Quarterly Report

Tertiary Minerals PLC 29 January 2001 TERTIARY MINERALS PLC QUARTERLY REPORT ON EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 _____________________________________________ HIGHLIGHTS FINNMARK (Norway) (NEW PROJECT ) 167 Pre-Claim applications made over 9 separate targets for platinum group metals ('PGM's') in mineralised ultramafic intrusions in the Karasjok greenstone belt. PGM's dominated by high value palladium. JUNIPER RIDGE (Sweden) Drill testing of combined MMI and surface till geochemical targets at Enasen discovers bedrock mineralisation with wide intersections of anomalous gold at bedrock surface. DJURAGRUVAN (Sweden) Analyses of 18 mineralised boulders from 3km long boulder train strike length average 10.6% zinc, 3.9% lead 0.3% copper. Ground geophysics is planned to define bedrock target for drill testing. VIITANIEMI (Finland) Nine drill holes completed to test tantalum content of the Viitaniemi pegmatite with assays up to 1,065 ppm Ta2O5 and a best drill intersection of 9.3m grading 299ppm Ta2O5. INTRODUCTION This report gives details of exploration work carried out and results received during the quarter ended 31 December 2001 and up to the date of this report. The Company's exploration strategy is to generate new projects at low cost, and to advance these quickly and cost effectively to the drilling stage such that the Company always has a number of projects at or close to the drilling stage and thus the opportunity for discovery of commercial ore-bodies. In line with this policy the Company maintained a high level of exploration activity during the quarter with drill programmes carried out on 3 projects, new projects being acquired and others being advanced towards the drilling stage. PLATINUM GROUP METAL ('PGM') & NICKEL-COPPER PROJECTS * NEW PROJECT - FINNMARK, NORWAY - Tertiary Minerals 100% The Company has applied for 167 Pre-Claims (the Norwegian equivalent of an exploration permit) in the northern part of the Karasjok greenstone belt of Finnmark in Northern Norway. Despite a high northern latitude, all of the Company's Pre-Claims are located in areas of established infrastructure, the majority close to the coastal town of Lakselv, which is served by a public airport. In the Karasjok greenstone belt platinum group metal ('PGM') mineralisation is known to exist in a number of zoned mafic-ultramafic intrusions. PGM mineralisation is characterised by a high palladium to platinum ratio (up to 3:1) and is found disseminated in pyroxenite zones in association with weak copper and nickel mineralisation. In the past, exploration of these intrusions has been a low priority as the then prevailing price of palladium was significantly lower than today. With current higher palladium prices these intrusions are attractive exploration targets. The Company's Pre-Claims are in 9 separate groups totalling 41.75 sq. km. All Pre-Claim blocks cover areas of prospective pyroxenite, some of which area already known to contain PGM mineralisation. Whilst many of the intrusions within the Company's Pre-Claims do not appear to have been previously explored, the potential of the Company's holdings is demonstrated by its Pre-Claims over the 5km long Gallujavrri intrusion where low-grade nickel-copper mineralisation was encountered in exploration drilling some 20 years ago. At that time low levels of PGM's, of potential interest today, could not be reliably detected and were not routinely assayed. However, more recent reconnaissance sampling by the Norwegian Geological Survey has identified potentially widespread PGM mineralisation at Gallujavrri in sulphide minerals separated from outcropping samples of pyroxenite. Of the 167 Pre-Claim applications made by the Company 12 cover existing Pre-Claims held by another party. Norwegian Mining law allows Pre-Claims to be granted one on top of another to establish successor rights in the event underlying Pre-Claims are withdrawn or expire. 54 of the Company's other Pre-Claims occur within Norwegian military training areas and the extent to which this will affect exploration activities has yet to be established. The Company's claim applications over the Gallujavrri intrusion are not affected by existing Pre-Claims nor the Norwegian military area. KUKKOLA PROJECT (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 100% The Company has recently completed a 140m deep diamond hole to test a geophysical anomaly associated with the Kukkola layered mafic-ultramafic complex for PGM's, nickel and copper. The hole failed to intersect any features that readily explain the geophysical anomaly. Additional geophysical investigations will be made to decide if further drilling is warranted. LAKE HILL PROJECT (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 100% Previous work by the Company has identified a geophysical anomaly comprising a coincident magnetic and electromagnetic anomaly associated with the margin of a large gabbroic intrusion in the Company's Lake Hill exploration permit. Interpretation of this anomaly has been carried out by Geovista AB on behalf of the Company and a ground geophysical survey is planned to position and evaluate the anomaly for drill testing. * NEW PROJECT - ANNEHILL (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 100% The Company has applied for an exploration permit at Annehill in south-central Sweden to cover an area considered prospective for nickel copper and PGM's. Nickel mineralisation is found in old mine workings, in fault zones and in breccias associated with intrusive gabbro. A preliminary prospecting and sampling programme has been carried out. Assays of grab samples indicated anomalous PGM contents. BASE-METAL PROJECTS DJURAGRUVAN PROJECT (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 100% During the quarter the Company received the results of assays carried out on 18 boulders from the recently discovered 3km long boulder train. These boulders average grades of 10.6% zinc, 3.9% lead and 0.3% copper. Many of these boulders are large, over 2m across, suggesting a local source. Geophysical testing of boulder samples indicates strong electro-magnetic properties that should be detectable by conventional geophysics. A subsequent review of airborne geophysical data for the project area has already identified a target that could be due to a body of mineralisation with similar properties. A ground geophysical programme is planned to further evaluate this and to define drill targets within the possible source area of the mineralised boulders. WINDFALL PROJECT (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 75% - 100% The planned drilling programme has been delayed by unexpectedly mild weather that has prevented the onset of the freezing conditions necessary to allow drill rig access over swampy ground. Further drilling is now scheduled for February. MMI Geochemical Sampling Infill sampling of MMI geochemical anomalies has been completed and results received. Results confirm the two strongest anomalies from earlier sampling but further analysis suggests these strong anomalies reflect dispersion from known mineralisation. However, other anomalies along strike from known mineralisation have also been confirmed by infill sampling and indicate extensions to existing mineralisation and potential for new zones of mineralisation. These anomalies will be tested as a part of the forthcoming drilling programme. TANTLALUM PROJECTS VIITANIEMI (Finland) - Tertiary Minerals 100% During December 2000 nine shallow diamond drill holes were completed as a preliminary test of the tantalum and caesium content of the Viitaniemi pegmatite. All but one of the nine holes intersected pegmatite and preliminary interpretation of drilling results suggests two separate bodies rather than the one. Pegmatite drill intersections were sampled at approximately 1m intervals for assay. Samples from the Main pegmatite body contained tantalum values in the range 35-1,065 ppm, averaging 171 ppm tantalum oxide (Ta2O5). Samples from the smaller N-E pegmatite body contained lower tantalum values in the range 15-125 ppm Ta2O5, averaging 45 ppm Ta2O5. The best pegmatite intersection was 9.3m (down hole length) grading 299ppm Ta2O5 from 16.55m in hole DH7 in the Main pegmatite body. All pegmatite intersections are tabled below. Ceasium was not found at significant levels. Drilling suggests that the main body is flat lying and that it pinches and swells in thickness. Drilling has tested the Main pegmatite on one N-S traverse over a 200m strike length. It is open to the south, possibly open to the north and its east and west extent has not yet been determined. This drilling programme was carried out for the Company by the Geological Survey of Finland and a detailed interpretation report is awaited. Drill Hole Coordinate Coordinate From To Intersection Grade Number N E (Down (Down (Down Hole)* Ta205 Hole) Hole) N.E.Pegmatite DHI 6 830 919 2 535 953 41.25m 43.00m 1.75m 24 ppm DH3 6 830 884 2 536 022 38.70m 39.75m 3.05m 70 ppm DH4 6 830 920 2 536 996 16.80m 17.60m 10.80m 42 ppm Main Pegmatite* DH5 6 830 825 2 535 776 9.60m 14.35m 4.75m 89 ppm DH6 6 830 782 2 535 761 16.50m 22.35m 5.85m 178ppm DH7 6 830 728 2 535 748 16.55m 25.85m 9.30m 299ppm DH8 6 830 683 2 535 733 18.00m 23.5m 5.50m 84 ppm DH9 6 830 626 2 535 732 32.75m 34.95m 2.20m 85 ppm * All holes drilled vertical and intersected thickness for Main pegmatite approximate true thickness. True thickness for N.E Pegmatite unknown GOLD PROJECTS JUNIPER RIDGE PROJECT (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 100% Enasen This target is adjacent to the closed Enasen mine in central Sweden from which Boliden extracted 1.7m tonnes of gold-copper ore between 1984 and 1991. Two drill holes were completed in December 2000, approximately 100m apart along geological strike, to test a strong coincident gold and copper anomaly in surface till and MMI soil samples. All drill-core was split at 1m intervals and composited into 4m samples for assay. Composite assays indicate broad intersections of strongly anomalous gold-copper mineralisation as follows : Hole Number Drill Hole Gold Copper From To Intersection Grade (ppm) Grade ppm (m) (m) (down hole width) 00ED 101 16.0m 0.31 ppm 904 ppm 6.9m 22.9m Including 4.0m 0.50 ppm 423 ppm 6.9m 10.9m 00ED 102 37.0m 0.14 ppm 727 ppm 15.7m 47.7m The gold mineralisation intersected in hole 00ED101 occurs immediately below the till, at the bedrock surface. It is considered that these anomalous values are not sufficient to explain the high values of gold in surface till and that further drilling is warranted to determine if higher gold grades are present. Grundviksberget A programme of follow-up geochemical till sampling was completed during the quarter to better define gold and arsenic till geochemical anomalies generated during an earlier sampling programme. The programme confirmed the original anomaly, albeit at lower levels, and a programme of bedrock sampling is proposed for later in the year. BOLIDEN EAST PROJECT (Sweden) - Tertiary Minerals 100% Results have been received for a geochemical till sampling programme carried out last quarter to investigate a target to the east of the Boliden mine which, up to 1965, produced 4 million ounces of gold. A total of 56 till samples and 19 MMI samples were taken. Results are currently being interpreted. Patrick L Cheetham 29 January 2001 Executive Chairman
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