8 September 2023
Office of the Company Secretary Level 41, 242 Exhibition Street
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AFR Article 7 September 2023
In accordance with the Listing Rules, the following statement by Telstra Group Limited is provided for the information of Telstra Corporation Limited noteholders.
Telstra refers to an article ("Telstra leans into IT services; prepares binding offer for Versent") published on the Australian Financial Review's website at 8pm on 7/09/2023, that reported Telstra was preparing to table an offer to purchase Versent, a cloud consulting company.
Telstra confirms it is participating in the process. References to the value of the offer are speculative. There is no certainty a transaction involving Telstra will eventuate; should a transaction be finalised Telstra will update the market accordingly.
Authorised for release by:
Sue Laver
Company Secretary