Final Results

1PM PLC ('1PM' or the 'Company') CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 MAY 2008 Dated: 30 June 2008 THE CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT It is a pleasure to present my report as Chairman of the 1pm Group. Financial highlights · new management delivers turnaround success following revised focus on the small ticket leasing market · results ahead of our expectations with business momentum building into the next financial year · operating profit of £86,061 compared to an operating loss of £217,306 for the year ended 31 May 2007 · new business volumes for the year up 53.7 % compared to 2007 · four major funding partners in place with significantly increased facilities enabling further growth · credit crunch accelerating growth with record levels of new business secured · the Board is confident of future prospects as significant market opportunities exist Overview I am delighted to report an exceptional set of results, which indicates the success of 1pm's restructuring under new management in tandem with the Company's revised focus on the small ticket leasing market. The Company has delivered a significant turnaround performance moving from an operating loss of £217,036 for the year ended 31 May 2007 to delivering an operating profit of £86,061 for the year ended 31 May 2008. Whilst the Board has provided strong and clear leadership and direction, the successful turnaround has been achieved due to the stability, conscientiousness and dedicated operations team led by Maria Hampton. During October 2007 the Company raised £675,000 via a placing, with the Board investing heavily to the extent of almost 50% of total monies raised. This demonstrated our confidence both in our strategy for growth as well as the potential of our target market. In addition, it sent out a strong message to our funding partners, which has been very beneficial in terms of their ongoing support. Testimony to this is the fact that we now have facilities in place, via four major funding partners, of over £3.5 million as opposed to just £750,000 for the previous comparable period. We recently announced, post period end, the securing of £900,000 of funding bringing a total of £1.65 million of new debt finance being raised over the last three months. 1pm now has the capability to significantly scale up its business, secure new clients and in turn drive growth and profitability. Indicative of this success is the fact that new business volumes increased by 53.7 % during the year ended 31 May 2008 compared to the year ended 31 May 2007. I expect this momentum to continue due to significant opportunities in our target market to provide funding to well established, small businesses with proven payment histories. Business turnaround The turnaround in the business has been achieved by the new management team's action of withdrawing from the sub-prime market, terminating all aligned broker relationships and the subsequent appointment of thirty new brokers personally known to the management team. In addition, the appointments of Rod Channon as Finance Director and Paul Connell as non-executive director, both of whom have a strong leasing background, have strengthened the Board. Operational controls Further to our financial restructuring, Maria Hampton, Operations Director, was appointed to the Board during the year and introduced an effective collection policy, which has been strengthened by the appointment of two specialist lawyers. These actions have resulted in the recovery of £583,000 during the period under review (this is compared to £413,000, for the respective period in 2007). In addition, our arrears' position is currently running at 1%, which is well below the market target of 3%. This is a key factor in the improved performance of the Company, and the Directors anticipate this will continue going forward. Maria Hampton also implemented the introduction of a new underwriting policy designed specifically to exclude any form of adverse credit and which is contributing significantly to the strong performance of the Company. These fundamental changes that underpin our business model have created a secure operating platform that will enable the Group to take full advantage of its emerging position within the small ticket-leasing environment. On behalf of the Board I would like to express my sincere thanks to our loyal and dedicated staff for their hard work and commitment during the year. Outlook We now have a well-established, multi-talented team in place, underpinned by strong administrative and operational support. With increasing funding lines in place, we are now in a position to capitalise on the significant opportunities that exist in our core market. In my previous Chairman's statement, I referred to a "New Start"; I believe that this is well and truly underway. I expect further success in the current year as we continue to grow our market share by offering "Simple Finance For Smart Business". I look forward to reporting further progress in due course. M R JOHNSON CHAIRMAN Enquiries Mike Johnson, Chairman 1pm plc 08707 397 397 Ian Callaway, SVS Securities plc (Broker) 020 7638 5600 Nick Harriss, Blomfield Corporate Finance (Nomad) 020 7489 4500 Shane Dolan, Biddicks 020 7448 1000 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2008 Note 2008 2007 £ £ REVENUE 848,477 871,965 Cost of sales (291,933)(792,711) ________ ________ GROSS PROFIT 556,544 79,254 Administrative expenses (470,483)(296,560) ________ ________ OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) 2 86,061 (217,306) Finance income 2,602 5,971 Finance costs (8,795) (12,372) ________ ________ PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX 79,868 (223,707) Income tax expense 4 - 83,238 ________ ________ PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR 79,868 (140,469) ________ ________ Attributable to equity holders of 79,868 (140,469) the company ________ ________ Profit per share attributable to the equity holders of the company during the year - basic and diluted 5 0.0248p (0.11)p ________ ________ 5 0.0248p (0.11)p ________ ________ All of the activities of the company are classed as continuing. The company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the period as set out above. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 MAY 2008 Notes 2008 2007 £ £ ASSETS NON CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 66,091 42,512 ________ ________ CURRENT ASSETS Trade and other receivables 6 4,559,142 2,826,951 Cash and cash equivalents 25,097 6,104 ________ ________ TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 4,584,239 2,833,055 ________ ________ TOTAL ASSETS 4,650,330 2,875,567 ======== ======== EQUITY Share capital 9 298,773 99,925 Share premium account 9 1,303,112 871,369 Retained earnings 10 (60,601) (140,469) ======== ======== TOTAL EQUITY 1,541,284 830,825 ________ ________ LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 7 1,664,440 1,382,366 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 8 1,444,606 662,376 Deferred tax liabilities - - ________ ________ TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,109,046 2,044,742 ________ ________ TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 4,650,330 2,875,567 ======== ======== CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2008 NOTES 2008 2007 £ £ CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Consumed by operations 11 (808,756) (692,199) Taxation (19,464) (54,756) ________ ________ Net cash generated from operating (828,220) (746,955) activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest received 2,602 5,971 Interest paid (8,795) (12,372) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (42,948) - ________ ________ Net cash generated from investing (49,141) (6,401) activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividends paid - - Issue of shares net of cost 630,591 921,294 ________ ________ Net cash generated from financing activities 630,591 921,294 ________ ________ NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (246,770) 167,938 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR (100,627)(268,565) ________ ________ CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR (347,397) (100,627) ======== ======== CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2008 Share Share Retained Total Capital Premium Earnings Equity Balance at 1 June 2007 99,925 871,369 (140,469) 830,825 Profit for the year 79,868 79,868 Movement in share 198,848 431,743 630,591 capital Other movements - - - - ________ ________ ________ ________ Balance at 31 May 2008 298,773 1,303,112 (60,601) 1,541,284 ======== ======== ======== ======== NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2008 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 May 2008 will be delivered to shareholders and to the Registrar of Companies in the week commencing 30 June 2008 and will be available on the Company's website ( The report of the auditors on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 was unqualified and did not contain a reference to any matters which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or section 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006. Adoption of new and revised standards The financial statements have adopted the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards and International Accounting Standards as endorsed by the EU (collectively IFRSs') for the first time in these consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2008. Transitional disclosures from United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice to IFRS are provided in note 12. Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and with the Companies Act 1985. The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries) made up to May each year. Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefit from its activities. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. Leased assets and turnover Assets leased to customers on finance leases are recognised in the Balance Sheet and present them as a receivable at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease. Receipts from finance lease contracts contain a capital element which reduces the debtor and an interest charge which is credited to revenue using the "rule of 78". In addition 5% of total interest charges are credited to revenue in the year of inception of each lease to cover initial administration costs. All turnover arose within the UK. 2. OPERATING PROFIT / (LOSS) Operating profit / (loss) stated after charging: 2008 2007 £ £ Depreciation of property, plant 19,369 10,644 and equipment Auditors remuneration 13,260 9,087 Staff costs 295,990 370,416 Operating costs: Other 15,218 15,000 ====== ====== 3. DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION The directors' aggregate emoluments in respect of qualifying services were: 2008 2007 £ £ Aggregate emoluments 158,253 186,559 Value of company pension contributions to money purchase scheme 8,867 31,792 ________ ________ 167,120 218,351 ________ ________ The number of directors who accrued benefits under company pension scheme was as follows: 2008 2007 No No Money purchase schemes 2 2 ==== ==== 4. INCOME TAX EXPENSE (a) 2008 2007 Current tax £ £ UK corporation tax charge - (3,683) Deferred tax - (79,555) ________ ________ Current tax - (83,238) ======== ======== Corporation tax is calculated at 20% (2007: 19%) of the estimated assessable profit for the year. The charge for the year can be reconciled to the Income Statement as follows: (b) 2008 2007 £ £ Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities before tax 79,868 (223,707) ====== ====== Loss on ordinary activities by rate 15,974 (62,872) of tax Capital allowances for the period in (2,362) (1,864) excess of depreciation Operating income non-taxable - (20,366) Unrelieved losses - 61,499 Utilisation of loss relief (23,105) - Underprovision of current tax (525) - Unexplained difference 4 - Other short term timing differences 10,014 19,920 ________ ________ Total current tax (note 4(a)) - (3,683) ________ ________ 5. EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculations of earning per share are calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shares by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. 2008 2007 £ £ Profit / (loss) attributable to equity shareholders 79,868 (140,469) ________ ________ Weighted average number of shares 322,667,529 133,082,373 ________ ________ Basic & Diluted Earnings per Share 0.0248p (0.11)p ======== ======== 6. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES 2008 2007 £ £ Trade receivables 4,048,367 2,625,960 VAT recoverable 174,761 36,580 Other receivables 210,151 68,983 Prepayments and accrued income 31,080 16,567 Deferred taxation 78,861 78,861 Corporation tax 15,922 - ________ ________ 4,559,142 2,826,951 ======== ======== Trade debtors wholly represent finance lease debtors. 2008 2007 Gross receivables from finance £ £ leases No later than 1 year 2,569,267 2,514,956 Later than 1 year and no later 2,610,991 813,819 then 5 years Later then 5 years Unearned future finance income on finance lease (1,131,891) (702,815) ________ ________ Net investment in finance leases 4,048,367 2,625,960 ________ ________ The net investment in finance leases may be analysed as follows: No later than 1 year 1,914,527 1,275,821 Later than 1 year and no later 2,133,840 1,350,139 then 5 years Later then 5 years - - ======== ======== The cost of assets acquired for the purpose of letting under finance leases were as follows; 2008: £2,999,524 (2007: £1,886,398). 7. CURRENT LIABILITIES 2008 2007 £ £ Bank loans and overdrafts 372,494 106,731 Trade payables 1,164,978 1,184,607 Corporation tax - 3,542 Other taxation and social securities 5,270 9,086 Other payables 83,687 7,330 Accruals and deferred income 38,011 71,070 ________ ________ 1,664,440 1,382,366 ======== ======== Trade payables wholly represent funding creditors, which are secured on the value of finance leases written during the financial year. The trade payables figure is made up of numerous funding blocks that are repaid by monthly instalments. The length of the repayment term varies from 29 to 60 months and interest rates from 8.2% to 12%. 8. NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 2008 2007 £ £ Bank loans and overdrafts - Trade payables 1,444,606 662,376 ________ ________ 1,444,606 662,376 ________ ________ Trade creditors are secured as noted above, with the same repayment and interest rates. 9. SHARE CAPITAL AND PREMIUM No of Ordinary Share Total Shares Shares Premium £ £ £ At 1 June 2007 146,561,469 99,925 871,369 971,294 Movement 291,650,760 198,848 431,743 630,591 _________ ________ ________ ________ At 31 May 2008 438,212,229 298,773 1,303,112 1,601,885 ========= ======== ======== ======== Authorised: No of Nominal Total Shares Value £ £ Ordinary Shares 880,001,738 0.0006818 299,993 ========= ======== ======== Allotted and fully paid: No of Nominal Total Shares Value £ £ Ordinary Shares 438,212,229 0.0006818 298,773 ========= ======== ======== Issue of shares On 25 October 2007, the company issued 291,650,760 ordinary shares at a price of £0.00025 per share. The funds raised were used in 1pm (UK) Limited to finance continuing operations. 10. RETAINED EARNINGS Group Company £ £ At 1 June 2007 (140,469) - Profit for the year 79,868 - Equity dividends - - _______ _______ At 31 May 2008 (60,601) - ====== ======= 11.NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW (Group only) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2008 2007 £ £ Profit / (loss) before income tax 86,061 (217,306) for the year Adjustment for: Depreciation 19,369 (24,112) Trade and other receivables (934,039) (7,873) Trade and other payables 19,853 (442,908) ________ ________ Cash generated from operations (808,756)(692,199) ======== ======== 12. EXPLANATION OF TRANSITION TO IFRS As stated in the basis of preparation, these are the group's first consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. An explanation of how the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS has affected the group's financial statements is set out below: Balance Sheet and Income Statement: The adoption of the IFRS by the group has resulted in some reordering of the presentation of certain balances within both the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. In accordance with IFRS negative goodwill previously recognised in accordance with UK GAAP has been derecognised. The audited financial results to 31 May 2007 have been duly restated. UK GAAP Presentation IFRS Differences £ £ £ Profit on ordinary activities (247,669) 107,200 (140,469) after tax Intangible assets - negative (107,200) 107,200 - goodwill Earning per share - basic and (0.19)p - (0.11)p diluted Cash Flow Statement: Changes in the cash flow previously reported under UK GAAP are mainly presentational. For the purpose of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand less overdrafts. 13. TRANSACTIONS WITH DIRECTORS A director Mr M R Johnson has given personal guarantees to: Svenska Handelsbanken plc of £350,000, Hitachi Capital Limited to of £10,000,000 & Kingston Asset Finance Limited to the outstanding debt at the time of the agreement being terminated. During the year the following directors invoiced the company for services rendered: A F Williams invoiced the company for £5,400 P Connell invoiced the company for £7,770 M Johnson invoiced the company for £93,016 R Channon invoiced the company for £15,000 There were no balances at the year-end. -END-
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