Interim Results

F&C Global Smaller Companies PLC 19 December 2005 Date: 19 December 2005 Contact: Peter Ewins Lisa Stanley F&C Management Limited Lansons Communications 020 7628 8000 020 7294 3692 F&C GLOBAL SMALLER COMPANIES PLC (formerly F&C Smaller Companies PLC) Unaudited Interim Statement of Results for the half-year ended 31 October 2005 HIGHLIGHTS • Rise in NAV of 15.5% • Rise in share price of 22.6% as discount narrows • Interim dividend up by 3.5% to 1.49p • Tender Offer successfully completed for 35% of the Company's shares • Active approach to discount control going forward SUMMARY OF RESULTS 31 October 2005 30 April 2005 % change Net assets £303.6m *£264.4m +14.8 Net asset value per share (debenture at nominal value) 359.61p *311.33p +15.5 Net asset value per share (debenture at market value) 354.90p *306.81p +15.7 Share price 329.25p 268.50p +22.6 *Restated to reflect changes in accounting policies (see note 1) 6 months to 6 months to % change 31 October 2005 31 October 2004 Earnings per share 2.37p 2.16p +9.7 Interim dividend per share 1.49p 1.44p +3.5 Chairman's Statement Dear Shareholder This is the first statement issued under our new name 'F&C Global Smaller Companies PLC' adopted following the EGM on 9 December 2005 and we hope that this name will better describe the nature of your Company. The period under review and the subsequent few weeks have been a very busy time for your Company. We successfully completed a Tender Offer for 35% of your Company's share capital and were pleased that a majority of our shareholders chose not to participate in the tender. Both our share price and Net Asset Value per share (NAV) have been at all-time highs, thus justifying the confidence that our long-term shareholders have shown in the future of the Company. This is particularly gratifying as many investment trusts share prices and NAV's still remain well below early 2000 levels. World equity markets were strong in the six months under review, with smaller company indices in all of the main regions up by double digit percentages. Your Company, with its global spread, benefited from this favourable backdrop, and NAV rose by 15.5% and the share price by 22.6% following a concerted narrowing in the discount. The share price and NAV have both risen further since the end of the period under review. Our benchmark rose by 18.3%. It was adopted with effect from the start of this financial year and is a blend of the returns from the HGSC index in the UK (40%) and the MSCI World Small Cap ex UK index (60%). NAV performance was short of the benchmark return. While part of the shortfall was due to a change in accounting standards related to dividend payments, as highlighted in Note 1, the majority was due to weaker than local benchmark returns in overseas markets. Your Board and our Manager remain focused on improving this. The Board has nevertheless been able to recommend an above inflation increase in the dividend payment of 3.5% reflecting a good revenue out-turn in the first half and a positive outlook for the second half. The clear intention looking to the longer term is to maintain a progressive dividend policy. Tender Offer On 14 November your Board proposed a Tender Offer for 35% of the shares in your Company, a change of name, and a renewal of our share buyback powers. These changes were all passed at an EGM on 9 December with wide support from shareholders. A total of 45.2% of the shares in issue were tendered, and 35% have now been cancelled. This has led to around a 2% enhancement in NAV for shareholders who did not tender. As stated in the Tender Circular, we are determined to ensure in the future that the Company's shares trade on a discount close to the level implied by the Tender Offer. With share buy-back powers renewed, shareholders should therefore expect to see shares repurchased by the Company from time to time. Since the EGM a further 3,827,483 shares have been bought back. The successful completion of the Tender Offer and subsequent additional share buy-backs should leave the Company with a more stable shareholder base, with shorter term shareholders having been given the chance to exit. This should have positive implications for the ability of your Board and Manager to plan your Company's affairs on a longer-term basis. In light of the reduction in the size of the assets of your Company, the Board is reviewing the appropriate level and structure of management charges going forward. Investment Background and Asset Allocation As stated in the annual report, Sandy Fleming stepped down as Manager at the end of July, to be replaced by Peter Ewins, who has worked alongside Sandy for more than a decade. This has not led to any radical change in approach as Peter was in no hurry to change a winning formula. The regional teams remain in charge at the stock-picking level, with asset allocation decided by Peter with input from the Board. However, the Tender Offer process necessitated a period of portfolio restructuring, with holdings sold or downsized to reflect the smaller ongoing size of the Company. To ensure that investors were not materially disadvantaged through this period, as a consequence of the building up of liquidity to fund the Tender Offer, your Company purchased a number of index future contracts to maintain a full exposure to markets through November and early December. This decision was proved to be correct by the run-up in markets as the Tender date approached. The futures positions have now been successfully closed out. In terms of underlying activity in the portfolio, some changes have been made to geographical asset allocation. The most significant was a reduction in the exposure to the UK market. This decision was driven by three main factors; firstly we felt that weakness in the consumer sectors in the UK was becoming evident with a consequent impact on some companies earnings; secondly we felt sterling might weaken; and lastly we saw better opportunities in some other world markets. Over the six months, the UK market did slightly underperform against most other markets, and sterling has indeed weakened against the dollar. Offsetting this, the weighting in Europe was increased. This was principally due to a number of interesting investment opportunities in the region being identified. Macroeconomic news in Europe remains mixed, although there have been some more positive indications of an upturn in the German economy recently. As far as industrial allocation is concerned, there have not been any major shifts with a broad spread retained, but we have recently started to reduce exposure to resources stocks following a period of very strong performance. Regional Performance As for the individual markets, returns for the Company were close to the local small cap index level in all areas apart from the Pacific ex Japan region, where we underperformed by a wide margin due to specific problems in stock selection. Problems in the redevelopment of Wembley Stadium, for example, hurt the investment in the Australian based contractor Multiplex. In the UK, still the largest part of the portfolio, performance was ahead of the local benchmark, helped by strong showings from a number of long standing holdings. Victrex, the specialist materials company produced strong results, as did Chemring, which enhanced its position in its countermeasures business by way of acquisition. Aveva Group, the IT company, which is benefiting from buoyant orders from its customer base serving the power generation, shipping and process plant markets, also rose strongly. Performance in the US, Europe and Japan, while in overall terms behind the benchmark, benefited from some good individual stock performances. Conn's, a US retailer of household appliances, was able to offset the impact from a weaker consumer environment in the US, and its shares rallied. In Europe, Fadesa, the Spanish property development company gained on the back of continued strength in the housing market in Spain. In Japan shares in Showa Aircraft surged as the market grew keen on the potential value of its land assets. Outlook The mandate of investing in smaller companies on a global basis has a particular attraction for private investors seeking more than a single regional exposure to smaller companies. Your Board continues to believe that our mandate and approach will deliver good returns over the long term given the wide range of opportunities available. In the near term, the outlook remains positive for equities, with in particular the key US economy remaining resilient. Equity market valuations, especially at the smaller cap end have risen, but the strength of oil prices and other commodity prices are an issue for many companies. Despite this, your Manager still sees attractive investment opportunities across all regions at present and consequently, your Board look to the future with confidence. Gerry Grimstone December 2005 Unaudited Balance Sheet 31 October 2005 31 October 30 April 2004 2005 £'000s #Restated #Restated £'000s £'000s Non-current assets Investments at fair value 256,243 253,428 283,901 Current assets Debtors 13,831 1,419 1,253 Taxation recoverable 10 - 10 Short-term deposits 34,543 17,400 4,500 Cash at bank 11,210 795 2,312 59,594 19,614 8,075 Current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Foreign currency loans - (14,599) (14,006) Other (2,236) (5,385) (3,572) (2,236) (19,984) (17,578) Net current assets/(liabilities) 57,358 (370) (9,503) Total assets less current liabilities 313,601 253,058 274,398 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Debenture (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) Net assets 303,601 243,058 264,398 Capital and Reserves Called up equity share capital 21,106 21,231 21,231 Share premium 23,132 23,132 23,132 Capital redemption reserve 5,077 4,952 4,952 Capital reserves 247,354 187,190 207,658 Revenue reserve 6,932 6,553 7,425 Total equity shareholders' funds 303,601 243,058 264,398 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 359.61 286.20 311.33 # Restated see note 1 The geographical distribution of investments at 31 October 2005 was: United Kingdom 42.7%; North America 24.7%; Europe 14.2%; Japan 10.7%; Pacific (ex Japan) 7.3%; Other 0.4%. Unaudited Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account*) for the 6 months to 31 October 2005 2004 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total #Restated #Restated £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Gains on investments - 43,023 43,023 - 7,703 7,703 Exchange (losses)/gains (3) (965) (968) 2 441 443 Income 2,865 - 2,865 2,635 - 2,635 Management fee (175) (408) (583) (168) (391) (559) Other expenses (284) (29) (313) (297) (18) (315) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,403 41,621 44,024 2,172 7,735 9,907 Interest payable and similar charges (232) (541) (773) (212) (495) (707) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 2,171 41,080 43,251 1,960 7,240 9,200 Taxation on ordinary activities (165) - (165) (125) - (125) Return attributable to equity shareholders 2,006 41,080 43,086 1,835 7,240 9,075 Return per ordinary share - pence 2.37 48.62 50.99 2.16 8.52 10.68 * The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. # Restated see note 1 Unaudited Summarised Cash Flow Statement for the 6 months to 31 October 2005 2004 £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,160 2,407 Interest paid (792) (706) Taxation paid (165) (120) Net cash inflow from financial investment 57,181 2,390 Equity dividends paid (2,499) (2,407) Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing 55,885 1,564 Increase in short-term deposits (30,862) (4,900) Net cash outflow from financing (15,601) (278) Increase/(decrease) in cash during the period 9,422 (3,614) Notes 1 Changes in accounting policies With effect from 1 May 2005, the Company has adopted the following Financial Reporting Standards (FRS): FRS 21 (Events after the Balance Sheet date) - Dividends paid by the Company are accounted for in the period in which the Company is liable to pay them. Previously the Company accrued dividends in the period in which the net revenue to which those dividends related, was accounted for. FRS 25 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation) and FRS 26 (Financial Instruments: Measurement) - The Company has designated its assets as being measured at 'fair value through profit and loss'. The fair value of fixed asset listed investments is deemed to be the bid value of those investments at the close of business on the relevant date. Previously, all listed investments were valued at mid value. Fixed asset investments which are not listed are stated at Directors' best estimate of fair value. The 11.5% debenture stock continues to be stated at nominal value. There have been no other changes to accounting policies during the period. The accounts for the period ended 31 October 2004 and for the year ended 30 April 2005 have been restated to give effect to the above changes. 2 Dividend The Board has declared an interim dividend of 1.49p per ordinary share (at a cost of £761,000 based on 51,048,841 ordinary shares in issue at 16 December 2005) will be paid on 30 January 2006 to shareholders on the register at 30 December 2005. Notes (continued) 3 Statement of Changes in Equity for the half-year ended 31 October 2005 Equity share Share Capital Capital Revenue capital premium redemp-tion reserves reserve account reserve £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Balance at 30 April 2005 (as previously reported) 21,231 23,132 4,952 208,003 4,911 Add back accrued dividend at 30 April 2005 - - - - 2,514 Less investment valuation changes - - - (345) - Balance at 30 April 2005 restated 21,231 23,132 4,952 207,658 7,425 Shared repurchased by the Company (125) - 125 (1,384) - Dividends paid in respect of 30 April 2005 - - - - (2,499) Realised gains on investments - - - 33,367 - Unrealised gains on investments - - - 9,656 - Other transfers to reserves - - - (1,943) 2,006 Balance at 31 October 2005 21,106 23,132 5,077 247,354 6,932 500,000 ordinary shares were purchased for cancellation during the period at a cost of £1,384,000. Included within the capital reserve movement is £383,000 of commission on purchases and sales of investments and £6,000 of dividends taken to capital. Notes (continued) 4 Post balance sheet events At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 9 December 2005, resolutions were passed: to change the Company's name to 'F&C Global Smaller Companies PLC', to effect a tender offer for 35% of the Company's issued ordinary share capital, and to authorise the buy-back of up to 14.99% of the ordinary share capital outstanding after the tender offer. On 9 December, 29,548,758 ordinary shares were purchased for cancellation at a cost of £107,665,000, in full satisfaction of the Tender Offer. Since 9 December 2005, a further 3,827,483 ordinary shares, 7% of the issued share capital outstanding after the Tender Offer, have been purchased for cancellation, at a cost of £13,899,000. In order to facilitate the tender offer, the Company started restructuring its portfolio in October. As a consequence, balances of debtors (for investment sales), cash at bank and short-term deposits were higher at 31 October than in previous periods. 5 Results The results for the half year ended 31 October 2005, which are unaudited and set out in this announcement, constitute non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The latest published accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies are for the year ended 30 April 2005. The report of the auditors thereon was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. The abridged financial statements shown above for the year ended 30 April 2005 are an extract from those accounts. 6 Interim Report and Accounts The Interim Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in early January 2006. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2NY. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited, Secretary 19 December 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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