UMTS Bidding Process

Telefonica SA 24 January 2001 'TELEFONICA, S.A' and 'TELEFONICA MOVILES S.A' hereby announce to the National Spanish Securities Commission (CNMV) the following SIGNIFICANT EVENT Telefonica Moviles S.A. and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux have decided not to take part in the UMTS bidding process in France. Neither of these two companies consider that the price of the licenses reflect the market's current situation, given that the most recently awarded UMTS licenses in Europe (Austria, Italy and Switzerland) has shown a clear downward price trend, coinciding with the revaluation by investors of the mobile sector. Telefonica Moviles S.A. and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux intend to jointly continue researching development opportunities in the communications sector in France. In witness thereof, it is requested to the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores) that, acknowledging this document, admits it in Madrid, January 24, 2001. D.Diego Lozano Romeral D.Antonio Hornedo Muguiro Non-director Vicesecretary Non-director Vicesecretary of the Board of Telefonica S.A of the Board of Telefonica Moviles S.A
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