Interim Results

Fulcrum Pharma PLC 16 May 2001 Fulcrum Pharma Plc Chairman's Report Fulcrum's Half Year Financial Figures on Target and Show Increased Profit I am pleased to report that Fulcrum has made a profit before tax of £127,000 in the first six months of its second financial year. This was achieved from a turnover of £3,033,000 that represents a pro rata increase of 336% on the whole of our first year of trading since September 1999. Duration and Number of Contracts is Increasing Our business development activities have resulted in further contracts with clients in our target market sectors. We have also been encouraged by the amount of repeat business obtained from customers who have recognised the value that Fulcrum can bring to their organisation. Domestic, European and US Clients: we have been successful in expanding the number of clients in our home market. We now are working for Pharmagene, Shire and Xenova. In Europe and the US, our clients include three of the top ten global Pharma companies. Japanese Clients: our investment in experienced Japanese staff aligned with the Company's understanding of the local business culture is paying dividends. In the last six months we have seen a significant number of companies requesting our services to manage drug development in Japan. Our active customer base now contains four of the top ten Japanese pharmaceutical companies. Resources Added to Japan Office to Meet Client Demand We have relocated our Japanese Branch Office into the center of Tokyo within easy reach of existing and potential clients. Two further highly experienced staff have been recruited and other potential staff have been identified to join the Company within the next six months. The business development of the Tokyo office continues to be supported by frequent visits and operational input by directors and staff from the UK. Strategic Expansion of the Business In January 2001 Fulcrum raised a further £1,250,000 through a placing of 12.5 million shares for the purposes of strategic expansion. These expansion plans are progressing well and our target is to utilise these funds for expansion before the end of financial year 2001/2002. Future Prospects We expect that profits will continue to rise based on contracts in place and our continuing business development activities and I look forward to reporting a positive outcome for the full year. Professor Sir Charles F George Chairman 15th May 2001 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account For the Period Ended 28th February 2001 Notes Six Months Ended Period to 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 Unaudited Audited (£'000) (£'000) Turnover 3,033 1,804 Cost of Sales (2,276) (987) Gross Profits 757 817 Selling expenses (65) (86) Administration expenses (581) (720) Operating Profit 111 11 Interest receivable and similar income 16 13 Profit on Ordinary Activities Before 127 24 Taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities 3 (39) (7) Retained Profit for the Period 88 17 Earnings per share (pence) 4 0.18p 0.07p Basic 4 0.18p 0.07p Diluted All items included in the Profit and Loss accounts relate to continuing operations. There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the period. Consolidated Balance Sheet At 28th February 2001 Notes 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 Unaudited Audited £000 £000 Fixed Assets Tangible assets 61 13 Current Assets Debtors 1,215 892 Cash at bank and in hand 1,726 716 2,941 1,608 Creditors: amounts falling due within one (942) (849) year Net Current Assets 1,999 759 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 2,060 772 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 5 592 467 Share premium 5 1,496 421 Merger reserve (133) (133) Profit and loss account 105 17 Equity shareholders' funds 2,060 772 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For the Period Ended 28th February 2001 Notes Six Months to Period to 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 Unaudited £000 £000 Net Cash Outflow From Operating Activities (143) (29) Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance Interest received 16 13 Capital Expenditure and Financial Investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (63) (23) Net Cash Outflow Before Management of Liquid (190) (39) Resources and Financing Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 1,250 1,000 Share issue costs (50) (245) 1,200 755 Increase in Cash 1,010 716 Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds Increase in cash 1,010 716 Net Funds at Start of Period 716 - Net Funds at End of Period 1,726 716 1. Financial Information For the 6 Months Ended 28th February 2001 The interim results for the six months ended 28th February 2001 are un-audited and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. They have been drawn up using accounting policies and principles consistent with those applied in the preparation of the audited accounts for the period ended 31st August 2000. The comparative information contained in the report for accounts for the year ended 31st August 2000 does not constitute the statutory accounts for the financial period. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's Auditors, Ernst & Young, and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act. 2. Dividends No dividend is proposed 3. Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities Six Months to Period to 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 £000 £000 UK Corporation tax at 30% (2000:20%) 26 7 4. Earnings Per Share Six Months to Period to 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 £000 £000 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in 49,636,280 24,423,559 issue Diluted weighted average number of ordinary 58,404,167 29,308,123 shares in issue 5. Issue of Ordinary Shares On 16th January 2001 the Company issued 12,500,000 new ordinary shares of 1p each for 10p per share. There was a resultant increase in share capital of £125,000 and an increase in share premium of £1,075,000 after share issue costs of £50,000. 6. Notes to the Statement of Cash Flow a. Reconciliation of the operating profit to net cash outflow from operating activities Six Months to Period to 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 Unaudited Audited £000 £000 Operating profit 111 11 Depreciation 16 10 Increase in debtors (324) (892) Increase in creditors 54 842 Net cash outflow from operating activities (143) (29) b. Analysis of net funds At At 28th February 31st August 2001 2000 £000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 1,726 716 7. Copies of Unaudited Interim Report Copies of this report are being sent to shareholders and are also available at the registered office of Fulcrum Pharma PLC, Hamilton House, 111 Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 1BB
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