Re Agreement

Telefonica SA 9 April 2001 'TELEFONICA, S.A.', in accordance with that stated in article 82 of the Spanish Stock Market Law, hereby announces the following. SIGNIFICANT EVENT TELEFONICA, S.A. and IBERDROLA, S.A. have reached an agreement by which, once the necessary authorizations have been granted, TELEFONICA, S.A. will acquire all the share participations held by the IBERDROLA group in the Brazilian operators in which both groups are shareholders. The share exchange ratios foreseen are as follows: a) In exchange for all the shares held by IBERDROLA INVESTIMENTOS, SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, LDA., representing 3.48 per cent of the total share capital of SP TELECOMUNICACOES HOLDING, S.A. (the holding that controls TELECOMUNICACOES DE SAO PAULO, S.A. -TELESP-), 6,638,157 TELEFONICA, S.A. shares will be given. b) In exchange for all the shares held by IBERDROLA INVESTIMENTOS, SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, LDA, representing 7 per cent of the total share capital of TBS CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, S.A. (the holding that controls CELULAR CRT PARTICIPACOES S.A.), 1,493,902 TELEFONICA S.A. shares will be given. c) In exchange for all the shares held by IBERDROLA INVESTIMENTOS, SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, LDA., representing 7 per cent of the total share capital of SUDESTECEL PARTIPACOES, S.A.(the holding that controls TELE SUDESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, S.A.), and the 104 ordinary shares and 6 preference shares held by TELESUDESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, SA, 3,693,775 TELEFONICA, S,A. shares will be given. d) In exchange for all the shares held by IBERDROLA INVESTIMENTOS, SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, LDA, representing 62.02 per cent of the total share capital of IBEROLESTE PAPTICIPACOES, S.A.(the holding that controls TELE LESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, S.A.), 6,526,736 TELEFONICA, S.A. shares will be given. e) In exchange for all the shares held by IBERDROLA ENERGIA, S.A., representing 0,74 per cent of the total share capital of TELE LESTE CELULAR PARTIPACOES, S.A., 171,587 TELEFONICA, S.A. shares will be given. f) In exchange for all the shares held by IBERDROLA ENERGIA DO BRASIL, LTDA., representing 2.64 per cent of the total share capital of TELE LESTE CELULAR PARTICIPACOES, S.A., 612,149 TELEFONICA, S.A. shares will be given. The total number of shares from TELEFONICA, S.A.'s treasury stock to be given to the IBERDROLA Group stands at 19,136,307, representing an approximate amount of US$ 313 million. Regarding the share participation held by IBERDROLA ENERGIA, S.A. in CELULAR CRT PARTICIPACOES, S.A., representing 0.66 per cent of this same company's total share capital, this will be offered in the Public Offering already announced by TELEFONICA MOVILES, S.A. This operation comes within TELEFONICA, S.A.'s strategy of raising its share participation in those operators it already controls, with the intention of attributing these assets to its business lines.
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