3rd Quarter Results

Total Fina Elf. 19 November 2002 www.totalfinaelf.com TotalFinaElf Reports Third Quarter and Nine Months 2002 Results Third Quarter 2002, excluding non-recurring items • Net income: 1.60 billion euros, down 9% • Earnings per share: 2.40 euros, down 6% • Earnings per share: 2.35 dollars, 4% increase 14% increase in hydrocarbon production First Nine Months 2002, excluding non-recurring items • Net income: 4.65 billion euros, down 24% • Earnings per share: 6.94 euros, down 20% • Earnings per share: 6.46 dollars, down 18% 11% increase in hydrocarbon production Paris - November 19, 2002 - The Board of Directors of TotalFinaElf, chaired by CEO Thierry Desmarest met to review the unaudited third quarter 2002 results. Commenting on the results, Thierry Desmarest said: 'During the third quarter 2002, TotalFinaElf was able to maintain earnings per share, excluding non-recurring items, at 2.40 euros, near the level of the third quarter 2001 despite a weaker dollar and lower refining and marketing margins, which were only partially offset by higher hydrocarbon prices. When we express our results in dollars to be comparable to our peers, TotalFinaElf is the only major to show an increase in its earnings per share excluding non-recurring items (...) This performance is due largely to our own internal efforts. Hydrocarbon production rose by 14% in the third quarter 2002 versus the same quarter last year. Strict financial discipline and substantial share buy-backs also contributed to this performance.' Consolidated accounts TotalFinaElf 3Q02 3Q01 % millions of euros 9m 02 9m 01 % 25,423 25,946 -2% Sales 75,642 81,629 -7% 2,824 3,088 -9% Operating income from business 8,101 10,615 -24% segments (excluding non-recurring items) 1,525 1,773 -14% Net operating income from business 4,407 6,200 -29% segments (excluding non-recurring items) 1,600 1,761 -9% Net income (Group share) 4,651 6,094 -24% excluding non-recurring items 1,637 2,299 -29% Net income (Group share) 4,569 7,006 -35% 2.40 2.55 -6% Earnings per share (euros) 6.94 8.72 -20% excluding non-recurring items 2,125 2,647 -20% Investments 6,334 7,467 -15% 464 2,178 -79% Divestments 1,513 5,293 -71% at selling price 3,465 3,810 -9% Cash flow from operating activities 8,773 10,894 -19% Non-recurring Item* 3Q02 3Q01 millions of euros 9m 02 9m 01 Impact of non-recurring items on operating income (8) - Restructuring charges (24) - (1) - Impairments (22) - 76 - Other 67 - 67 - Total 21 - Impact of non-recurring items on net income 62 597 Gain on asset sales 339 971 1 - Toulouse plant impact (148) - Restructuring charges and (1) (40) early retirement plans (77) (40) (1) - Impairments (15) - (24) (19) Other (181)* (19) 37 538 Total (82) 912 *includes 151 M€ Impact in 2Q02 accounts related to UK tax changes Number of shares 3Q02 3Q01 % millions 9m 02 9m 01 % Fully-diluted weighted- 667.9 690.8 -3% average shares 669.7 698.7 -4% Oil market environment 3Q02 3Q01 % 9m 02 9m 01 % 0.98 0.89 -9%* €/$ 0.93 0.90 -3%* 27.0 25.3 +7% Brent ($/b) 24.4 26.1 -7% 8.6 12.9 -33% European refining 5.3 15.6 -66% margin TRCV ($/t) * change in the dollar versus the euro Third Quarter 2002 Results For the third quarter 2002, the average Brent oil price rose by 7% to $27.0/b from $25.3/b a year ago. However, the other parameters reflected weaker market conditions relative to a year ago. The dollar depreciated sharply against the euro, with the exchange rate averaging $0.98 per euro in the third quarter 2002 versus $0.89 per euro in the third quarter 2001. The European refining margin fell to $8.6/t in the third quarter 2002 from $l2.9/t in the third quarter 2001. Growth, synergies and productivity programs were able to partially offset the negative impact of the environment. The beneficial impact of the self-help programs was reduced by the impact of an unusually high level of refinery maintenance operations. Within this context, operating income from the business segments, excluding non-recurring items, fell by 9% to 2,824 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 3,088 million euros In the third quarter 2001. Third quarter 2002 non-recurring items had a positive impact on operating income of 67 million euros. Net operating income from the business segments excluding non-recurring items declined by 14% to 1,525 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 1,773 million euros in the third quarter 2001. The larger percentage decrease in net operating income versus operating income is due primarily to the larger share in operating income of the more heavily taxed Upstream segment. Net income excluding non-recurring items fell by 9% to 1,600 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 1,761 million euros in the same period last year. Relative to the percentage decline in net operating income, the smaller decline in net income is due primarily to the lower cost of net debt. Earnings per share excluding non-recurring items, based on 667.9 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares in the third quarter 2002, showed a limited decline of only 6% to 2.40 euros from 2.55 euros per share in the third quarter 2001 thanks to the Group's share buy-backs. During the third quarter 2002, TotalFinaElf bought back 8.59 million of its shares (1) for 1.20 billion euros. At September 30, 2002, the number of fully-diluted shares was 665.2 million. Reported net income declined to 1,637 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 2,299 million euros in the same period of 2001. Non-recurring items had a positive impact of 37 million euros in the third quarter 2002 versus a positive impact of 538 million euros on third quarter 2001 net income. Non-recurring items in the third quarter 2002 were composed primarily of gains on asset sales. The Group's net-debt-to-equity ratio was 25.9% at September 30, 2002 compared with 28.2% at June 30, 2002. Upstream Upstream operating income excluding non-recurring items rose by 9% to 2,448 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 2,247 million euros in the third quarter 2001. The increase was driven primarily by strong production growth. Higher oil prices were more than offset by the negative gas price lag effect and the weaker dollar. Net operating income excluding non-recurring items from the Upstream segment was slightly lower at 1,185 million euros in the third quarter 2002 compared to 1,199 million euros in the third quarter 2001, primarily due to the inclusion of gains on asset sales completed in the third quarter 2001 and the impact of higher UK North Sea taxes in the third quarter 2002. Hydrocarbon production rose by 13.7% to 2,351 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d) in the third quarter 2002 from 2,068 kboe/d in the third quarter 2001. Production growth was driven primarily by a number of start-ups occurring since the third quarter 2001, including Girassol in Angola, the Sincor upgrader in Venezuela, South Pars in Iran, Nuggets and Huldra in the North Sea and Deir Ez Zor gas in Syria, as well as by the ramp up in production at the Elgln-Franklin fields in the UK North Sea. In Europe, highlights of the third quarter 2002 included approval by the Norwegian authorities for the development of the Skirne and Byggve gas and condensate fields located on block PL 102. The Otter field in the UK North Sea started production in October 2002, less than two years after approval of its development plan. In the CIS, TotalFinaElf confirmed its acquisition of a 5% share in the BTC pipeline project that will link Baku, Azerbaijan to Ceyhan, Turkey. In October, a discovery was made on the Kalamkas structure in the Kazakh section of the Caspian Sea, 80 kilometers southwest of the Kashagan field. In Africa, the Group obtained a new exploration permit in Algeria on the Timimoun Basin. In the Gulf of Mexico, the TotalFinaElf-operated Aconcagua field started production; it is one of three gas fields that use the new deep-water Canyon Express pipeline which is also operated by the Group. (1)Includes 0.87 million shares used to cover stock option program In the area of renewable energies, the Group obtained the necessary permits in September to launch a 12-megawatt wind energy project at its Dunkirk refinery. 3Q02 3Q01 % Upstream - Key Figures 9m 02 9m 01 % 2,351 2,068 +14% Hydrocarbon production (kboe/d) 2,379 2,151 +11% 1,604 1,370 +17% *Liquids (kb/d) 1,580 1,423 +11% 4,102 3,811 +8% *Gas (Mcfd) 4,382 3,981 +10* 2,448 2,247 +9% Operating income (M€) 6,789 7,405 -8% excluding non-recurring items 1,185 1,199 -1% Net operating income (M€) 3,452 3,935 -12% excluding non-recurring items 1,430 1,939 -26% Investments (M€) 4,629 5,286 -12% 141 392 -64% Divestments (M€) 470 772 -39% at selling price 2,214 1,925 +15% Cash flow from operating 5,611 6,115 -9% activities (M€) Downstream Downstream operating income excluding non-recurring items fell by 83% to 107 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 616 million euros in the third quarter 2001. The decrease in operating income was due to the sharp deterioration in the Downstream environment which was exacerbated by the impact of a major turnaround program for maintenance on some of the company's refineries. The main elements of changes in the environment were: • strong deterioration of European refining margins; • a declining dollar relative to the euro; • lower marketing margins In Europe; • a more difficult environment for specialties, notably aviation fuel, and for heating oil; • lower shipping rates. Refinery throughput fell by 7% to 2,331 kb/d in the third quarter 2002 from 2,495 kb/d in the third quarter 2001, due primarily to major turn-arounds for maintenance, safety and product-specification upgrades, which were particularly heavy during the third quarter 2002. Turn-arounds have affected the company's Normandy (France) and Leuna (Germany) refineries. In addition, the Natref refinery in South Africa, in which the Group has a 36% interest, was shut down for de-bottlenecking operations. Substantial turn-arounds are expected to continue into the fourth quarter 2002. Self-help programs have only partially compensated for the impact of a weaker environment and the refinery turn-arounds. Net operating income excluding non-recurring items declined by 72%, to 134 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 475 million euros in the third quarter 2001. Relative to the percentage decline in operating income, the smaller decline in net operating income is due primarily to the stable contribution of equity affiliates. TotalFinaElf signed an agreement with Agip and Galp that involved the sale of the TOTAL-branded network in Spain and the acquisition of service stations in Portugal and Italy. As a result, TotalFinaElf will increase its market share in Portugal from 2% to 6% and in Italy from 6% to 7%. In August, the Group sold its service station network in Switzerland. 3Q02 3Q01 % Downstream - Key Figures 9m 02 9m 01 % 2,331 2,495 -7% Refinery throughput* 2,394 2,491 -4% 107 616 -83% Operating income (M€) 680 2,376 -71% excluding non-recurring items 134 475 -72% Net operating income (M€) 602 1,840 -67% excluding non-recurring items 287 320 -10% Investments (M€) 647 824 -21% 87 43 +102% Divestments (M€) 169 1,025 -84% at selling price Cash flow from 249 300 -17% operating activities (M€) 1,635 2,157 -24% * Including share of Cepsa Chemicals Sales in the Chemicals segment decreased by 1% to 4,825 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 4,865 million euros in the third quarter 2001. Operating income excluding non-recurring items increased by 20% to 269 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 225 million euros in the third quarter 2001, primarily due to better performance from the Specialties. The rebound in petrochemical margins seen at the beginning of the third quarter 2002 did not last Net operating income excluding non-recurring items more than doubled to 206 million euros in the third quarter 2002 from 99 million euros in the third quarter 2001. The main highlight of the third quarter 2002 was the purchase of Enichem's 10% share in the Qatar-based Qapco Company, which raised TotalFinaElf's interest to 20% and makes it the only partner with the national oil company, Qatar Petroleum. Qapco produces 525 kt/y of ethylene that is used largely as feedstock for its polyethylene units. In October 2002, TotalFinaElf announced that it had agreed on a proposal to sell its SigmaKalon paints activities to Bain Capital. The proposed sale is consistent with plans announced in 2000 to reposition and re-focus the Chemicals segment. 3Q02 3Q01 % Chemicals - key figures (M€) 9m 02 9m 01 % 4,825 4,865 -1% Sales 14,730 15,353 -4% 269 225 +20% Operating income 632 834 -24% excluding non-recurring items 206 99 +108% Net operating income 353 425 -17% excluding non-recurring items 326 337 -3% Investments 866 1,083 -20% 62 204 -70% Divestments at 103 316 -67% selling price Cash flow from operating 379 211 +80% activities 417 891 -53% Nine Months 2002 Results All of the oil market parameters reflected weaker conditions in the first nine months of 2002 than in the same period of 2001. The average Brent oil price fell by 7% to $24.4/b in the first nine months of 2002 from $26.1/b in the first nine months of 2001. The European refining margin fell sharply to $5.3/t in the first nine months of 2002 from $l5.6/t in the same period last year. The dollar depreciated by 3% relative to the euro, with the exchange rate averaging $0.93 per euro in the first nine months of 2002 compared with $0.90 per euro in the first nine months of 2001. Within this context, operating income from the business segments excluding non- recurring items declined by 24% to 8,101 million euros in the first nine months of 2002 from 10,615 million euros in the first nine months of 2001. Non- recurring items had a net positive impact of 21 million euros in the first nine months of 2002. Net operating income from the business segments excluding non-recurring items fell by 29% to 4,407 million euros in the first nine months of 2002 from 6,200 million euros in the first nine months of 2001. Net income excluding non-recurring items fell by 24% to 4,651 million euros in the first nine months of 2002 from 6,094 million euros in the first nine months of 2001. Earnings per share excluding non-recurring items, based on 669.7 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares for the first nine months of 2002, decreased to 6.94 euros from 8.72 euros in the first nine months of 2001, a limited decline of 20% that reflects the positive impact of the Group's buy-back program. During the first nine months of 2002, TotalFinaElf bought back 13.58 million of its shares (2) for 1.99 billion euros. Reported net income was 4,569 million euros in the first nine months of 2002 compared with 7,006 million euros in the first nine months of 2001. These results include non-recurring items which had a negative impact of 82 million euros on the first nine months of 2002 and a positive impact of 912 million euros for the same period in 2001. The 2002 non-recurring items that had a positive impact were composed primarily of gains on sales of financial participations; those that were negative included primarily the deferred tax impact of the change in UK tax laws, an increase in the provision related to the explosion at the Toulouse fertilizer plant, and restructuring charges in the Downstream and Chemicals segments. Hydrocarbon production rose by 10.6% to 2,379 kboe/d in the first nine months of 2002 from 2,151 kboe/d in the first nine months of 2001. Taking into account poor Downstream market conditions, particularly in the first part of the year, and the high number of refinery turn-arounds, refinery throughput declined by 4% to 2,394 kb/d for the first nine months of 2002 from 2,491 kb/d for the same period last year. Chemical sales declined by 4% for the first nine months of 2002 versus the same period in 2001 to 14,730 million euros. (2) Includes 2.91 million shares used to cover stock option program Cancellation of Outstanding Shares The Board of Directors approved the cancellation of 23,443,245 shares thus reducing share capital to 6,852,769,280 euros represented by 685,276,928 shares with a par value of 10 euros per share. The cancellation of these shares will allow the Group to continue to buy back its shares in the future. Summary & Outlook For the first nine months of 2002, investments were 6,334 million euros, with Upstream accounting for 73% of the total. Divestments in the first nine months of 2002, at selling price, were 1,513 million euros, being comprised primarily of sales of financial participations and non-strategic assets. Free cash flow(3)in the first nine months of 2002 was 3,952 million euros. The buy-back program target of 2.5% of the shares over the full-year 2002 was achieved by October. From January through October 2002, TotalFinaElf bought back 17.92 million (4) of its own shares for 2.59 billion euros. Since the start of the fourth quarter 2002, the European refining margin has improved significantly while the average Brent oil price has declined and the dollar weakened slightly against the euro. The September 30, 2002 Interim financial statements are available on the TotalFinaElf website. These financial statements are unaudited. This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigatlon Reform Act of 1995 with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, strategy and plans of the TotalFinaElf Group. Such statements are based on a number of assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate, and are subject to a number of risk factors, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory considerations and general economic and business conditions. The financial information contained in this document has been prepared in accordance with French GAAP, and certain elements would differ materially upon reconciliation to US GAAP. The TotalFinaElf Group does not assume any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further information on factors which could affect the company's financial results is provided in documents filed by the Group and its affiliates with the French Commission des Operations de Bourse and the US Securities and Exchange Commission. To access the conference call with Robert Castaigne, CFO of TotalFinaElf, today at 5:30 p.m (Paris time), please dial +44 (0) 208 240 8241 from Europe or 1-303-713-7929 from the US (access code: TotalFinaElf). For a replay, please dial +44 (0) 208 288 4459 (access code: 122 032) from Europe or 1-703-736-7336 (access code: 122 032) from the US. (3) free cash flow - cash flow from operating activities + divestments - Investments (4) includes 2.91 million shares used to cover stock option program Operating Information by Segment Third Quarter and First Nine Months 2002 Upstream Combined liquids and gas production by region 3Q02 3Q01 % in kboe/d 9 m 02 9 m 01 % 777 680 + 14% Europe 851 728 + 17% 650 598 + 9% Africa 664 614 + 8% 41 48 - 15% North America 42 49 - 14% 219 214 + 2% Far East 220 223 - 1% 474 381 + 24% Middle East 425 389 + 9% 186 142 + 31% South America 172 142 + 21% 4 5 - Rest of world 5 6 - 2,351 2,068 + 14% Total production 2,379 2,151 + 11% Liquids production by region 3Q02 3Q01 % in kb/d 9 m 02 9 m 01 % 437 391 + 12% Europe 454 401 + 13% 585 525 + 11% Africa 595 545 + 9% 4 6 - North America 5 7 - 22 27 - 19% Far East 23 27 - 15% 427 331 + 29% Middle East 382 347 + 10% 125 85 + 47% South America 116 90 + 29% 4 5 - Rest of world 5 6 - 1,604 1,370 + 17% Total production 1,580 1,423 + 11% Gas production by region 3Q02 3Q01 % in Mcfd 9 m 02 9 m 01 % 1,865 1,556 + 20% Europe 2,163 1,766 + 22% 345 385 - 10% Africa 369 361 + 2% 196 219 - 11% North America 198 223 - 11% 1,129 1,076 + 5% Far East 1,126 1,123 - 238 254 - 6% Middle East 223 220 + 1% 329 321 + 2% South America 303 288 + 5% - - - Rest of world - - - 4,102 3,811 + 8% Total production 4,382 3,981 + 10% Downstream Refinery throughput by region 3Q02 3Q01 % in kb/d 9 m 02 9 m 01 % 922 1,029 + 10% France 917 1,030 - 11% 1,159 1,204 - 4% Rest of Europe 1,195 1,186 + 1% 250 262 - 5% Rest of world 282 275 + 3% 2,331 2,495 - 7% Total throughput* 2,394 2,491 - 4% * includes share of Cepsa Chemicals 3Q02 3Q01 % Chemicals - key figures 9 m 02 9 m 01 % (B€) 4.82 4.86 - 1% Chemical Sales 14.73 15.35 - 4% 1.98 1.90 + 4% •Base chemicals & polymers 5.77 6.03 - 4% 0.92 1.00 - 8% •Intermediates & performance polymers 2.93 3.26 - 10% 1.92 1.94 - 1% •Specialities 6.00 6.02 - - 0.02 - •Corporate - Chemicals 0.03 0.04 - 0.27 0.22 + 23% Operating Income* 0.63 0.83 -24% 0.06 0.06 - •Base chemicals & polymers - 0.18 - 0.06 0.06 - •Intermediates & performance polymers 0.24 0.29 -17% 0.17 0.12 +42% •Specialities 0.47 0.41 +15% (0.02) (0.02) - •Corporate - Chemicals (0.08) (0.05) - * excluding non-recurring items This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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