Interim Results - 6 Months to 31 January 2000

Tottenham Hotspur PLC 2 March 2000 TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR PLC INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31ST JANUARY 2000 Highlights Turnover up 34% to £29.8m Operating profit up 31% to £3.0m Profit before tax down 28% to £2.0m Significant increases in all major sources of income. Costs increased by 35% largely due to players payroll. Profit before tax reduced by £1.6m due to cost of player disposals. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results I am pleased to report our results for the six months ended 31st January 2000. Turnover of £29.8m (1999 - £22.3m) was 34% ahead of the same period last year, operating profit before amortisation of players was £8.6m (1999 - £6.6m) and profit before tax was £2.0m (1999 - £2.8m). League gate receipts were significantly up on the same period last year at £10.4m (1999 - £8.7m) the Club having played the same number of games. The average league attendance has been 35,100 compared to 33,700 during the same period last year and we have a record number of season ticket holders at 18,600, an increase of 3,000 on the previous year. Our memberships currently stand at 36,900, again another record figure. This year's Cup competition income of £3.6m includes gate receipts from the two UEFA Cup ties as well as lucrative FA Cup ties home and away to Newcastle. There is, however, no more Cup income due this year as we are now out of all Cup competitions. Television and radio income increased by 77% to £7.8m (1999 - £4.4m) due mainly to UEFA Cup income as well as the staged increase in the Premier League Sky deal. The initial fee, which was £3.6m, has been spread evenly over the season. This represents a change in policy from previous years when the entire initial fixed TV fee was taken into the first half of the year. Last year's six-month comparatives have been restated to reflect this. Fees for individual matches continue to be taken when they are played, with the TV merit award being taken in full during the second half of the year. Sponsorship income increased to £3.7m (1999 - £3.1m) as a result of improved deals with our new sponsors adidas and Holsten, as well as greater matchday and Premier League sponsorship income. Merchandising turnover increased 74% to £3.5m (1999 - £2.0m). Our new Megastore at the ground opened last July and in November we opened a further stand-alone store in Harlow. In addition, the adidas brand has given us a much more credible offering. The first two weeks of the new home kit launch which generated sales of £1m fell into last year's results. Costs of sales and distribution costs have risen due to the variable costs of the increased merchandising turnover, player salary increases (including a severance payment) and the direct costs of the new Conference Centre. Amortisation of players and coaching staff amounted to £5.5m, an increase of £1.3m largely representing the cost of signings in the last year. The disposal of surplus players lead to a loss on disposal of player's registrations of £0.9m. Dividend In keeping with the policy outlined previously the Board of Directors have decided not to propose an interim dividend. We will continue to reinvest funds into strengthening the squad and the playing infrastructure to create long term earning potential. Football We have experienced mixed fortunes on the football pitch since my last Chairman's statement in October. Most disappointingly we exited the UEFA Cup after just two rounds with an unfortunate ending in our game at Kaiserslautern. Our domestic Cup performances were similarly disappointing. Despite these setbacks squad morale remains high. We remain in the top half of the Premiership and still have a possibility of European qualification. We have once again invested in our squad with emphasis on youth of high quality and promise. We have signed Simon Davies and Matthew Etherington from Peterborough in a joint deal and the promising defender Anthony Gardner from Port Vale. These signings are investments for the future. The Manager has highlighted the need to strengthen the first team squad in a number of areas and the search for the appropriate players continues. Finance has been made available but quite correctly the Manager refuses to compromise with short term solutions. The latter point is illustrated well in our disposal of players with time left in contract but no prospect of first team football. Where appropriate we have bought players out of their contracts and written off their values in our balance sheet. This expensive hit of £1.6m in these interim accounts will actually save us money over the next two years. The second half results will be inevitably affected by the seasonal nature of our business where major expenditure is made but income is relatively low due to fewer home games. The full year result could also be impacted by the outcome of a deliberate policy to dispose of players surplus to our requirements. Internet I am pleased to announce that we have just concluded a five year agreement with Sky New Media Ventures Plc ('Sky') to produce, host and manage our Website. Sky will offer the Club's supporters a Website of the highest quality with the very latest news updates. This will take the burden of responsibility of updating the site away from the Club and into the hands of a dedicated team of experts. Other commercial income streams by means of e-commerce will be developed. Importantly, whilst being very lucrative for the Club the contract does not compromise us in any way for other media opportunities, and in no way inhibits our options for future TV rights. Outlook The search for high quality players continues and I am confident that good news in this respect is on the horizon. In recognising the cost to our loyal supporters of attending matches the Board have decided that there is to be no increase in ticket prices next year. Attendances have been near capacity so far this season. We have to recognise that the future revenues of the Club will soon come from other forms of income, eventually bringing that derived from gate receipts to a lower proportion of our overall turnover. The televising of so many matches offers a tempting alternative to attending a live match for football supporters. Attendances at some other clubs are already showing signs of decline and we would prefer to have White Hart Lane bursting at the seams every match. Our new White Hart Lane Conference Centre has been commended widely by clients as a highly impressive modern environment for all types of conferences and banqueting. As usual I would like to thank the Club's fans for their continued support and to reassure them and shareholders alike that it is our intention to take this Club back into the elite of football. Sir Alan Sugar Chairman 1st March 2000 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 31st January 2000 6 months 6 months 12 months ended ended ended 31st January 31st January 31st July 2000 1999 1999 (restated) (note 1) Note £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover: Gate receipts - Premier League 10,430 8,726 15,907 - Cup Competitions 3,623 3,323 6,411 Television and Radio 7,835 4,429 9,002 Sponsorship 3,727 3,067 6,067 Merchandising 3,489 2,009 3,758 Other 677 718 1,440 29,781 22,272 42,585 Cost of sales (17,948) (13,289) (28,616) Gross Profit 11,833 8,983 13,969 Administrative expenses (3,269) (2,427) (5,052) Operating Profit before Amortisation of Registrations 8,564 6,556 8,917 Amortisation of registrations (5,532) (4,244) (9,087) Operating Profit/(Loss) 3,032 2,312 (170) (Loss)/Profit on disposal of registrations 2 (856) 628 1,889 Profit before Interest and Taxation 2,176 2,940 1,719 Net interest payable (165) (132) (426) Profit on Ordinary Activities before Taxation 2,011 2,808 1,293 Tax charge on profit on 3 (623) (927) (447) ordinary activities Profit on Ordinary 1,388 1,881 846 Activities after Taxation Equity dividends 4 - - - Retained Profit for the period 1,388 1,881 846 Earnings per Share - basic 5 1.4p 1.9p 0.8p Earnings per Share - diluted 5 1.4p 1.9p 0.8p There were no recognised gains or losses other than those included in the Profit and Loss Account. The results for each period are from continuing operations. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st January 2000 31st January 31st July 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets: Intangible 26,654 27,627 Tangible 47,114 46,842 73,768 74,469 Current assets: Stocks 881 450 Debtors 2,467 5,799 Cash at bank and in hand - - 3,348 6,249 Creditors - Amounts falling due within one year (26,652) (32,003) Net current liabilities (23,304) (25,754) Total assets less current liabilities 50,464 48,715 Creditors - Amounts falling due after more than one year (5,171) (3,617) 45,293 45,098 Provisions for liabilities and charges: Deferred taxation (2,734) (3,950) Net assets 42,559 41,148 Capital and reserves: Called-up share capital 5,080 5,075 Share Premium Account 11,277 11,259 Revaluation reserve 2,692 2,716 Profit and Loss Account 23,510 22,098 Equity shareholders' funds 42,559 41,148 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 31st January 2000 6 months ended 12 months ended 31st January 2000 31st July 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities (note 6) 2,524 13,531 Returns on investments and servicing of finance: Interest received 1 48 Interest paid (116) (278) Interest element of hire purchase and finance lease payments (52) (196) Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing of finance (167) (426) Taxation UK corporation tax (including advanced corporation tax) (114) (287) Capital expenditure and financial investment: Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets (6,488) (13,902) Receipts from sales of intangible fixed assets 372 1,436 Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (979) (2,661) Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 3 5 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment (7,092) (15,122) Equity dividend paid - (252) Cash outflow before use of liquid resources and financing (4,849) (2,556) Management of liquid resources: Cash taken off short-term deposit - 399 Financing: Net decrease in obligations under hire purchase and lease contracts (356) (618) Issue of ordinary share capital 23 174 Bank loan drawn down 2,500 - Bank loan repayments (250) (1,000) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 1,917 (1,444) Decrease in cash (2,932) (3,601) Notes to the Consolidated Interim Statements for the six months ended 31st January 2000 1. The financial information given above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240(5) of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the twelve months ended 31st July 1999 have been extracted from the statutory accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit report on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31st July 1999. In the current year, the fixed television fee earned is being apportioned over the playing season. In previous years the interim accounts included such income in full, in line with the actual date of payment. The comparative interim results have been restated on the revised basis with the effect that the turnover and operating profit for the six months ended 31st January 1999 have been reduced by £1,320,000. Had the new policy not been adopted, the turnover and operating profit for the six months ended 31st January 2000 would have been increased by £1,460,000. Minor reclassifications have been made to prior period figures to achieve comparability with the current period. These statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 1st March 2000 and are neither audited nor reviewed. These results were announced to the Stock Exchange on 2nd March 2000 and are being posted to all shareholders. Copies will be available to personal callers at the registered office, Bill Nicholson Way, 748 High Road, Tottenham, London, N17 0AP. 2. (Loss)/Profit on disposal of registrations: 6 months 6 months 12 months ended ended ended 31st January 31st January 31st July 2000 1999 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 Proceeds of players' registration sold 5 628 1,922 Net book values of players' registrations (861) - (33) (856) 628 1,889 3. The taxation charge is based on the expected rate of tax which is estimated will apply in the year ended 31st July 2000. 4. The Directors do not recommend an interim dividend. Notes to the Consolidated Interim Statements for the six months ended 31st January 2000 (continued) 5. The calculation of earnings per share is based on the basic and fully diluted earnings attributable to shareholders as follows: 6 months 6 months 12 months ended ended ended 31st January 31st January 31st July 2000 1999 1999 (restated) (notel) £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit after taxation 1,388 1,881 846 6 months 6 months 12 months ended ended ended 31st January 31st January 31st July 2000 1999 1999 Basic weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 101,532,929 100,757,293 100,951,384 Employee share options and incentive schemes 370,525 881,155 445,717 Fully diluted weighted average number of shares 101,903,454 101,638,448 101,397,101 6. Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash inflow from operating activities. 6 months 12 months ended ended 31st January 31st July 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Operating profit/(loss) 3,032 (170) Depreciation charge 709 1,410 Amortisation of registrations 5,532 9,087 (Profit)/Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets (3) 237 Increase in stock (431) (106) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 3,015 (1,482) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (9,330) 4,555 Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,524 13,531
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