Organisational and Functional Restructuring

Telefonica SA 13 January 2000 PUBLIC NOTICE TELEFONICA, S.A., pursuant to Section 82 of the Securities Market Law and Circular 2/1993, of July 3, hereby notifies the Spanish National Securities Market Commission, of the following RELEVANT ACT The Board of Directors of TELEFONICA, S.A. has agreed, in the meeting held on the date hereof, to continue with the organisational and functional restructuring of the company by business branches enlarging it to mobile phone services and to data transmission business and to offer to the shareholders of its subsidiaries TELECOMUNICAC0ES DE SAO PAULO, S.A. - TELESP, TELE SUDESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, S.A., TELEFONICA DE ARGENTINA, S.A. y TELEFONICA DEL PERU, S.A.A. the exchange of their shares and American Depositary Shares ('ADSs') in these companies for shares of TELEFONICA, S.A. to be issued pursuant to the corresponding share capital increases. The Board of Directors has also agreed to call an Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on February 4, 2000 in second call (if, as is foreseen, it is not held in first call on the previous day) to approve six share capital increases, four of them to address the exchange of shares and the other two to allow the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of CEI CITICORP HOLDINGS, S.A. ('CEI') and 70% of the share capital of ATLANTIDA COMUNICACIONES, S.A. ('ATCO') as informed in the public notice circulated on January 3, 2000, besides some other resolutions. Among the adopted resolutions, and as a previous step to the above mentioned offers, it is been agreed to apply for, pursuant to the delegation resolution passed by the Shareholders' Meeting of 1997, the admission to listing of TELEFONICA's shares or the securities representing such shares (ADSs or Brazilian Depository Receipts BDRs-) in the main Stock Exchanges of Brazil, Argentina and Peru. The Board of Directors has also agreed the appointment of Mr. Luis Martin de Bustamante and Mr. Antonio Viana-Baptista as new Directors in substitution of Mr. Javier Revuelta and Mr. Juan Perea. It is attached hereto, as Annex 1, the Agenda of the Shareholders Meeting, as Annex 2, a press notice regarding the organisational and functional restructuring and the offers, a summary of the most important aspects of such offers, as Annex 3 and a summary of the most important aspects of the share capital increases for the acquisition of CEI and ATCO as annex 4. Madrid, January 12, 2000 ANNEX 1 Agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting of TELEFONICA, S.A. to be held on February 3, 2000 in first call and on February 4, 2000 in second call First. Ratification and appointment of Directors Second.Increase of share capital for a nominal value of 432,159,596 euros, through the issue and circulation of 432,159,596 new ordinary shares of one (1) euro of nominal value each, an issue price of 1,191% of its nominal value, with a share premium of 10.91 euros per share, which will be subscribed and totally paid up through non cash contributions which consist of ordinary or preferred shares of TELECOMUNICACOES DE SAO PAULO, S.A.- TELESP, or in securities which represent them (American Depositary Shares, 'ADS') in order to attend to the established contribution for the acquisition, through public offer of exchange of said shares or securities agreed by TELEFONICA, S.A. Total exclusion of the preferred subscription right and contemplation of an incomplete subscription. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with the faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties to determine the conditions of the capital increase not contemplated by the General Meeting's resolutions, to carry out any necessary action for its execution, to modify Article 5 of the By-laws according to the new amount of the share capital and to grant any private or public documents necessary for the execution of the capital increase. Application of listing of the new shares in the national or international exchanges, in the required form for each one. Third. Increase of share capital for a nominal value of 102,889,652 euros, through the issue and circulation of 102,889,652 new ordinary shares of one (1) euro of nominal value each, an issue price of 399.5 % of its nominal value, with a share premium of 2.995 euros, per share, which will be subscribed and totally paid up through non cash contributions which consist of ordinary or preferred shares of TELE SUDESTE CELULAR PARTICIPAC0ES, S.A, or in securities which represent them (American Depositary Shares, 'ADS') in order to attend to the established contribution for the acquisition through public offer of exchange of said shares or securities agreed by TELEFONICA, S.A. Total exclusion of the preferred subscription right and contemplation of an incomplete subscription. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with the faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties to determine the conditions of the capital increase not contemplated by the General Meeting's resolutions, to carry out any necessary action for its execution, to modify Article 5 of the By-laws according to the new amount of the share capital and to grant any private or public documents necessary for the execution of the capital increase. Application of listing of the new shares in the national or international exchanges, in the required form for each one. Forth. Increase of share capital for a nominal value of 172,037,573 euros, through the issue and circulation of 172,037,573 new ordinary shares of one (1) euro of nominal value each, an issue price of 912.9 % of its nominal value, with a share premium of 8.129 euros per share, which will be subscribed and totally paid up through non cash contributions which consist of ordinary or preferred shares of TELEFONICA DE ARGENTINA, S.A., or in securities which represent them (American Depositary Shares, 'ADS') in order to attend to the established contribution for the acquisition through public offer of exchange of said shares or securities agreed by TELEFONICA, S.A. Total exclusion of the preferred subscription right and contemplation of an incomplete subscription. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with the faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties to determine the conditions of the capital increase not contemplated by the General Meeting's resolutions, to carry out any necessary action for its execution, to modify Article 5 of the By-laws according to the new amount of the share capital and to grant any private or public documents necessary for the execution of the capital increase. Application of listing of the new shares in the national or international exchanges, in the required form for each one. Fifth. Increase of share capital for a nominal value of 85,464,976 euros, through the issue and circulation of 85,464,976 new ordinary shares of one (1) euro of nominal value each, an issue price of 907.2 % of its nominal value, with a share premium of 8.072 euros per share, which will be subscribed and totally paid up through non cash contributions which consist of ordinary or preferred shares of TELEFONICA DEL PERU, S.A. , or in securities which represent them (American Depositary Shares, 'ADS') in order to attend to the established contribution for the acquisition through public offer of exchange of said shares or securities agreed by TELEFONICA, S.A. Total exclusion of the preferred subscription right and contemplation of an incomplete subscription. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with the faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties to determine the conditions of the capital increase not contemplated by the General Meeting's resolutions, to carry out any necessary action for its execution, to modify Article 5 of the By-laws according to the new amount of the share capital and to grant any private or public documents necessary for the execution of the capital increase. Application of listing of the new shares in the national or international exchanges, in the required form for each one. Sixth. Increase of share capital for a nominal value of 19,500,000 euros, through the issue and circulation of 19,500,000 new ordinary shares of one (1) euro of nominal value each and a share premium which will be determined according to the provision of Art 159.1 c) in fine of the Commercial Law ('Ley de Sociedades Anonimas'), by the Board of Directors on the execution date of the resolution and with an amount that in any case will be established between a minimum of 5.5 euros and a maximum of 6.5 euros. The new shares will be subscribed and totally paid up through non cash contributions which consist of shares of the companies Vigil Corp, S.A and Ambit, S.A. Total exclusion of the preferred subscription right and contemplation of an incomplete subscription. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with the faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties to determine the conditions of the capital increase not contemplated by the General Meeting's resolutions, to carry out any necessary action for its execution, to modify Article 5 of the By-laws according to the new amount of the share capital and to grant any private or public documents necessary for the execution of the capital increase. Application of listing of the new shares in the national or international exchanges, in the required form for each one. Seventh. Increase of share capital for a nominal value of 110,000,000 euros, through the issue and circulation of 110,000,000 new ordinary shares of one (1) euro of nominal value each and a share premium which will be determined according to the provision of Art 159.1 c) in fine of the Commercial Law ('Ley de Sociedades Anonimas') by the Board of Directors on the execution date of the resolution and with an amount that in any case will be established between a minimum of 10 euros and a maximum of 13 euros. The new shares will be subscribed and totally paid up through non cash contributions which consist of shares of the company CEI Citicorp Holdings, S.A. Total exclusion of the preferred subscription right and contemplation of an incomplete subscription. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with the faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties to determine the conditions of the capital increase not contemplated by the General Meeting resolutions, to carry out any necessary action for its execution, to modify Article 5 of the By-laws according to the new amount of the share capital and to grant any private or public documents necessary for the execution of the capital increase. Application of listing of the new shares in the national or international exchanges, in the required form for each one. Eighth. Delegation to the Board of Directors, with faculty of substitution by the Standing Committee or by any of the Managing Directors, of the proper faculties of rectification, development and execution of the adopted resolutions in the General Meeting. Granting of faculties to execute the resolutions of capital increase in the order and at the moment that is estimated convenient within the one year period established in Art. 153.1 (a) of the Commercial Law ('Ley de Sociedades Anonimas'), the execution of any increase not being conditioned to the execution of the others. Granting of faculties for the formalization of resolutions. ANNEX 2 Press notice regarding the organisational and functional restructuring and the Offers TELEFONICA SA ANNOUNCES THE PUBLIC TENDER FOR 100% OF THE SHARES OF TELESP, TELESUDESTE CELULAR, TELEFONICA DE ARGENTINA AND TELEFONICA DEL PERU, IN A STOCK FOR STOCK TRANSACTION TELEFONICA LAUNCHES TWO NEW GLOBAL BUSINESSES: TELEFONICA MOVILES AND TELEFONICA DATACORP * Telefonica Moviles will cover all mobile operations, becoming the sixth largest mobile group in the world. * Telefonica DataCorp will be the world's second largest Data/IP specialized player. * The Board of Directors will propose the issuance of the new Telefonica stock at an extraordinary shareholders meeting to be held on February 4. * Telefonica adapts its organizational structure to develop the business model launched two years ago. Madrid, January 12, 2000 - The Board of Directors of Telefonica has approved today the creation of two new global businesses, further developing the business model launched nearly two years ago. Following in the steps of Terra TPI-Paginas Amarillas and Telefonica Media, the first two having already earned the support from the markets, two new global businesses are now being launched: * Telefonica Moviles, grouping all of Telefonica's Mobile Communications businesses worldwide, and present in Spain, Latin America, Europe and the Magreb will become the world's sixth largest Mobile Group worldwide with close to 14 million customers and with good expectations for future growth. This company will be responsible for accelerating business development worldwide as well as for entering the European market by acquiring UMTS licenses. Luis Martin de Bustamante, until today Chief Executive Officer of Telefonica de Espana, will become the Executive Chairman of this global company. * Telefonica DataCorp, grouping all Data Communications and Integrated Business Solutions for major corporate customers in Spain, Latin America and Europe, will become the world's second largest Data/IP specialized player by revenues. Antonio Viana-Baptista Chief Executive Officer of Telefonica Internacional (TISA), will become Chairman of the company, with Guillermo Fernandez Vidal as its Chief Executive Officer. In so doing, Telefonica develops further the business model that it initiated nearly two years ago, stressing the differentiated management of the Group's businesses and capturing the full value creation potential from each one of them by globalizing high growth businesses (Moviles, Terra, DataCorp, TPI-Paginas Amarillas), developing new businesses and optimizing more mature businesses, such as Wireline Communications. To accelerate the development and globalization of these new businesses, the Board of Directors has approved the launch of an all-stock Public Tender for 100% of the shares of Telesp, TeleSudeste Celular in Brazil, Telefonica de Argentina and Telefonica del Peru. The exchange ratio implies a premium of 40% over the average market price during the last five trading days, to be adjusted for exchange purposes. The Board of Directors has approved proposing the issue of new stock, to an Extraordinary General Shareholder's Meeting to be held on February 4. Telefonica S.A. will request a listing of its shares on the Stock Exchanges of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Lima. By doing so, Telefonica wishes to extend the benefits of its global project to the shareholders of these Latin American companies by offering them the possibility to participate in the future growth of its global businesses, becoming shareholders of one of the world's leading companies, the clear leader in its natural market of 550 million Spanish and Portuguese speaking people. The exchange ratios will be the following: 1. Comp 2. Exchange ratio any 3. Telefo 15 shares of Telefonica for every 90 shares of Telefonica Argentina. nica 5 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 90 shares 'B' of Telefonica Argentina de 5 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 9 ADSs of Telefonica de Argentina Argen (2) ina 4. Telesp 36 shares of Telefonica for every 46,000 ordinary shares of Telesp. 48 shares of Telefonica for every 37,000 preference shares of Telesp. 12 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 46,000 ordinary shares of Telesp. 16 ADSs of Telefonica(l) for every 37,000 preference shares of Telesp. 16 ADSs of Telefonica(l) for every 37 ADSs of Telesp (3). Tele Sudeste 12 shares of Telefonica for every 54,000 ordinary shares of Celular Tele Sudeste Celular. 24 shares of Telefonica for every 55,000 preference shares of Tele Sudeste Celular. 4 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 54,000 ordinary shares of Tele Sudeste Celular. 8 ADSs of Telefonica(l) for every 55,000 preference shares of Tele Sudeste Celular. 8 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 11 ADSs of Tele Sudeste Celular (4). Telefonica 7 ADSs of Telefonica (1) for every 290 shares 'B' or 'C' of del Peru Telefonica del Peru. 7 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 29 ADSs of Telefonica del Peru(5). (1) 1 ADS = 3 ordinary shares. (2) 1 ADS = 10 ordinary shares. (3) 1 ADS = 1,000 preference shares. (4) 1 ADS = 5,000 preference shares. (5) 1 ADS = 10 ordinary shares. The Board of Directors also approved the creation of Telefonica B2B as a new business line to accelerate the development of this growing market opportunity in close collaboration with Terra and Telefonica DataCorp. Also, Juan Perea will depart from the Board of Directors to focus exclusively on the development and growth of Terra Networks and Luis Martin de Bustamante and Antonio Viana-Baptista have been appointed new members of the Board of Directors. Antonio Viana-Baptista will, in addition, assume responsibility for all Wireline Businesses in Latin America and for the Carrier's Carrier business (submarine cable). To cover the vacant post left by Luis Martin de Bustamante in Telefonica de Espana, Julio Linares, until today General Manager for Strategy and Technology, has been appointed Chairman and CEO of Telefonica de Espana. The creation of these new global businesses will allow Telefonica to continue growing and creating value for its shareholders. TELEFONICA DE ARGENTINA. OPERATING AND FINANCIALS HIGHLIGHTS. Million US$ Fiscal year ended 09/30/1999 (1) Operating Revenues 3,399 EBITDA before Management fee 1,873 EBITDA margin before Management fee 55% Net Income 456 Total Assets 7,010 Fixed lines in service (000) 3,934 Lines in service per employee 386 Cellular subscribers (000) 840 (1) TASA's fiscal year extended from October 98 to September 99. TELESP 2). OPERATING AND FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Million US$ Fiscal year ended Nine months ended 12/31/98 09/30/1999 Operating Revenues 3,527 1,911 EBITDA before Management fee 2,075 1,177 EBITDA margin before Management fee 59% 62% Net Income 584 180 Total Assets 12,804 8,076 Fixed fines in service (000) 6,409 7,690 Lines in service per employee 338 490 (2) Telesp figures before the corporate Restructuring that took place in the fourth quarter of 1999. TESUDESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES. OPERATING AND FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Million US$ Fiscal year ended Nine months ended 12/31/98 09/30/1999 Operating Revenues 795 618 EBITDA before Management fee 244 80 EBITDA margin before Management fee 31 13% Net Income 152 6.5 Total Assets 1,129 942 Cellular subscribers (000) 772 1,573 TELEFONICA. DEL PERU. OPERATING AND FINANCIALS HIGHLIGHTS. Million US$ Fiscal year ended Nine months ended 12/31/98 09/30/1999 Operating Revenues 1,255 933 EBITDA before Management fee 707 584 EBITDA margin before Management fee 56% 63% Net Income 213 121 Total Assets 3,353 3,187 Fixed lines in service (000) 1,556 1,669 Lines in service per employee 326 391 Cellular subscribers (000) 504 667 'The exchange offers and other transactions described above require regulatory or other government approvals in Spain, the United States, Brazil, Argentina and Peru, including authorizations or other actions by securities commissions in each of the jurisdictions. Telefonica intends to file promptly the documentation required to obtain these approvals and authorizations, including registration statements relating to the Telefonica shares and ADSs to be offered. Telefonica will make available to investors more information about its proposals as the various governmental filings are made. Commencement of each of the offers relating to each company will be delayed until all approvals for that company have been obtained and the related United States registration statements have been declared effective.' ANNEX 3 Summary of the relevant terms of the offers 1. Companies which are the object of the Tender Offers The Board of Directors of TELEFONICA, S.A ('TELEFONICA') has agreed to make tender offers for the acquisition of the shares representing the total share capital of the Brazilian companies TELECOMUNICACOES DE SAO PAULO, S.A. - TELESP ('TELESP'), TELE SUDESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, S.A. ('TELE SUDESTE'), of the Argentinean company TELEFONICA DE ARGENTINA, S.A. ('TASA') and of the Peruvian company TELEFONICA DEL PERU, S.A.A. ('TdeP') (jointly, the 'Offers' and the 'Target Companies'). The Target Companies are currently participated in by TELEFONICA, either through wholly owned subsidiaries of TELEFONICA or through holding companies mainly participated in by TELEFONICA. Therefore, the shares or securities representing the shares of the Target Companies which are held, directly or indirectly, by TELEFONICA, will not be the object of the corresponding offers. 2. Jurisdiction and structure The Offers will be subject to the legal requirements applicable in each of the countries where the Target Companies are incorporated. Brazil, Argentina and Peru. Furthermore, due to the fact that part of the shareholders of the Target Companies are U.S. residents and that part of the shares of the Target Companies are listed in the New York Stock Exchange as American Depositary Shares ('ADSs'), the American legal requirements will also be applicable to the Offers. Due to some differences in the different laws applicable to this transaction, each of the Offers will be instrumented by a double proceeding: (i) an offer directed to the holders of ADSs listed in the New York Stock Exchange, independent of their residence, and to the holders of shares and securities representing such shares who are U.S. residents ('U.S. Offers'), governed by the laws of the United States, and (ii) an offer directed to the holders of shares or securities representing such shares who are not U.S. residents ('Local Offers'), governed by Brazilian, Argentinean or Peruvian laws, as the case may be. 3. Structure: increase of share capital and exchange of shares In order to attend to the established compensation for each of the Offers, the Board of Directors of TELEFONICA has agreed, in the same meeting in which it approved such Offers, to call an Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting of TELEFONICA to be held on February 3, 2000, in first call, or on February 4, 2000, in second call, to resolve the proposals of share capital increase in the following amounts: (1) In order to attend to the established contribution for the TELESP Offer, a nominal value of 432,159,596 euros, through the issue and circulation of 432,159,596 shares, of one (1) euro of nominal value each. (2) In order to attend to the established contribution for the TELE SUDESTE Offer, a nominal value of 102,889,652 euros, through the issue and circulation of 102,889,652 shares. (3) In order to attend to the established contribution for the TASA Offer, a nominal value of 172,037,573 euros, through the issue and circulation of 172,037,573 shares. (4) In order to attend to the established contribution for the TdeP Offer, a nominal value of 85,464,976 euros, through the issue and circulation of 85,464,976 shares. The share capital increases are independent among themselves, and they can be executed by the Board of Directors in the order considered appropriate. The execution or non-execution of any of them will not affect the others. The final number of shares to be subscribed will be such number, in accordance with the exchange ratios, resulting from the number of acceptances of the different Offers and from their liquidation, the incomplete subscription of the share capital increases being expressly contemplated, in order to adjust the amount of the share capital increase to the acceptances of the corresponding Offers. The compensation for each of the share capital increases will fully consist of contributions in kind to the capital of TELEFONICA, such contributions being made up of the shares or, as the case may be, AD5s representing shares of TELESP, TELE SUDESTE, TASA and TdeP whose holders accept the Offers. 4. Effectiveness of the 0ffers The effectiveness of each of the Offers is subject to the following conditions: (a) 'that no significant disruption affecting the normal operation of the Madrid or New York Stock Exchanges or any other local markets on which the Target Companies have their shares listed should occur, that implies the suspension or material limitation in trading of these shares'. (b) that the quote value of the TELEFONICA share in the Spanish Automated Quotation Market at the end of any session does not decrease by a percentage equal to or greater than 25% of the quote value at the end of the session of the date of the present resolution. (c) that, at the end of any session, the value of the stock exchange index of the Spanish Market (IBEX), expressed in euros, or the value of the stock exchange index of the main Stock Exchange of the country of origin of the Target Companies, expressed in U.S. dollars, does not decrease by a percentage equal to or greater than 25% of the quote value at the end of the session of the date of the present resolution. (d) that no other specific circumstances occur which mean an adverse significant change and as will be defined in the documentation of the corresponding Offers. Additionally, the people empowered for the execution of each of the Offers will be able to desist if any of the pertinent authorisations for the effectiveness of the Offers, including, among others, those of the registration of TELEFONICA and its securities with the regime of public offer and listing, those necessary for the making of the Offers and the exchange authorisations, have not been obtained within 90 days since the date of this resolution. The occurrence of any of the circumstances to which their effectiveness is subjected before the liquidation date of the Offers, will empower TELEFONICA and, on its behalf, its administration bodies and those empowered in relation with each of the Offers, to desist from the Offer, ceasing its effects. In any case, the effectiveness of each of the Offers is conditioned to the approval by the Shareholders' General Meeting of TELEFONICA of the share capital increase with the preferred subscription exclusion necessary for the foreseen title exchange. 5. Exchange ratios The exchange ratios will be the following: Company Exchange ratio Telefonica de 15 shares of Telefonica for every 90 shares of Telefonica Argentina Argentina 5 ADSs of Telefonica(l) for every 90 shares 'B' of Telefonica Argentina. 5 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for each 9 ADSs of Telefonica de Argentina(2). Telesp 36 shares of Telefonica for every 46,000 ordinary shares of Telesp. 48 shares of Telefonica for every 37,000 preference shares of Telesp. 12 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 46,000 ordinary shares of Telesp. 16 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 37,000 preference shares of Telesp. 16 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 37 ADSs of Telesp(3). Tele Sudeste 12 shares of Telefonica for every 54,000 ordinary shares of Celular Tele Sudeste Celular. 24 shares of Telefonica for every 55,000 preference shares of Tele Sudeste Celular. 4 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 54,000 ordinary shares of Tele Sudeste Celular. 8 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 55,000 preference shares of Tele Sudeste Celular. 8 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 11 ADSs of Tele Sudeste Celular(4). Telefonica 7 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 290 shares 'B' or 'C' of del Peru Telefonica del Peru. 7 ADSs of Telefonica(1) for every 29 ADSs of Telefonica del Peru(5). (1) 1 ADS = 3 ordinary shares. (2) 1 ADS = 10 ordinary shares. (3) 1 ADS = 1,000 preference shares. (4) 1 ADS = 5,000 preference shares. (5) 1 ADS = 10 ordinary shares. ANNEX 4 Proposal of resolution of share capital increase for the indirect acquisition of Atlantida Comunicaciones, SA. (ATCO) and Compania Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (COINTEL) As made public through a public notice submitted to the National Securities Market Commission on January 3, 2000, TELEFONICA has entered into strategic agreements with the U.S. fund Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated and with the Argentinean group known as Vigil Group for the distribution of the assets belonging to the Argentinean companies Compania Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, SA, Torneos y Competencias, S.A., Atlantida Comunicaciones, S.A. and AC Inversora, S.A. In connection with the above, the Board of Directors has agreed to submit to the Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting the following proposals of share capital increase: 1. A share capital increase through contributions in kind, of a nominal value of 19,500,000 euros, though the issue and circulation of 19,500,000 new ordinary shares. The new shares will be fully subscribed and paid up by contributions in kind consisting of shares of Vigil Corp, S.A. and Ambit, S.A. The contributions will entail the indirect acquisition by TELEFONICA of 40% of the share capital of Atlantida Comunicaciones, S.A. ('ATCO'). 2. A share capital increase through contributions in kind, for a nominal value of 110,000,000 euros, though the issue and circulation of 110,000,000 new ordinary shares. The new shares will be fully subscribed and paid up by contributions in kind consisting of shares of CEI Citicorp Holdings, S.A. The shares will entail the indirect acquisition by TELEFONICA of 50% of the Compania de Inversiones en Telecomunicaciones, S.A. which owns 51% of the share capital of Telefonica de Argentina, S.A. and an additional 30% of ATCO. In answer, any queries that arise regarding the information in the Relevant Act announced about and particularly in relation with the effectiveness of the offers stated in paragraph (a), point 4 of Annex 3 (Summary of the relevant terms of the Offers), we consider that further information should be provided regarding the achieving of the aforementioned effectiveness. In any event, such condition is subject to the provisions to be incorporated in the offers pursuant to the resolutions passed by the Board of Directors: (a) 'that no significant disruption affecting the normal operations of the Madrid or New York Stock Exchanges or any other local markets on which the Target Companies have their shares listed should occur, that implies the suspension or material limitation in trading of these shares'.
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