Preliminary Results

Teather & Greenwood Holdings PLC 28 June 2000 Teather & Greenwood Holdings plc Preliminary results for the year ended 30 April 2000 HIGHLIGHTS Turnover £30.9 million (1999: £12.3 million) Profit before taxation £9.7 million (1999: £1.9 million) Earnings per share 74.4 pence per share (1999: 16.9 pence per share) Diluted earnings per share 69.7 pence per share (1999:13.8 pence per share) Dividend per share 4.0 pence (1999: 1.5 pence per share) Excellent progress in all business areas Board changes Application will be made for move to the Official Listof The London Stock Exchange Two-for-one bonus share issue Jeremy Delmar-Morgan, Chairman of Teather & Greenwood Holdings plc, comments: 'The Group continues to develop into a rounded financial services organisation capable of accommodating the variety of requirements of its corporate, institutional and private clients. In parallel, the Directors seek to develop a complementary mix of revenue streams in order to reduce risk and potential earnings volatility 'The current year has started well, building upon the success of the past two years. Whilst Teather & Greenwood Limited is not immune to any unforeseen down-turns in corporate activity or stockmarket volumes, the Directors believe that based upon the current outlook and spread of activities, the Group is well placed for the future'. The full statement and results are attached. For further information, please contact: Teather & Greenwood Holdings plc 020 7426 9000 Jeremy Delmar-Morgan, Chairman Ken Ford, Chief Executive Brian Rowbotham, Finance Director Tim Davis, Director of Corporate Affairs For more information on Teather & Greenwood Limited and its services, please visit the company's website: Note to Editors: Teather & Greenwood Limited is one of the UK's leading independent stockbrokers, providing institutional sales and research coverage of significant UK and international equities. It also has teams specialising in closed-end funds, contracts for difference and bonds and fixed-interest instruments. In addition, it provides corporate finance, institutional sales, research and market making services for an increasing number of growing smaller and mid-cap public companies. Private clients are offered discretionary, advisory and execution-only broking services and a range of tax-efficient products. Teather & Geenwood Limited is the principal operating company of Teather & Geenwood Holdings plc, which is listed on the Alternative Investment Market. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Introduction The results for the year ended 30 April 2000 show further excellent progress by the Group's principal operating company, Teather & Greenwood Limited. This follows the announcement in April that the outcome for the year would be significantly ahead of market expectations. The announcement in April also covered a number of changes to the Group Board, which are detailed below together with some additional changes; and the Board's intention to move the Group to the Official List which is confirmed today. In addition, the Board announces today a two-for-one share bonus issue. All of these developments are happening as planned and are testament to the continued and profitable evolution of the Group as it grows into a broadly-based financial services organisation. Financial highlights Profit before taxation increased almost five- fold to £9.7 million (1999: £1.9 million). All of the company's incomeearning business areas improved their contributions substantially, maintaining a balanced growth in profits. The results also reflect the disposal of the remaining properties from the former NRP plc property portfolio. The cash proceeds of £1.05 million have been reinvested in the expansion of Teather & Greenwood Limited. Earnings per share rose to 74.4 pence per share (1999: 16.9 pence per share). Diluted earnings per share were 69.7 pence per share (1999: 13.8 pence per share). The Board is recommending a net dividend of 4.0 pence per share (1999: 1.5 pence per share), payable on 11 August 2000 to shareholders on the register at 11 July 2000. Strategy The Group continues to develop into a rounded financial services organisation capable of accommodating the variety of requirements of its corporate, institutional and private clients. In parallel, the Directors seek to develop a complementary mix of revenue streams in order to reduce risk and potential earnings volatility. To facilitate further growth, Teather & Greenwood Limited continues with its planned programme of recruiting high calibre individuals, the majority of whom are either direct, or indirect revenue earners who specialise in areas that the Board believe have excellent growth prospects. Equally, investment has been made in improving other key operational areas, such as financial controls, information technology and support services. Whilst the Board will evaluate appropriate acquisition opportunities, it continues to research possible new and complementary business areas, including fund management, agency broking of fixed-interest instruments and on-line trading, with a view to recruiting the best people from those industries to grow new areas of business and revenue streams. Move to the Official List Application will be made for the existing ordinary shares to be admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. The Board believe that a full listing will further enhance the Group's reputation in all business areas and assist with the process of attracting and retaining key staff. It is anticipated that dealings on the Official List will commence on 12 July 2000. Bonus Issue To improve the marketability of the Group's shares, it is proposed that each shareholder is issued with two additional bonus shares for each ordinary share held as at 4 August 2000. The bonus issue is subject to shareholder approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Dealings in the bonus shares are expected to commence on 7 August 2000. Directors and staff In April, the following changes to the Teather & Greenwood Holdings plc board were announced, effective 1 May 2000: Derek Boothman, formerly Non-executive Chairman, has become Non- executive Deputy Chairman. He has been succeeded as Executive Chairman by myself, the former Chief Executive and Ken Ford, previously Managing Director, has become Chief Executive. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Derek Boothman for his leadership and wise counsel during a period of significant transformation for the Group. We are delighted that we shall continue to benefit from his contribution. More recently, Peter Grice, who has worked for the company since 1961, as a partner since 1982 and as a Director since 1998, and John Reeve, a Non-executive Director since 1996, have indicated their intentions to retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. We all thank them both for their considerable contributions over many years. I am delighted to report the proposed appointment of Nick Stagg as a non-executive director. He is the Group Managing Director of Lambert Smith Hampton plc, one of the UK's leading property consultants. On behalf of the Board, I have great pride in thanking each and every member of staff for their commitment, enthusiasm and contributions to Teather & Greenwood Limited's success. Everybody can be justifiably proud of their achievements and the reputation that the firm is developing. Outlook The current year has started well, building upon the success of the past two years. Whilst Teather & Greenwood Limited is not immune to any unforeseen down-turns in corporate activity or stockmarket volumes, the Directors believe that based upon the current outlook and spread of activities, the Group is well placed for the future. Jeremy Delmar-Morgan Chairman 27 June 2000 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW Trading overview Teather & Greenwood Limited's three main areas of operations - institutional (institutional sales and equities research), corporate finance and private clients - have all shown excellent growth during the year, both in terms of contribution to the financial results, new business generated and their overall development as businesses. Our emphasis remains on organic growth, principally through recruiting the best personnel who are highly respected within their areas of expertise and who can directly, or indirectly, generate revenues from an early stage. The success of the company in recent years, the growth of its reputation and its clear areas of specialisation has and continues to assist this process of attracting talented individuals. In parallel, further progress has been made in pursuit of our policy of introducing new, complementary services and to managing risk in all areas of the business. Close attention is also paid to containing operating costs and to improving efficiency. Institutional Department Institutional sales The 19-strong institutional sales team, supported by dealers and sales traders, had a very successful year, producing an increased contribution to the financial results and making good progress in developing the institutional client base, both in the UK and overseas. The department also benefited from the recruitment of several high quality individuals and new specialist teams. In each case, the individuals concerned have excellent reputations and demonstrable track-records of profitability. The existing closed-end fund team was expanded to seven, with the addition of specialists in split capital investment trusts and corporate finance. A team of four specialising in contracts for difference, or margin trading on stocks, also joined. During the period, Teather & Greenwood Limited became a member of the European Securities Network. This is an affiliation of European investment banks and stockbrokers cooperating in the development and distribution of pan European research and sales. Although it is early days in the relationship, it is believed that it will, over time, generate worthwhile new business across the company. Equities Research The 22 analysts and a production team of four cover the following industry sectors and sub- sectors: banks and other financials, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, construction and building materials, closed-end funds and investment trusts, electronics and electrical equipment, engineering, fine art dealers, general retailers and food and drug retailers, insurance and life insurance, media, oil and gas, real estate, restaurants, pubs, breweries and leisure, smaller companies, technical analysis, technology and telecommunications. Appointments are currently being sought for analysts to cover additional sectors. The research team is to be complimented on the quality of its product that not only covers corporate clients, but also, increasingly, non- corporate clients. The department's policy is to develop coverage in medium size and larger companies, which is proving very fruitful in terms of widening Teather & Greenwood Limited's institutional client base. For the second year running, the quality of its smaller company coverage has been recognised with the 1999 AIM Awards Best Research award. Corporate Finance Department This department had a very successful and profitable year and won a number of important new corporate clients, bringing the total to 73. The department retains its specialisation of advising growing smaller and mid-cap companies, which remains a buoyant area in terms of corporate activity and flow of transactions. To put a scale on their success, in the year under review, the department advised on 35 transactions and raised approximately £340 million on behalf of clients. It acted as sponsor or nominated adviser in seven flotations and as stockbroker in ten flotations. Its resources were boosted in January with the recruitment of a team of three specialising in mergers and acquisitions. Their focus is upon developing private company advisory and merger, acquisition and disposal business, areas the Directors have pinpointed as offering significant potential, both within the existing client base and elsewhere. The smaller companies sales team increased its numbers to ten, whilst the three-strong market making team expanded its coverage to 55 stocks, a number that will increase in the current year. Private Client Department This department expanded its numbers to 35 to cater both for new clients won and to improve service levels to existing clients. Earlier this month, the appointments were announced of two senior recruits who have strengthened significantly the management team. The department advises a wide range of individuals, families, private and charitable trusts and pension funds on an advisory and increasingly, on a discretionary basis. Funds on which the company advises or manages stood at £3.4 billion (1999: £2.2 billion) The tax-efficient solutions team had an outstanding year. As well as attracting substantial new investment into TG Portfolios, Teather & Greenwood Limited's tax relief portfolio service, the department acted as Promoter or Sponsor to four new issues, raising in excess of £50 million. Support services Further investment has been made in information technology, ensuring that the company's systems are of the required standards and capacity to accommodate the existing workload and planned growth. Recruitment has been made in the areas of finance and compliance, administration, human resources, corporate communications and corporate client investor relations. Premises In November of last year, Teather & Greenwood Limited moved to much larger and more modern offices within the City of London. This was a necessary investment to accommodate the needs of a growing business and to provide more appropriate facilities for employees and clients. Summary Teather & Greenwood Limited has enjoyed strong growth. It has established an excellent reputation within its target markets and plenty of potential for further growth is evident. The Directors believe that with a clear and proven strategy and a spread of income streams, the Group is well positioned to make further progress towards its objective of developing a broadly-based financial services business. Ken Ford Chief Executive 27 June 2000 FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT In the year ended 30 April 2000, the business grew substantially, with turnover almost trebling to £30.9 million (1999: £12.3 million), whilst operating profit increased more than five-fold to £9.6 million (1999: £1.8 million). The planned increase in costs was driven by the significant growth which occurred in all revenue generating areas. This was matched by appropriate investment in the information technology infrastructure and in the implementation of financial and regulatory controls across the complementary business areas introduced during the period. Investment in both continues. Given Teather & Greenwood Limited's expansion into new markets and the growth of the three main business areas, the Directors believe that the company is no longer overly dependent upon any one profit centre. On the balance sheet, the value of the trading positions increased almost three-fold and the growth in the volume of business experienced in the latter part of the period is reflected in increases in trade debtors and creditors. The day-to-day cash position varied considerably, dependent upon the movement of client settlement monies. Shareholders' funds increased to £12.3 million (1999: £4.4 million) and earnings per share rose to 74.4 pence per share (1999: 16.9 pence per share). Diluted earnings per share were 69.7 pence per share (1999: 13.8 pence per share), after taking into account the dilutive effect of the share option schemes. The Board is recommending a net dividend of 4.0 pence per share (1999: 1.5 pence per share) payable on 11 August 2000 to shareholders on the register at 11 July 2000. On 29 October 1999 the Group announced a placing of 440,300 new 10p ordinary shares at a price of 366p which was completed in November and raised £1,611,500. The shares were placed with two institutional investors and the proceeds used to finance the increased working capital requirements of the company's established business areas and the expansion of the newer areas such as market making and closed-end funds operations. The return on capital from the latter two has exceeded the Board's expectations. The average return on shareholders' funds for the period was 80% and reflects the Directors' focus upon the key objectives of maximising returns to shareholders whilst building a broadly-based financial services company, aiming for balanced and controlled growth. Brian Rowbotham Finance Director 27 June 2000 GROUP PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 30 April 2000 Year ended Year ended 30.04.00 30.04.99 £'000 £'000 Turnover 30,904 12,312 Operating costs (21,274) (10,477) Operating profit 9,630 1,835 Loss arising from the disposal of subsidiary ---- (55) Profit/(loss) on disposal of investment properties 7 (2) Profit on ordinary activities before interest 9,637 1,778 Net interest receivable 96 141 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 9,733 1,919 Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (3,030) (656) Profit for the year 6,703 1,263 Equity dividend (370) (112) Profit transferred to reserves 6,333 1,151 Earnings per share 74.4p 16.9p Diluted earnings per share 69.7p 13.8p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year ended Year ended 30.04.00 30.04.99 £'000 £'000 Profit for the year 6,703 1,263 Unrealised deficit on revaluation of investment properties - (54) Total recognised gains and losses for the year 6,703 1,209 BALANCE SHEETS For the year ended 30 April 2000 Group Group Company Company Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended 30.04.00 30.04.99 30.04.00 30.04.99 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 972 1,233 - 823 Investments 100 100 9,111 6,141 1,072 1,333 9,111 6,964 Current assets Trading positions 3,073 969 - - Debtors 181,166 118,194 469 684 Cash 9,622 4,886 82 57 193,861 124,049 551 741 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 182,601 120,994 1,826 1,474 Net current assets/ (liabilities) 11,260 3,055 (1,275) (733) Total assets less current liabilities 12,332 4,388 7,836 6,231 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 925 747 925 747 Share premium account 4,049 1,683 4,049 1683 Revaluation reserves - 63 - 43 Other reserves 14 947 2,606 3,539 Profit and loss account 7,344 948 256 219 Equity shareholders' funds 12,332 4,388 7,836 6,231 Approved by the Board of Directors on 27 June 2000 J H Delmar - Morgan E K Ford Chairman Chief Executive GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 30 April 2000 Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended 30.04.00 30.04.00 30.04.99 30.04.99 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow From operating activities (262) (834) Returns on investments and Servicing of finance Interest received 97 196 Interest paid (1) (55) Net cash inflow from returns On investments and servicing Of finance 96 141 Taxation Corporation tax (paid)/ recovered (1,229) 15 Capital expenditure Receipts from sales of Tangible fixed assets 1,048 565 Payments to acquire Tangible fixed assets (1,022) (252) Payments of disposal of Leased property (55) Net cash inflow from capital Expenditure 26 258 Equity dividend paid (112) - Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 1,611 Increase/(decrease) in cash 130 (420) NOTES 1. TURNOVER AND SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS 2000 Turnover Operating Profit £'000 £'000 Financial services 30,897 9,774 Other income 7 (144) 30,904 9,630 the net gain on trading in financial instruments was £4,348,565 (1999: £655,000) and is included in the turnover for financial services 1999 Operating Turnover profit £'000 £'000 Financial services 12,195 1,834 Other income 117 1 12,312 1,835 2. EARNINGS PER SHARE The earnings and number of shares in issue or to be issued in calculating the earnings and diluted earnings per share were as follows: 30.04.00 30.04.00 30.04.99 30.04.99 Diluted Diluted Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Earnings 6,703 6,703 1,263 1,263 Number of shares 9,621,809 9,014,235 9,155,448 7,472,782 Earnings per share 69.7p 74.4p 13.8p 16.9p 3. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Year Year Ended ended 30.04.0 30.04.99 Operating profit 9,630 1,835 Depreciation 242 274 Increase in debtors (62,979) (61,046) Increase in creditors 54,873 58,985 Increase in trading positions (2,028) (882) Net cash (outflow) from operating activities (262) (834) 4. BANK BALANCES Group Group Company Company 30.04.00 30.04.99 30.04.00 30.04.99 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Sterling at banks 9,161 4,723 82 57 Foreign currency at banks 461 163 - - Total bank balances 9,622 4,886 82 57 4. The financial information shown for the year ended 30 April 2000 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2000 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. These statutory accounts were audited by Deloitte & Touche and their report thereon was unqualified. A copy of this preliminary statement will be posted to shareholders shortly. Copies of the preliminary results are available, free of charge to the public on any week day (excluding Saturdays), at the registered office of the Company (Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QR) from the date of this announcement and for a period of 14 days thereafter.
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