F&C Global Smaller Companies PLC
11 March 2014
Publication of Prospectus
F&C Global Smaller Companies PLC (the "Company") has today published a prospectus approved by the UK Listing Authority in relation to future successive issues of up to 12.5 million shares (the "New Shares").
The New Shares will be issued only (i) at a premium to net asset value; (ii) to meet demand from investors; and (iii) when the Directors believe that it is in the best interests of the Company to do so. Under no circumstances will any issue of New Shares be at an issue price which would result in a dilution of the net asset value per share.
A copy of the prospectus will shortly be available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism which is located at http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm.do.
Copies of the prospectus are also available in electronic form on the Company's website at http://www.fandcglobalsmallers.com and are available for collection during normal business hours on any working day (Saturday, Sunday and public holidays excepted) until 10 March 2015 from the registered office of the Company at Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY.
All enquiries
Hugh Potter/Jan Baker, F&C Management Limited
Tel.: 020 7011 5183/5173