TeliaSonera January-December 2006

TeliaSonera January-December 2006 TeliaSonera reports record earnings in 2006 Full year · Net sales increased 3.9 percent to SEK 91,060 million (87,661). · EBITDA, excluding non-recurring items, reached SEK 32,266 mil-lion (29,411) and the margin improved to 35.4 percent (33.6). · Operating income, excluding non-recurring items, increased to SEK 26,751 million (20,107). · Net income increased to SEK 19,283 million (13,694) and earnings per share rose 48 percent to SEK 3.78 (2.56). Net income was im-pacted by positive one-off items amounting to approximately SEK 1.7 billion. Net income was record high, even excluding these one-off items. · Free cash flow increased to SEK 16,596 million (15,594). · Strong subscription growth with 1.5 million new subscriptions in the majority-owned operations and 14.4 million new subscriptions in the associated companies. · Total proposed dividend of SEK 6.30 per share (3.50), including ordinary and extraordinary dividends, equaling a total of SEK 28,290 million (15,717). Fourth quarter · Net sales increased 1.4 percent to SEK 23,187 million (22,876) driven by strong revenue growth in International Mobile and ac-quisitions in the home markets. In local currencies net sales in-creased 3.9 percent. · EBITDA, excluding non-recurring items, increased to SEK 7,766 million (7,098) and the margin improved to 33.5 percent (31.0). · Operating income, excluding non-recurring items, increased to SEK 6,504 million (4,890). · Net income totaled SEK 4,538 million (3,342) and earnings per share rose 48 percent to SEK 0.90 (0.61). · Free cash flow was SEK 2,865 million (3,191). Questions regarding content in the reports: TeliaSonera AB Investor Relations SE-106 63 Stockholm, Sweden Tel. +46 8 504 550 00 Fax +46 8 611 46 42
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