Stmnt re Press Comment

Telefonica SA 9 January 2001 'TELEFONICA, S.A.', in accordance with that stated in article 82 of the Spanish Stock Market Law, hereby announces the following: SIGNIFICANT EVENT In relation with the news that has appeared in a certain newspaper regarding a possible corporate action between Terra Networks, S.A. and TPI-Paginas Amarillas, S.A., both controlled by Telefonica, S.A., the Company would like to stress that despite the fact that numerous investment banks have, unilaterally and with no previous request having been made, presented multiple projects on possible corporate actions, no corporate body with any power of decision regarding the two companies mentioned has analysed nor considered, in any way whatsoever, the possibility of a corporate action between Terra Networks S.A. and TPI-Paginas Amarillas, S.A. Should the case arise, the CNMV would be informed immediately. Madrid, January 9th 2001.
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