Interim Results
Temple Bar Investment Trust PLC
24 July 2001
Chairman's statement
Post tax revenues for the six months to 30 June were £7.385m representing an
increase of 10.0% on the equivalent period last year. Although revenues have
remained robust, this increase does include some benefit from higher cash
holdings, and should therefore not be seen as an indication of the expected
outturn for the year.
Temple Bar has for the last five years sustained a dividend increase of 10%
per annum, well in excess of its peer group and indeed the equity market as a
whole. The directors have reviewed carefully the Trust's ongoing dividend
policy taking into account its current strong revenues and reserves, but also
recognising the wider economic pressures that are emerging, and the need for
the managers to retain the ability to hold lower yielding shares when
appropriate. Taking all these factors into account the board has determined
that the interim dividend should be raised by 6% to 7.98p per ordinary share.
This compares with a current rate of inflation of 1.9%. The board fully
recognises the importance of income to shareholders and believes that this
move will enhance the capacity of the Trust to continue its long term record
of income growth and in the absence of unforeseen circumstances it
anticipates that the final dividend will be increased by a similar percentage.
The interim dividend will be paid on 28 September 2001 to those shareholders
on the register on 17 September 2001.
Turning now to the asset performance, I am pleased to report a further most
satisfactory result for the first half of the year with total assets rising by
0.77% whereas the All Share Index produced a negative capital return of 8.57%.
It is also worth comparing performance against the FTSE Higher Yield Index
which rose by 1.65% reflecting the continued rehabilitation of the more value
orientated sectors of the market.
The lack of progress by equities so far this year can clearly be attributed to
the more widespread economic slowdown we are experiencing. Whilst the telecom
and technology sectors have dominated the headlines in terms of trading
disappointments, it was always going to be a severe leap of faith to assume
that the rest of the economy would remain unscathed. Not surprisingly a range
of other sectors are now starting to be affected, although the consumer
related industries provide a notable exception because of low unemployment and
falling interest rates.
Investor nervousness means that the safe haven status of defensive higher
yielding shares has had growing appeal, and the core of the Trust's portfolio
continues to benefit from this uncertainty. We have, however, been willing to
reduce some defensive stocks which we believe have performed a little too
strongly - in the Retail sector for example. New investment has been
concentrated in very specific situations where defensive earnings are not
being recognised, such as Gallaher, Lattice and Northern Foods. We have found
it very difficult to justify a significant move into the more technology
orientated sectors even after their spectacular falls.
That there are some disturbing features about the current economic environment
is not in doubt. The sheer speed of the decline in business confidence, the
lack of visibility in earnings forecasts and the still high valuations across
many sectors invite concern, as does the over optimistic belief that monetary
easing is going to solve what has been, after all, a business rather than
consumer induced slowdown. However, two points are worth considering.
Firstly, many of the uncertainties have at least been recognised, with the
prevailing wisdom now being noticeably more bearish. Secondly, we believe
that a distinction should be drawn between the outlook for the market as a
whole, which is faced with some major international problems, and the Trust's
24 July 2001 Ronald Scott Brown
Twenty largest holdings
at 30 June 2001
Company Valuation % of
£'000 portfolio
BP 25,094 5.98
Glaxo Smith Kline 21,187 5.05
Lloyds TSB 18,324 4.37
Shell Transport & Trading 15,236 3.63
Boots 13,746 3.27
Prudential 12,624 3.01
Cable & Wireless 11,581 2.76
Safeway 10,229 2.44
Rank 10,017 2.39
Rio Tinto 9,553 2.28
Marks & Spencer 9,432 2.25
HSBC 9,212 2.19
British Telecom 9,193 2.19
Lattice 9,084 2.16
Astra Zeneca 8,860 2.11
Halifax 8,613 2.05
Gallaher 7,945 1.89
Bass 7,929 1.89
Rolls-Royce 7,804 1.86
Diageo 7,528 1.79
233,191 55.56
Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account)
of the group
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
Six Six months
months ended
ended 30 30 June
June 2001 2000
(unaudited) (unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on 4 - 2,081 2,081 - 51 51
Income 5 9,384 - 9,384 8,666 - 8,666
Investment (452) (452) (904) (337) (337) (674)
Other (195) - (195) (280) - (280)
return 8,737 1,629 10,366 8,049 (286) 7,763
costs and
Interest (1,140) (1,140) (2,280) (1,140) (1,140) (2,280)
Return on
ordinary 7,597 489 8,086 6,909 (1,426) 5,483
Taxation (212) 212 - (193) 193 -
Return on
ordinary 7,385 701 8,086 6,716 (1,233) 5,483
Ordinary (4,612) - (4,612) (4,352) - (4,352)
Transfers 2,773 701 3,474 2,364 (1,233) 1,131
Return 12.78p 1.21p 13.99p 11.62p (2.13)p 9.49p
Dividend 7.98p 7.53p
Year ended
31 December 2000
Revenue Capital Total
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments 4 - 22,223 22,223
Income 5 17,357 - 17,357
Investment management fee (687) (687) (1,374)
Other expenses (574) - (574)
Net return before finance costs
and taxation 16,096 21,536 37,632
Interest payable (2,279) (2,280) (4,559)
Return on ordinary activities
before taxation 13,817 19,256 33,073
Taxation (389) 383 (6)
Return on ordinary activities
after taxation 13,428 19,639 33,067
Ordinary dividends (13,541) - (13,541)
Transfers to reserves (113) 19,639 19,526
Return per ordinary share 23.24p 33.98p 57.22p
Dividend per ordinary share 23.43p
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
30 June 30 June 31
2001 2000 December
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Cash flow from operating activities 8,727 7,301 14,279
Return on investments and servicing of finance
Interest paid (2,280) (2,280) (4,559)
UK tax (paid)/recovered (110) (107) 268
Capital expenditure and financial
investment 6,155 (6,467) 17,737
Purchases of investments (105,810) (59,875) (123,048)
Sales of investments 111,965 53,408 140,785
Equity dividends paid (9,189) (8,351) (12,703)
Cash inflow/(outflow) before management of
liquid resources and financing
3,303 (9,904) 15,022
Management of liquid resources
Money market deposits (placed)/withdrawn (5,553) 9,830 (7,430)
(Decrease)/increase in cash (2,250) (74) 7,592
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in
net debt
(Decrease)/increase in cash (2,250) (74) 7,592
Cash used to increase/(decrease) liquid 5,553 (9,830) 7,430
Change in net debt 3,303 (9,904) 15,022
Net debt at 1 January (31,227) (46,249) (46,249)
Net debt at 30 June (27,924) (56,153) (31,227)
Consolidated summary balance sheet
at 30 June 2001
30 June 2001 30 June 2000 31 December
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Investments 419,752 428,757 424, 437
Net current assets 35,639 4,765 27,480
Amounts falling due after one year (63,000) (63,000) (63,000)
Net assets 392,391 370,522 388,917
Attributable to ordinary shareholders 392,391 370,522 388,917
Net asset value per ordinary share: 678.96p 641.12p 672.95p
Notes to the interim results
1. Principal activity
The principal activity of the Company remains that of an investment trust.
The principal activity of its trading subsidiary is investment dealing.
2. Recharges to capital and accounting policies
One half of the management fee and interest payable on the debenture stocks is
charged to the revenue account and the other half is charged to capital
reserves, net of corporation tax relief, and inclusive of any related
irrecoverable value added tax.
The unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared on a basis
consistent with the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2000.
3. Dividend
The interim dividend of 7.98p (2000, 7.53p) per ordinary share will absorb
£4,611,898 and will be paid on 28 September 2001 to shareholders registered on
17 September 2001.
4. Gains on investments
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net realised gains on sales 27,145 8,519 29,817
Net decrease in unrealised (25,064) (8,468) (7,594)
Gains on investments 2,081 51 22,223
5. Income
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
UK dividends net of tax credits 7,704 6,963 13,774
Income from UK fixed interest
securities 903 1,087 2,003
Scrip dividends 87 177 459
Bank interest 690 331 955
Underwriting commission - - 15
Dealing profit - 108 151
9,384 8,666 17,357
6. Comparative figures
The information for the year ended 31 December 2000 does not constitute
statutory accounts, but has been extracted from the latest published audited
accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report
of the auditors on those accounts contained no qualification or statement
under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
7. Publication
This interim report is being sent to shareholders and copies will be made
available to the public at the registered office of the Company.