Final Results

Rensburg plc 15 February 2005 15 February 2005 Rensburg plc ('Rensburg' or 'the Company') Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 30 November 2004 Rensburg, the Investment Management Group - Key Points: • Profit before tax, goodwill amortisation and exceptional items of £8.8m (2003: £6.8m) - an increase of 29% • Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items of 27.9p (2003: 22.6p) - an increase of 23% • Total dividend unchanged at 18.0p per share • Fee and other recurring income at £24.4m (2003: £20.6m) - an increase of 18% • Group funds under management at £4.18bn (2003: £3.81bn) - an increase of 10% Mike Burns, Chief Executive of Rensburg, commented: 'The current year has started well and we are pleased with the performance of all our offices. Our strategy to capitalise on the opportunities to develop as an investment management business remains unchanged.' For further information, please contact: gcg hudson sandler Tel: 020 7796 4133 Nick Lyon/Wendy Baker CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Financial Results and Dividend 2004 saw a continuation of the improvement in investor confidence experienced in the latter half of 2003; with no political or economic shocks to upset the equilibrium, equity markets rose steadily and this has helped the Group to increase underlying earnings per share by 23%. Against underlying basic earnings of 27.9 pence (pre-goodwill), the Directors are recommending a final dividend of 12p (2003: 12p) which, taken with the interim dividend of 6p (2003: 6p), produces an unchanged total dividend for the year of 18p per share. These financial results are covered in detail in the Chief Executive's review and in the main body of this report. Name change I would like to recognise that this is our first year end under the name Rensburg; we believe that the concentration of all of the Group's activities under a single name has helped to provide clarity and consistency to both shareholders and clients. Proposed acquisition and subsequent approach On 10 December 2004, the Company announced that, subject, inter alia, to approval by its shareholders, agreement had been reached for the Company to acquire the entire share capital of Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite Limited, a private client stockbroking and investment management company based in the southern half of the UK. Due to the size of this transaction, under the UK Listing Rules trading in the Company's shares is required to remain suspended until a circular, containing Listing Particulars, is posted to shareholders, or if either party decides to withdraw. On 14 January 2005, shareholders were informed of a pre-conditional possible offer proposal made to the Board by Rathbone Brothers Plc. Discussions with both of these parties are continuing and further announcements relating to these events will be made in due course. Shareholding in London Stock Exchange plc Following increases in the share price of London Stock Exchange plc, since 30 November 2004 the Company has sold a total of 662,857 of its shares in London Stock Exchange plc at an average price of 472 pence per share; Rensburg continues to hold an investment of 100,000 shares in this company. Board and Employees Despite the modest recovery experienced, the operating environment has remained competitive; hence, I would very much like to take this opportunity to thank the directors and employees for all their skill and hard work in achieving these results. Outlook It is pleasing to see that the rise in the markets experienced over the last quarter of our financial year has continued. As a result of this, our own expectations of revenues, particularly from fee-based clients, continue to rise and we expect to benefit significantly from the operational leverage inherent in our business to the equity market. Whilst recognising the challenges that lie ahead, the Board remains confident that we possess the personnel and financial resources to continue to develop this business. C.G. Clarke 14 February 2005 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW OF OPERATIONS I am pleased to report that Group turnover increased by 11% to £36.9 million; if the contribution during 2003 from the discontinued administration division is excluded, the underlying growth in turnover was 15% and within this amount, fee and other recurring income increased by 18% to £24.4 million. The increased fee and other recurring income covered 82% of the Group's total operating expenses (2003: 78%). Profit before tax increased by 29% to £8.8 million (2003: £6.8 million) and basic earnings per share increased by 23% to 27.9p (2003: 22.6p); these figures are prior to goodwill amortisation and exceptional income. The recovery in the equity markets helped increase total Group funds under management by 10% to £4.18 billion (2003: £3.81 billion); more importantly, within these figures, total fee-paying funds under management increased by 20% to £2.62 billion (2003: £2.19 billion). This year saw the start of significant enhancements to the running of our business. We used the name change to improve the clarity of the offering to our clients and we also made changes to our charging structure. Several IT improvements have been made to strengthen the working practices within the Group, which will improve services to our clients. The first major phase of updating our database was also completed. We owe a debt of gratitude to all of the employees across the Group for their dedication and the extra effort required achieving all our targets. I am proud to be involved with such a workforce. There is currently considerable interest in the possibility of a bid for London Stock Exchange plc. As an interested party on behalf of our clients, we are watching the situation closely. We would expect any proposed merger to be assessed on its ability to demonstrate that improved technology will increase the liquidity within the market in order that our clients' business can be completed even more quickly with closer spreads on quoted prices, together with reduced clearing and settlement costs. Rensburg Investment Management - Fee paying clients' funds increased by 17% to £2.09 billion (2003: £1.78 billion). Other managed funds declined to £1.56 billion (2003: £1.62 billion) reflecting the conversion of clients onto a fee-paying basis, together with the continued review of those clients that do not reward us fairly for our services. In time for the tax gathering season, Rensburg Aim VCT, one of the two venture capital trusts we manage, has recently issued a prospectus to raise up to an additional £8 million. The established team of three institutional sales traders, who joined us in February 2004, have continued to settle in well in our London office. The benefits of developments in our IT platforms previously referred to have started to be delivered during this year. As a result of our investment, we have an IT infrastructure that is not only more robust and adaptable to meet the rapidly changing environment in which we operate, but is flexible to meet both organic and acquisitional growth. Throughout the year, we have also continued to test and develop our new client support system and we are both encouraged and excited by the prospect of putting this into a live environment in order that we further improve service delivery to our clients. Reference has previously been made to the Group's position concerning split capital investment trusts ('splits') and to the review into these being undertaken by the UK's financial regulator, the Financial Services Authority (' FSA'). The FSA announced on 24 December 2004 that they had reached settlement regarding compensation for holders of certain splits. No company within the Rensburg Group was a contributor to this settlement nor has any such company ever been notified by the FSA that the FSA are investigating their conduct as part of the splits review. The Group therefore remains satisfied that no material provision for splits is currently required, nor is likely to be so in the foreseeable future. Rensburg Fund Management - Over the year net sales of £34 million were achieved; this, together with consistent investment performance and the continued market recovery, produced a 24% increase in unit trust based funds under management to £505 million (2003: £406 million). During the second half of the year, the Company successfully took on the management of its first segregated mandate; at the year end £27 million was being managed by the investment team under this mandate. M. H. Burns 14 February 2005 Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 30 November 2004 2004 2003 12 months 12 months ended ended 30 Nov 30 Nov Note £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 36,936 32,005 Discontinued operations - 1,245 _______ _______ 36,936 33,250 Operating expenses (29,866) (27,555) Goodwill amortisation (868) (917) Total administrative expenses (30,734) (28,472) _______ _______ Operating profit Continuing operations 6,202 4,669 Discontinued operations - 109 _______ _______ 6,202 4,778 Profit on disposal of subsidiaries - 10,472 Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments - 390 _______ _______ Profit on ordinary activities before interest and 6,202 15,640 investment income Income from fixed asset investments - exceptional 1 490 - Net interest receivable 1,752 1,150 _______ _______ Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 8,444 16,790 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 2 (2,725) (1,928) _______ _______ Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 5,719 14,862 Dividends 3 (3,943) (3,933) _______ _______ Retained profit for the financial year 1,776 10,929 _______ _______ Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and 4 exceptional items -Basic 27.9p 22.6p -Diluted 27.3p 22.1p Earnings per share -Basic 26.1p 68.2p -Diluted 25.6p 66.8p Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses Note 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year 5,719 14,862 _______ Prior year adjustment 5 (1,318) _______ Total gains recognised since last annual 4,401 Report _______ Consolidated balance sheet at 30 November 2004 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 13,000 14,555 Tangible assets 4,132 3,267 Investments 500 500 _______ _______ 17,632 18,322 _______ _______ Current assets Debtors 26,226 23,662 Cash at bank and in hand 40,618 35,420 _______ _______ 66,844 59,082 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (40,389) (32,108) _______ _______ Net current assets 26,455 26,974 _______ _______ Total assets less current liabilities 44,087 45,296 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than one year (232) (3,340) Provisions for liabilities and charges (206) (92) _______ _______ Net assets 43,649 41,864 _______ _______ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 2,209 2,208 Share premium account 9,252 9,244 Capital redemption reserve 100 100 Other reserves 6,086 6,086 Profit and loss account 26,002 24,226 _______ _______ Equity shareholders' funds 43,649 41,864 _______ _______ Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 30 November 2004 2004 2003 Note £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities a 11,850 6,813 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 1,565 1,240 Interest paid (69) (313) Income from fixed asset investments - exceptional 1 490 - Taxation paid (2,513) (2,022) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,354) (817) Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets - 1,432 Proceeds from sale of fixed asset investments - 390 Acquisitions and disposals Proceeds from sale of subsidiary undertakings - 18,469 Costs associated with disposal - (704) Cash disposed of with subsidiary undertakings - (1,704) Equity dividends paid (3,936) (3,920) _______ _______ Cash inflow before financing 6,033 18,864 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 9 10 Decrease in debt - (4,000) Redemption of loan notes (844) (1,072) _______ _______ Increase in cash in the year b 5,198 13,802 _______ _______ Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement a. Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 6,202 4,778 Amortisation of goodwill 868 917 Depreciation 489 462 Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets - (47) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (2,356) 2,157 Increase/(decrease) in creditors and provisions 6,647 (1,454) _______ _______ Net cash inflow from operating activities 11,850 6,813 _______ _______ Net cash inflow from operating activities comprises: Continuing operations 11,850 6,956 Discontinued operations - (143) _______ _______ 11,850 6,813 _______ _______ b. Analysis and reconciliation of net funds At 1 Dec Cash Other At 30 Nov 2003 Flow Changes 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash and deposits 35,420 5,198 - 40,618 Debt due after one year (982) - 750 (232) Debt due within one year (844) 844 (750) (750) _______ _______ _______ _______ Net Funds 33,594 6,042 - 39,636 _______ _______ _______ _______ 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Increase in cash 5,198 13,802 Repayment of debt 844 5,072 Issue of loan notes - (2,482) _______ _______ Movement in net funds in the year 6,042 16,392 Net funds brought forward 33,594 17,202 _______ _______ Net funds at 30 November 39,636 33,594 _______ _______ NOTES 1. Income from fixed asset investments - exceptional Exceptional income from fixed asset investments represents a special dividend of 55 pence per share paid by London Stock Exchange plc on 16 August 2004 in respect of the 890,000 shares in London Stock Exchange plc held by the Company at that date. The dividend was accompanied by a share consolidation of six new shares in London Stock Exchange plc for every seven existing shares held. The Company's holding therefore stood at 762,857 shares immediately following this consolidation. As explained in note 6 below, 662,857 of these shares were sold after 30 November 2004. 2. Corporation tax Corporation tax at 30% (2003: 30%) 3. Dividends 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 Interim paid of 6.0p per share (2003: 6.0p) 1,314 1,311 Final proposed of 12.0p per share (2003: 12.0p) 2,629 2,622 _______ _______ --- 3,943 3,933 _______ _______ The Directors are recommending a final dividend of 12.0p per share (2003: 12.0p), which together with the interim dividend of 6.0p per share (2003: 6.0p) makes a total dividend for the year of 18.0p per share (2003: 18.0p). The proposed dividend, to be paid on 8 April 2005 to shareholders who are on the register at the close of business on 18 March 2005, is calculated on 21,908,901 ordinary shares. This excludes 180,250 ordinary shares held by the Employee Share Ownership Trust for which all dividends have been waived. 4. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items is calculated with reference to earnings for shareholders of £6,097,000 (2003: £4,917,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 21,876,641 (2003: 21,796,791). Basic earnings per share is calculated with reference to earnings for shareholders of £5,719,000 (2003: £14,862,000). Diluted earnings per share is the basic earnings per share, adjusted for the effect of the conversion into fully paid shares of the weighted average number of all employee share options outstanding during the year. The number of additional shares used for the diluted calculation is 495,756 shares (2003: 438,568). 5. Prior year adjustment The prior year adjustment relates to the implementation of UITF Abstracts 17 (Revised 2003) and 38, which are effective for the first time this year. UITF Abstract 17 (Revised 2003) changes the measurement and timing of the charge to the profit and loss account in respect of share options previously awarded under the Company's Employee Share Ownership Plan ('the Plan'). UITF Abstract 38 changes the recognition of the Company's holding of shares in Rensburg plc that were previously acquired by the Employee Share Ownership Trust ('the Trust') to satisfy the award of options under the Plan. UITF Abstract 17 (Revised 2003) requires that an amount be charged to the profit and loss account in respect of options awarded that is based on the Company's share price at the date the options are granted. The amount that has previously be charged to the profit and loss account, which was based on the UITF Abstract that was applicable at the time, was based on the share price at the time the shares were acquired by the Trust. The difference between the share price at the date of grant and the date of acquisition by the Trust amounts to £1,318,000. This amount has been recognised during the year in the Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses and relates to the years ending 30 November 1998, 1999 and 2001. The prior year adjustment also includes a credit to the profit and loss reserve during the same years of an equal amount, such that there is no net overall effect on the profit and loss reserve at 30 November 2003 or 30 November 2004 as a result of the adoption of the requirements of this UITF Abstract. UITF Abstract 38 requires that the shares in Rensburg plc held by the Trust are recognised as a deduction from shareholders' funds. Previously, these shares had been recognised within fixed asset investments, in accordance with the UITF Abstract that was applicable at the time. At 30 November 2004, the Trust held 180,250 shares in Rensburg plc. The consideration of £330,000 that was paid at the time the 180,250 shares were acquired by the Trust has been deducted in arriving at shareholders' funds. An equal and opposite adjustment has also been made to shareholders' funds to reinstate the amount that has previously been written off to the profit and loss account in respect of these shares. The net effect of these adjustments is nil and hence there is no overall effect on the value of shareholders' funds at 30 November 2003 or 30 November 2004. 6. Post balance sheet events On 10 December 2004, the Company announced that agreement had been reached for the Company to acquire the entire share capital of Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite Limited ('CSCL'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Investec plc. CSCL is a private client stockbroking and investment management company with offices in London, Farnham, Reigate and Cheltenham. The proposed transaction is subject, inter alia, to approval by the shareholders of the Company and to certain regulatory approvals. On 14 January 2005, shareholders were informed of a pre-conditional possible offer proposal made to the Board by Rathbone Brothers Plc. Discussions with both of these parties are continuing. As set out in note 1 above, the Company held 762,857 shares in London Stock Exchange plc at 30 November 2004. On 1 December 2004 the Company sold 400,000 of these shares and sold a further 262,857 shares on 30 December 2004. These disposals gave rise to a taxable gain of £3,129,000. The amount of tax payable is expected to be £939,000. Basis of preparation The financial information in this press release does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but is derived from the accounts. Statutory accounts for 2003 have been delivered to the Register of Companies, and those for 2004 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The independent auditor has reported on the accounts for both 2003 and 2004; its reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Full Accounts The full accounts will be posted to shareholders on 23 February 2005 and will be available at the Company's registered office from this date, and on the Group's website at This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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