Capital Increase, etc.
Telefonica SA
17 July 2000
Jose Maria Mas Millet, acting on behalf of and in the name of TELEFONICA, S.A.
(the 'Company' or 'TELEFONICA'), in his position as Secretary General and
Secretary of the Board of the Company, before the Spanish National Securities
Market Commission
I. The Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company, held on
April 7th, 2000, resolved to increase the Company's share capital by
a nominal amount of up to euros 215,200,000, through the issue of
215,200,00 new ordinary shares of a nominal value of
one (1) euro each, with the total elimination of pre-emptive rights,
in order to address the exchange established for the acquisition of
the ordinary shares, or the securities that represent these, of the
Dutch company Endemol Entertainment Holding N.V. (hereinafter
'ENDEMOL') through a public exchange offer, as well as delegating
in the Board of Directors, which, in turn may delegate in the
Standing Committee or any of the Directors, the execution of the
capital increase in accordance with article 153.1,a) of the Corporate
II. The aforementioned capital increase was resolved subject to the Offer
being effective.
III. This document, in accordance with that stated in article 26 of the
Securities Market Law 24/1988, of July 28th and article 5.2.a) of
Royal Decree 291/1992, of March 27th, regarding Issues and Public
Tender Offers, represents the compulsory Prior Announcement of the
increase in share capital of the Company, stating that the
principal characteristics of this are the following:
1. The Issuer
The issuer of the shares deriving from the capital increase is TELEFONICA, S.A.,
with its head offices in Madrid, c/ Gran Via 28 and registered under Fiscal
Identification Code (CIF) number A-28015865, in the Madrid Mercantile Register,
Volume 12534, Sheet 21 and Page M-6164.
The Company forms part of the Telefonica Group in accordance with that stated in
article 4 of the Securities Market Law, with the Company acting as the head of
this group.
2. Type and characteristics of the shares to be issued and the amount of
the issue
The shares derived from the capital increase are ordinary TELEFONICA shares with
a nominal value of one (1) euro each, of the same series and carrying the same
rights as the remaining TELEFONICA shares currently outstanding, and will
represented by book entries.
The new shares to be issued under the capital increase will be entitled to the
total amount of the dividends to be distributed from the date of the issuance of
The number of shares to be issued under the capital increase is up to
215,200,000 with a nominal value of up to euros 215,200,000. The shares are to
be issued with a premium of euros 2.875 for each share issued, to reach a
maximum total of euros 618,700,000. Therefore, the total figure for the Issue
will stand at a maximum of euros 833,900,000.
The Company will apply for the official listing of these shares on the
four Spanish stock exchanges, as well as their trading on the Automated
Quotation System and their listing on the New York, London, Frankfurt,
Paris, Buenos Aires, Lima, Sao Paulo and the other Brazilian stock
exchanges, and their listing on the Stock Exchange Automated Quotation
System (SEAQ International).
3. Subscribers to whom the issue will be offered
The aim of the capital increase, to which this Announcement refers, is
that of addressing the exchange of the ordinary ENDEMOL shares, deriving
from the Offer launched by TELEFONICA on 34,688,690 ordinary ENDEMOL
shares. Therefore, the holders of ENDEMOL shares that contribute these to
the Offer launched by TELEFONICA will be entitled to the TELEFONICA
shares issued as a result of the capital increase.
The exchange ratio has been set at 6.2033 new TELEFONICA shares for every
ordinary ENDEMOL share.
4. Allotment process
The subscription and payment of the new TELEFONICA shares derived from
the capital increase will be made by the ENDEMOL shareholders that accept
the Offer launched by TELEFONICA.
Once the newly issued TELEFONICA shares have been subscribed and paid in
and the capital increase has been registered on the Mercantile Register,
the exchange of TELEFONICA shares will be made with the acceptors of the
Offer. The exchange will take place approximately ten (10) weekdays, to
be dictated by the Madrid Stock Exchange, dating from the close of the
period for the delivery of the ENDEMOL shares to TELEFONICA.
Bearing in mind that the increase will take place through the exchange of
ENDEMOL shares, no payment will be made by the subscribers to the capital
5. Entities involved in the Issue
All those entities, which in the course of their normal activities form
part of the Spanish Settlement and Clearance Service (SCLV), will take
part in the allotment of the shares derived from, this capital increase.
6. Prospectus of the Issue
TELEFONICA will present the corresponding Abridged Prospectus on the
issue derived from this capital increase, in order for this to be
verified and registered by the Spanish National Securities Commission, in
accordance with that stated in article 5.2.d) of Royal Decree 291/1992.
It is hereby requested that the Spanish National Securities Commission
accept this Prior Announcement regarding the capital increase, and,
having fulfilled the necessary requirements, proceed to register this in
the Commission's corresponding Register.
Madrid, July 14th, 2000
Jose Maria Mas Millet
The distribution of the Offer Document and the making of the Telefonica
Offer in jurisdictions other than the Netherlands, may be restricted by
law and therefore persons into whose possession this Offer Document
comes, should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions.
Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation
of the securities laws of any jurisdiction. Neither Telefonica nor
ENDEMOL assume any responsibility for any violation of such restrictions
by anyone.
United States of America
The Telefonica Offer is not being made, directly or indirectly, in or
into the United States, or by use of the United States mails, or by any
means or instrumentality of United States interstate or foreign commerce,
or any facility of a United States national securities exchange, and the
Telefonica Offer cannot be accepted by any such use, means or
instrumentality to or from within the United States. Accordingly, copies
of the Offer Document and any related materials are not being mailed or
otherwise distributed or sent in or into the United States and persons
receiving such documents (including custodians, nominees and trustees)
must not distribute or send them in, into or from the United States and
doing so will render invalid any related purported acceptance of the
Telefonica Offer.
The Telefonica Shares to be exchanged for ENDEMOL Ordinary Shares
pursuant to the Telefonica Offer have not been, and will not be,
registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, nor under the
laws of any state of the United States and may not be offered, sold,
resold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States
except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of
such Act.
United Kingdom
The Telefonica Offer is not being made, directly or indirectly, in or
into the United Kingdom. Accordingly copies of this Offer Document may
not be distributed, directly or indirectly, to any person in the United
A prospectus in respect to the Telefonica Shares to be exchanged for
ENDEMOL Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Telefonica Offer has not been and
will not be prepared pursuant to the UK Public Offer of Securities
Regulations 1995. Accordingly, the Telefonica Shares may not be sold or
offered, directly or indirectly, to any person in the United Kingdom.