4th Qtr & Final Rslts - Prt 2

Telefonica SA 29 February 2000 PART 2 TELEFONICA S.A. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL'S OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BY EQUITY METHOD (million euros) audited figures January-December % September-December % 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 13.552,8 12.266,2 10,5 3.695,0 3.275,4 12,8 Internal expend. capitalized in fixed assets (1) 559,4 638,0 (12,3) 149,0 167,2 (10,9) Operating expenses (7.513,4) (6.250,4) 20,2 (2.297,5) (1.842,3) 24,7 Supplies (2.398,5) (1.855,7) 29,2 (803,8) (638,5) 25,9 Personnel expenses (2.933,1) (3.022,8) (3,0) (824,0) (749,0) 10,0 Subcontracts (1.959,7) (1.158,6) 69,1 (605,3) (396,5) 52,6 Taxes (222,2) (213,4) 4,1 (64,5) (58,3) 10,6 Other operating income (expense), net (21,5) (42,7) (49,6) (26,4) (7,2) 267,2 EBITDA 6.577,3 6.611,0 (0,5) 1,520,1 1,593,1 (4,6) Depreciation and amortization (3.715,7) (3.258,0) (14,0) (908,6) (811,1) 12,0 Operating Profit 2.861,6 3.353,1 (14,7) 611,5 782,0 (21,8) Profit from associated companies 52,1 289,1 (82,0) 42,2 93,4 (54.8) Financial income (expense), net (575,6) (896,5) (35,8) (57,8) (203,1) (71,6) Amortization of goodwill (274,1) (177,7) 54,3 (79,7) 28,3 (382,0) Extraordinary income (expense), net (297,5) (1.007,0) (70,5) (493,8) (420,2) 17,5 Income before taxes 1.766,5 1.560,9 13,2 22,4 280,3 (92,0) Income taxes 45,9 (253,0) c.s. 371,3 45,6 713,8 Net income before minority interests 1.812,4 1.307,9 38,6 393,7 325,9 20,8 Minority interests (7,6) (0,2) n.s. (2,7) 0,1 n.s. Net income 1.804,8 1.307,7 38,0 391,0 326,0 20,0 Outstanding shares (million) (2) 3.262,8 3.074,6 6,1 3.262,8 3.074,6 6,1 Net Income per share 0,55 0,43 30,1 0,12 0,11 13,0 (1) Including work in process (2) Number of shares at the end of the period, after the split (3x1) TELEFONICA, S.A. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL'S OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BY EQUITY METHOD (million euros) audited figures January - December % 1999 1998 Change Subscribed shares not paid-in 3,3 3,1 6,5 Long term assets 30.836,4 31.320, (1,5) Star up expenses 170,1 95,6 77,9 Intangible net assets 6,280, 5.307,9 18,3 Fixed net assets 15.871,5 18.082,1 (12,2) Investments 8.514,8 7.834,4 8,7 Goodwilll on consolidation 3.602,5 1.887,4 90,9 Deferred expenses 626,6 643,6 (2,6) Current assets 5.000,1 3.957,9 26,3 Inventories 258,4 187,6 37,7 Accounts receivable 3.663,9 3.354,6 9,2 Short term investments 857,2 248,7 244,7 Cash and banks 112,6 82, 37,3 Others 108, 85, 27,1 Assets=Liabilities 40.068,9 37.812, 6,0 Shareholders' equity 14.484,8 13.500, 7,3 Minority interests 447, 12,2 3.563,9 Deferred income 1.052,8 725, 45,2 Provisions for risks and expenses 5.696,5 5.730,9 (0,6) Accrued taxes payable 627,2 373,9 67,7 Long term debt 10.202,4 8.593,4 18,7 Short term debt including current maturities 3.191,8 4.866,7 (34,4) Interest payable 200,3 253,2 (20,9) Other creditors 4.166,1 3.756,7 10,9 Financial Data Consolidated net debt (1) 12.424 13,129 (5,4) Consolidated debt ratio (2) 42,8% 47,3% (1) Net debt: Long term debt + Short term debt including current maturities - Short term investments - Cash and banks. (2) Debt ratio: Net debt/Shareholders Equity + Minority interests + Deferred income + Accrued taxes payable + Nat debt. TELEFONICA DE ESPANA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) audited figures January-December % September-December % 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 10.075,2 9.836,9 2,4 2.613,4 2.580,7 1,3 Telefonica de Espana 9.643,6 9.567,5 0,8 2.405,8 2.450,6 (1,8) Others and eliminations 431,6 269,4 60,2 207,6 130,1 59,6 Internal expend. capitalized in fixed assets (1) 359,5 450,4 (20,2) 95,8 139,4 (31,2) Operating expenses (5.403,6) (5.026,5) 7,5 (1.545,2)(1.398,0) 10,5 Other operating income (expense), net 6,1 7,9 (23,2) (8,0) 14,7 c.s. EBITDA 5.037,2 5.268,8 (4,4) 1.156,1 1.336,7 (13,5) Depreciation and amortization (3.145,2) (2.768,2) 13.6 (752,3) (700.9) 7,3 Operating Profit 1.892,0 2.500,6 (24,3) 403,8 635,7 (36,5) Profit from associated companies (0,2) 2,6 c.s. 0,5 2,0 (77,9) Financial Income (expense), net (611,2) (676,8) (9,7) (139,2) (198,3) (29,8) Amortization of goodwill (3,0) (0,1) n.s. (0,5) 0,1 c.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net (1.722,2) (1.030,8) 67,1 (1.374,9) (398,8) 244.8 Income before taxes (444,5) 795,5 c.s. (1.110,3) 40,8 c.s. Income taxes 282,9 (71,7) c.s. 437,3 34,2 n.s. Net income before minority interests (161,6) 723,8 c.s. (673,0) 75,0 c.s. Minority interests 0,4 0,3 30,2 0,2 0,1 n.s. Net Income (161,2) 724,2 c.s. (672,9) 75,1 c.s. (1) Including work in process TELEFONICA DE ESPANA (INDIVIDUAL) OPERATING REVENUES (million euros) January-December % September-December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Revenue derived from usage 6.026,7 6,186,8 (2,6) 1.430,2 1.535,0 (6,8) Local 1.683,2 1.499,0 12,3 437,5 410,0 6,7 Provincial 595,8 676,3 (11,9) 130,6 156,5 (16,5) Domestic long distance 1.233,4 1.628,0 (24,2) 251,2 350,0 (28,2) International long distance (outgoing) (1) 473,2 425,1 11,3 120,9 106,6 13,4 Fixed to mobile 1.398,7 1.151,7 21,4 388,1 325,8 19,1 Interconnection international (incoming) 231,6 257,0 (9,9) 47,2 47,5 (0,8) Interconnection national operators (1) 380,3 266,3 42,8 129,5 80,1 61,7 Rest 30,5 283,4 (89,2) (74,7) 58,5 (227,7) Monthly fee 2.932,9 2.710,1 8.2 732,7 726,1 0,9 Connection fee 240,3 235,0 2,3 59,4 72,0 (17,5) Customer equipments 147,1 167,1 (12,0) 76,6 40,2 90,4 Others (2) 296,7 268,5 10,5 107,0 77,3 38,4 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 9.643,6 9.567,5 0,8 2.405,9 2.450,6 (1,8) (1) Net of foreign participation (2) Including special services, IRIS services and others December % OPERATING DATA 1999 1998 Change Lines installed (thousands) (1) 16.998,7 1.766,4 1,4 Lines in service/100 inhabitants (2) 48,2 45,7 5,6 Incoming international traffic (mill. minutes) (3) 2.077 1.768 17,5 Outgoing international traffic (mill.minutes) (3) 1.935 1.690 14,5 Usage growth (minutes/line/day) 11,9% 10,7% 1,2 p.p. Fixed network outgoing traffic 7,2% 7,9% -0,7 p.p. Interconnection traffic with international operators 12,0% 8.9% 3,0 p.p. Interconnection traffic with domestic operators 78,9% 75,3% 3,6 p.p. Employees 46.619 58.127 (19,8) Lines/employee (2) 412,4 313,2 31,7 (1) Marketable basic telephony lines (2) Basic telephony lines (including public telephones, Ibercom, ISDN and connections with PABX) (3) Estimated figures. Special services included TELEFONICA SERVICIOS MOVILES GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) January-December % September-December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 3.739,0 2,812,9 32,9 1.065,8 782,3 36,2 Internal expend. capitalized in fixed assets 44,5 38,1 16,8 9,2 16,1 (42,8) Operating expenses (2.387,4) (1.643,8) 45,2 (712,7) (531,1) 34,2 Other operating income (expense), net (42,6) (39,0) (9,3) (13,3) (1,3) n.s. EBITDA 1.353,5 1.168,2 15,9 349,0 266,1 31,2 Depreciation and amortization (449,9) (392,8) 14,5 (118,5) (102,5) 15,7 Operating Profit 903,6 775,4 16,5 230,5 163,6 40,9 Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense), net (44,7) (55,1) (18,8) (9,3) (9,4) (0,4) Amortization of goodwill 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net (26,6) (1,7) n.s. (22,9) 17,7 c.s. Income before taxes 832,2 718,6 15,8 198,3 171,9 15,3 Income taxes (269,4) (236,3) 14,0 (55,2) (56,3) (2,0) Net income before minority interests 562,8 482,4 16,7 143,1 115,6 23,8 Minority interests (0,0) 0,4 c.s. (0,0) 0,3 c.s. Net Income 562,8 482,8 16,6 143,1 115,9 23,5 SELECTED OPERATING DATA December % 1999 1998 Change Cellular subscribers 9.052.347 4.894.264 85,0 MovilLine 690.138 893.192 (22,7) MoviStar 8.362.209 4.001.072 109,0 Net adds (a) 4.158.083 1.706.568 143,7 MoviLine (203.054) (207.403) (2,1) MoviStar 4.361.137 1.913.971 127,9 Penetration TM (b) 22,6% 12,2% 10,4p.p. Total airtime minutes, in million (a) 13.600 8.028 69,4 Employees 3.372 2.872 17,4 (a) January-September accumulated data (b) TSM cellular lines/100 inhabitants TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (a) (million euros) January-December % September-December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change 1999 1998 Change Income from Investments 305,7 458,5 (33,3) 104,4 113,3 (7,8) Equity Income 156,1 336,5 (53,6) 72,7 77,2 (5,9) CTC (41,0) 93,5 c.s. (26,9) 28,1 c.s. COINTEL/TASA 77,2 119,2 (35,3) 11,9 33,2 (64,2) Telefonica del Peru 50,8 56,4 (10,0) 9,6 (12,1) c.s. Telesp Participacoes 90,4 27,7 226,4 65,3 18,3 256,5 CRT Fija (11,0) 17,3 c.s. 5,0 4,6 8,7 CRT Celular (4,5) 0,0 n.s. 1,0 0,0 n.s. Telesp Celular Participacoes 0,1 9,1 (99,1) (3,1) 5,3 c.s. TeleSudeste Celular Partic. 4,3 6,7 (35,6) 3,4 5,6 (39,6) TeleLeste Celular Participacoes (3,1) 0,7 c.s. (0,1) 0,5 c.s. Publiguias 3,7 6,7 (39,6) (0,9) (0,3) 204,0 CANTV 8,1 16,3 (50,2) 1,6 5,9 (72,6) Others (18,8) (16,6) 13,4 6,0 (11,7) c.s. Management fee 149,6 122,0 22,7 31,8 36,1 (12,0) Operating expenses (507,4) (405,2) 25,2 (143,7) (142,3) 0,9 Net financial expenses (331,4) (245,9) 34,8 (108,7) (74,6) 45,7 Goodwill amortization (61,4) (89,4) (31,4) (5,9) (41,0) (85,5) Intangible assets amortization (114,6) (69,9) 64,0 (29,1) (26,8) 8,6 Operating profit (201,7) 53,3 c.s. (39,2) (29,0) 35,1 Divestitures and others 117,0 151,9 (23,0) 42,7 16,5 158,7 Other income (expense), net 183,9 (127,5) c.s. 247,7 (30,3) c.s. Taxes 303,6 86,2 252,2 19,8 86,2 (77,0) Net income 402,8 163,9 145,8 271,0 43,4 524,2 (a) TISA holding incomes, Incorporating the participation in all operators income following the economic participation TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Thousands 1. Operating Data Lines in service % Change Proport. dic-99 99/98 % Partic.(*) Managed Operators 18.387 15,1 4.905 CTC 2.592 (2,2) 1.131 TASA 4.041 3,5 1.100 Telefonica de Peru 1.689 8,6 676 Telesp (2) 8.251 28,7 1.595 CETERP 177 - 128 CRT 1.630 12,5 272 CRT Celular Tele Sudeste Celular Par. TeleLeste Celular Par. Telefonica El Salvador 6 2 Telefonica Guatemala 0 0,0 0 Financial participations 2.586 (1,1) 165 CANTV 2.586 (1,1) 165 Telesp Celular Par. Cablevision 0 TOTAL 20.973 12,8 5.071 Thousands 1. Operating Data Cellular subscribers % Change Proport. dic-99 99/98 % Partic.(*) Managed Operators 6.456 103,2 1.894 CTC 1.154 108,2 504 TASA 1.051 96,8 286 Telefonica de Peru 712 41,1 285 Telesp (2) 0,0 CETERP 60 - 44 CRT CRT Celular 968 78,3 355 TeleSudeste Celular Par. 1.852 139,9 325 TeleLeste Celular Par. 535 98,5 48 Telefonica El Salvador 125 - 48 Telefonica Guatemala 49 - 25 Financial participations 4.074 66,7 275 CANTV 1,181 84,8 76 Telesp Celular Par. 2,893 60,3 200 Cablevision TOTAL 10.530 87,4 2.169 Thousands 1. Operating Data Pay TV customers % Change Proport. dic-99 99/98 % Partic.(*) Managed Operators 596 1,8 248 , CTC 296 (4,1) 117 TASA Telefonica de Peru 327 7,3 131 Telesp (2) CETERP CRT CRT Celular Tele Sudeste Celular Par. TeleLeste Celular Par. Telefonica El Salvador Telefonica Guatemala Financial participations 1.453 (3,3) 522 CANTV Telesp Celular Par. Cablevision 1.453 (3,3) 522 TOTAL 2.049 (1,8) 770 (*) Lines weighted by TISA's economic participation in each the companies. () Since the brasilean society reestructuration, the only company that exists is Telecomunicacoes de Sao Paulo (Telesp), as a result of the prior Telesp Par, Telesp S.A. Y CTBC TERRA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) January-December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 40,1 5,6 n.s. Internal expend. capitalized in fixed assets (1) 0,6 0,5 8,2 Operating expenses (113,1) (9,4) n.s. Other operation income (expense), net (0,5) 0,1 n.s. EBITDA (77,4) (3,3) n.s. Depreciation and amortization (6,3) (0,6) n.s. Operating Profit (83,7) (3,9) n.s. Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense), net 1,3 0,0 n.s. Amortization of goodwill (28,8) 0,0 n.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net (1,4) 0,0 n.s. Income before taxes (112,7) (3,8) n.s. Income taxes 33,7 1,3 n.s. Net income before minority interests (79,0) (2,5) n.s. Minority interests 1,5 0,0 n.s. Net Income (77,5) (2,5) n.s. Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) September-December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 30,5 2,6 n.s. Internal expend. capitalized in fixed assets (1) (2,0) 0,1 c.s. Operating expenses (68,3) (4,1) n.s. Other operation income (expense), net (2,1) 0,0 n.s. EBITDA (41,9) (1,4) n.s. Depreciation and amortization (5,1) (0,2) n.s. Operating Profit (47,0) (1,6) n.s. Profit from associated companies (0,1) 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense), net 1,7 0,0 c.s. Amortization of goodwill (19,1) 0,0 n.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net (1,0) (0,0) n.s. Income before taxes (65,5) (1,6) n.s. Income taxes 21,6 0,9 n.s. Net income before minority interests (43,9) (0,7) n.s. Minority interests 1,4 0,0 n.s. Net Income (42,5) (0,7) n.s. (1) Including work in process Operating Data December September ISP Customers 1.317.233 860.930 Page views, in millions 434 290 Visits per month, in millions 38 22 GRUPO TERRA NETWORKS FINANCIAL DATA PROFORMA (1) Change (million euros) 1999 1998 % Revenues 78,5 52,5 49,5% EBITDA (85,9) (7,1) n.s. Net Income before goodwill amortization (70,3) (9,8) n.s. Net Income (173,7) (117,2) 48,2% (1)Include all subsidiaries as if these transactions occurred on 1/1/99 TELEFONICA DATA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) January-December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 574,7 458.9 25.2 Internal expend, capitalized in fixed assets (1) (0,2) 1,9 c.s. Operating expenses (454,0) (386,6) 17,4 Other operating income (expense), net (0,4) (2,7) 84,0 EBITDA 120,0 71,5 68,0 Depreciation and amortization (64,4) (64,3) 0,3 Operating Profit 55,6 7,2 672,3 Profit from associated companies 1,9 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense), net (2,6) (3,1) (14,6) Amortization of goodwill (4,1) (0,2) n.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net (0,4) 0,5 c.s. Income before taxes 50,4 4,4 1,057,9 Income taxes (14,9) (0,5) n.s. Net income before minority interests 35,5 3,8 n.s. Minority interests 0,0 0,0 n.s. Net Income 35,5 3,9 818,2 ( TELEFONICA DATA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) September - December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 142,5 124,6 14,4 Internal expend, capitalized in fixed assets (1) (0,5) (13,4) 96,3 Operating expenses (114,9) (89,5) (28,4) Other operating income (expense), net (1,0) (1,4) 28,0 EBITDA 26,0 20,2 28,8 Depreciation and amortization (16,7) (17,0) (2,2) Operating Profit 9,3 3,2 196,0 Profit from associated companies (0,4) (1,4) (70,9) Financial Income (expense), net (0,7) (0,8) (7,1) Amortization of goodwill (1,8) (0,2) n.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net (0,2) (0,1) 30,4 Income before taxes 6,2 0,7 780,5 Income taxes 0,6 (0,5) c.s. Net income before minority interests 6,8 0,2 n.s. Minority interests 0,0 0,0 n.s. Net Income 6,8 0,2 2,812,8 (1) Including work in process SELECTED OPERATING DATA December % 1999 1998 Change Connections (dedicated ports) 118.942 112.910 5,3 IP Network (switched ports) 50.580 32.850 54,0 Employees 850 643 32,2 TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (1) (million euros) January - December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change Profit from associated companies (85,2) (63,9) c.s. Antena 3 55,6 12,1 359,3 Via Digital (110,1) (46,3) 138,0 Telefonica Medios de Comunicacion 6,3 4,2 49,2 Others (37,0) (33,9) 9,1 Operating expenses (62,8) (31,5) 99,2 Net financial expenses (25,3) (14,2) 77,9 Goodwill amortization (37,5) (17,3) 116,7 Operating profit (148,0) (95,3) 55,7 Divestures 40,4 0,0 n.s. Other Income (expense), net (14,8) (5,5) 167,4 Taxes 19,6 26,5 (25,9) Net Income (102,8) (74,3) 38,6 TELEFONICA MEDIA GROUP Consolidated Income Statement (1) (million euros) September - December % audited figures 1999 1998 Change Profit from associated companies (11,6) 10,3 c.s. Antena 3 31,3 12,2 156,9 Via Digital (43,4) 14,1 c.s. Telefonica Medios de Comunicacion 1,7 1,7 (1,7) Others (1,2) (17,7) (93,2) Operating expenses 25,8 4,6 459,7 Net financial expenses ( 7,0) (6,1) 15,3 Goodwill amortization (18,8) 1,5 c.s. Operating profit (37,4) 5,7 c.s. Divestures 40,4 0,0 n.s. Other Income (expense), net (3,5) (3,2) 9,4 Taxes (20,3) 7,0 c.s. Net Income (20,8) 9,5 c.s. (1) Consolidated by equity method TPI-PAGINAS AMARILLAS GROUP Income Statement (million euros) January - December % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 334,8 260,5 28,5 Operating expenses (234,8) (202,8) 15,8 Other operating income (expense), net 1,5 0,6 130,7 EBITDA 108,3 68,3 58,6 Depreciation and amortization (6,8) (9,9) (31,3) Operating Profit 101,5 58,4 73,9 Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense), net (0,3) 7,2 c.s. Amortization of goodwill 0,0 0,0 n.s. Extraordinary income (expense), net 20,5 (1,7) c.s. Income before taxes 121,7 63,8 90,6 Income taxes (38,8) (20,9) 85,8 Net income before minority interests 82,8 42,9 93,0 Minority interests 0,0 0,0 n.s. Net Income 82,8 42,9 93,0 TPI PAGINAS AMARILLAS GROUP Income Statement (million euros) September - December % Unaudited figures 1999 1998 Change Operating Revenues 142,4 117,0 21,7 Operating expenses (102,7) (101,7) 0,9 Other operating income (expense) net 1,0 0,3 208,0 EBITDA 47,4 25,5 86,1 Depreciation and amortization (1,9) (2,4) (19,3) Operating Profit 45,5 23,1 97,0 Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense),net (0,1) 6,5 c.s. Amortization of goodwill 0,0 0,0 n.s. Extraordinary income (expense),net (2,0) (2,3) (12,6) Income before taxes 43,4 27,3 59,0 Income taxes (15,1) (7,9) 90,5 Net Income before minority Interests 28,2 19,3 46,0 Minority interests 0,0 0,0 n.s. Net Income 28,2 19,3 46,0 SELECTED OPERATING DATA December % 1999 1998 Change Books(published) Paginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) 61 60 1.7 Paginas Blancas (White Pages) 47 38 23,7 Advertising revenues Paginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) 235,2 211,6 11,2 Paginas Blancas (White Pages) 69,4 45,6 51,9 Paginas Amarillas on Line 2,7 0,9 198,2 Paginas Amarillas Habladas 2,5 0,0 n.s. Europages 1,2 0,8 38,5 APPENDIX TELEFONICA, S.A. Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) January - December Unaudited figures Impact TISA Excl. Telesp. Particaipacoes Equity &Telesudeste Method (1) %Change (2) Part. (3) Group(4) %Change 1999 dic-98 1999 1999 1998 dic-98 Operating Revenues 13.552,8 10,5 5.466,0 19.018,7 17.465,5 8,9 Internal Expend Capitalized In fixed Assets (7) 559,4 (12,3) 232,9 792,3 777,7 1,9 Operating Expenses (7.513,4) 20,2 (2.684,8) (10.198,2) (8.316,6) 22,6 Supplies (2.398,5) 29,3 (581,9) (2.980,4) (2.183,5) 36,5 Personnel Expenses (2.933,1) (3,0) (976,7) (3.909,8) (3.907,6) 0,1 Subcontracts (1.959,7) 69,1 (1.025,1) (2.984,8) (1.936,2) 54,2 Taxes (222,2) 4,1 (101,0) (323,2) (289,2) 11,7 Other Operating Income (expense), net (21,5) (49,6) (449,4) (470,9) (666,8) 29,4 EBITDA 8.577,3 (0,5) 2.564,7 9.141,9 9.259,9 (1,3) Depreciation And Amortization (3.715,7) 14,1 (1.352,8) (5.068,5) (4.359,9) 16,3 Operating Profit 2.861,6 (14,7) 1.211,8 4.073,4 4.899,9 (16,9) Profit from Associated Companies 52,1 (82,0) 33,8 85,9 73,3 (17,2) Financial Income (expense), net (575,6) (35,8) (656,9) (1.232,9) (1.380,1) 10,7 Amortization Of goodwill (274,1) 54,3 79,8 (194,3) (127,0) 53,0 Extraordinary Income (expense) net(297,5) (70,5) (102,4) (399,8) (1.049,9) (61,9) Income Before Taxes 1.766,5 13,2 566,2 2.332,6 2.416,1 (3,5) Income Taxes 45,9 c.s. (319,6) (273,7) (552,2) (50,4) Net income Before Minority Interests 1.812.4 38,6 246,5 2.058,9 1.863,9 10,5 Minority Interests (7,6) n.s. (246,5) (254,1) (556,2) (54,3) Net Income 1.804,8 38,0 (0,0) 1.804,8 1.307,7 38,0 Outstanding Shares (million)(8) 3.262,8 Per share 0,55 Consolidated Income Statement (million euros) January - December Unaudited figures Telesp+ Total %Change TeleSudeste (5) Group (6) dic-98 Operating Revenues 3.938,3 22.957,0 31,4 Internal Expend Capitalized In fixed Assets (7) 80,2 872,5 12,2 Operating Expenses (2.245,0) (12.443,1) 49,6 Supplies (1.075,7) (4.056,1) 85,8 Personnel Expenses (501,7) 4.411,5) 12,9 Subcontracts (541,1) (3.525,9) 82,1 Taxes (126,5) (449,7) 55,5 Other Operating Income (expense), net (30,0) (500,9) 6,4 EBITDA 1.743,5 10.885,4 17,5 Depreciatio And Amortization (1.040,3) (6.108,8) 40,1 Operating Profit 703,2 4.776,6 (2,5) Profit from Associated Companies (89,8) (3,9) c.s. Financial Income (expense), net (196,8) (1.429,4) 3,6 Amortization Of goodwill 0,0 (194,3) 53,0 Extraordinary Income (expense) net (112,3) (512,2) (51,2) Income Before Taxes 304,2 2.636,9 9,1 Income Taxes 97,3 (176,4) (68,1) Net income Before Minority Interests 401,6 2.460,5 32,0 Minority Interests (401,6) (655,7) 17,9 Net Income 0,0 1.804,8 38,0 Outstanding Shares (million) (8) 3.262,8 Per share 0,55 (1) Telefonica Internacional's operating subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (2) Change calculated over December 1998 pro-forma income statement includig Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (3) Impact of TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias and TLD full consolidation. (4) Telegonica S.A. including TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (5) Impact of Telesp Participacoes and TeleSudeste Participacoes full consolidation. (6) Telefonica S.A. Including Telesp Participacoes, TASA, CTC Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method (7) Including work in process. (8) Number of shares at the end of period, Including split (3x1) TELEFONICA, S.A. Consolidated Balance Sheet (million euros) December Unaudited figures Impact TISA Excl. Telesp. Particaipacoes Equity &Telesudeste Method (1) %Change (2) Part. (3) Group(4) %Change 1999 dic-98 1999 1999 dic-98 Subscribed Shares not Pad-in 3,3 8,6 0,0 3,3 8,6 Long term Assets 30.836,4 (1,5) 10.558,8 41.395,2 3,5 Star up Expenses 170,1 78,0 0,0 170,1 73,8 Intangible Net assets 6.280,0 18,3 595,4 6,875,4 4,0 Fixed net Assets 15,871,5 (12,2) 11.593,9 27.465,4 (1,3) Investments 8.514,8 8,7 (1.630,5) 6.884,3 26,0 Goodwill on Consolidation 3.602,5 90,9 604,5 4.207,0 75,2 Deferred Expenses 626,6 (2,6) 239,2 865,8 4,1 Current Assets 5.000,1 26,3 2.860,8 7.860,9 24,2 Inventories 258,4 37,7 147,5 405,9 37,3 Accounts Receivable 3.663.9 9.2 2.163,3 5.827,2 10,6 Short term Investments 857,2 244,6 322,5 1.179,7 225,0 Cash and banks 112,6 37,3 30,0 142,6 (0,3) Others 108,0 27,0 197,5 305,5 17,7 Assets= Liabilities 40.068,9 6,0 14.263,3 54,332,2 9,6 Shareholders' Equity 14.484,8 7,3 0,0 14.484,8 7,3 Minority Interests 447,0 c.s. 3.960,8 4.407,8 N/A Deferred Income 1.052,8 45,2 2,5 1.055,3 44,7 Provisions For risks And expenses 5.696,5 (0,6) 223,4 5.919,9 (0,7) Accrued taxes Payable 627,2 67,8 456,3 1.083,5 53,5 Long term Debt 10.202,4 18,7 5.732,7 15.935,1 22,7 Short term Debt Including Current Maturities 3.191,8 (34,4) 1.766,7 4.958,5 (22,0) Interest Payable 200.3 (20,9) 136,4 336,7 (9,8) Other Creditors 4.166,1 10,9 1.984,5 6.150,6 13,9 Consolidated Net debt (7) 12.424 (5,4) 7.147 19.571 3,9 Consolidated Debt ratio (8) 42.8% (9,6) 61.8% 48.2% (4,5) Consolidated Balance Sheet (million euros) December Unaudited figures Telesp+ Total %Change TeleSudeste (5) Group (6) dic-98 Subscribed shares Not pad-in 0,0 3,3 8,6 Long term assets 8.126,4 49.521,6 23,8 Star up expenses 0,0 170,1 73,8 Intangible net assets 130,7 7.006,1 6,0 Fixed net assets 8.289,5 35.754,9 28,5 Investmeents (293,8) 6.590,5 20,7 Goodwill on Consolidation 0,0 4.207,0 75,2 Deferred expenses 7,8 873,6 5,0 Current assets 1.679,8 9.540,7 50,7 Inventories 70,2 476,1 61,1 Accounts receivable 1.234,9 7.062,1 34,0 Short term Investments 278,4 1.458,1 301,7 Cash and banks 43,5 186,1 30,1 Others 52,8 358,3 38,0 Assets=Liabilities 9.814,0 64.146,2 29,4 Shareholders' equity 0,0 14.484,8 7,3 Minority interests 6.206,6 10.614,4 199,4 Deferred income 0,0 1.055,3 44,7 Provisions for risks And expenses 836.4 6.756,3 13,3 Accrued taxes payable 34,3 1.117,8 58,4 Long term debt 735,4 16.670,5 28,3 Short term debt Including current Maturities 487,3 5,445,8 (14,3) Interest payable 15,6 352,3 (5,6) Other creditors 1.498,4 7,649,0 41,7 Consolidated net Debt (7) 901 20,472 8,7 Consolidated debt Ratio (8) 12,6% 42,9% (15,1) (1) Telefonica Internacional's operating subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (2) Change calculated over December 1998 pro-forma income statement including Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (3) Impact of TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias and TLD full consolidation. (4) Telegonica S.A. including TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (5) Impact of Telesp Participacoes and TeleSudeste Participacoes full consolidation. (6) Telefonica S.A. Including Telesp Participacoes, TASA, CTC Telefonica del Peru, Publiguias, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method (7) Net debt: Long term debt+ Short term debt including current maturities - Short term Investments - Cash and banks. (8) Debt ratio: Net debt/Shareholders Equity + Minority interests + Deferred income + Accrued taxes payable + Net debt. TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Consolidated Income Statement Full Consolidation (million euros) January - December Unaudited figures Group (1) % Change Telesp+ Total %Change 1999 1999 dic-98 Telesudeste (2) Group (3) dic-98 Operating Revenues 5.770,5 5.367,5 7,5 3.938,3 9.708,8 80,9 Internal Expend Capitalized In fixed Assets (4) 168,9 114,5 47,5 80,2 249,0 117,5 Operating Expenses (2.955,8) (2.255,2) (31,1) (2.245,) (5.200,8) (130,6) Other Operating Income (expense), net (299,5) (479,9) 37,6 (30,0) (329,5) 36,4 EBITDA 2.684,1 2.746,8 (2,3) 1.743,5 4.427,6 61,2 Depreciation And Amortization(1.396,7) (1.134,2) (23,1) (1.040,3) (2.437,) (114,9) Operating Profit 1.287,4 1.612,6 (20,2) 703,2 1.990,6 23,4 Profit From Associated Companies 135,5 100,2 35,1 89,8 45,7 (54,4) Financial Income (expense), net (630,7) (642,2) 2 (196,8) 827,5 28,9 Amortization Of Goodwill (96,2) (83,) (15,8) 0 (96,2) (15,8) Extraordinary Income (expense), net 11,4 44,8 (74,6) (112,3) (101,) c.s. Income Before Taxes 707.4 1032.4 (31.5) 304.2 1.011,6 (2,0) Income Taxes (27,5) (273,6) 90,0 97,3 69,9 c.s. Net Income Before Minority Interests 679,9 758,8 (10,4) 401,6 1.081,5 42,5 Minority Interests (277,2) (594,9) 53,4 (401,6) (678,7) (14,1) Net Income 402,8 163,9 145,8 0,0 402,8 145,8 (1) Telefonica S.A. including TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publigulas, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (2) Impact of Telesp Parcipacoes and TeleSudeste Participacoes full consolidation. (3) Telefonica S.A. Including Telesp Participacoes, Tele Sudeste Paticipacoes, TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publigulas, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (4) Including work in process TELEFONICA INTERNACIONAL GROUP Consolidated Income Statement Full Consolidation (million euros) January - December Unaudited figures Group (1) % Change Telesp+ Total %Change 1999 1999 dic-98 Telesudeste (2) Group (3) dic-98 Operating Revenues 4.213,4 4.058,7 3,8 2.605,1 6.818,5 68,0 Internal Expend Capitalized In fixed Assets (4) 115,7 79,5 45,6 57,3 173,0 117,5 Operating Expenses 2.082,0 1.684,8 23,6 1.444,8 3.526,8 109,3 Other Operating Income (expense), net (209,0) (252,0) 17,1 (44,6) (253,6) 0,6 EBITDA 2.038,1 2.200,6 (7,4) 1.173,0 3.211,1 45,9 Depreciation And Amortization 906,1 851,0 6,5 745,6 1.651,7 94,1 Operating Profit 1.132,0 1.349,6 (16,1) 427,4 1.559,4 15,5 Profit From Associated Companies 34,6 66,2 (47,7) (25,7) 8,9 (86,6) Financial Income (expense), net (545,8) (527,2) (3,5) (104,9) (650,7) (23,0) Amortization Of Goodwill 165,2 64,6 155,7 0,0 165,2 155,7 Extraordinary Income (expense), net (117,1) 96,5 c.s. (27,9) 144,9 c.s. Income Before Taxes 338,5 920,5 (63,2) 268,9 607,5 (34,0) Income Taxes (51,4) 305,4 c.s. 13,1 (38,3) c.s. Net Income Before Minority Interests 389,9 615,1 (36,6) 255,8 645,8 4,9 Minority Interests 258,1 494,8 (47,8) 255,8 513,9 3,9 Net Income 131,8 120,3 9,4 0,0 131,9 9,4 (1) Telefonica S.A. including TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publigulas, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (2) Impact of Telesp Parcipacoes and TeleSudeste Participacoes full consolidation. (3) Telefonica S.A. Including Telesp Participacoes, Tele Sudeste Paticipacoes, TASA, CTC, Telefonica del Peru, Publigulas, CRT Celular and TLD fully consolidated; other Latinamerican subsidiaries consolidated by the equity method. (4) Including work in process
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