Board resignation

EVC Christows PLC 1 February 2001 The Board of EVC Christows Plc today announced the resignation of Michael Phillips from the Board. He held the position of Managing Director, Retail and Risk Management. Talking about the company's plans for the future, new Chief Executive, Alex Snow said: 'We are building an excellent team with the expertise and commitment to develop EVC Christows into a 21st Century Investment Business. We have the vision to shape this newly merged group into a company that is capable of providing access to capital across the entire life cycle of advanced technology and high growth businesses. Above all, we are committed to focussing on delivering maximum value to our shareholders over the long-term.' - ENDS EVC Christows contact: Jackie Donnelly: 020 7444 1730 Alex Snow 020 7444 1730 Media contacts: Kit Watts, Direct Line: 020 7939 7414 Mobile: 07968 417518 Adrian Chitty, Direct Line: 020 7939 7415 Mobile: 09766 14484 VLP Switchboard: 020 7403 7500
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