statements of Telefonica Group by the global integration method.
In the month of September, Telefonica. Media, S.A. acquired 47.5% of Tick
Tack Ticket, S.A., at a transaction cost of 6.01 million euros. The
transaction generated a consolidation goodwill of 4.15 million euros for the
Telefonica Group. The company has been included in the consolidation sphere of
the Telefonica Group by the equity method.
On January 16, Telefonica Data Mexico (formerly Optel) increased its
capital by 16,992,251 shares, which were all acquired by Telefonica Data
Holding, On March 6, it increased its capital by 16,743,904, shares with
Telefonica Data Holding acquiring 5,228,385 shares and T. Datacorp 11,515,519
shares. After these increases, the capital of Telefonica Data Mexico is
241,738,667.8 Mexican pesos and the holding in the Company is as follows:
-T. Data Holding Mexico 52.04%
-T. Data Holding 20.41%
-T. Datacorp 18.37%
The Spanish company Telefonica Data Caribe, S.A., 100%-owned subsidiary of
Telefonica DataCorp, S.A. had a 50% participation in the formation of
Telefonica DataCorp, for an investment of 106.59 thousand euros. The company
was included in the financial statements of Grupo Telefonica at its acquisition
In March, all the shares of Telefonica Sistemas de Informacion
Geografica, S.A., a company 100%-owned by Telefonica de Espana, S.A.U., were
sold to T. Sistemas de Ingenieria de Productos, S.A., for 1.38 million Euros,
generating a profit in the consolidated accounts of the Telefonica Group of
5.02 million Euros. The company, which was included in the financial
statements of Telefonica Group by the global integration method, was
eliminated tom the Group's sphere of consolidation.
The Spanish company MoviPay International, S.A., 50%-held by Telefonica
Moviles, and included in the financial statements of Telefonica Moviles Group
in fiscal 2000 at its acquisition cost, is consolidated by the equity method in
this fiscal year.
In June, the company Atento Chile, S.A., increased its capital by 3,338,287
shares of 1,000 pesos each; the increase was fully subscribed by
Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile, S.A. (CTC), a company indirectly
held by the Telefonica Group at 43.64%, included in the Annual Accounts of
Telefonica Group by the global integration method.
After this operation, the Atento Group reduced its stake in Atento Chile from
99.99% to 70% approximately, while CTC now has 29.99% of the capital of that
company. The Telefonica Group obtained in this operation through the reduction
of the direct and indirect holding in the capital of Atento Chile. a profit of
0.82 million euros, reflected in the consolidated financial statements of
Telefonica Group under the heading 'profits from sales of holdings in
consolidated companies'. Atento Chile continues being included in the sphere of
consolidation of the Telefonica Group through the global integration method.
Telefonica, S.A.
Consolidated Income Statement Full Consolidation
Unaudited figures
January-September % July-September %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
Operating revenues 23.083,4 20,754.6 11,2 7.780,7 7.476,6 4,1
Internal expend capitalized
in fixed assets(1) 483,8 657,7 (26,4) 160,2 217.0 (26,2)
Operating expenses (13.326,6)(12.177,5) 9,4 (4.411,8)(4.467,4) (1,2)
Supplies (5.116,5) (4.229,9) 21,0 (1.663,5)(1.589,1) 4,7
Personnel Expenses (3.969,0) (3.737,4) 6,2 (1.282,5)(1.352,3) (5,2)
Subcontracs (3.841,4) (3.891,2) (1,3) (1.319,6)(1.424,8) (7,4)
Taxes (399.8) (319,0) 25,3 (146,2) (101,3) 50,4
EBITDA 9.641,2 8.886,8 8,5 3.284,6 3.063,7 7,2
Depreciation & amortization (5.483,8) (5.048,3) 8,6 (1.865,1) 1.749,1) 6,6
0perating Profit 4.157,4 3.838,5 8,3 1.419,4 1.314,6 8,0
Profit from associated
companies (278.1) (91,9)202,6 (97,8) (38,5)154,1
Financial income(expense) net (1.346,8) (1.300,9) 3,5 (420,0) (528,8)(20,6)
Amortization of goodwill (645,7) (290,2)122,5 (162,5) (126,6) 28,4
Extraordinary income
(expense)net 92,9 414,5 (77,6) (110,4) 108,5(201,8)
Income before taxes 1.979,9 2.570,3 (23,0) 628,8 729,1 (13,8)
Income taxes (655,0) (657,8) (0,4) (195,9) (203,7) (3,8)
Net income before minority
interests 1.324,8 1.912,3 (30,7) 432,9 525,4 (17,6)
Minority interests 266,2 (428,6) c.s. 9,5 (30,8) c.s.
Net income 1.591,0 1.483,7 7,2 442,4 494,7 (10,6)
Outstanding shares(million)(2) 4.586,7 3.716,9 23,4 4.586,7 3.716,9 23,4
Net income per share 0,35 0,40 (13,1) 0,10 0,13 (27,5)
(1) Including work in process.
(2) Average number of shares in the period. The figure includes capital
increases to fund the acquisition of new shareholdings in Telefonica de
Argentina, Telefonica del Peru, Telesp, Telesudeste, Endemol, ATCO and Motorola
assets, and the issuence of new shares in respect of convertible bonds, weighted
for the number of days over which they have traded. Bonus issues charged to
reserves are excluded from calculations, as they involve no change in the
ownership structure.
Total number of outstanding shares at the end of the period was 4,671,915,885.
Telefonica, S.A.
Full Consolidation
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Unaudited figures
Euros in millions
September %
2001 2000 Change
Subscribed shares not pad-in 391,8 3,8 n.s.
Long-term assets 65.224,8 59,094,8 10,4
Start up expenses 654,5 317,8 105,9
Intangible net assets 20.409,5 7.222,8 182,6
Fixed net assets 36.520,6 39.657,2 (7,9)
Investments 7.640,2 11.887,1 (35,7)
Goodwill on consolidation 9.320,2 6.455,0 44,4
Deferred expenses 829,8 1.163,6 (28,7)
Current assets 15.798,9 17.262,8 (8,6)
Inventories 824,8 866,6 (4,8)
Accounts receivable 10.139,6 9.674,1 4,8
Short-term investments 3.043,3 6.017,5 (49,4)
Cash and banks 580,0 351,7 64,9
Other 1.211,2 372,9 224,8
Assets = Liabilities 91.565,4 84.000,0 9,0
Shareholders' equity 26.208,7 24.468,0 7,1
Minority interests 8.214,2 5.400,6 52,1
Badwill on consolidation 23,5 0,0 n.s.
Deferred income 1.252,6 1.145,5 9,3
Provisions for risks and expenses 6.386,1 6.797,6 (6,1)
Accrued taxes payable 2.470,3 1.237,7 99,6
Long-term debt 22.526,4 23.162,4 (2,7)
Short-term debt including
current maturities 10.827,4 11.242,3 (3,7)
Interest payable 332,1 398,7 (16,7)
Other creditors 13.324,2 10.147,3 31,3
Financial Data
Consolidated net debt (1) 29.731 28.035 6,0
Consolidated debt ratio (2) 43,9% 46,5% (2,6p.p.)
(1) Net debt: Long-term debt + Short-term debt including current maturities -
Short-term investments - Cash and banks.
(2) Debt ratio: Net debt/(Shareholders' equity + Minority Interests + Deferred
income + Accrued taxes payable + Net debt).
Telefonica de Espana
Selected Operating Data
Unaudited figures
September %
2001 2000 Change
Lines In service (thousands) (1) 20.662,6 20.052,7 3,0%
ISDN basic access 773.985 539.020 43,6%
ISDN primary access 15.666 12.652 23.9%
Lines in service/100 Inhabitants (1) 51,8% 50,3% 1,5p.p.
ADSL connections 223.158 25.314 n.s.
% ADSL coverage 87,6% 60,6% 27,0p.p.
Traffic (million of minutes) 102.308 76.663 33,5%
Employees 40.948 44.919 -8.8%
Lines/employees(1) 504,6 446,4 13,0%
(1) Basic telephony lines (including public telephones, Ibercom, ISDN and
connections lines with PABX)
Telefonica de Espana
Telefonica de Espana (individual) operating revenues
Unaudited figures
January-September %
2001 2000 Change
Revenue derived from usage 4.372,3 4.339,6 0,8
Local 1.359,5 1.309,5 3,8
Provincial 423,7 418,3 1,3
Domestic long distance 700,1 754,8 (7,3)
International long distance(outgoing)(1) 509,4 413,4 23,2
Fixed to mobile 1.117,5 1.157,0 (3,4)
Interconnection International (incoming) 224,1 178,1 25,9
Interconnection National Operators(1) 402,0 302,0 33,1
Others (364.0) (193,6) 88,1
Monthly fee 2.461,3 2.297,5 7,1
Connection fee 200,0 215,8 (7,3)
Customer equipments 200,6 111,1 80,6
Others (2) 164,3 172,3 (4,6)
Total operating revenues 7.398,6 7.136,3 3,7
(1) Net of foreign participation
(2) Including special services, IRIS services and others.
Telefonica de Espana Group
Consolidated Income Statement
Unaudited figures
January-September % July-September %
2001 2000 Change 2001 2000 Change
Operating revenues 7.670,6 7.601,1 0,9 2.510,8 2.552,3 (1,6)
Telefonica de Espana 7.398.6 7.136,3 3,7 2.413,0 2.350,8 2,6
Others and eliminations 272,0 464,8 (41,5) 97,8 201,4 (51,4)
Internal expend capitalized
in fixed assets(1) 130,3 186,6 (30,2) 41,4 57,2 (27,7)
Operating expenses (4.183,1) (4.395,2) (4,8) (1.432,4)(1.558,3) (8,1)
Other operating income
(expense) net (134,6) (10,4) n.s. (76,7) (11,7) 557,9
EBITDA 3.483,3 3.382,0 3,0 1.043,1 1.039,5 0,3
Depreciation & amortization (2.114,7)(2.176,8) (2,9) (733,3) (703,6) 4,2
0perating Profit 1.368,6 1.205,3 13,6 309,8 336,0 (7,8)
Profit from associated
companies (1,3) 0,1 c.s. (0,7) (0,2) 325,9
Financial income(expense) net (299,7) (378,6)(20,8) (95,6) ( 114,2) (16,3)
Amortization of goodwill (0,5) (0,2)123,7 (0,4) (0,1) 361,5
Extraordinary income
(expense)net 164,8 39,6 316,2 35,2 (79,1) c.s.
Income before taxes 1.231,9 866,1 42,2 248,4 142,5 74,3
Income taxes (330,4) (232,0) 42,4 (67,3) (25,6) 163,1
Net income before minority
interests 901,6 634,1 42,2 181,1 116,9 54,9
Minority interests (0,0) 0,2 c.s. (0,0) 0,0 c.s.
Net income 901,5 634,3 42,1 181,0 117,0 54,8
(1) Including works in process
Note: TTP has been included on the accounts of Telefonica de Espana, both in
2000 and 2001.
Note: Telefonica Sistemas Group and TSIP are not consolidated in Telefonica de
Espana, both in 2000 and 2001.