Result of Meeting

Telefonica SA 7 February 2000 OUTCOME OF TELEFONICA'S GENERAL EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL SHAREHOLDER'S MEETING The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on February 4th, at second call, approved all the proposals that the Board of Directors had agreed to submit to the deliberation and approval of the aforementioned Meeting. Included in point 1 of the Agenda, the Meeting approved the naming of the following, as Company Board members for the five year period set forth in the by laws: Luis Martin de Bustamante Vega, Jose Maria Mas Millet and Antonio Viana-Baptista, who will take up the vacancies resulting from the resignations presented by Javier Revuelta del Peral, Juan Antonio Sargadoy Bengoechea and Juan Perea Saenz de Buruaga. The Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting was accordingly constituted, as previously mentioned, at second call, with the attendance, present or represented, of the holders of 1,330,330,423 shares, presenting 40.77% of the Company's share capital. Finally, all the resolutions were approved by a majority higher than 2/3 of the shares present or represented at the Meeting. Madrid, February 7th, 2000
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