Final Results - Part 2

Telefonica SA 28 February 2002 PART 2 Telefonica Group Market Size Unaudited figures (Thousands) January - December % Chg Weighed (*) % Chg 2001 2000 01/00 2001 2000 01/00 Lines in service 44.955,8 42.263,5 6,4 39.086,1 36.676,5 6,6 In Spain 20.646,9 20.317,8 1,6 20.646,9 20.317,8 1,6 In other countries(1) 24.308,9 21.945,7 10,8 18.439,1 16.358,7 12,7 Cellular customer 32.255,6 24.920,3 29,4 23.658,8 18,400,3 28,6 In Spain 16.793,4 13.669,0 22,9 15.567,5 12.602,8 23,5 In other countries(2) 15.462,2 11.251,3 37,4 8.091,3 5.797,5 39,6 Pay TV Services(3) 1.148,1 982,5 16,9 723,8 633,4 14,3 In Spain 806,4 633,1 27,4 392,1 307,7 27,4 In other countries(3) 341,7 349,4 (2,2) 331,7 325,7 1,8 Total: 78.359,5 68.166,3 15,0 63.468,7 55.710,2 13,9 (*) Weighted by the equity interest in each of the companies. (1) Lines in service: includes all in service as of December 2001 and 2000, for Telefonica de Espana, Telefonica CTC Chile, Telefonica de Argentina, Telefonica del Peru, Telesp and CanTV. (2) Cellular customers: includes all cellular customers, as of December 2001 and 2000, of Telefonica Servicios Moviles Espana, MediTelecom, Telefonica Movil Chile, TCP Argentina, Telefonica Moviles Peru, CRT Celular, TeleSudeste Celular, NewCom Wireless Puerto Rico, Telefonica Moviles Guatemala, Telefonica Moviles El Salvador, Telefonica Moviles Mexico, Quam and CanTV Celular. In December of 2000 the customers of Telefonica Moviles Mexico are not included (3) Pay TV services: includes all pay TV customers, as of December 2001 and 2000, of Via Digital in Spain and Cable Magico in Peru Telefonica Group Selected Financial Data Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December % Chg. 2001 2000 01/00 Operating revenues 31.052,6 28.485,5 9,0 EBITDA 12.804,3 11.918,8 7,4 Operating profit 5.430,3 4.958,0 9,5 Income before taxes 2.033,9 2.867,9 (29,1) Net Income 2.106,8 2.504,8 (15,9) Net income per share 0,46 0,64 (29,0) Avg. No of shares, millions(1) 4.607,2 3.886,8 18,5 Note: The account reflects the alignment of Telefonica assets in Argentina with Telefonica Group's fiscal year. The process translates into inserting the accounts of Telefonica's companies in Argentina for the period January-December 2001 and inserting into the nonrecurrent results the October-December 2000 quarter. (1) Average number of shares of the period. It includes capital increases to fund the acquisition of additional holdings new in Telefonica de Argentina, Telefonica del Peru, Telesp, TeleSudeste, Endemol, ATCO and cellular companies acquired from Motorola, as well as the issuance of new shares with respect to convertible bonds, weighted for the number of days listed. Bonus capital increases charged to reserves, which do not involve any change in the ownership structure, are considered as of 1st of January The total number of shares at the end of the period is 4,671,915,885. Telefonica Group Results by Companies Unaudited figures (Euros in Millions) REVENUES EBITDA OPERATING PROFIT January-December January-December January-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Telefonica de Espana G. 10.220,4 10.182,9 0,4 4.508,1 4.448,4 1,3 1.703,7 1.547,2 10,1 Telefonica Moviles G. 8.411,1 7.401,2 13,6 3.333,7 2.451,4 36,0 2.075,5 1.411,9 47,0 Telefonica Latinoamerica G. 10.137,4 10.371,3 (2,3) 5.163,0 5.359,3 (3,7) 2.537,3 2.705,9 (6,2) Telefonica Data G. 1.849,7 1.123,7 64,6 23,6 75,0 (68,5) (166,2) (16,0) n.s. Terra-Lycos G. 690,0 304,0 127,0 (232,0) (359,3) (35,4) (417,4) (442,8) (5,7) TPI G. 511,7 413,0 23,9 128,8 121,2 6,2 103,3 110,1 (6,2) Admira Media G. 1.403,1 723,9 93,8 152,5 13,6 n.s. 77,1 (35,2) c.s. Atento G. 643,9 526,9 22,2 53,8 25,2 113,1 (35,6) (26,0) 36,9 Other affiliates 1.574,8 1.668,5 (5,6) (120,2) (267,2) (55,0) (336,7) (375,7) (10,4) Eliminations (4.389,5) (4.229,9) 3,8 (207,0) 51,1 c.s. (110,7) 78,5 c.s. Group 31.052,6 28.485,5 9,0 12.804,2 11.918,8 7,4 5.430,3 4.958,0 9,5 Telefonica S.A. Consolidated Income Statement Full Consolidation Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January-December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Operating revenues 31.052,6 28.485,5 9,0 7.969,2 7.730,9 3,1 Internal expend cap. In fixed assets(1) 736,0 951,8 (22,7) 252,2 294,1 (14,2) Operating expenses (18.146,0)(16.883,5) 7,5 (4.819,4) (4.706,1) 2,4 Supplies (7.221,4) (5.985,7) 20,6 (2.105,0) (1.755,9) 19,9 Personnel expenses (5.390,3) (5.111,7) 5,4 (1.421,3) (1.374,4) 3,4 Subcontracts (4.945,5) (5.344,0) (7,5) (1.104,1) (1.452,8) (24,0) Taxes (588,8) (442,0) 33,2 (189,0) (123,0) 53,6 Other operating income (expense) net (838,4) (635,0) 32,0 (279,1) (287,0) (2,7) EBITDA 12.804,3 11.918,8 7,4 3.163,1 3.031,9 4,3 Depreciation and amortization (7.374,0) (6.960,8) 5,9 (1.890,2) (1.912,5) (1,2) Operating profit 5.430,3 4.958,0 9,5 1.272,9 1.119,4 13,7 Profit from associated companies (376,5) (161,3) 133,3 (98,4) (69,4) 41,7 Financial income (expense) net (2.391,1) (1.860,3) 28,5 (1.044,3) (559,5) 86,7 Amortization of goodwill (841,6) (500,6) 68,1 (195,9) (210,4) (6,9) Extraordinary income (expense) net 212,9 431,9 (50,7) 119,9 17,4 587,3 Income before taxes 2.033,9 2.867,9 (29,1) 54,1 297,6 (81,8) Income taxes (198,1) (242,2) (18,2) 456,9 415,6 9,9 Net income before minority interests 1.835,8 2.625,5 (30,1) 511,0 713,2 (28,4) Minority interests 271,0 (120,6) c.s. 4,8 308,0 (98,4) Net income 2.106,8 2.504,8 (15,9) 515,8 1.021,1 (49,5) Average shares (millions)(2) 4.607,2 3.886,8 18,5 4.671,9 4.262,3 9,6 Net income per share 0,46 0,64 (29,0) 0,11 0,24 (53,9) Note: The account reflects the alignment of Telefonica de Argentina's fiscal year with Grupo Telefonica's. The process translates into inserting Telefonica de Argentina's operating accounts for the period January-December 2001 into the nonrecurrent results for the October-December 2000 quarter. (1) Including work in process. (2) Average number of shares of the period. It includes capital increases to fund the acquisition of additional holdings new in Telefonica de Argentina, Telefonica del Peru, Telesp, TeleSudeste, Endemol, ATCO and cellular companies acquired from Motorola, as well as the issuance of new shares with respect to convertible bonds, weighted for the number of days listed. Bonus capital increases charged to reserves, which do not involve any change in the ownership structure, are considered as of 1st of January The total number of shares at the end of the period is 4,671,915,885.' Telefonica S.A. Consolidated Balance Sheet Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) December % Chg. 2001 2000 01/00 Subscribed shares not paid-in 370,1 528,3 (29,9) Long-term assets 63.975,7 66.807,1 (4,2) Start up expenses 730,4 495,5 47 Intangible net assets 16.959,1 16.693,1 (13,9) Fixed net assets 36.606,1 38.722,0 (5,5) Investment 9.680,1 7.896,5 23 Goodwill on consolidation 9.121,0 7.699,4 18 Deferred expenses 710,9 735,0 (3,3) Current assets 12.236,8 16.592,1 (26,2) Inventories 754,1 791,5 (4,7) Accounts receivable 8.004,0 8.527,2 (6,1) Short-term investments 2.308,8 6.094,4 (62,1) Cash and banks 621,9 765,6 (18,8) Others 548,1 413,5 33 Assets = Liabilities 86.414,6 92.361,9 (6,4) Shareholder's equity 25.846,3 25.930,5 (0,3) Minority interests 7.432,4 9.329,8 (20,3) Deferred income 1.145,8 1.442,0 (20,5) Provisions for risks and expenses 5.862,7 6.887,8 (14,9) Accrued taxes payable 1.557,6 1.389,4 12 Long-term debt 26.151,3 23.303,5 12 Short-term debt including current maturities 8.707,9 10.507,9 (17,1) Interest payable 448,7 577,3 (22,3) Others creditors 9.262,0 12.993,6 (28,7) Financial Data Consolidated net debt(1) 28.941,6 26.951,4 7,4 Consolidated debt ratio(2) 42,6% 41,4% 1,2p.p. (1) Net debt: Long-term (excluding debt with minority partners) + Short-term debt including current maturities - Short-term investments - Cash and banks. (2) Debt ratio: Net debt/(Shareholders' equity + Minority interests + Deferred income + Accrued taxes payable + Net debt) Telefonica de Espana Group Selected Operating Data Unaudited figures December % Chg. 2001 2000 01/00 Lines in service (thousands)(1) 20.646,9 20.317,8 1,6% ISDN basic access 810.197 632.466 28,1% ISDN primary access 15.794 13.703 15,3% Lines in service/100 inhabitants(1) 51,8% 51,0% 0,8p.p. ADSL connections 375.816 47.950 683,8% % ADSL coverage 88,2% 73,0% 15,2p.p. Traffic (million of minutes) 138.580 108.068 28.2% Employees 40.856 41.193 (0,8%) Lines/employees(1) 505,4 493,2 2,5 (1) Basic telephony lines (including public telephones, Ibercom, ISDN and connections lines with PABX) Telefonica de Espana Group Operating Revenues (Individual) Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January-December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Revenue derived from usage 5.650,5 5.793,6 (2,5) 1.278,1 1.454,0 (12,1) Local 1.815,3 1.774.2 2,3 455,8 464,7 (1,9) Provincial 563,5 556,7 1,2 139,8 138,4 1,0 Domestic long distance 918,0 1.014,7 (9,5) 217,9 259,9 (16,2) International long distance (outgoing)(1) 641,3 562,9 13,9 131,9 149,4 (11,8) Fixed to mobile 1.478,2 1.559,1 (5,2) 360,7 402,1 (10,3) Interconnection International (Incoming) 294,5 243,5 20,9 70,3 65,5 7,4 Interconnection National Operators(1) 527,7 409,4 28,9 125,6 107,3 17,1 Others(2) (588,0) (326,9) 79,9 (223,9) (133,3) 67,9 Monthly fee 3.341,3 3.074,5 8,7 880,0 777,0 13,3 Connection fee 295,9 318,3 (7,0) 95,9 102,5 (6,5) Customer equipments 304,2 168,7 80,3 103,5 57,6 79,7 Others 239,6 237,8 0,8 75,3 65,5 15,0 Total operating revenues 9.831,5 9.592,9 2,5 2.432,9 2.456,6 (1,0) (1) Net of foreign participation (2) Including discounts, special services, IRIS services and others. Telefonica de Espana Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited (Euros in millions) January-December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Operating revenues 10.220,4 10.182,9 0,4 2.549,8 2.581,8 (1,2) Telefonica de Espana 9.831,5 9.592,9 2,5 2.432,9 2.456,6 (1.0) Others and eliminations 388,9 590,0 (34,1) 116,9 125,2 (6,7) Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 195,1 236,5 (17,5) 64,8 49,8 30,1 Operating expenses (5.703,4) (5.884,8) (3,1) (1.520,4) (1.489,6) 2,1 Other operating income (expense) net (203,9) (86,1) 136,8 (69,4) (75,7) (8,4) EBITDA 4.508,1 4.448,4 1,3 1.024,9 1.066,4 (3,9) Depreciation and amortization (2.804,4) (2.901,2) (3,3) (689,8) (724,4) (4,8) Operating profit 1.703,7 1.547,2 10,1 335,1 342,0 (2,0) Profit from associated companies (1,8) 0,1 c.s. (0,6) 0,0 c.s. Financial income (expense) net (403,1) (480,9) (16,2) (103,5) (102,4) 1,1 Amortization of goodwill (0,6) (0,3) 111,8 (0.1) (0,1) 76,9 Extraordinary income (expense) net 286,1 (806,8) c.s. 121,4 (846,4) c.s. Income before taxes 1.584,2 259,3 510,9 352,3 (606,8) c.s. Income taxes (506,6) (43,6) n.s. (176,2) 188,4 c.s. Net income before minority interests 1.077,6 215,8 399,5 176,1 (418,4) c.s. Minority interests 0,0 0,8 n.s. 0,0 0,7 n.s. Net income 1.077,6 216,6 397,6 176,1 (417,7) c.s. (1) Including works in process Note: TTP has been included on the accounts of Telefonica de Espana, both in 2000 and 2001. Note: Telefonica Sistemas Group and TSIP are not consolidated in Telefonica de Espana, both in 2000 and 2001. Telefonica Latinoamerica Group Selected Operating Data Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January-December 2001 2000 % Chg. Lines in service (thousands) 21.612 19.323 11,8% Telesp 12.616 10.596 19,1% Telefonica de Argentina 4.556 4.310 5,7% Telefonica CTC Chile 2.723 2.701 0,8% Telefonica del Peru (1) 1.716 1.717 (0,1%) ADSL connections 245.919 41.167 497,4% Telesp 198.306 40.888 385,0% Telefonica de Argentina 25.568 0 - Telefonica CTC Chile 14.808 279 n.s. Telefonica del Peru 7.237 0 - % ADSL coverage Telesp 70% - - Telefonica de Argentina 57% - - Telefonica CTC Chile 55% - - Telefonica del Peru 48% - - Total traffic (million of minutes) (2) 119.171 112.990 5,5% Telesp 66.308 59.829 10,8% Telefonica de Argentina 27.224 26.279 3,6% Telefonica CTC Chile 16.825 17.439 (3,5%) Telefonica del Peru 8.815 9.443 (6,6%) Employees 26.738 30.293 (11,7%) Telesp 10.529 12.783 (17,6%) Telefonica de Argentina 8.668 8.836 (1,9%) Telefonica CTC Chile 3.899 5.007 (22,1%) Telefonica del Peru 3.642 3.667 (0,7%) Lines/Employees (3) 804 368 26,0% Telesp 1.198 829 44,5% Telefonica de Argentina 526 488 7,8% Telefonica CTC Chile 803 586 37,0% Telefonica del Peru 471 488 0,6% Note: Data for Telefonica CTC Chile correspond to its fixed telephony and Sonda Businesses. Data for Telefonica de Argentina refer to the period January- December 2001. (1) Including the lines in service of CABLENET (2) Including local, DLD and ILD minutes in cumulative terms to December 01. (3) Considering the employees of the fixed telephony business Telefonica Latinoamerica Group Companies Financial Data Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January-December 2001 2000 % Chg. Telesp Operating revenues 4.343,9 4.326,6 0,4 EBITDA 2.305,7 2.394,2 (3,7) EBITDA margin 53,1% 55,3% (2,3p.p.) Telefonica de Argentina (1) Operating revenues 2.981,0 3.153,0 (5,5) EBITDA 1.522,9 1.747,2 (12,8) EBITDA margin 51,1% 55,4% (4,3p.p.) Telefonica CTC Chile Operating revenues 1.421,3 1.492,9 (4,8) EBITDA 600,6 538,5 11,5 EBITDA margin 42,3% 36,1% 6,2p.p. Telefonica del Peru Operating revenues 1.341,7 1.311,9 2,3 EBITDA 657,1 691,4 (5,0) EBITDA margin 49,0% 52,7% (3,7 p.p.) Note: EBITDA before management fees Note: Data for Telefonica de Argentina include the ISP business of Advance, while those of Telefonica CTC Chile and Telefonica del Peru include Sonda and CableMagico, respectively. (1) The data for Telefonica de Argentina refer to the period January-December 2001. Telefonica Latinoamerica Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited (Euros in millions) January-December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Operating revenues 10.137,4 10.371,3 (2,3) 2.531,7 2.840,3 (10,9) Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets(1) 212,5 218,6 (2,8) 69,1 61,7 11,9 Operating expenses (4.719,6) (4.928,6) (4,2) (1.144,1) (1.337,9) (14,5) Other operating income (expense) net (467,3) (302,1) 54,7 (150,1) (152,3) (1,4) EBITDA 5.163,0 5.359,3 (3,7) 1.306,6 1.411,9 (7,5) Depreciation and amortization (2.625,7) (2.653,4) (1,0) (682,5) (756,1) (9,7) Operating profit 2.537,3 2.705,9 (6,2) 624.1 655,8 (4,8) Profit from associated companies 8,4 (2,9) c.s. 0,9 (9,1) c.s. Financial income (expense) net (1.318,5) (1.047,0) 26,1 (721,5) (268,1) 169,1 Amortization of goodwill (86,6) (53,6) 61,7 (27,0) (14,8) 81,9 Extraordinary income (expense) net 164,6 (331,4) c.s. 150,7 (230,3) c.s. Income before taxes 1.305,1 1.272,1 2,6 27,2 133,4 (79,6) Income taxes 136,2 (286,1) c.s. 455,8 55,4 723,3 Net income before minority interests 1.441,3 985,9 46,2 483,0 188,8 155,8 Minority interests (166,4) (538,5) (69,1) (59,4) (44,2) (34,0) Net income 1.274,9 447,4 185,0 423,6 144,6 193,0 Note: The account reflects the alignment of Telefonica de Argentina's fiscal year with Grupo Telefonica's. The process translates into inserting Telefonica de Argentina's operating accounts for the period January-December 2001 into the nonrecurrent results for the October-December 2000 quarter. (1) Including Works in process Note: Financial statements for 2000 include only the fixed telephony assets of the Telefonica Latinoamericana Group as of 1 January, and the entire stake acquired in the 2000 takeover round. Telefonica Moviles Group Selected Operating Data Unaudited figures (Thousands) CELLULAR CUSTOMERS % Chg. Weighted December - 2001 01/00 % Partic(1) T Moviles Espana 16.793 22,9% 15.568 Celular CRT 1.785 22,9% 632 TeleSudeste Celular 3.028 21,0% 3.302 TeleLeste Celular 822 21,9% 82 TCP Argentina 1.794 2,1% 1.629 T Moviles Peru 1.087 21,0% 978 TEM El Salvador 239 3,7% 102 TEM Guatemale 157 10,3% 74 NewCom Wireless Puerto Rico (2) 187 25,3% - Telefonica Moviles Mexico 1.212 n.s. 1.124 Medi Telecom 1.113 16,0% 315 Telefonica Movil Chile (3) 1.570 28,2% 685 Quam 8 n.s. 0 Total Managed 29.794 28,3% 23.490 (1) Number of lines weighted for the Telefonica Group's stake in each company. (2) Managed by TEM (3) Managed by TEM and part-owned by the Telefonica Group. Telefonica Moviles Group Selected Operating Data Unaudited figures (Thousands) January-December 2001 2000 % Chg. Cellular subscribers 16.793 13.669 22,9 Contract 5.299 4.767 11,2 Prepaid 11.494 8.902 29,1 Subscribers net adds in year to data (a) 3.124 4.617 (32,3) Contract 533 1.220 (56,4) Prepaid 2.592 3.397 (23,7) TME Penetration (b) 40,5% 32,4% 8,1 p.p. Total airtime minutes, in millions (a) 26.735 21.013 28,2 Employees 4.372 3.982 9,8 (a) January-December accumulated data. (b) Telefonica Moviles Espana cellular lines / 100 inhabitants Telefonica Moviles Group: Participated Companies Selected Operating Data Unaudited figures (Thousands) January-December 2001 2000 %Chg. Europe and Mediterranean area customers 17.914 14.184 26,3 Contract 5.369 4.788 12,1 Prepaid 12.537 9.396 33,4 Latin America Customers (1) 10.124 7.656 32,2 Contract 3.255 3.007 8,2 Prepaid 6.869 4.649 47,7 Total minutes (2) 37.244 29.407 26,7 (1) Includes only Telefonica Moviles participations (2) January-December accumulated minutes of the TEM consolidated companies Telefonica Moviles Group Selected Financial Data Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January-December 2001 2000 % Chg. Telefonica Moviles Espana Operating Revenues 5.736,0 4.796,5 19,6 EBITDA 2.816,3 1.790,6 57,3 EBITDA Margin 49,1% 37,3% 11,8 p.p. Brazilian Companies (1) Operating Revenues 1.206,1 1.359,1 (11,3) EBITDA 448,4 475,1 (5,6) EBITDA Margin 37,2% 35,0% 2,2 p.p. Telefonica Moviles Mexico (2) Operating Revenues 279,4 n.a. n.s. EBITDA 10,4 n.a. n.s. EBITDA Margin 3,7% n.a. n.s. TCP Argentina (3) Operating Revenues 724,9 773,7 (6,3) EBITDA 109,0 107,2 1,7 EBITDA Margin 15,0% 13,9% 1 p.p. Telefonica Moviles Peru Operating Revenues 276,7 247,5 11,8 EBITDA 89,3 89,9 (0,7) EBITDA Margin 32,3% 36,3% (4,06 p.p.) T. Moviles Guatemala and El Salvador Operating Revenues 198,9 193,8 2,6 EBITDA 26,6 25,0 6,1 EBITDA Margin 13,4% 12,9% 0,4 p.p. (1) TeleSudeste Celular and CRT Celular (2) July-December period (3) The data for TCP Argentina refer to the period January-December 2001. Telefonica Moviles Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited (Euros in millions) January-December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Operating revenues 8.411,1 7.401,2 13,6 2.242,6 1.925,9 16,4 Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets(1) 128,6 137,1 (6,2) 45,0 89,7 (49,8) Operating expenses (5.029,4) (4.942,6) 1,8 (1.424,3) (1.404,5) 1,4 Other operating income (expense) net (176,5) (144,3) 22,3 (58,9) (26,8) 119,8 EBITDA 3.333,7 2.451,4 36,0 804,4 584,3 37,7 Depreciation and amortization (1.258,2) (1.039,5) 21,0 (312,6) (297,1) 5,2 Operating profit 2.075,5 1.412,0 47,0 491,8 287,3 71,2 Profit from associated companies (119,2) (97,0) 22,9 (23,2) (28,9) (19,9) Financial income (expense) net (328,1) (296,1) 10,8 (91,5) (76,2) 20,1 Amortization of goodwill (53,8) (29,5) 82,6 (23,4) (7,7) 205,0 Extraordinary income (expense) net (100,7) (58,2) 73,1 (22,8) (49,5) (54,1) Income before taxes 1.473,8 931,3 58,3 330,9 124,9 164,9 Income taxes (628,8) (320,0) 96,5 (133,4) (30,9) 331,4 Net income before minority interests 845,0 611,3 38,2 197,5 94,0 110,2 Minority interests 48,4 (20,6) c.s. 25,7 9,5 170,0 Net income 893,4 890,7 51,2 223,2 103,5 115,7 (1) Including works in process Note: Financial statements for 2000 include all the mobile telephony assets held by the Telefonica Moviles Group as of 1 January, and the entire stake acquired in the 2000 takeover round. Telefonica Moviles Mexico is only consolidated in the second half of 2001. Telefonica Data Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited (Euros in millions) January-December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg. 2001 2000 % Chg. Operating revenues 1.849,7 1.123,7 64,6 484,2 302,0 60,4 Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets(1) 21,1 36,1 (41,4) 12,2 30,1 (59,3) Operating expenses (1.841,6) (1.077,5) 70,9 (504,1) 330,3 52,6 Other operating income (expense) net (5,7) (7,3) (22,6) (1,6) (1,2) 36,0 EBITDA 23,6 75,0 (68,5) (9,2) 0,5 c.s. Depreciation and amortization (189,8) (91,0) 108,5 (54,9) (19,8) 177,9 Operating profit (166,2) (16,0) 935,8 (64,1) (19,2) 233,7 Profit from associated companies (5,0) (1,1) 369,3 (5,7) (2,2) 158,1 Financial income (expense) net (58,7) (10,7) 448,6 (22,4) (8,2) 173,5 Amortization of goodwill (101,3) (6,1) n.s. (37,9) (2,2) n.s. Extraordinary income (expense) net (272,8) (23,7) n.s. (272,1) (27,9) n.s. Income before taxes (604,1) (57,6) n.s. (402,2) (59,7) 573,7 Income taxes 56,2 1,2 n.s. 45,5 11.5 297,5 Net income before minority interests (547,9) (56,5) n.s. (356,7) (48,2) 639,2 Minority interests 61,7 7,3 n.s. 17,4 0,3 n.s. Net income (486,2) (49,1) n.s. (339,3) (47,9) 607,7 (1) Including works in process Note: 2000 figures have been restated to include ETI and Telefonica Sistemas, which were previously part of Telefonica Intercontinental and Telefonica de Espana Group respectively. Include all the data assets of the companies of Telefonica Group. Additionally, Telefonica Data ISP business is no longer been consolidated both in 2000 and 2001. Admira Media Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg 2001 2000 % Chg Operating revenues 1.403,1 723,9 93,8 397,2 391,0 1,6 Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 0,3 0,3 20,5 0,2 0,0 271,4 Operating expenses (1.258,0) (709,0) 77,4 (333,3) (358,5) (7,0) Other operating income (expense) net 7,1 (1,5) c.s. 6,3 4,8 31,4 EBITDA 152,5 13,6 n.s. 70,3 37,4 88,3 Depreciation and amortization (75,4) (48,8) 54,5 (17,4) (17,1) 2,0 Operating profit 77,1 (35,2) c.s. 52,9 20,3 160,7 Profit from associated companies (184,5) (86,1) 114,3 (72,0) (27,5) 161,7 Antena 3 TV 22,8 56,9 (60,0) 6,4 23,0 (72,2) Via Digital (162,6) (123,4) 31,7 (59,8) (25,4) 135,3 Others (44,7) (19,6) 127,8 (18,6) (25,2) (25,9) Financial income (expense) net (113,6) (79,4) 43,0 (40,4) (36,8) 10,0 Amortization of goodwill (114,8) (93,8) 22,4 (32,9) (33,3) (1,2) Extraordinary income (expense) net (69,6) (606,5) (88,5) (10,3) (648,4) (98,4) Income before taxes (405,4) (901,1) (55,0) (102,7) (725,6) (85,8) Income taxes 58,0 221,5 (73,8) 26,8 171,7 (84,4) Net income before minority interests (347,4) (679,6) (48,9) (76,0) (553,9) (86,3) Minority interests 0,2 52,2 n.s (11,5) 29,2 c.s. Net income (347,3) (627,4) (44,7) (87,4) (524,7) (83,3) (1) Including works in process Terra-Lycos Group Selected Operating Data Unaudited figures December 2001 December 2000 ISP Customers, in millions (1) 4,4 4,1 Average daily page vies (mill.) 504 350 Unique Visitors (mill.) 111 94 (1) Without Lycos-Europe Terra-Lycos Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg 2001 2000 % Chg Operating revenues 690,0 304,0 127,0 163,4 165,0 (1,0) Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 2,5 1,0 157,1 2,1 (0,8) c.s Operating expenses (901,9) (649,1) 39,0 (201,9) (253,1) (20,2) Other operating income (expense) net (22,5) (15,2) 47,9 (5,3) (10,8) (51,3) EBITDA (232,0) (359,3) (35,4) (41,7) (99,6) (58,2) Depreciation and amortization (185,5) (83,5) 122,1 (54,5) (32,7) 66,5 Operating profit (417,4) (442,9) (5,7) (96,2) (132,4) (27,3) Profit from associated companies (181,7) (59,3) 206,7 (8,7) (41,6) (79,1) Financial income (expense) net 126,3 35,8 252,9 29,7 28,6 3,6 Amortization of goodwill (383,5) (203,6) 88,4 (63,2) (115,1) (45,1) Extraordinary income (expense) net (74,9) (134,2) (44,2) (43,4) (128,5) (66,2) Income before taxes (931,3) (804,2) 15,8 (181,8) (388,8) (53,2) Income taxes 363,3 248,1 46,4 88,4 118,9 (25,7) Net income before minority interests (567,9) (555,9) 2,2 (93,5) (269,9) (65,4) Minority interests 1,6 0,7 133,9 0,5 0,2 218,5 Net income (566,3) (555,2) 2,0 (93,0) (269,7) (65,5) (1) Including works in process Note: operating leases not included in EBITDA TPI Group - Yellow Pages Operating figures in Spain Non-Audited data December 2001 2000 % Var Books Published Yellow Pages 64 (1) 62 White Pages 61 61 (Euro million) Revenue Breakdown Advertising 353,9 322,3 9,8 Publishing 334,0 312,1 7,0 Yellow Pages 275,7 256,9 7,3 White Pages 2) 56,5 53,6 5,4 Other 1,8 1,6 11,9 Internet 16,8 7,8 114,6 Operator Assisted Yellow Pages 3,1 2,4 27,3 Operator (3) 25,6 26,2 (2,4) Other (4) 4,3 28,2 (84,8) (1) It includes new Residential - Professional split in Madrid capital and Sevilla (2) It does not include Telefonica's White Pages advertising revenues contribution to 2000's total revenues (3) It includes revenues from the Basic Reference Guide (4) It includes Telefonica's White Pages advertising revenues in year 2000, telephone traffic revenues, waste paper and sales of printed books TPI-Paginas Amarillas Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg 2001 2000 % Chg Operating revenues 511,7 413,0 23,9 136,4 148,9 (8,4) Operating expenses (382,9) (291,7) 31,2 (100,2) (107,2) (6,5) EBITDA 128,8 121,2 6,2 36,2 41,8 (13,4) Depreciation and amortization (25,5) (11,1) 129,7 (9,3) (3,8) 147,7 Operating profit 103,3 110,1 (6,2) 26,8 38,0 (29,4) Profit from associated companies (1,7) (0,1) n.s (0,9) 0,0 n.s Financial income (expense) net (10,8) (0,9) n.s (2,2) (0,3) 623,3 Amortization of goodwill (2,2) (0,2) n.s (0,5) (0,2) 200,0 Consolidation adjustments 1,7 0,0 n.s 1,7 0,0 n.s Extraordinary income (expense) net (0,3) (1,7) (85,5) (0,6) (2,0) (71,2) Income before taxes 90,1 107,2 (16,0) 24,4 35,5 (31,3) Income taxes (33,7) (38,2) (11,8) (9,5) (12,7) (25,1) Net income before minority interests 56,4 69,0 (18,3) 14,8 22,9 (35,1) Minority interests 8,5 3,2 169,5 3,6 1,7 115,6 Net income 64,5 72,2 (10,1) 18,5 24,5 (24,8) Directories of Telefonica Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg 2001 2000 % Chg Operating revenues 619,5 607,7 2,0 198,1 244,2 (18,9) Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 0,0 (1,9) c.s. (13,5) (19,7) (31,5) Operating expenses (444,9) (450,6) (1,3) (117,2) (171,3) (31,6) Other operating income (expense) net (48,6) (41,6) 16,9 (23,9) (25,2) (5,1) EBITDA 126,1 113,7 10,9 43,4 28,0 55,4 Depreciation and amortization (29,7) (19,2) 54,3 (10,1) (9,0) 12,1 Operating profit 96,4 94,4 2,1 33,3 18,9 76,0 Profit from associated companies (1,7) (1,4) 20,9 (0,9) (0,9) 3,5 Financial income (expense) net (15,2) (11,8) 28,4 (2,8) (5,7) (51,5) Amortization of goodwill (0,5) (0,0) n.s. 1,3 (0,0) c.s. Extraordinary income (expense) net (6,9) (3,6) 92,9 (7,0) (3,9) 79,3 Income before taxes 72,2 77,6 (7,0) 23,9 8,4 184,8 Income taxes (33,4) (38,3) (12,8) (9,1) (10,8) (15,9) Net income before minority interests 38,9 39,3 (1,1) 14,8 (2,3) c.s. Minority interests 9,2 15,7 (41,5) 2,8 14,9 (81,0) Net income 48,0 55,0 (12,6) 17,7 12,6 40,5 (1) Including works in process Note: Including all Telefonica Group directories businesses as of 1 January 2000 Atento Group Consolidated Income Statement Unaudited figures (Euros in millions) January - December October-December 2001 2000 % Chg 2001 2000 % Chg Operating revenues 643,9 526,9 22,2 172,3 165,5 4,2 Internal expend capitalized in fixed assets (1) 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,1 n.s. Operating expenses (588,1) (495,7) 18,7 (155,4) (161,9) (4,0) Other operating income (expense) net (1,9) (6,0) (67,9) (0,0) (5,2) (99,3) EBITDA 53,8 25,2 113,1 16,9 (1,6) c.s. Depreciation and amortization (89,4) (51,3) 74,4 (29,8) (19,8) 50,8 Operating profit (35,6) (26,0) 36,9 (12,9) (21,4) (39,5) Profit from associated companies 0,0 0,0 n.s. 0,0 0,0 n.s. Financial income (expense) net (57,5) (37,8) 52,1 (13,8) (12,0) 15,3 Amortization of goodwill (8,4) (7,1) 18,9 (2,1) (4,2) (50,1) Extraordinary income (expense) net (32,2) (78,4) (59,0) (13,6) (74,9) (81,9) Income before taxes (133,7) (149,3) (10,5) (42,4) (112,5) (62,3) Income taxes 20,8 37,3 (44,1) 4,6 33,1 (86,0) Net income before minority interests (112,9) (112,0) 0,7 (37,8) (79,4) (52,4) Minority interests 3,4 0,3 n.s 1,7 0,3 438,5 Net income (109,5) (111,8) (2,0) (36,1) (79,1) (54,3) (1) Including works in process This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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