Final Results

eVestment Company PLC 1 March 2000 The eVestment Company Plc ('eVestment') Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 1999 eVestment, the internet and e-commerce investment company, is pleased to announce its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999. Summary * eVestment was the earliest publicly quoted pure Internet Accelerator fund * eVestment currently holds 17 investments. 25 further potential investments are under due diligence * The executive team was strengthened during the year to process its high level of dealflow * £10 million was raised in January 2000 to provide further funds for investment, and a further £44 million was raised in February 2000 Chris Roberts, eVestment Chief Executive, commented: 'We believe that there are huge opportunities available in a rapidly expanding new market place and we intend to seize upon them. The Internet revolution is still in the early stages where correctly positioned businesses will create exponential value.' For further information, please contact: The eVestment Company Plc 0171 937 4445 Chris Roberts Square Mile Communications 0171 601 1000 Nick Oborne or Stephanie Smart Notes to Editors: eVestment was formed in 1997 and floated on AIM later that year. eVestment invests in and takes an active development role in young internet and e-commerce related businesses. The eVestment management team, led by Oliver Vaughan, Chairman, and Christopher Roberts, Chief Executive, has strong investment and management experience. Oliver Vaughan is and has been a director of a number of companies with a technology focus, including Internet Technology Group and Redstone Telecom. To date, Pure Entertainment Games and (investments no longer held) and Wave Corporation, and one other investee company, as yet unannounced, (investments still held) have floated. The eVestment Company Plc ('eVestment') Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 1999 Chairman's Statement As I stated in my Interim Statement, the early part of the year was a period of change. Attention has now been focused on building our exposure to Internet and e- commerce related opportunities. This strategy was derived out of an understanding of the vast potential of the newest technological revolution and also our belief that we had a team already in place with a proven track record in identifying and investing in such opportunities. Quite simply we became the earliest publicly quoted example of a pure Internet Accelerator Fund. Our definition of an Accelerator is as a provider of early stage development capital with added value. We believe that through our team's past experience and network of contacts, we are able to help high growth businesses through this process. Typically, we take a seat on investee company boards, thereby working with the management on strategic issues and seeking to take them through to a flotation within a relatively short period. To date, six companies have floated and we expect that at least a further four will float within the next six months. We have in the course of 1999 seen many hundreds of business proposals, coming to us from sources ranging from strategic co-investors to direct approaches through our own web site ( Each of these proposals is taken through a rigorous process of investigation with many falling along the way. Currently we have in the region of twenty-five potential investments in various stages of due diligence. Clearly we will not invest in all twenty-five, but we may well invest in something approaching half of them. Beyond this, more proposals are entering the sifting process each day. In order that we are better able to effectively process this level of dealflow we were very pleased to recruit to the Board Jackie Donnelly (formerly a vice president at Morgan Stanley) and John Drinkwater (formerly an executive director at Goldman Sachs) as well as welcoming back some old colleagues in the form of Tom Vaughan, who brings extensive North American experience and contacts, and Adrian Graham, whose financial expertise has aided the investment in and analysis of a number of technology companies. In addition to the Board we have a strong team of analysts and we will continue to develop the team with the strategic addition of further key individuals. We have also strengthened the Company through recent fundraisings. In January 2000 we raised approximately £10 million, with the majority coming from 'strategic investors' and the executive team. The 'strategic investors' are very important to us, as indicated by their willingness to co-invest and also by being in a position to provide further rounds of funding should the flotation route not be appropriate in the short term for investee businesses. In February this year we raised a further £44 million from a variety of institutional investors whom we believe will be interested in obtaining an early opportunity with our investee companies. Part of our strategy as we move forward is to have the opportunity to take a priority position in viewing potential dealflow from different geographical markets. We see this as best achieved by linking up with local partners, the first such relationship being with 4HighTech, an Israeli based venture capital network. Others will follow where we perceive symbiotic opportunities. In terms of our roll call of investments, I have listed below all of the major investments we have, at the time of writing, with a brief outline of what they are doing and how far advanced they are. In all we have 17 investments and have invested £6.7m in these to date. Summary of Key Investments Market Cost Value Company name £'000 at 1 Web site Description March address 2000 £'000 Callserve 500 500 Europe's first internet Communications based telephony service, Limited allowing the placing of telephone calls through the internet at a greatly reduced cost. Easier PLC 233 796 * A new on-line residential property portal. Floated in February 2000, a free online service to buy or sell properties bypassing the middle man or estate agent. eBop Media PLC 265 265 Provides a community web site targeted at the 15 to 30 age group, including information on music, games and other e- commerce initiatives. Eighteen 1,012 1,012 Eighteenglobal Internet community Global Inc. .com creating a Business-to-business and Business-to-consumer environment within a golf lifestyle internet site. infrastructure 252 252 Provides details and Defense Inc. advice on how to protect against cyber attack, offering business risk assessment, consulting and management services. Kapok 2050 260 260 Provides turnkey Limited solutions for businesses seeking a trading presence on the internet. Music Unsigned 796 796 Musicunsigned An internet based Limited .com music and directory service. 215 215 Community web site PLC targeted at musicians, seeking to benefit from recent developments in distributing music via the web site. Statpro PLC 198 198 Software development and marketing business. Targeting asset management companies. Sharepeople 244 244 Provides an on-line Limited retail real-time share dealing system, recently launched in the UK, with the intention of becoming the premier retail brokerage service in Europe. Wave Systems 269 1082 * Wave's mission is to Corporation create technologies Inc. to secure, distribute and sell digital Information. It has developed a chip which can be used in hardware for metering, security, and payment on the internet. 806 806 A US based global internet advertising Company which collects and licences Consumer profile data, and provides middle ground individual sites where customers can scan the personally relevant advertising - and be paid for it. 61 61 A strategic stake in an Israeli based start up fund which gives start-ups access to venture capital investment, headed by David Soloman, a high-tech specialist, and Daniel Goldman, who is a director of BATM. Other investments (not yet announced): - AIM-quoted 125 298 * investment - Other unquoted 1,470 1,470 investments ____________ 6,706 8,255 ____________ * Denotes AIM or NASDAQ-quoted investment Note : Unquoted investments are stated at cost, or net realisable value if, in the opinion of the Directors, this is below cost. We fully expect to be adding significantly to this list in the short term and will keep shareholders informed as and when we do. In addition it is always worth revisiting our web site, which is in the process of being upgraded and will be regularly updated. As many of our activities have only now begun to impact on the financials of the company. I do not propose to comment on the historic figures at 31 December 1999, other than to say they have been superseded by the raising of £54 million and additional investments costing £4.2 million since the balance sheet date. We believe that there are huge opportunities available in a rapidly expanding new market place and we intend to seize upon them. The Internet revolution is still in the early stages where correctly positioned businesses will create exponential value. O. J. Vaughan Chairman The eVestment Company Plc ('eVestment') Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 1999 Notes Year Year ended ended 31 31 December December 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 _____________________ Administrative expenses (71.6) (37.2) Profit on sale of investments 64.4 0.8 Income from fixed asset investments - 4.6 Interest receivable 96.4 153.4 _____________________ Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 89.2 121.6 Taxation (9.6) (25.2) _____________________ Retained profit for the period 79.6 96.4 _____________________ Basic earnings per ordinary share 1 0.08p 0.10p _____________________ Diluted earnings per share 1 0.03p 0.10p _____________________ There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the year. The eVestment Company Plc ('eVestment') Balance Sheet at 31 December 1999 Notes 31 31 December December 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets _____________________ Investments 2,479.4 338.5 _____________________ 2,479.4 338.5 Current assets _____________________ Debtors 298.9 4.1 Cash at bank and in hand 740.0 2,361.5 _____________________ 1,038.9 2,365.6 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (554.0) (49.4) _____________________ Net current assets 484.9 2,316.2 _____________________ Net assets 2,964.3 2,654.7 Capital and reserves _____________________ Called up share capital 1,092.0 1,000.0 Share premium account 1,628.5 1,490.5 Profit and loss account 243.8 164.2 _____________________ Equity shareholders' funds 2 2,964.3 2,654.7 _____________________ The eVestment Company Plc ('eVestment') Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 December 1999 Year Year ended ended 31 31 December December 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ____________________________________ Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 186.4 (33.2) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 96.4 153.4 Income from fixed asset investments - 3.7 ____________________________________ Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 96.4 157.1 Taxation Corporation tax paid (24.6) (11.6) ____________________________________ Capital expenditure and financial investments Purchase of fixed asset investments (2,812.7) (115.5) Sale of fixed asset investments 723.0 27.8 ______________________________________ Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investments (2,089.7) (87.7) ______________________________________ Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of liquid resources and financing (1,831.5) 24.6 ______________________________________ Management of liquid resources Decrease/(increase) in short term deposits 1,529.7 (50.0) ______________________________________ Financing Issues of ordinary share capital 210.0 - ______________________________________ Net cash inflow from financing 210.0 - ______________________________________ Decrease in cash in the year (91.8) (25.4) ______________________________________ Notes to the Accounts 1. Earnings per share The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after tax and on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share adjusted to allow for the issue of shares on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options. Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below. Year ended 31 December Year ended 31 December 1999 1998 Earnings Weighted Earnings Earnings Weighted Earnings £ average per £ average per number share number share of shares (pence) of shares (pence) ___________________________________________________________ Basic earnings per share 79,600 101,094,447 0.08 96,400 100,000,200 0.10 Dilutive effect of securities - 153,100,286 - - __________________________________________________________ Diluted earnings per share 79,600 254,194,733 0.03 96,400 100,000,200 0.10 __________________________________________________________ 2. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds Year ended Year ended 31 31 December December 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 _____________________ Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 79.6 96.4 Issues of ordinary share capital 230.0 - _____________________ Net increase in shareholders' funds 309.6 96.4 Shareholders' funds at the beginning of the year 2,654.7 2,558.3 _____________________ Shareholders' funds at the end of the year 2,964.3 2,654.7 _____________________ 3. Financial Information The financial information contained in this preliminary announcement does not constitute the group's statutory accounts, as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, for the years ended 31 December 1999 or 31 December 1998. The accounts for the year ended 31 December 1998 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 1999 and 1998 have been reported on by the company's auditors; the reports on these accounts were unqualified and they did not contain any statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts for the year ended 31 December 1999 will be posted to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available from the registered office of The eVestment Company plc, 223a Kensington High Street, London W8 6SG.
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