Final Results
27 July 1999
The UK's largest, specialist tile retailer
Financial Results for the period ended 29 May 1999
* Turnover: £43.0 million (1998: £31.3m) 37% increase
* Profit before tax: £5.83 million (1998: £4.13m) 41% increase
* Earnings per share: 9.9p 39% increase
(1998: 7.1p adjusted for share split)
* Final net dividend of 2.51p per share. Total net dividend for the year
* Gross margin of 55.5% (1998: 52.4%)
* Like for like sales growth of 7%
* Acquisition of 20 ex Tile City stores in December 1998
* 20 new stores opened during the year
Commenting on the results, Barry Bester, Chief Executive said:
'Despite the widely documented slow down in the retail sector we have
continued to trade well and I am delighted to announce another successful year
for Topps. Once again, we exceeded our store opening target, in addition to
which, in December, we acquired 20 stores which previously traded as Tile
Trading in the first seven weeks of the current year has been strong with like
for like sales of over 9% and we are confident of continuing our progress this
Barry Bester, Chief Executive 0171 377 6677 (for today only)
Andy Liggett, Finance Director 0171 377 6677 (for today only)
Ann-Marie Wilkinson, Biddick Associates Ltd 0171 377 6677
We are delighted to report another successful year with increased sales,
profits and earnings per share. We have achieved our store opening target for
the year of 20 new stores, in addition to which we acquired 20 existing
stores, in December 1998, which previously traded as 'Tile City', giving a
total of 40 stores.
Despite the widely reported slow down in the retail sector we have continued
to trade well, demonstrating the appeal to consumers of our retail format and
the strength and resilience of the growth in the tile market.
Financial Results
Profit before tax has risen by 41% to £5.83 million (1998: £4.13 million) on
turnover of £43.0 million (1998: £31.3 million) an increase of 37%. Earnings
per share were up 39% to 9.9p (1998: 7.1p adjusted for share split in January
In a challenging retail environment we achieved total like for like sales
growth of 7%, on top of exceptionally strong like for like growth of over 18%
in 1998.
Gross margin improved from 52.4% to 55.5% reflecting changes in product sales
mix as a result of our strategy to withdraw from lower margin bathroom sales
and enhanced purchasing power.
Capital expenditure in the year, excluding freehold and leasehold property,
amounted to £2.8 million. We acquired five freehold and long leasehold
properties and three development sites during the year, at a cost of £1.7
million and £0.5 million respectively. We also disposed of five freehold and
long leasehold properties, the total proceeds of which amounted to £1.9
The Group currently owns eight freehold properties and three development sites
with a total net book value of £3.2 million.
In January 1999, two million new shares were issued raising £2.5 million for
the Company. Monies raised were used to finance the acquisition of the ex-
Tile City stores and provide us with additional working capital for expansion.
We also decided to recommend a subdivision of the Company's share capital in
January 1999 to help promote marketability of the Company's equity and enable
the London Stock Exchange to report daily turnover figures for Topps Tiles
Ordinary Shares.
At the year end net cash balances for the Group were £0.7 million and long
term bank loans were £3.0 million.
The Directors have recommended a final net dividend of 2.51p per share which,
when taken together with the interim net dividend of 0.72p per share paid on
26 February 1999, makes a total dividend for the year of 3.23p. This will be
payable on 1 October 1999 to shareholders on the register at 10 September
Operational Review
During the year we have opened 20 new stores, relocated two stores and closed
one store. In addition to this, in December 1998, we acquired 20 stores from
the receiver of Surface Coatings Ltd (trading as 'Tile City' or 'Tile Clearing
House') for a cash consideration of £1 million. Besides giving us a
representation in a number of new, strategic locations for Topps Tiles we have
gained a second brand, 'Tile Clearing House' which appeals to the
discount/bulk buying sector of the tile market.
At the end of May 1999 we operated from a total of 95 'Topps Tiles' stores and
14 'Tile Clearing House' stores totalling 109 stores. This exceeds our target
for May 2000 of 108 stores set at the time of our flotation in June 1997.
The workforce of the company increased during the year from 462 to 730,
reflecting the increase in the number of our retail outlets. We continue to
channel considerable resources and effort into the training, development and
motivation of this growing workforce. We regard this as a key element in the
continued profitable growth of the Group.
The Topps Sharesave Scheme, which was approved by shareholders in August 1998,
is now in operation, providing an additional component of the incentive
package which includes performance related bonus and share options. These
measures together with the bright prospects for advancement in a growing
business have helped us achieve stability in the workforce and attract high
calibre people.
We would like to thank all our workforce for their continued contribution to
the successful operation and expansion of the Group.
We welcome the Rt. Hon. Michael Jack, MP for Fylde in Lancashire who joined
the Board as a non-executive director on 26 January 1999 and look forward to
his contribution to the profitable growth of the Group.
Current Trading and Prospects
In the seven weeks since the end of the financial year trading has been strong
with like-for-like sales growth of over 9% compared to the corresponding
period last year. The phasing out of bathroom products and its substitution
with an increased tile and flooring offer has continued. Initial results show
this strategy is improving overall returns on those stores concerned.
We are now in the latter stages of re-branding and integrating the ex 'Tile
City' stores into the Topps Tiles network and refurbishing and refitting the
'Tile Clearing House' stores. Whilst this exercise has placed considerable
demands on our store fit out and opening resources, we are pleased with the
profit contribution these stores are now making.
This financial year we plan to open 18 new stores and close or relocate three
stores. The openings will be weighted to the second half of the financial
year due to our commitment of resources to the integration of the Tile City
stores earlier this year.
The UK tile market is forecast to continue to grow from its current low per
capita consumption base. We estimate our present share of the retail tile
market to be around 11%. Our objective is to increase our store base to
around 200 stores over the next five years thereby raising our market share to
in excess of 20%.
Our strong position in the market place, proven resilience and profit
performance during consumer market downturns and successful implementation of
our expansion to date, gives us confidence for the continued progress of the
Stuart Williams Barry Bester
Chairman Chief Executive
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the period ended 29th May 1999
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Continuing Operations 39,340 31,274
Acquisitions 3,656 -
Cost of Sales (19,121) (14,881)
Gross profit 23,875 16,393
Operating expenses
- employee profit sharing (1,458) (1,139)
- other operating expenses (16,326) (10,972)
Operating profit
Continuing operations 5,921 4,282
Acquisition 170 -
6,091 4,282
Interest receivable and
similar income 50 85
Interest payable and similar
charges (313) (240)
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 5,828 4,127
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities (1,792) (1,279)
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 4,036 2,848
Dividends (1,348) (942)
Transfer to reserves 2,688 1,906
Earnings per ordinary share
-basic 9.9p 7.1p
-diluted 9.4p 6.8p
There are no recognised gains or losses in either period other than the profit
for the financial period.
Balance Sheets
29th May 1999
Group Company
1999 1998 1999 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Goodwill 113 - - -
Tangible assets 9,270 5,596 - -
Investments - - 14,640 14,640
9,383 5,596 14,640 14,640
Current assets
Stocks 13,285 8,112 - -
Debtors 1,753 953 1,121 1,935
Cash at bank and in hand 710 1,289 5,963 2,232
15,748 10,354 7,084 4,167
Creditors: Amounts
falling due within one
year (12,813) (8,739) (1,264) (990)
Net current assets 2,935 1,615 5,820 3,177
Total assets less
current liabilities 12,318 7,211 20,460 17,817
Creditors: Amounts
falling due after more
than one year (2,685) (2,899) - -
Provisions for
liabilities and charges (295) (146) - -
Net assets 9,338 4,166 20,460 17,817
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 5,264 5,010 5,264 5,010
Share premium - 12,687 - 12,687
Merger reserve (399) (399) - -
Special reserve - - 14,917 -
Goodwill write off -(15,080) - -
Profit and loss account 4,473 1,948 279 120
Equity shareholders'
funds 9,338 4,166 20,460 17,817
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the period ended 29th May 1999
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 4,075 3,385
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance (263) (155)
Taxation (1,462) (617)
Capital expenditure and financial
investment (3,087) (2,843)
Acquisitions and disposals (1,069) (2,935)
Equity dividends (991) (240)
Cash outflow before management of
liquid resources and financing (2,797) (3,405)
Financing 2,218 5,055
(Decrease) increase in cash in the
period (579) 1,650
1. Turnover is attributable to the Group companies acquired by Topps Tiles
Plc immediately upon admission to the London Stock Exchange on 2 June
2. Basic earnings per share for the period has been calculated on earnings
(after the deduction of taxation) of £4,036,000 (1998: £2,848,000) and on
ordinary shares of 40,767,771 (1998: 40,080,016) being the weighted
average of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
Fully diluted earnings per has been calculated with regard to FRS 14
and is based on earnings (after the deduction of taxation) of £4,036,000
(1998:£2,848,000) and on ordinary shares of 43,167,945 (1998:42,131,800).
3. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's
statutory financial statements for the 52 weeks ended 29 May 1999 or 30
May 1998 but is derived from those statements. Statutory financial
statements for 1998 have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and those for 1999 will be delivered following the Company's
Annual General Meeting. The Auditors have reported on the accounts to 30
May 1998,their report was unqualified and did not contain statements
under section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985. The Auditors have given
an unqualified opinion on the accounts for the 52 weeks ended 29
May 1999 which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting to be held on 7 September
4. An interim dividend of 0.72p net per share was paid to shareholders of
the Company on 26 February 1999. The directors recommend a final
dividend of 2.51p net per share to be paid on 1 October 1999 to
shareholders on the register on 10 September 1999, making a total
dividend for the year of 3.23p (1998: 2.35p) per share.
5. The report and accounts for the year ended 29 May 1999 will be posted to
shareholders today and additional copies will be available from the
Secretary at the Company's registered office, Topps Tiles Plc, Earl Road,
Stanley Green Trading Estate, Cheadle Hulme,Cheshire, SK8 6PT.