Notarial Deed Signed

Telefonica SA 21 February 2001 SIGNIFICANT EVENT TELEFONICA, S.A., in accordance with that stated in article 82 of the Spanish Stock Market Law hereby informs of the following: The notarial deed for the formalizing and execution of the increase in share capital of 'Telefonica, S.A.' in the nominal amount of Euros 31,504,244 has today, February 20th, 2001, been signed. This increase will take place through the issue of the same number of ordinary shares of the same class and series and carrying the same rights as those Company shares already outstanding, with an issue premium of four euros per share. These new shares have been subscribed and totally paid-in, through cash payments, by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) and Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (La Caixa), Each of these two companies has taken half of the shares, acting as the agent bank for the stock options plan 'TIES' for the Telefonica Group's employees, in order to cover the option given to these within the aforementioned plan. As a consequence of the execution of the capital increase, as authorized by the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of April 7th, 2000, the share capital of 'Telefonica, S.A' now stands at Euros 4,460,152,265, divided in an equal number of shares of the same series and of a nominal value of one euro each, which are totally paid-in. The above mentioned deed will be immediately presented for its registering on the Madrid Mercantile Register, and, once this has been registered, the application for the listing of the new shares will be presented to the stock exchanges where the Company's shares are already traded. Madrid, February 20th, 2001
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