Final Results

Tottenham Hotspur PLC 26 October 2000 TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st JULY 2000 HIGHLIGHTS - Turnover increased to £48.0m (1999 - £42.6m) - Operating profit before player trading £7.5m (1999 - £8.9m) - Profit after tax £0.1m (1999 - £0.8m) - No dividend (1999 - £nil) - Merchandise revenue up 28% to £4.8m (1999 - £3.8m) - £23.4m spent on strengthening playing squad - £7.0m received from player disposals - Chairman's statement follows Enquiries: John Sedgwick, Finance Director - Tottenham Hotspur plc 020 8365 5026 Press: Nick Hewer 07785 317 837 020 7836 6801 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results for the Year Ended 31st July 2000 Following a disappointing year on the pitch it is with some relief that I report a small profit after tax of £0.1m (1999 - £0.8m). Turnover increased 13% to £48.0m (1999 - £42.6m) whilst our operating profit before amortisation of player contracts remains healthy at £7.5m (1999 - £8.9m). Income We were sold out for most of our League matches and averaged an attendance of 96% of capacity. League match receipts increased by £2.4m to £18.3m. Season ticket sales for 2000/01 have reached over 19,000, a new record for the Club. We were unable to repeat our Cup successes of 1999 when we won the Worthington Cup and reached the semi-final of the FA Cup. Our performances in the UEFA Cup (two rounds), Worthington Cup (two rounds) and the FA Cup (one round) led to a reduction in Cup income of £2.7m to £3.7m. We held four Cup games here at White Hart Lane as against six last year. Television income has risen £3.3m to £12.3m (1999 - £9.0m). Most of this increase came from our UEFA Cup deal with BskyB. The Club appeared live on television six times in the Premier League, the same as last year. Sponsorship income grew 10% to £6.7m (1999 - £6.1m) largely as a result of our new deals with our partners adidas and Holsten. Merchandise income of £4.8m (1999 - £3.8m) now represents the first full year of our three-year adidas deal. The previous year's income included the first month of trading of our new home kit therefore the figures reflect not only an absolute increase of 28% but also a strong underlying trend. The White Hart Lane Conference Centre was launched in August 1999. Turnover from this division of £0.5m is included in other income this year. This was an encouraging first year. Expenses Cost of sales have increased by 20% to £45.4m (1999 - £37.7m). Within this category, amortisation on players' contracts has increased by £2.4m to £11.5m as a result of additions to the squad during the year and a full year charge relating to purchases of the previous year. Payroll costs have increased 21% to £26.2m (1999 - £21.7m). Administrative expenses increased by £1.6m due to a number of factors. These include costs for the new White Hart Lane Conference Centre, increased warehouse costs as we expand operations to keep apace with increased sales and the FA fine of £150,000. The Football Association fine was levied against the Club for the alleged misconduct of the players at an away match against Leeds. We are still appealing strongly against this decision. Player Trading Strengthening of the squad continued with £23.4m spent on the acquisition of new players. Player disposals generated £7.0m and a net profit of £4.0m. Within the profit of £4.0m there is a cost of £1.8m relating to the net book value of players released on free transfers. Balance Sheet Net assets on the balance sheet remain largely unchanged at £41.2m. Intangible assets have increased by £8.9m as a result of player trading. Cashflow The Group generated cash from operating activities of £7.4m. All of this cash plus an increase in borrowings was used to fund expenditure on player acquisitions of £17.6m. All amounts due from the sale of players at the end of July will fall into future years. The overall decrease in cash was £8.8m (1999 - decrease - £3.6m). Dividend Your Board continues to hold the view that any surplus funds are better used by further re-investment in the Club and therefore there will be no dividend in respect of this financial year. Commercial We are currently seeking planning permission to increase the stadium capacity to 44,000 by rebuilding the East Stand. We will not commit to pursuing this strategy until we feel sure that the additional capacity will be adequately utilised and we will closely study the effects of more live televised football from next season. Our merchandise sales showed good increases last year both on a comparable basis and from new footage. This is in contrast to many other sports replica retailers and clubs reporting a slow down. Our Internet sales show strong growth potential and this will be helped by our partnership with BskyB and Planet Football, our new Internet partners. Our Internet site is currently registering around seven million page impressions a month, probably ranking us as one of the most visited sports sites in the UK. The White Hart Lane Conference Centre has been well received. We have included all the set up costs in this year's figures. The lack of any market presence prior to the launch makes the break-even position of the Centre in the first year very encouraging. Our long-standing catering contract with Letheby and Christopher is due to end in May 2001. We have advertised for tenders and appointed professional advisers to manage the process. We continue to develop our presence in the locality through our Football in the Community scheme. In addition we are now screening all away matches (where the away club allows) on our Jumbotron screens at the stadium and admission is free to children and senior citizens. In many cases this will be the only chance they get to see 'live' football in a stadium and the attraction is evident. Football Tenth position in the Premier League and early exits from all Cup competitions was very disappointing. Our net spending on transfers this financial year was £16.4m (purchases £23.4m, sales £7.0m) and we have been the fourth highest net spender in the Premier League over the previous five years. Player acquisitions included Oyvind Leonhardsen, David McEwen, Matthew Etherington, Simon Davies, Anthony Gardner, Gary Doherty, Sergei Rebrov and Ben Thatcher. Player disposals included Moussa Saib, Paolo Tramezzani, Justin Edinburgh, Espen Baardsen, David Ginola, Peter Crouch and Allan Neilsen. The Youth Academy is still in its early stages of development and we have become more aggressive with our identification and registration of younger players. We have over 150 boys between the ages of 9-16 who train on a regular basis at Spurs Lodge. Our coaches are enthusiastic and capable of encouraging skilful football. We are optimistic about the new under 17 intake. Included amongst these boys are four schoolboy international players and in the group that will join next year, we have three players who have already received international recognition. Over the last year six of our players represented their country at under 21 level. The European Commission will ultimately rule on the system of transfer fees in this and other European countries. Let us hope that they take heed of representations made by the Football Association and the Premier League. Clubs must be able to protect their investments otherwise there will be little point in us making them. Outlook The Group is doing everything within its power to maximise revenues, all of which are ploughed back into strengthening the Club and playing squad. We are working hard to obtain planning permission to redevelop the East Stand. Subject to the European Commission ruling we should begin work on building a new site for the sole purpose of the Academy. The Premier League has collectively negotiated a new television deal taking us up to 2004. This not only guarantees the clubs more money from next year but also opens up other sources of income for individual clubs to develop. I would like to thank our loyal fans for their invaluable support. We are all working towards the same goals - success and long term prosperity for Tottenham Hotspur. With patience on all sides I am confident that we will get there. Sir Alan Sugar Chairman 25th October 2000 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st July 2000 2000 Operations, excluding player Player trading trading Total 1999 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 3 47,974 - 47,974 42,585 Cost of sales (33,877) (11,520) (45,397) (37,703) Gross profit 14,097 (11,520) 2,577 4,882 Administrative expenses (6,619) - (6,619) (5,052) Operating profit/(loss) 6 7,478 (11,520) (4,042) (170) Profit on disposal of registrations - 3,987 3,987 1,889 Profit/(loss) before interest and taxation 7,478 (7,533) (55) 1,719 Net interest payable (702) (426) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (757) 1,293 Tax credit/(charge) on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities 4 815 (447) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 58 846 Equity dividends 2 - - Retained profit for the year 58 846 Earnings per share - basic 5 0.1p 0.8p Earnings per share - diluted 5 0.1p 0.8p Turnover and operating profit/(loss) all derive from continuing operations. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been presented because there were no recognised gains or losses other than as stated in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account above. Balance Sheets as at 31st July 2000 Group Company 2000 1999 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 36,533 27,627 - - Tangible assets 47,483 46,842 47,424 46,771 Investments - - 1,345 1,345 84,016 74,469 48,769 48,116 Current assets Stocks 1,051 450 1,051 450 Debtors 10,541 5,799 11,282 4,376 11,592 6,249 12,333 4,826 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (45,038)(32,003)(15,471)(13,544) Net current liabilities (33,446)(25,754) (3,138) (8,718) Total assets less current liabilities 50,570 48,715 45,631 39,398 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year (8,024) (3,617) (7,014) (3,570) 42,546 45,098 38,617 35,828 Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,302) (3,950) - - Net assets 41,244 41,148 38,617 35,828 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 5,085 5,075 5,085 5,075 Share premium account 11,287 11,259 11,287 11,259 Revaluation reserve 2,668 2,716 2,328 2,376 Profit and loss account 22,204 22,098 19,917 17,118 Equity shareholders' funds 41,244 41,148 38,617 35,828 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st July 2000 2000 1999 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 7 7,433 13,531 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 9 48 Interest paid (455) (278) Interest element of finance lease payments (101) (196) Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing of finance (547) (426) UK corporation tax paid (including advance corporation tax) (1,081) (287) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets (17,590) (13,902) Receipts from sales of intangible fixed assets 1,013 1,436 Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (2,190) (2,661) Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets - 5 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (18,767) (15,122) Equity dividend paid - (252) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and financing (12,962) (2,556) Management of liquid resources Decrease in short-term deposits - 399 Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 38 174 Long term bank loan 5,000 - Bank loan repayments (250) (1,000) Capital element of finance lease payments (638) (618) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 4,150 (1,444) Decrease in cash (8,812) (3,601) TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR PLC Notes to the preliminary announcement for the year ended 31st July 2000. 1. The financial information set out on the attached pages does not constitute statutory accounts for the years ended 31st July 2000 or 31st July 1999 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31st July 1999 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for the year ended 31st July 2000 will be delivered following conclusion of the Company's forthcoming Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts and their reports are unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Financial Statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies in the previous year's financial statements. Copies of the Report and Accounts will be mailed to shareholders on 8th November 2000. 2. No dividend payment. 3. Turnover Turnover, which is all derived from the Group's principal activity, is analysed as follows: Year Year ended ended July 2000 July 1999 £'000 £'000 Gate receipts - Premier League 18,341 15,907 Gate receipts - Cup Competitions 3,737 6,411 Television 12,321 9,002 Sponsorship 6,693 6,067 Merchandising 4,825 3,758 Other 2,057 1,440 47,974 42,585 All turnover derives from activities in the United Kingdom. 4. Taxation The total taxation credit of £815,000 comprises a credit in respect of the current year of £318,000 and a credit in respect of previous years of £497,000, mostly relating to the benefit of tax losses which were not previously recognised in deferred tax. 5. Earnings per share Earnings per share have been calculated using the weighted average number of shares in issue in each year. Year Year ended ended July 2000 July 1999 £'000 £'000 Profit after taxation 58 846 Weighted average number of shares in issue 101,613,129 100,951,384 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares Options 297,834 445,717 101,910,963 101,397,101 Basic EPS Earnings per share 0.1p 0.8p Diluted EPS Earnings per share 0.1p 0.8p 6. Operating Loss This is stated after charging/(crediting) the following: Year Year ended ended July 2000 July 1999 £'000 £'000 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets: - owned 1,273 1,134 - leased 276 276 Amortisation of registrations 11,520 9,087 Release of grants - deferred credit (116) (50) Auditors' remuneration and expenses: - audit fee 42 38 - other services 126 43 Operating lease rentals: - land and buildings 208 150 - other 105 108 7. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from operating activities Year Year ended ended July 2000 July 1999 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (4,042) (170) Depreciation charge 1,549 1,410 Amortisation of registrations 11,520 9,087 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets - 237 Increase in stocks (601) (106) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 958 (1,482) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (1,951) 4,555 Net cash inflow from operating activities 7,433 13,531 8. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Year ended Year ended July 2000 July 1999 £'000 £'000 Decrease in cash in the year (8,812) (3,601) Cash (inflow)/outflow from increase in debt and lease financing (4,112) 1,618 Cash inflow from decrease in liquid resources - (399) Movement in net debt in the year (12,924) (2,382) Net debt at 1st August 1999 (5,402) (3,020) Net debt at 31st July 2000 (18,326) (5,402)
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