
Telefonica SA 25 July 2000 'TELEFONICA, S.A.' and on behalf of this company the General Vice Secretary and Vice Secretary of the Board, Diego Lozano Romeral, in accordance with that stated in article 82 of the Spanish Stock Market Law and that set forth in the Circular Letter 14/1998 of the Spanish Securities Commission of December 28th, 1998, hereby announces the following: On July 12th, 2000, 'Terra Mobile, S.A' - a company in which 'Telefonica Moviles, S.A.' (a wholly-owned 'Telefonica, S.A' subsidiary) holds a 51% stake, and 'Terra Networks, S.A.' (in which the majority stake is held by Telefonica, S.A.) holds a 49% stake - signed a contract for the acquisition of all the shares of the Finnish company IOBOX OY, responsible for the technological development and provision of Internet services for mobiles. The cost of this operation amounts to euros 230 million, although this figure may vary in accordance with the number of employees that continue with the company over the next 30 months. This outcome of this operation depended on whether the IOBOX OY employees accepted, within a 10 day period dating from the day of notification, a new incentive scheme by which they are entitled to the subscription rights on shares that will replace those existing. As this period has now concluded, and all the IOBOX OY employees involved have accepted the offer, the acquisition operation has been executed.
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