Directors' Dealings

Tesco PLC 1 December 1999 Tesco PLC (the 'Company') DIRECTORS' SHAREHOLDINGS The Company was informed today that the Directors shown below received today 1 new Ordinary share of 5p each in the Company for every 140 Ordinary shares held at the close of business on 1 October 1999 instead of cash in respect of the interim dividend of 1.34p per share for the financial year ending 26 February 2000. The entitlement is based on a price of 187.6p per new Ordinary share. Director Scrip Scrip Entitlement Scrip Total Scrip Entitlement Ordinary Entitlement Dividend -Employee Shareholding Incentive Entitlement Profit Sharing Scheme Scheme R S Ager 106 1,135 5,352 6,593 P A Clarke 82 112 498 692 J Gardiner 3,523 3,523 J Gildersleeve 106 137 6,874 7,117 A Higginson 1,128 1,128 T P Leahy 107 3,393 7,211 10,711 T J R Mason 106 242 3,949 4,297 G F Pimlott 189 189 D T Potts 98 376 1,030 1,504 D E Reid 107 4,392 7,164 11,663 J M Wemms 107 925 5,756 6,788


Tesco (TSCO)
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