3rd Quarter & 9 Mths Results

Telefonica SA 16 November 1999 INTRODUCTION BASIS OF PRESENTATION OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS In accordance with Spanish accounting principles, the Brazilian companies acquired in August 1998, Telesp Participacoes, S.A. and TeleSudeste Cellular Participacoes, S.A., are fully consolidated in 1999. To give a clear picture of the impact of this full consolidation, the consolidated financial statements include a detailed corresponding breakdown. During the first nine months of 1999, Telefonica Internacional increased its interest in some of the Brazilian companies acquired in August 1998. It bought directly on the market and raised its stake in the consortium involved in the privatisation of Telesp Participacoes, S.A. to 17.48% (compared with 16.8% in June). At the end of September it had interests of 17.6% of TeleSudeste Cellular Participacoes, S.A (no change from June) and 8.8% of TeleLeste Cellular Participacoes, S.A. (compared with 8.1% in June). In the course of the first half, CRT was split Into CRT Fixa and Celular CRT. The Group maintains a 16.7% stake in CRT Fixa and, a 35.2% of Celular CRT Participacoes after this company's capital increase in August. Both companies continue to be reported by the equity method. The accounting principles relating to consolidation goodwill changed last year, with the maximum amortisation period being extended from 10 years to 20 years. Amortisation reporting procedures in 1999 observe this new period except when goodwill is expected to be recovered over a shorter period, whereas the criteria applied in the first nine months of 1998 observed a maximum period of 10 years. There has also been a change in reporting procedures for the depreciation of the Peruvian and Brazilian concessions, which as from 1999 are included under the heading 'Amortisation of goodwill', due to the conceptual similarity between consolidation goodwill and these concessions. In past years, depreciation of these concessions was reported under depreciation of fixed assets. But in this quarter's accounts the figures for 1998 have been harmonised by applying the same criteria in both years. It should be noted that 'work in progress' has been reclassified. In 1998 it was booked as a reduction in the cost of supplies but is now reported as an increase in 'own work capitalised'. The figures corresponding to the first nine months of 1998 have been recalculated to facilitate like-for-like comparisons with the current year. In January 1999, Telefonica sold shares representing 12.2% of Amper. It still owns 12.2% of this company, which continues to be reported by the equity method. Also in January, 100%-owned subsidiary Telefonica Intercontinental acquired Austrian group European Telecom international GmbH. This company is fully consolidated. In January CTC acquired a 60% shareholding in the Sonda Group, which is fully consolidated. In the first quarter of 1999, Telefonica Internacional acquired another 1.44% of Telefonica del Peru. This increased the Group's total shareholding to 36.44% at end-September (31.5% in September 1998). This shareholding continues to be fully consolidated. In March Telefonica sold all its shares in Sofres Audiencia de Medios (25% of the company) which Telefonica had until then reported by the equity method. On 19 May Telefonica sold 100% of its subsidiary Temasa to Tyco Submarine Systems Ltd. This company was previously fully consolidated. Telefonica Media has gradually increased its stake in Via Digital over the course of the first half, in several different operations (purchase from RTVE and capital increase). At end-June 1999 it directly owned 68.6% of Via Digital's capital. This company continues to be reported by the equity method due to an 19.6% stake that is pending to be sold. In June 1999 Telefonica Internacional exercised an option to buy 19% of TLD's capital, rising its stake to 98%. TLD continues to be fully consolidated. Telefonica, S.A. acquired 5% of publishing group Pearson in June, and reports this shareholding by the equity method. In June, 35% of TPI's capital was floated on the Spanish stock market. TPI continues to be fully consolidated. In July Portugal Telecom, S.A. held a one for ten rights issue and Telefonica subscribed for its full share. Later in July Telefonica bought 50% of Alianza Atlantic Holding BV, which owns 950,000 Portugal Telecom shares. This raised Telefonica's total stake in Portugal Telecom to 3.75%. This company continues to be reported by the equity method. In August, Telefonica Media, S.A.. bought 100% of radio group Uniprex, SA, which is fully consolidated as from September. In the year to September, the Telefonica Internacional Group reduced its stake in Telefonica de Argentina to 27.21%. Over the same period Telefonica Media raised its stake in Antena 3 de Television to 46.92% in two stages, buying 17.09% in February and 6.43% in July. Antena 3 is still consolidated by the equity company. TELEFONICA S.A. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (TISA'S SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BY THE EQUITY METHOD) Unaudited Euro million January-September July-September 1999 1998 %Chg. 1999 1998 % Var. Operating revenues 9,857.7 8,990,8 9.6 3,463.7 3,045.4 13.7 EBITDA 5,057.1 5.018.0 0.8 1,655.3 1,739.2 (4.8) Operating profit 2,250.0 2,571.1 (12.5) 749.7 899.4 (16.6) Income before tax 1,744.1 1,280.6 36.2 370.1 517.0 (28.4) Net Income 1,413.8 981.7 44.0 393.8 392.0 0.4 Earnings per share 0.44 0.32 38.4 0.12 0.13 (3.4) Outstanding shares, millions (1) 3,198.8 3,074.6 4.0 3,198.8 3,074.6 4.0 (1) Shares at the end of the period. Increases of 20,497,545 shares in January 1999 and 20,907,509 shares in March 1999, both as a result of bonus share issues (1x50). The number of shares shown above includes the 3xl share split of 23/07/99. The 1998 comparison base share has been similarly adjusted to facilitate comparisons. TELEFONICA, S.A. RESULTS All management comments given in this report refer to the financial performance of Telefonica S.A., with all subsidiaries in which Telefonica Internacional has shareholdings reported by the equity method. Telefonica S.A. posted consolidated net income in the first nine months 1999 of EUR1.41 billion (Ptas. 235.23 billion), up 44% on the previous year. This growth rate was heavily influenced by one-off factors in the second quarter; capital gains, from the TPI placement and sale of TEMASA, net of tax and generic provisioning. Stripping these out, underlying growth was 19.1% (compared to 31.8% in the first six months). The 19.1% underlying growth came partly from EBITDA, (4 percentage points), and the other 15.1 percentage points derived from the combined effect of higher depreciation, lower results from Latin American subsidiaries and other non-operating items (financial and extraordinary results and taxes). - EBITIDA's contribution to growth was much smaller than in the first half-year of 1999; 4 out of 19.1 percentage points compared to 21 out of 31.8 in the year to June. The reasons were; - Changes in tariffs and interconnection rates from July cut EUR145 million off Telefonica de Espana's revenue. Otherwise Telefonica de Espana's EBITDA would have shown a 1.2% rise rather than its actual -2.1% fall. The effect would have pushed growth at Group's EBITDA to 3.4% rather than 0.8%. - Telefonica de Espana's operating expenses rose significantly due to higher supplies (interconnection expenses) and subcontracts aimed at stimulating usage and increase customer loyalty (basically, commissions and advertising). This, despite the continuing fall in personnel expenses (-12.5%) thanks to downsizing in the parent company-Telefonica has reduced its workforce by 7,978 employees since September 1998. It now has a productivity ratio of 368.9 lines per employee (+22%). - On the plus side, consolidated revenues rose by 9.6%, two percentage points above first-half growth, which went some way towards offsetting the slowdown in EBITDA growth. This seems to have been due to the success of the sales drives over the period, as Telefonica de Espana sales grew 2.8% (compared to +3.6% to June) while sales at T. Moviles, T. Data and the other subsidiaries grew at a healthy 31.6%, 29.3% and 19.7%, respectively. - Note too, that EBITDA margin at Telefonica Moviles grew faster than in the first half of 1999 (+11.3% vs +7% to June) and now stands at 37.6% of total revenue (vs 36.1% in June) this despite the rising subscribers acquisition costs. - The other 15.1 percentage points were explained by; - Operating profits fell 12.5% y-o-y, mainly due to higher depreciation charges at Telefonica de Espana as a results of the shorter depreciation period applied for some of Telefonica de Espana's assets since the beginning of the year. Stripping out this effect, operating profits would have remained flat. - Income before tax was up 36.2. This growth is attributable to lower net extraordinary expenses - excluding the net effect of capital gains and generic provisioning in the second quarter-coupled with improved net financial results (25.3%), partially offset with the drop in equity income from Latin American subsidiaries, affected by the macroeconomic environment in the area. Extraordinary expenses went down mainly due to the accounting criteria applied to Telefonica de Espana's 1999-2000 workforce rationalisation plant and the lower dismantled plan pending depreciation. - The effective tax rate has been lowered from 23.3% in September, 1998 to 18.7% in 1999 as a result of the application of provisions for depreciation for investments in Brazil. These are deductible upon calculating the expense for corporate tax and are eliminated in the consolidation process. Note that if we strip out the effect of cuts in Telefonica de Espana's tariffs, in force since July 1, and the capital gains and generic provisions in the second quarter, net income growth would have been 29% y-o-y - in line with the comparable figure to June 99 (31.8%). SIGNIFICANTS EVENTS: - The IPO of Terra, by which up to 30% of the company's capital was placed with retail and institutional investors, closed on November 16. Shares in the company will be traded on both the Spanish exchanges and NASDAQ from November 17 on. The flotation makes Terra the first Spanish internet company to be launched on the stock market. - On November 5 Telefonica share launched its third bonus share issue, offering one new share for every fifty currently outstanding, in accordance with the resolutions agreed at the March 1999 AGM. The capital Increase extends to a total of 63,976,998 shares. The period during which eligible shareholders may claim their free allocation opened on November 5 and closes on November 19. Rights to the free allocation may be traded on the stock market throughout this period. The new shares will carry identical voting and financial rights as those currently outstanding. - On November 3 the companies of the Telesp Group submitted a request to the Brazilian market regulator, Anatel to approve a broad corporate and operational restructuring, involving the companies within the Group. The corporate restructuring will be effected through successive mergers beginning with the merger of CTBC into Telesp, followed by the merger of Telesp's successor into Telesp Par and, finally, the merger of SPT into Telesp Par. The surviving Telesp Par will be the operating company that provides telecommunication services in the concession areas under the corporate name of Telecomunicacoes de Sao Paulo S.A. Telesp. The corporate restructuring will not cause a change of control of TelesPar. - At the end of October, Telefonica launched its MoviStar mobile telephony services in Guatemala. The network used for the MoviStar PCS service is based on CDMA technology. - On October 15 the Spanish cabinet approved a series of tariff adjustments, imposing a reduction in the nominal price for local calls during normal and peak hours, from 4.52 pesetas to 4 pesetas per minute, effective from November 1 1999 maintaining the current conditions of the initial franchise, and a widening of the reduced-rate period for local calls. Provincial and DLD tariffs were also cut, by 4.36% and 17.56% respectively. IDL call tariffs are also due to fall, by 6.68%, before December 1 1999, while the price of leased digital lines will be reduced by at least 14% for national leased lines and by 26% for international leased lines from December 15 on. As from January 1 2000, the price of fixed-to-mobile calls will be out by 11.8%. Additionally, a monthly flat-rate fee of Ptas. 4,000 for internet access using ADSL technology was approved, along with amendments to the price of internet packages providing 50 hours day-time access and 50 hours night-time access (10% off the initial price in the case of the former and 20% off in the case of the latter). On the other hand, the resolutions adopted by the cabinet on October 15 give Telefonica the freedom to set prices for the different services it offers, after August 1st 2000, according to a price-cap to be established, adapted to the expected performance of the CPI. Lastly, the cabinet approved a Ptas. 300 increase to monthly fees (Ptas. 100 from August 1 2000, Ptas. 100 from March 1 2001 and Ptas. 100 from August 1 2001). TELEFONICA S.A. MARKET SIZE Thousands September % var. Weighted figures (*) % var. 1999 1998 99/98 Sept 99 Sept 98 99/98 Lines in service 39,066 36,129 8.1 23,565 21,737 8.4 Spain 18,947 17,863 6.1 18,947 17,863 6.1 Other countries 20,119 18,266 10.1 4,618 3,874 19.2 Cellular clients 16,928 8,512 98.9 9,597 5,046 90.2 Spain 7,700 4,175 84.4 7,700 4,175 84.4 Other countries 9,228 4,337 112.8 1,897 871 117.6 Pay TV clients 2,397 2,378 0.9 1,003 819 22.5 Spain 360 272 32.4 248 95 161.1 Other countries 2,040 2,106 (3.1) 755 724 4.2 TOTAL 58,394 47,019 24.2 34,165 27,602 23.8 (*) Weighted for the economic interest held in each company. TELEFONICA S.A. RESULTS BY COMPANY (*) Unaudited figures Revenues EBITDA Million euros January-September January-September 1999 1998 % Var. 1999 1998 % Var. Telefonica de Espana Group 7,461.9 7,256.3 2.8 3,881.1 3,932.2 (1.3) T. Servicios Moviles Group 2,673.1 2,030.6 31.6 1,004.5 902.1 11.3 Telefonica Data Group 432.3 334.4 29.3 94.0 51.4 83.4 Other subsidiaries 1,227.4 1,025.1 19.7 101.7 136.5 (25.5) Eliminations (1,937.0)(1,655.6) 17.0 (24.2) (4.2) n.s. GROUP 9,857.7 8,990.8 9.6 5,057.1 5,018.0 0.8 (*)TISA's subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. RESULTS ANALYSIS BY COMPANY TELEFONICA DE ESPANA GROUP Operating revenues amounted to EUR7.46 billion in the nine-month period. The growth rate at this line slowed from 3.6% in the year's first half to a cumulative 2.8% up to the end of September. The most significant impact came from Telefonica de Espana, where 1H revenue growth of 2.6% cooled to +1.7% in cumulative year-on-year figures. The impact of August 1998 tariff changes, we should note, is now smoothing out in y-on-y comparisons. Set out below are the principal factors driving revenue growth: - Positive performance of revenue from new services, strong expansion in Intelligent Network, leased lines and ISDN, where the 293,007 basic access and 7,998 primary access went up 99.1% and 73.5% respectively. - Telefonica is fighting back against market share erosion. A moderate advance in the period reflects both the commercial efforts deployed and the company's good market positioning. - Traffic growth is explained by a 6.1% increase in lines in service and a 9.8% growth in usage per line/day, that stood at 12.95 minutes per line per day. Total traffic volumes moved up 13.9%, beating 1H growth by 0.7 p.p - Higher interconnection revenues. This item now makes up 3.1% of Telefonica de Espana revenues despite the price reductions of the past 12 months. Specifically, the application from July onwards of new Interconnection Reference Prices with mobile operators has eroded 3Q revenues by an estimated EUR58 million. - July tariff cuts have reduced third-quarter 1999 revenues by around EUR87 million. If call tariffs and interconnections rates had stayed unchanged, Telefonica de Espana Group revenues would have shown a 4.9% growth and those of Telefonica de Espana a 3.8% increase, topping the first-half figures in both cases. The revenues mix improved in the period, with long-distance services losing weight and a higher contribution from monthly fees and local calls, including internet traffic. Provincial and DLD reduced its revenue weight by 5.3 p.p., while local calls and monthly fees gained 4.4 p.p. ILD revenue's weight held constant, since greater call traffic and the positive market share performance were enough to outweigh lower tariffs and settlement rates. Operating expenses growth quickened from 3.4% in the first six months to 6.3% up to September. However, if we strip out the increase in interconnection expenses incurred on higher market activity, third-quarter figures would actually show a 2.0% reduction, mainly due workforce reduction efforts and efficiency gains of recent quarters. Another 3Q stand-out was sharply higher spending on advertising, promotions and commercial efforts (enlargement of the sales force serving the 'Business' segment: the PIVOT project) aimed at building customer loyalty and boosting usage. EBITDA, as anticipated, dropped back from 3.1% growth to June to a cumulative 1.3% decline in the nine-month period. The main reason explaining this performance was the impact of the tariff cuts in Telefonica de Espana results-from a positive 2.3% EBITDA growth rate in the 1H period to a negative 2.1% in nine-month figures. Depreciation rose at a slightly slower pace, in line with the new depreciation policy announced at the beginning of the year. Depreciation increased 15.8% to end-September compared to the +18.4% recorded to June 1999. Net extraordinaries results declined 45.1% in nine-month figures against -32.4% in the 1H, due to the high charges related to the workforce rationalisation plan at the end of 1998. The net reduction in Telefonica de Espana headcount increased from 6,847 in the first half to 7,388 at the September close, leaving workforce numbers at 51,366 and productivity at 368.9 lines/employee. The tax rate held at around 23.2%. This was 9 p.p. higher than in 1998, because of the lower provisions for workforce reduction in 1999. TELEFONICA MOVILES GROUP The Spanish cellular market surpassed 30% penetration in the month of September after advancing 5.5 points in the 3Q period-an all-time record in quarterly growth. Telefonica Moviles' net addition of 2,805,468 customers in the first nine months makes it the fastest-expanding of all European operators. The total customer base stood at 7,699,732, calculated according to the usual conservative criteria. The MoviLine analogue service now has 768,874 customers, thanks to the positive performance of its MoviLine Optima pre-paid card, that already has more than 150,000 users, showing a temporary slowdown in its downward trend. GSM service MoviStar reached 6,930,858 customers, more than doubling the customer base as of September 1998. The main growth driver was again the MoviStar Activa range of pre-paid cards, which went up 232% with more than 4,150,000 users. According to the customer figures given by competitors, Telefonica Moviles has a 3.7 million lead over its nearest market rival, 52% higher than in September 98, or 90% higher if we take only the digital market. The gap between estimated traffic share and customer market share is also much wider, perhaps due to different methods of calculating customer bases. Both factors reinforce the competitive advantages derived from maximising economics of scale. Also in the third quarter, the number of roamers using the MoviStar network was practically twice that of summer 1998, while short messages actually tripled last year's figure. Aware of mobile telephony's potential as a tool for real-time information access, Telefonica Moviles has added the CNN news service to its existing Reuters feature. MoviStar users can thus access top international news agencies in addition to local providers like Antena 3, EFE and RNE. Though the expansion of the customer base has inevitably entailed higher commercial costs, the economies of scale allowed for a improved profitability in the third-quarter of 1999. EBITDA margin rose to 40% of revenues. EBITIDA margin before subscriber acquisition costs is logically some way up on last year's. Operating revenues of EUR2.67 billion (Ptas.444.77 billion) were 31.6% higher than in 1998, while operating profit moved up 10% to EUR673.1 million (Ptas.111.98 billion). These figures, moreover, reflect the company's conservative criteria on income and expense accounting, which exerts a magnified effect at times of heavy promotions of usage. Net income for the nine-month period amounted to EUR419.7 million (Ptas.69.83 billion), an increase of 14.4% vs. September 1998. Capital expenditure to September was EUR516.9 million (Ptas. 86.0 billion), in line with the increase In CAPEX budgeted for the year. This has enabled the company to cope effectively with 67.8% greater traffic (9,621 million air minutes to September 99), and further improve its already excellent quality levels. Significant events following the September 30 close include the launch at Madrid IT fair 'SIMO' of 15 new products and services, with special emphasis in new features improving access to internet through cellular phones. One such initiative is the OLEADA portal-designed in collaboration with Terra Networks for use from WAP handsets-and the first data communication system based on GSM with billing by data volume. TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP At end September, Telefonica Internacional had 20.1 million lines in service (17.5 million lines under management), an increase of 10.1% year on year. This growth is largely attributable to the increase in Telesp's and CRT's lines (+26.8% and +19.9% respectively) though Telefonica del Peru also saw significant expansion on the back of its 'Telefono Popular' launch in the second half of 1998. In cellular business, the Telefonica Internacional Group had over 9.2 million customers at September 30 (5.9 million clients under management), doubling the figure of September 1998 and representing net additions vs. June 1999 of over 1.3 million. Companies managed reported y-on-y growth upwards of 40%, on average, with best performances from Brazilian subsidiaries, building on the launch of pre-paid cards in the first half of the year, and Startel (CTC), after the February 1999 launch of the 'Calling Party Pays'. The strategy to establish the second telecom operator in Central America is showing a positive performance. For example, Telefonica El Salvador captured a 31% market share in cellular telephony and a 40% share in ILD service in the first year of operations. And Telefonica Centroamerica Guatemala, which started to offer ILD services last July, had 21% market share at the end of September. Results from Latin American associated companies totalled EUR83.4 million in nominal terms, a drop of 67.8% year on year. This was partially due to local currency devaluation against the peseta, but the following factors also explain this performance: The EUR27.1 million losses of Telefonica Chile, compared to a EUR179.6 million profit in the same period last year. The reasons for the slide were essentially: - Ratification in August of the new tariff decree, taking effect retroactively from last May. The impact of this measure amounts to approximately EUR65 million less revenues in the May-September period. - Increase in bad debt levels provoked by the country's economic recession, which forced to make a provision for uncollectables of around EUR52.8 million (EUR38 million in the first nine months of 1998). - Headcount reduction affecting 684 employees and entailing extraordinary expenses of EUR22.3 million, as a result of severance indemnities. - A negative 'correccion monetaria' (EUR96.1 million) as a result of the Chilean peso depreciation vs. the dollar (11.2% since the beginning of the year). However, capital gains from the sale to Terra Networks of Telefonica Net will be included in fourth-quarter figures. - Telefonica de Argentina showed flat earnings vs. 1998 (EUR344.3 million, an annual 1.2% drop in local currency and 0.6% increase in euros). Higher depreciation charges (+6%) and non operating expenses (financial expenses on the 1998 share buy-back) were the main factors explaining this performance and offsetting the stable evolution of EBITDA. Note that in 1999, Telefonica Internacional reduced its stake in the company to 27.21%. - Telefonica del Peru net income dropped 48.2% in euros and 42.2% in local currency, mainly due to the slight reduction of EBITDA (-1% in local currency), increased depreciation charges (higher depreciable asset base), higher financial expenses arising from the 1998 share buyback and a negative 'correccion monetaria* (EUR51.8 million, due to the 8.7% Nuevo Sol depreciation against the Dollar since the beginning of 1999). - Small contribution of the Brazilian subsidiaries (EUR4.6 million). These companies' net income were severely affected by the new depreciation policy applied (which shortened the useful lives of certain assets) and the Reais devaluation against the US Dollar, which led to significant negative 'correccion monetaria' figures, particularly at CRT, CRT Celular and Teleleste Celular. Also, the more aggressive commercial policies deployed by the cellular companies to face local competition have affected EBITDA margins, showing annual decreases. Nevertheless all the Brazilian subsidiaries reported higher EBITDA figures vs. previous quarters. At TISA holding company level, the lower results from associated companies and the higher financial expenses due to greater stock of debt were offset by higher management fees (EUR117.8 million; +37.2%) and lower taxes. The decrease in the corporate tax provision is explained by the application of provisions for depreciation of the Brazilian Investments, deductible upon calculating the expense for corporate tax and eliminated in the consolidation process. Additionally, TISA has applied for export tax credit. Both factors resulted in a 9.4% annual growth in net income that reaches EUR131.8 million. TELEFONICA DATA GROUP In the third quarter of 1999, Telefonica Data Espana was awarded the type A individual licence for supplying fixed-line telephony, enabling it to offer to its corporate customers bundled voice and data services packages via one single connection. The licence also allows interconnection with other operators and their users. In a step towards co-operating with other data units of the group, Telefonica Data began collaborating with Telefonica de El Salvador and TIUSA to develop their IP network. Telefonica Data was Spain's first operator to launch a broadband ADSL service. This service, called Megavia ADSL, is aimed at both ISPs wishing to offer their users ADSL access and companies with teleworkers and small offices that are seeking corporate network or internet access. The Infonegocio service, providing information services through Internet (web hosting, e-mail, e-commerce, etc), is experiencing steady growth. From June 1999 to September 1999 it sold 14,142 packages, a 130% increase on the 6,154 sold in the year to June, this figure rising to 21,084 by October (+243%). Telefonica Data also signed an agreement with SAP (the world's leader in integrated management systems) to enhance its range of services to SMEs. As a result, SAP Espana is to introduce its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system onto the IP network. This is a business management system allowing any company to manage all its business activities on the internet in real time. In the year to September 30, Telefonica Data operating revenues totalled EUR432.3 million, ie, 29.3% growth on the same period in 1998. Operating expenses grew on the back of the expansion in business, but with just a 14.1% increase was far behind revenues. As a result, EBITDA went up 83.4% year-on-year, with net income reaching EUR28.7 million. At the operating level, dedicated ports increased by 5.7% while the number of IP network switched ports rose by 116.7% to 36,270. TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP Its results depend on the financial performance of its subsidiaries, notably Antena 3 and Via Digital. Antena 3 Operating revenues in the year to September were EUR353 million (Ptas.58.74 billion), with a 21.3% annual growth and a 26% increase in the third quarter of the year over Q3-98. The EUR97.9 million operating profit (Ptas. 16.29 billion) represented a 34.6% growth on the previous year. This was explained by healthy performance in both sales and operating expenses (increasing 4 percentage points slower than sales) and despite a higher depreciation charges (+26.3%). The ongoing margin improvement begun in 1998 continued, and at the end of September, operating profit margin stood at 27.7% of revenues against 25.0% in September 1998. Net income came out at EUR59.3 million (Ptas. 9.87 billion), with a 55.5% growth, outstripping the increase in operating profit, due to the lower financial expenses derived from the 1998 capital increase, which cut the company's borrowing requirements, and the interest rate cuts. Out of the company's EUR18.2 million total investments in September, the acquisition of Movirecord, a distributor of cinema advertising, accounted for EUR17.2 million. Antena 3 maintained its leadership as the top private commercial TV channel in September, and was the nation's favourite choice of evening viewing, registering more stable viewing figures than any other channel in the month. Via Digital At end-September (1) Via Digital had 356,572 clients, 43,838 up on June 1999 and 36% year-on-year. On figures up to October 31, Via Digital billed 400,331 clients, confirming the acceleration trend in the expansion of the customers base. This is the result of the improvement in the sport contents, particularly the broadcast of football matches in both European competitions and the Spanish league. In September, gross additions tripled and cancellations went down by 40%. Note that Via Digital's revenues went up by 67.4% in the year to September, far ahead of the 36% expansion in the client base. In the same period, however, it reported EUR126.1 million losses, compared with the EUR101 million loss registered in the same period of 1998. TERRA GROUP The Telefonica Interactiva Group has renamed itself Terra Group. It has also changed the brand and domain names of the Telefonica Group's portal and access businesses in all target market countries to 'Terra', while sticking to local brands in all established markets (Brazil and Mexico). The company is currently immersed in its IPO, due to end on November 17, when the stock starts trading on the secondary markets. Continuing with the rapid expansion it has experienced since Q2-99, the Terra Group provided access to 860,930 clients and acted as portal for 290 million web page visits in September. Among the most significant developments, note its acquisition of Informacion Selectiva SA de CV, (Infosel) through the agreement reached with the Reforma group in July 1999. Infosel is Mexico's second-ranking ISP in the SOHO and residential markets. With its 49,000 client base it is the country's leading portal, directing visits to 27 million pages in September. Terra group has also agreed with Amadeus to set up a joint 50-50 company called 'Joint Initiative Amadeus Telefonica', providing travel services over the web in both Europe and Latin America. The expansion strategy into the Spanish and Portuguese speaking markets continued with the purchase of the Argentine portals Gauchonet and Donde.com and the establishment of subsidiaries in Peru and Chile. It also signed a strategic alliance with Infovia S.A., Guatemala's main ISP, to become integrated within the Terra Group. In Spain, ISP Teleline began marketing ADSL technology with three types of offers depending on the speed the client requires (familiar, class and Premium). (1) The company's sales booking criteria mean the customer base calculated for each month corresponds to the base of the 15 of said month. TPI-RAGINAS AMARILLAS GROUP Operating revenues for the first nine months moved up by 34.1%, mainly due to the following factors: - Increase in revenues from the 42 Paginas Amarillas directories (yellow pages) published by the Group. - Publication of two additional Paginas Amarillas directories. - Higher revenues generated on the Paginas Blancas directories published to September 30, 1999 than on the same directories in 1998, boosted by revenues from the 11 new directories published for the first time in 1999. - New contract signed with Telefonica in May 1999, regarding revenues from the publication and distribution of Paginas Blancas directories. - Contribution of Paginas Amarillas On-line and Paginas Habladas (talking pages). Though still marginal in quantitative terms, revenues from these businesses achieved significant growth rates. EBITDA surged 42.2% y-o-y in the first nine months of 1999, mainly due to revenue growth outstripping expenses increases. Operating expenses rose as a result of higher production costs (materials, printing and distribution) due to the production of two extra Paginas Amarillas directories and eleven more Paginas Blancas. On the other hand, the stronger sales of both paper directories and on-line products (Paginas Amarillas On-Line and paginas Amarillas On-Line and Paginas Amarillas Habladas) led to higher commissions paid to sales agents and a increase in marketing expenses. Lastly, following implementation of the new Paginas Blancas contract with Telefonica, EBITDA now includes fees to Telefonica for the transfer of Paginas Blancas commercial operations to TPI. Net income totalled EUR 54.5 million (Ptas. 9.08 billion), up 131.5% This figures includes extraordinary income of EUR22.5 million (Ptas. 3.75 billion) mainly from the sale of subsidiaries (Venturini, Estratel and Doubleclick) in the first half of 1999. Extraordinary expenses included EUR8.76 million (Ptas. 1.46 billion) related to the early cancellation of the previous Paginas Blancas contract. Two major new products were launched by TPI in the course of Q3. Firstly, the new Paginas Amarillas On-Line home page, allowing more user-friendly navigation by presenting the most often consulted products and services on the net in a 10-category directory. And secondly, TPI's Plataforma de Comercio Electronico, or e-commerce platform, hosts over 500 shops in 21 different categories. This platform's launch was accompanied by a special promotion, offering all interested companies free design, web hosting and maintenance for their virtual stores. The e-commerce platform for Paginas Amarillas has payment gateways to several banks and is backed up by the electronic payment system SET. TELEFONICA INTERCONTINENTAL GROUP Telefonica Interncontinental, a 100%-owned Telefonica S.A. subsidiary, made considerable progress during the third quarter of the year. European Telecom, an Austrian company specialised in marketing and distributing telecommunication services, has consolidated its place as Austria's number-two alternative telecoms operator by increasing its customer base to 10,249. The company has also furthered its expansion with the launch of new projects for the extension of its network. These projects include the roll-out of an IP data network embracing the six largest Austrian cities, in collaboration with Lucent Technologies. Through this network the Group plans to offer internet access, web-hosting and web-page design services. This company's radio access project is due to be implemented in two stages pilot phase, in Vienna only, followed by roll-out to Austria's five largest cities. The company is currently negotiating the necessary authoritations with the Austrian government. On 20 October Telefonica Acea was created, with an estimated capex of EUR200 million. The new subsidiary should begin operations in the first quarter of the year 2000. This new company will develop a network infrastructure for Rome and the entire Lazio region, with the aim of providing internet and e-commerce services, incorporating direct access for corporate clients and value added services for residential customers. Other projects include the roll-out of an IP network and provision of complementary radio access services for certain SMEs. At the first board meeting of Medi Telecom, the consortium awarded with a second mobile telephony in Morocoo, a business plan envisaging a capex of EUR226 million and the creation of 1,100 jobs over the 1999-2002 period was presented. The roll-out of networks began on October 20 and the network could be up and running by April 2000. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Investor Relations Gran Via 28, planta 3a. 28013 Madrid. Tel: 91-584 47 00/584 47 02 /584 03 06. Fax: 91-531 99 75. E-mail: Francisco. Blanco@telefonica.es E-mail: jaime.nicolasmoure@telefonica.es E-mail: mariano.g.oliva@telefonica.es www.telefonica.es TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Consolidated Income Statement Full Consolidation (million euros) January-September Unaudited figures Group(1) %Change Telesp+ Total %Change 1999 1998 Sept 98 TeleSudeste Group Sep 98 (2) (3) +Operating Revenues 4.213.4 4.058,7 3,8 2.605,1 6,818.5 68,0 +Internal expend capitalized 115.7 79,5 45,6 57,3 173,0 117,5 in fixed assets (4 - Operating expenses 2.082,0 1.684,8 23,6 1.444,8 3.526,8 109,3 + Other operating income (expense), net (209,0) (252,0) 17,1 (44,6) (253,6) 0,6 =EBITDA 2.038,1 2.200,6 (7,4) 1.173,0 3.211,1 45,9 -Depreciation & amortization 906,1 851,0 6,5 745,6 1.651,7 94,1 =Operating Profit 1.132,0 1.349,6 (16,1) 427,4 1.559,4 15,5 +Profit from associated companies 34,6 66,2 (47,7) (25,7) 8,9 (86,6) +Financial income(expense),net (545,8) (527,2) (3,5) (104,9) (650,7) (23,0) - Amortization of goodwill 165,2 64,6 155,7 0,0 165,2 155,7 + Extraordinary income (expense), net (117,1) 96,5 c.s (27,9) 144,9 c.s =Income before taxes 338,5 920,5 (63,2) (268,9) 607,5 (34,0) -Income taxes (51,4) 305,4 c.s 13,1 (38,3) c.s. =Net Income before minority interests 389,9 615,1 (36,6) 255,8 645,8 4,9 -Minority interests 258,1 494,8 (47,8) 255,8 513,9 3,9 =Net Income 131,8 120,3 9,4 0,0 131,9 9,4 (1) Telefonica S.A. including TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (2) Impact of Telesp Participacoes and TeleSudeste Participacoes full consolidation. (3) Telefonica SA Including Telesp Participacoes, Tele Sudeste Participacoes, TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publiquias and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican TELEFONICA S.A. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL'S OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES CONS0LIDATED BY EQUITY METHOD (million euros) Unaudited figures January-September % June-September % 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 9.857,7 8.990,8 9,6 3.463,7 3.045,4 13,7 + Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 410,4 470,8 (12,8) 107,4 168,5 (36,3) - Operating expenses 5.215,9 4.408,2 18,3 1.922,4 1.463,8 31,3 Supplies 1.594,7 1.217,2 31,0 607,1 440,3 37,9 Personnel expenses 2.109.1 2.273,8 (7,2) 728,8 758,3 (3,9) Subcontracs 1.354,4 782,1 77,7 537,2 214,0 151,1 Taxes 157,7 155,1 1,7 49,3 51,2 (3,7) + Other operating income (expense), net 4,9 (35,4) c.s. 6,6 (10,9) c.s. =EBITDA 5.057,1 5.018,0 0.8 1.655,3 1.739,2 (4,8) -Depreciation & amortization 2.807,1 2.446,9 14,7 905,6 839.8 7,8 =Operating Profit 2.250,0 2.571,1 (12,5) 749,7 899,4 (16,6) +Profit from associated companies 9,9 195,7 (95,0) (48,6) 85,3 c.s. +Financial income (expense) net (517,8) (693,3) 25,3 (194,9) (248,2) 21,5 -Amortization of goodwill 194,4 206,0 (5,6) 74,4 24,9 198,8 +Extraordinary income (expense), net 196,4 (586,8) c.s. (61,7) (194,6) 68,3 =Income before taxes 1.744,1 1.280,6 36,2 370,1 517,0 (28,4) -Income taxes 325,4 298,7 8,9 (28,0) 125,0 c.s. =Net Income before minority interests 1.418,7 981,9 44,5 398,1 392,0 1,6 -Minority interests 4,9 0,2 n.s. 4,3 0,0 n.s. =Net Income 1.413,8 981,7 44,0 393,8 392,0 0,4 Outstanding shares (million) (2) 3.198,0 3.074,6 4,0 3.198,8 3.074,6 4,0 Per share 0,44 0,32 38,4 0,12 0,13 (3,4) (1) Including work in process (2) Number of shares at the end of the period, after the split (3xl) TELEFONICA, S.A. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL'S OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BY EQUITY METHOD (million euros) Unaudited figures January-September % 1999 1998 Change Subscribed shares not paid-in 3,5 3,4 1,9 Long term assets 31.110,7 29.437,3 5,7 Star up expenses 98,1 98,1 0,0 Intangible net assets 6.078,8 6.129,9 (0,8) Fixed net assets 17.016,7 17.973,8 (5,3) Investments 7.917,1 5.235,5 51,2 Goodwill on consolidation 3.084,3 1.825,9 68,9 Deferred expenses 579,2 705,8 (17,9) Current assets 4.659.5 3.945,3 18,1 Inventories 243,7 229,8 6,0 Accounts receivable 3.404,4 3.075,7 10,7 Short term investments 899,7 565,1 59,2 Cash and banks 11,1 15,1 (26,3) Others 100,6 59,6 68,2 Assets=Liabilities 39.437,2 35.917,7 9,8 Shareholders, equity 14.273,5 15.134,8 (5,7) Minority interests 36,9 12,0 207,8 Deferred income 768,3 755,8 1,7 Provisions for risks and expenses 6.042,6 2.510,2 140,7 Accrued taxes payable 374,7 266,9 40,4 Long term debt 10.419,5 9.672,7 7,7 Short term debt including current maturities 2.605,9 4.307,7 (39,5) Interest payable 209,2 239,5 (12,6) Other creditors 4.706,6 3.018,1 55,9 Financial Data Consolidated net debt (1) 12,115 13,400 (10,0) Consolidated debt ratio (2) 43,9% 45,3%( 1.4 p.p.) (1) Net debt: Long term debt + Short term debt including current maturities - Short term Investments - Cash and banks. (2) Debt ratio: Net debt/Shareholders Equity + Minority interests + Deferred income + Accrued taxes payable + Net debt. TELEFONICA DE ESPANA GROUP (Million euros) January-September % June-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change + Operating Revenues 7.461,9 7.256,3 2,8 2.448,1 2.416.1 1,3 Telefonica de Espana 7.237,8 7.116.9 1,7 2.368,1 2.360,8 (0,1) Others and eliminations 224,1 139,4 60,8 90,0 55,3 62,7 +internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 263,6 311,1 (15,3) 89,4 107,9 17,2 -Operating expenses 3.858,4 3.628,4 6,3 1.356,8 1.210,1 12,3 +Other operating income (expense), net 14,0 (6,8) c.s. 0,8 0,6 33,3 =EBITDA 3.881,1 3.932,2 1,3 1.181,7 1.314,5 (10,1) -Depreciation & amortization 2.392,9 2.067,3 15,8 767,7 694,7 10,6 =Operating Profit 1.488,2 1.864,9 (20,2) 414,0 619,8 (33,2) +Profit from associated companies (0,6) 0,6 c.s. (0,2) 0,1 c.s. +Financial income (expense), net (472,0) (478,5) 1,4 (156,5) (138,5)(13,0) -Amortization of goodwill 2,5 0,1 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. +Extraordinary income (expense), net (347,2) (632,0) 45,1 (45,8) (185,7) 75,4 =Income before taxes 665,9 754,9 (11,8) 211,5 295,7 (28,5) -Income taxes 154,4 105.9 45,8 49,3 41,4 19,0 =Net Income before minority interests 511,5 649,0 (21,2) 162,2 254,3 (36.3) -Minority interests (0,3) (0,3) 0,0 (0,1) (0.1) n.s. = Net Income 511,8 649,3 (21,2) 162,3 254,4(36,3) (1) Including work in process TELEFONICA DE ESPANA (INDIVIDUAL) OPERATING REVENUES (Million euros) January-September % June-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Revenue derived from usage 4.596,5 4.651,9 (1,2) 1.481,9 1.534,4 (3,4) Local 1.245,7 1.089,1 14,4 387,9 361,8 7,2 Provincial 465,3 519,8 (10,5) 146,4 167,5 (13,2) Domestic long distance 982,2 1.278,0 (23,1) 297,7 387,7 (23,2) International long distance (outgoing) (1) 352,3 318,6 10,6 134,4 107,4 25,1 Fixed to mobile 1.010,6 825,9 22,4 359,7 303,7 18,4 Interconnection International (incoming) 184,4 209,4 (11,9) 57,0 72,7 (21,5) Interconnection national operators (1) 250,7 186,2 34,7 55,5 72,1 (23,1) Rest 105,2 224,9 (53,2) 44,4 81,4 (27,7) Monthly fee 2.200,2 1,983,9 10.9 733,3 666,7 10,0 Connection fee 180,9 163,0 11,0 59,0 58,8 0,6 Customer equipments 70,6 126,9 (44,4) 24,4 40,2 (39,3) Others (2) 189,6 191,2 (0,8) 59,6 60,8 (2,1) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 7.237,8 7.116,9 1,7 2.358,1 2,360,8 (0,1) (1) Net of foreign participation (2) Including special services, IRIS services and others September % OPERATING DATA 1999 1998 Change Lines instaled (thousands) (1) 16.952 16.723 1,4 Lines In service/100 inhabitants (2) 47,5 45,5 4,4 Incoming international traffic (mill. minutes)(3) 1.556 1.321 17,8 Outgoing international traffic (mill. minutes)(3) 1.434 1.262 13,6 Usage growth (minutes/line/day) 9,8% 11,6% (1,8p.p.) Fixed network outgoing traffic 5,0% 9,4% (4,4p.p.) Interconnection traffic with international operators 12,3% 9,7% 2,6p.p. Interconnection traffic with domestic operators 79.5% 62,6% 16,9p.p. Employees 51.366 59.085 (13,1) Lines/employee (2) 368,9 502,3 22,0 (1) Marketable basic telephony lines (2) Basic telephony lines (including public telephones, Ibercom, ISDN and connections lines with PABX) (3) Estimated figures, Special services included TELEFONICA SERVICIOS MOVILES GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) January-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change + Operating Revenues 2.673,1 2.030,6 31,6 + Internal expand capitalized in fixed assets 35,3 22,0 60,7 - Operating expenses 1.674,6 1.112,8 50,5 + Other operating income (expense), net (29,3) (37,7) 22,3 = EBITDA 1.004,5 902,1 11,3 - Depreciation and amortization 331,4 290,3 14,2 = Operating Profit 673,1 611,8 10,0 + Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Financial income (expense), net (35,4) (45,7) 22,6 - Amortization of goodwill 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Extraordinary income (expense), net (3,8) (19,4) 80,7 = Income before taxes 633,9 546,7 16,0 - Income taxes 214,2 179,9 19,1 = Net Income before minority interests 419,7 366,8 14,4 - Minority interests 0,0 (0,1) c.s. = Net Income 419,7 366,9 14,4 Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) June-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change + Operating Revenues 999,1 752,7 32,7 + Internal expand capitalized in fixed assets 9,6 8,4 14,4 - Operating expenses 595,5 409,2 45,5 + Other operating income (expense), net (13,6) (15,2) 10,5 = EBITDA 399,6 336,7 18,7 - Depreciation and amortization 116,3 98,3 18,3 = Operating Profit 283,3 238,4 18,8 + Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Financial income (expense), net (10,5) (14,4) 27,1 - Amortization of goodwill 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Extraordinary income (expense), net (0,6) 15,2 c.s. = Income before taxes 272,2 239,2 13,8 - Income taxes 91,9 81,5 12,7 = Net Income before minority Interests 180,3 157,7 14,4 - Minority interests 0,0 (0,1) c.s. = Net Income 180,3 157,8 14,3 SELECTED OPERATING DATA September % 1999 1998 Change Cellular subscribers 7.699.732 4.174.654 84,4 MoviLine 768.874 893.383 (13,9) MoviStar 6.930.858 3.281.271 111,2 Net adds (a) 2.805.468 986.958 184,3 MoviLine (124.318) (207.212) 40,0 MoviStar 2.929.786 1.194.170 145,9 Penetration TM (b) 19,3% 10,6% 8,7 p.p. Total airtime minutes, in million (a) 9.621 5.733 67,8 Employees 3.272 2.729 19,9 TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (Million euros) January-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change + Income from Investments 201,3 345,2 (41,7) Equity Income 83,4 259,3 (67,8) CTC (14,1) 65,4 c.s COINTEL/TASA 65,3 86,0 (24,1) Telefonica del Peru 41,2 68,5 (39,8) Telesp Participacoes 25,0 9,4 167,4 CRT Fija (16,1) 12,8 c.s. CRT Celular (5,5) - n.s. Telesp Celular Participacoes 3,2 3,9 (17,4) TeleSudeste Celular Partic. 0,9 l,l (15,2) TeleLeste Celular Participacoes (2,9) 0,3 n.s. Publiguias 4,6 6,4 (28,3) CANTV 6,5 10,4 (37,7) Otras (24,8) (4,8) n.s. Management fee 117,8 85,9 37,2 Operating expenses 363,7 263,0 38,3 Net financial expenses 222,8 171,4 30,0 Goodwill amortization 55,4 48,4 14,5 Intangible assets amortization 85,5 43,2 97,9 =Operating profit (162,4) 82,2 c.s. +Divestitures 74,2 135,4 (45,2) +Other income (expense) net (63,8) (97,2) 34,3 -Taxes 283,7 0,0 n.s. =Net Income 131,8 120,3 9,4 TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (Million euros) June-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change + Income from Investments 28,9 121,6 (76,2) Equity Income (12,1) 107,4 c.s. CTC (27,2) 39,5 c.s. COINTEL/TASA 17,0 22,4 (24,4) Telefonica del Peru 9,8 15,7 (37,5) Telesp Participacoes 9,5 9,4 1,5 CRT Fija (1,1) 7,2 c.s. CRT Celular (0,1) - n.s. Telesp Celular Participacoes (0.6) 3,9 c.s. TeleSudeste Celular Partic. (0,9) l,l c.s TeleLeste Celular Participacoes (2,1) 0,3 c.s. Publigulas 2,2 7,6 (70,9) CANTV 1,7 2,5 (29,0) Otras (20,3) (2,1) n.s. Management fee 41,0 14,2 188,0 Operating expenses 131,2 97,5 34,6 Net financial expenses 83,6 88,3 (5,4) Goodwill amortization 18,7 (11,1) c.s. Intangible assets amortization 29,0 20,3 42,7 =Operating profit (102,3) 24,1 c.s. +Divestitures 3,5 27,7 (87,3) +Other income (expense) net 1,4 (29,0) c.s. -Taxes 107,9 0,0 n.s. =Net Income 10,6 22,8 (53,6) TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Thousands Operating Data Lines in Service %Change Proport. Sep-99 99/98 % Partic. (*) Managed Operators 17.540 13,1 4.453 CTC 2.672 2,5 1.166 TASA 3.934 (1,0) 1.070 Telefonica de Peru 1.668 7,7 608 Telesp + CTBC 7.658 26,8 1.339 CRT 1.600 19,9 267 CRT Celular TeleSudeste Celular Par. TeleLeste Celular Par. Telefonica El Salvador 7 n.s. 3 Financial participations 2.578 (6,6) 165 CANTV 2.578 (6,6) 165 Telesp Celular Par. Cablevision TOTAL 20.119 10,1 4.618 Cellular subscribers Pay TV customers %Change Proport. %Change Proport. Sep-99 99/98 % Partic.(*) Sep-99 99/98 %Partic.(*) Managed Operators 5.891 168,9 1.671 589 0,2 234 CTC 1.021 118,8 446 269 (3,7) 117 TASA 1.250 56,9 340 Telefonica de Peru 667 44,0 243 320 3,7 117 Telesp + CTBC CRT CRT Celular 816 75,7 287 TeleSudeste Celular Par. 1.573 147,6 276 TeleLeste Celular Par. 470 97,6 42 Telefonica El Salvador 93 36 Financial participations 3.337 55,5 225 1.451 4,4 521 CANTV 961 73,8 62 Telesp Celular Par. 2.376 49,2 164 Cablevision 1.451 (4,4) 521 TOTAL 9.228 112,8 1.897 2.040 (3,1) 755 (*) Lines weighted by TISA's economic participation in each the companies TELEFONICA DATA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (Million euros) January-September % June-September % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change + Operating Revenues 432,3 334,4 29.3 151,5 116,4 30,1 + Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 0,3 15,3 (98,2) 0,6 11,0 (94,4) - Operating expenses 339,2 297,0 14,1 111,0 107,2 3,6 + Other operating income (expense), net 0,6 (1,3) c.s. 0,3 (0,4) c.s. = EBITDA 94,0 51,4 83,4 41,4 19,8 108,1 - Depreciation and amortization47,8 47,2 1,1 15,3 16,2 (5,4) = Operating Profit 46,2 4,2 n.s. 26,1 3,6 n.s. + Profit from associated companies 2,3 1,4 66,1 1,7 0,8 111,8 + Financial income (expense), net (1,9) (2,3) 17,1 (0,2) (0,8) 77,0 - Amortization of goodwill 2,2 0,1 n.s. 2,2 0,1 n.s. + Extraordinary income (expense), net (0,2) 0,6 c.s. (0,2) 0,5 c.s. = Income before taxes 44,2 3,8 n.s. 25,2 4,0 n.s. - Income taxes 15,5 0,0 n.s. 9,0 0,4 n.s. = Net income before minority Interests 28,7 3,8 n.s. 16,2 3,6 n.s. = Minority interests 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. = Net Income 28,7 3,8 n.s. 16,2 3,6 n.s. (1) Including work in process SELECTED OPERATING DATA September % 1999 1998 Change Connections (dedicated ports) 110.484 104.548 5,7 IP Network (switched ports) 36.270 16.740 116,7 Employees 830 610 36,1 TPI-PAGINAS AMARILLAS GROUP Income Statement (Million euros) January- % June- % September September Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change + Operating Revenues 191,9 143,0 34,2 96,2 85,4 12,7 - Operating expenses 132,1 101,0 30,7 49,7 35,1 41,4 + Other operating income (expense), net 1,0 0,8 23,8 2,8 2,3 21,3 = EBITDA 60,9 42,8 42,2 31,2 28,4 9,7 - Depreciation and Amortization 4,9 7,5 (35,3) 1,9 2,6 (28,9) = Operating Profit 56,0 35,3 58,7 29,3 25,8 13,6 + Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Financial income (expense), net (0,2) 0,7 c.S. (0,1) 0,4 c.S. - Amortization of goodwill 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Extraordinary income (expense), net 22,5 0,6 n.s. 0,0 (0,7) n.s. = Income before taxes 78,3 36,5 114,3 29,2 25,4 14,7 - Income taxes 23,7 13,0 82,8 10,2 9,1 12,6 = Net income before minority interests 54,6 23,6 131,5 19,0 16,4 16,0 - Minority interests 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. = Net Income 54,6 23,6 131,5 19,0 16,4 16,0 SELECTED OPERATING DATA September - % 1999 1998 Change Books (published) Paginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) 42 40 5,0 Paginas Blancas (White Pages) 30 19 57,9 Subscribers Paginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) 230.335 229.077 0,5 Paginas Blancas (White Pages) 131.769 8.117 n.s. Advertising revenues Paginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) 124,1 108,3 14,6 Paginas Blancas (White Pages) 50,6 33,8 49,9 Paginas Amarillas on Line 1,3 0,1 n.s. Paginas Amarillas Habladas 0,7 0,0 n.s. Europages 1,2 0,8 48,9 TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement(1) (million euros) January- % June- % September September Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Profit from associated companies (73,9) (74,0) 0,2 (43,3) (31,7)(35,6) Antena 3 24,2 (0,1) c.s. (0,9) 1,0 c.s. Via Digital (66,7) (60,4) (10,6) (27,0) (18,4)(46,9) Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales 4,5 2,5 85,3 1,4 0.3 448,8 Telefonica Medios de Comunicaclon (30,9) (20,6) (50,0) (8,4) (16,7) 49,7 Otros y ajustes (5,0) 4,6 c.s. (8,4) 2,1 c.s. - Operating expenses 37,0 27,0 37,5 14,4 10,8 33,8 Net financial expenses 18,3 8,2 124,4 7,1 4,2 71,5 Goodwill amortization 18,7 18,8 (0,3) 7,3 6,6 10,1 = Operating profit (110,9) (101,0) (9,9) (57,7) (42,5)(35,1) + Divestitures 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. + Other income (expense), net (11,2) (2,3) (379,7) (7,4) (1,5)(383,8) - Taxes (39,9) (19,5) (104,4) (22,8) (7,9)(189,0) = Net income (82,2) (83,8) 1,9 (42,3)(36,1) (16,3) (1) Consolidated by equity method TERRA Consolidated Income Statement (1) (million euros) January-September January-September Unaudited figures 1999 % 1999 % Financial Data (a) Operating revenues 8.6 192,7 5,7 511,0 EBITDA (35,4) n.s. (24,4) n.s. Net Income (33,9) n.s. (26,3) n.s. Financial Data 'primary' (b) Operating revenues 17,5 n.s. 9,2 n.s. Net Income (38,5) n.s. (16,7) n.s. Financial Data proforma (c) Operating revenues 48,0 n.s. 17,9 n.s. Operating Data September June ISP Customers 861.747 368.407 Page views, in millions (june) 290 250 Visits per month, in millions (june) 22,1 17,5 (a) Including Terra subsidiaries' financial data since their acquisition date (b) Including all Terra's subsidiaries at September 30th, plus those subsidiaries acquired from Telefonica S.A. Group, regardless whether the acquisition took place after this date (c) Including all Terra's subsidiaries at the floatation date, as if these transactions occurred on 1/1/99 APPENDIX TELEFONICA, S.A. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (million euros) Unaudited figures January-September Equity Change (2). Impact TISA excl. method (1) Sep-98 Telesp. Participacoes 1999 & Telesudest Part (3) 1999 + Operating Revenues 9.857,7 9,6 4.036,6 + Internal expend capitalized In fixed assets (7) 410,4 (12,8) 153,1 - Operating expenses 5.215,9 18,3 1.931,5 Supplies 1.594,7 31,0 360,1 Personnel expenses 2.109,1 (7.2) 715,5 Subcontracts 1.354,4 77,7 749,9 Taxes 157,7 1,7 86,0 + Other Operating income (expense), net 4,9 c.s (313,5) = EBITDA 5.057,1 0,8 1.944,7 - Depreciation and amortization 2.807,1 14,7 871,2 = Operating Profit 2.250,0 (12,5) 1.073,5 + Profit from associated companies 9,9 (95,0) (21,7) + Financial Income (expense), net (517,8) 25,3 (509,5) - Amortization of goodwill 194,4 (5.6) 25,5 + Extraordinary income (expense), net 196,4 c.s (58,5) = Income before taxes 1.744,1 36,2 458,3 - income taxes 325,4 9,0 223,6 = Net income before minority interests 1.418,7 44,5 234,7 - Minority interests 4,9 n.s 234,7 = Net income 1.413,8 44,0 0,0 Outstanding shares (million) (8) 3.198,8 4,0 Per share 0.44 38,4 Group (4) % Telesp + 1999 1998 Change TeleSudeste (5) sep-98 + Operating Revenues 13,894.3 12,910.0 7.6 2,605,0 + Internal expend capitalized In fixed assets (7) 563,5 568,8 (0,9) 57,3 - Operating expenses 7.147,4 9.958,5 20,0 1.444,7 Supplies 1.974,8 1.434,9 37,6 684,2 Personnel expenses 2.824,6 2.950,8 (4,3) 357,9 Subcontracts 2.104,3 1.358,1 54,9 387,3 Taxes 243,7 214,7 13,5 15,3 + Other Operating income (expense), net (308,6) (390,3) 20,9 (44,6) = EBITDA 7.001,8 7.130,0 (1,8) 1.173,0 - Depreciation and amortization 3.678,3 3.270,3 12,5 745,6 = Operating Profit 3.323,5 3.859,7 (13,9) 427,4 + Profit from associated companies (11,8) 18,0 C.S. (25,7) + Financial Income (expense),net (1.027,3) (1,052,7) 2,4 (105,0) - Amortization of goodwill 219,9 179,2 22,7 0,0 + Extraordinary income (expense), net 137,9 (611,3) c.s. (27,9) = Income before taxes 2.202,4 2.034,5 8,3 268,8 - income taxes 549,0 587,6 (6,6) 18,1 = Net income before minority interests 1.653,4 1.446,9 14,3 255,7 - Minority interests 239,5 465,2 (48,5) 255,7 = Net income 1.413,8 981,7 44,0 0,0 Total Group % Change (6) Sept 98 + Operating Revenues 16.499,3 27,8 + Internal expend capitalized In fixed assets (7) 620,8 9,1 - Operating expenses 8.592,1 44,2 Supplies 2.659,0 85,3 Personnel expenses 3.182,5 7,9 Subcontracts 2.491,6 83,5 Taxes 259,0 20,6 + Other Operating income (expense), net (353,2) 9,5 = EBITDA 8.174,8 14,7 - Depreciation and amortization 4.423,9 35,3 = Operating Profit 3.750,9 (2,8) + Profit from associated companies (37,5) c.s. + Financial Income (expense), net (1,132,3) (7,6) - Amortization of goodwill 219,9 22,7 + Extraordinary income (expense), net 110,0 n.s. = Income before taxes 2.471,2 21,5 - income taxes 562,1 (4,3) = Net income before minority interests 1.909,1 31,9 - Minority interests 495,3 6,5 = Net income 1.413,8 44,0 Outstanding shares (million)(8) 3.198,8 4,0 Per Share 0,44 38,4 (1) Telefonica Internacional's operating subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (2) Change calculated over September 1998 pro-forma Income statement including Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by equity method. (3) Impact of TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publigulia and TLD full consolidation. (4) Telefonica S.A.including TASA,CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Puibligulas and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (6) Te1etonica S.A. Including Telesp Participacoes, Tele Sudeste Participacoes, TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publigulas and TLD fully consolidated: other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method (7) Including work in process. (8) Number of shares at the end of period, including split (3xl)
UK 100

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