Preliminary Results

Fulcrum Pharma PLC 13 October 2000 Fulcrum Pharma PLC Preliminary Results for the Period Ended 31 August 2000 Fulcrum Pharma PLC (LSE: FUL), the independent drug development company, today announces its preliminary results for the period ended 31 August 2000 and its first set of results as a publicly traded company. Highlights: * Successful flotation on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange * Development deal signed with Xenova * An increasing number of short, medium and long-term contracts won and continue to be negotiated with a range of international customers * Office in Japan opened * Internal expectations exceeded and profit achieved in first period of trading * Turnover of £1,804,000 exceeding internal forecasts * Profitable - PBT of £24,000 achieved Commenting on the results, Professor Sir Charles George, Chairman of Fulcrum Pharma, said: 'In our first year of operation we have worked with a broad range of customers, entered profit ahead of internal expectations and achieved a turnover of £1,804,000. This financial performance has enabled us to take on further staff, expand our Japanese Office and update our information systems while still retaining sufficient working capital for the immediate future. This is a successful start to Fulcrum and a smooth transition by the management team from Fulcrum's predecessor company, Protodigm Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the large pharmaceutical company Roche.' For further information, please contact : Fulcrum Pharma PLC Jon Court, Chief Executive 0700 392 1103 Neil Oughton, Business Development Director 0700 392 1105 Buchanan Communications Nicola How / Louise Bolton 0207 466 5000 Fulcrum Pharma PLC Preliminary Results for the Period Ended 31 August 2000 OVERVIEW In our first year of operation we have worked with a broad range of customers, entered profit ahead of internal expectations and achieved a turnover of £ 1,804,000. This financial performance has enabled us to take on further staff, expand our Japanese Office and update our information systems while still retaining sufficient working capital for the immediate future. This is a successful start to Fulcrum and a smooth transition by the management team from Fulcrum's predecessor company, Protodigm Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the large pharmaceutical company Roche. AIM Flotation The Placing and Admission to AIM in March 2000 raised funds of £740,000, after expenses, allowing the Group to pursue its strategy for growing the business and to raise Fulcrum's profile in the UK and overseas, especially Japan. Your Board has been able to use the Company's quoted shares to motivate its employees through equity participation, which has also enabled the Company to attract and retain high quality and committed staff. Operational Review Successful contracts are based on Fulcrum's key products and services, which are: * Design and planning of drug development programmes and plans: Fulcrum's management uses its skills to design and produce complex drug development plans which can last for between one and six years and involve total costs of up to £150 million. * Implementation and management of programmes and plans through tailor-made teams: Drug development programmes are executed and co-ordinated by Fulcrum on behalf of its client through tailor-made teams, made up of various service suppliers. Fulcrum brings together, leads and manages people, processes and expertise to enable its clients to save time, reduce cost and increase productivity. Fulcrum's processes are designed to ensure the drug development programmes meet the extensive regulatory requirements needed to bring new medicines to market. * Assembly and assessment of product information and knowledge for registration and marketing: Fulcrum uses knowledge management processes and tools (including internet and intranet based systems) to manage the huge quantities of information, generated during development that is required for product registration. As a result of these products and services, the Management Team has won significant contracts. It has been encouraging that Fulcrum's services have proven attractive to a broad spectrum of customers. These have included emerging, medium and large pharmaceutical companies from Europe, US and Japan. These contracts represent potential annual turnovers in the range of £50,000 to £2,000,000 per contract. It is the flexibility of Fulcrum's virtual business model that enables us to tailor our services to meet our clients' needs. A significant contract has recently been signed with the UK based pharmaceutical company, Xenova plc. Fulcrum will provide the infrastructure and expertise to develop a novel anticancer agent on behalf of Xenova. (See separate announcement released today.) Other clients have recognised that our services can add value to their businesses in the following ways: 1. Reduce dependence on internal fixed resources and therefore reduce overheads; 2. Gain access to our global development skills immediately and as needed; 3. Increase productivity by reducing the cost and time to 'go/no go' decisions relating to new products; and 4. Shorten overall development time, reduce time to market and therefore potentially extend the period of market exclusivity. Global Operations Through marketing of the key services, the Company as well as winning contracts during the year, is continually bidding on new work. Expansion of our operation in Tokyo has enhanced Fulcrum's Global Drug Development Services and has proven attractive to customers both within and outside of Japan. With this in mind, the Company employed a representative in Tokyo to develop the Company's presence in Japan and subsequently has registered a Japanese Branch Office, which became operational from September 2000. This is an area where we see future growth and sales and is an important part of Fulcrum's marketing to new and existing clients. Fulcrum's services and products enable Japanese pharmaceutical companies to get their products into the global market-place earlier. Changes in the Japanese law governing clinical development have had the effect of creating new opportunities for Fulcrum to offer specialist development services to Japanese companies inside and outside Japan. Resources and Operating Capital In the year the Company raised £740,000 (after expenses) by way of placing of 33,333,333 Ordinary 1p Shares at 3p each. The company remains in a healthy cash position with a net balance at 31 August 2000 of £716,000. The management team has been expanded in the UK and in Japan to service existing clients, market the Groups services and to continue increasing the profile of the Group. Options under the Company's approved and unapproved share option schemes have been and will be granted to aid recruitment and retention of further high quality staff. Since the start of operations in September 1999 the company has recruited four new employees, two in Japan and two in the UK. All four of the new employees bring a wealth of experience in drug development. Future Prospects The current year has started well with growing interest in our services from most sectors in the market and your Board views the future with confidence. Through our business development activities we will continue to expand our client base in Europe, US and Japan. We expect that revenues and profit will be enhanced in the forthcoming period based on contracts already in place, on bids submitted and from our global business development activities. Plans are in place to expand our customer network in the US, Europe and Japan. The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its appreciation of the support and commitment of all Fulcrum staff. It is due to their hard work and dedication that the significant progress and success achieved to date has been made possible. Professor Sir C F George Dr J P Court Chairman Chief Executive Officer 13 October 2000 Consolidated profit and loss account For the period ended 31 August 2000 Notes Period to 31 August 2000 £000 Turnover 2 1,804 Cost of Sales (987) ----------------- Gross Profit 817 Selling Expenses (86) Administration Expenses (720) ----------------- Operating Profit 11 Interest receivable and similar income 13 ----------------- PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 24 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (7) ---------------- RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 17 ---------------- Earnings per share (pence) Basic 4 0.07p Diluted 4 0.07p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES There were no recognised gains and losses other than the profit for the period ended 31 August 2000 of £17,000. Balance sheets at 31 August 2000 Notes Group Company £000 £000 FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 13 - Investment in subsidiary - 133 --------- --------- 13 133 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 892 713 Cash at bank and in hand 716 18 -------- -------- 1,608 731 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (849) (10) NET CURRENT ASSETS 759 721 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 772 854 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 5 467 467 Share premium 5 421 421 Merger reserve 5 (133) - Profit and loss account 5 17 (34) EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 772 854 Consolidated statement of cash flows For the period ended 31 August 2000 Notes 2000 £000 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 6 (29) RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 13 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of tangible fixed assets (23) ---------- NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND (39) FINANCING FINANCING Issue of ordinary share capital 1,000 Share issue costs (245) ---------- 755 ---------- INCREASE IN CASH 716 ---------- RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS Notes 2000 £000 Increase in cash 716 Net debt at incorporation - ---------- NET FUNDS AT 31 AUGUST 2000 7 716 ---------- Notes to the accounts at 31 August 2000 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION On 7 March 2000 the Company acquired 100% of the ordinary shares (and all of the voting rights) of Fulcrum Pharma Developments Limited in an exchange of shares, which resulted in the former shareholders of Fulcrum Pharma Developments Limited holding the same proportion of the issued share capital of Fulcrum Pharma PLC as they had held in Fulcrum Pharma Developments Limited. In connection with the share exchanges the company issued 13,333,332 ordinary shares of 1p each with a nominal value of £133,333 credited as fully paid in exchange for 375 ordinary shares of £1 each in Fulcrum Pharma Developments Limited. The group accounts consolidate the results of Fulcrum Pharma PLC and its subsidiary Fulcrum Pharma Developments Limited drawn up to 31 August 2000. The accounts, which were prepared using merger accounting principles, present the results of the group as if Fulcrum Pharma PLC had been in existence and owned Fulcrum Pharma Developments Limited throughout the period under review. 2. SEGMENTAL INFORMATION Turnover, which is stated net of value added tax, represents amounts invoiced to third parties. Analysis of turnover by geographical market is given below: Period to 31 August 2000 £000 United Kingdom 312 Rest of Europe 367 United States of America 824 Japan 301 ---------- 1,804 ---------- 3. DIVIDEND The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend. 4. EARNINGS PER SHARE The basic earnings per ordinary share is based upon the Group's profit for the period of £17,000 divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue, calculated using merger accounting principles, of 24,423,559. The diluted earnings per share are the same as the basic earnings per share the effect from options issued during the period is non-dilutive. 5. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS ON RESERVES AND SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Group Called up Share Merger Profit and share capital premium reserve loss account account £000 £000 £000 £000 Total £000 At incorporation - - - - - Issue of share capital 467 666 - - 1,133 Admission costs - (245) - - (245) Profit for the period - - - 17 17 Equity elimination - - (133) - (133) upon consolidation ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- At 31 August 2000 467 421 (133) 17 772 6. RECONCILIATION OF THE OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2000 £000 Operating Profit 11 Depreciation 10 Increase in debtors (892) Increase in creditors 842 ---------- Net cash outflow from operating activities (29) ---------- 7. ANALYSIS OF NET FUNDS At 31 August 2000 £000 Cash at bank and in hand 716 ---------- 8. ANNOUNCEMENT BASED ON DRAFT ACCOUNTS The financial information given above does not constitute the company's statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the period ended 31 August 2000 has been audited and prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards. The financial statements for the period ended 31 August 2000 were approved by the board on 13 October 2000 and will be posted to shareholders on 20 October 2000. Copies will be available from that date from the Company Secretary at the registered office of the company, Hamilton House, 111 Marlowes, Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1BB.
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