Interim Results to 30 June 06
Tower Resources PLC
20 September 2006
Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2006
20 September 2006
Tower Resources plc ('Tower' or 'the Company')
Tower (AIM:TRP), an international oil and gas exploration company, headquartered
in London, traded on the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market,
today announces its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006.
Tower Resources has continued to make good progress with its exploration
evaluation activities in both Uganda and Namibia.
• Recent oil discoveries have established Uganda as a new oil province
The results of technical work, including gravity/magnetic mapping and
geochemical analysis, have been very positive, supporting the Company's
prediction that the prospective region of Block 5 contains mature source rocks
and significant structural closures. The recent discoveries by Hardman and
Tullow in Block 2 100 miles to the south has provided added encouragement.
• Evaluation work on Namibian interests has confirmed commercial potential
A major interpretation study of seismic data over the Company's Namibian
offshore licence has been completed showing multiple structures of potentially
commercial significance. Geochemical analysis has confirmed the presence of a
number of potentially mature source rocks. More advanced seismic investigation
is being undertaken and an intensive farm out programme should be ready to start
within the next two months.
Russell Langusch, Executive Director, commented: Tower is making good progress
in evaluating its two African licences and is greatly encouraged by the positive
results of evaluation work to date. We look forward to introducing partners to
assist in meeting forward operational commitment in the coming months.
Enquiries :
Tower Resources plc
Russell Langusch, Executive Director 07840 523771
Peter Kingston, Chairman 01373 837223
Corporate Synergy
Oliver Cairns 020 7448 4400
Aquila Financial Limited
Peter Reilly 020 7202 2601
Ross Bethell 020 7202 2603
Dear Shareholder,
Your Company continues to make good progress with its exploration evaluation
activities in both Uganda and Namibia. The Board is greatly encouraged with the
largely positive developments for both of its licences and remains confident
that future progress will provide growth in shareholder value.
The continued success of drilling and testing activities by Hardman and Tullow
in Ugandan Block 2 to the south of the Company's 100% owned Block 5 is very
encouraging and has created considerable industry interest in the area. The
signature of a cease fire between the Ugandan Government and the Lord's
Resistance Army also provides welcome encouragement that the long running
security risks to oil and gas operations in the northern areas of Uganda may
become significantly reduced. While this risk is manageable, it has been a d
isincentive to some companies when considering whether Uganda was an attractive
place to invest. Farm out discussions can now be intensified and contact is
being made with a wide range of potential partners.
With the likelihood of commercial oil deposits now established in the Western
Rift Valley of Uganda and the potentially improved operating environment, the
Board is confident that a farm out on attractive terms can be achieved. The
technical work, including gravity/magnetic mapping and geochemical analysis, has
been very positive, supporting our prediction that the prospective region of
Block 5 contains mature source rocks and significant structural closures.
Current technical evaluation is being directed at more comprehensive gravity and
magnetic surveys and a detailed surface geological survey to investigate any
surface manifestations of mature source rock over the licence area.
A major interpretation study of seismic data over the Company's Namibian licence
has been completed showing multiple structures of potentially commercial
significance. Geochemical analysis has confirmed the presence of a number of
potential source rocks and has also established that, if present, these would
have been extensive and sufficiently mature to generate hydrocarbons.
Preliminary analysis of surface hydrocarbon seeps has indicated the presence of
potential subsurface seeps in the northern and southern regions of the licence,
where seismic evaluation has shown what could be hydrocarbon indications. New
seep data is being gathered to provide better focus. More advanced seismic
investigation is being undertaken to provide better resolution of the potential
hydrocarbon indications already identified. The results of these technical
evaluations are currently being integrated into a full exploration potential
assessment and an intensive farm out programme should be ready to start within
the next two months.
The Company has changed its year end for reporting purposes to 31st December
2006, bringing it into line with most of its peer group. The financial results
for the six month period to 30th June 2006 have therefore been prepared on an
Interim basis and are set out below. Operating loss for the period was £127,010
or 0.03p per share. The Company has no oil or gas production as yet so its
income is limited to interest earned on its cash deposits. Expenditure is
largely limited to technical evaluations related to its Licence commitments and
general administrative costs are tightly controlled.
The next six months should see progress with the introduction of funding
partners to both licences, after which the Board may consider new ventures to
broaden the Company's portfolio. We are greatly encouraged by developments over
the past six months.
Period Period
ended ended
30 June 31 December
2006 2005
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Note £ £
Administrative expenses (156,227) (174,191)
------- -------
Operating loss (156,227) (174,191)
Other interest receivable 29,217 8,167
------- -------
Loss before taxation (127,010) (166,024)
Taxation 3 - -
------- -------
Retained loss for the 9 (127,010) (166,024)
------- -------
Loss per ordinary share:
Basic 12 (0.03) p (0.13) p
Diluted (0.03) p (0.13) p
AS AT 30 JUNE 2006
2006 2005
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Note £ £ £ £
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 4 4,565,721 -
Tangible assets 5 1,480 -
-------- -------
4,567,201 -
Current assets
Trade and other
receivables 6 48,730 -
Cash and cash equivalents 1,713,398 449,445
-------- -------
1,762,128 449,445
Current Liabilities
Trade and other
payables 7 (172,135) (63,057)
------- -------
Net current assets 1,589,993 386,388
-------- -------
Net assets 6,157,194 386,388
-------- -------
Share capital 8 458,333 125,000
Share premium 9 6,149,483 585,000
Retained earnings 9 (450,622) (323,612)
------- -------
Total equity 10 6,157,194 386,388
-------- -------
Period Period
ended ended
30 June 31 December
2006 2005
£ £ £ £
Operating activities
Cash generated from operations (95,744) (111,134)
Interest received 29,217 8,167
------- -------
Net cash outflow from operating
activities (66,527) (102,967)
------- -------
Investing activities
Expenditure on intangible assets (4,565,721)
Expenditure on tangible assets (1,615)
--------- -
--------- -------
Net cash invested in Investing
Activities (4,567,336) -
--------- -------
Financing Activities
Issue of ordinary share capital
5,897,816 -
--------- -
Net cash inflow from financing
Activities 5,897,816
--------- -------
Net increase/(decrease) in cash
and cash equivalents 1,263,953 (102,967)
449,445 552,412
Cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of the year
Cash and cash equivalents at --------- -------
the end of the year
1,713,398 449,445
--------- -------
Note 12 to the accounts reflect the net cash outflow from operating activities.
1 General Information
The interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2006
is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. It was approved by the board of
Directors on 18 September, 2006.
The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost
convention and in accordance with International Financial Reporting
Standards as adopted by the European Union.
The Directors have not declared a dividend.
2 Accounting Policies
Basis of accounting
The interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2006
has been prepared pursuant to AIM Rule 18 and represents the half-yearly
report for the six months then ended. AIM Rule 18 states; 'An AIM
company must prepare a half yearly report in respect of the six month
period from the end of the financial period for which financial
information has been disclosed in its admission document and at least
every subsequent six months thereafter (apart from the final period of
six months preceding its accounting reference date for its audited
The previous half yearly report prepared by the Company covered the
period ended 31 December 2005. As the Company's accounting reference
date is 31 December, its next statutory accounts will be for the period
ending 31 December 2006. This interim financial information therefore
needs to reflect the six month period to 30 June 2006.
Basis of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements
of the company and each of its subsidiary undertakings having eliminated
all inter-company transactions and balances.
Change of accounting reference date
During the period, the Company changed its accounting reference date
from 30 June to 31 December. The next statutory accounts will be for the
eighteen months to 31 December 2006.
Oil and Gas Expenditure
Certain costs (other than payments to acquire the legal right to
explore) incurred prior to acquiring the rights to explore are charged
directly to the income statements. All costs incurred after the rights
to explore an area have been obtained, such as geological and
geophysical costs and other direct costs of exploration (drilling,
trenching, sampling and technical feasibility and commercial viability
activities) and appraisal are accumulated and capitalised as intangible
exploration and evaluation (E&E) assets.
E&E costs are not amortised prior to the conclusion of appraisal
activities. At completion of appraisal activities if technical
feasibility is demonstrated and commercial reserves are discovered,
then, following development sanction, the carrying value of the relevant
E&E asset will be reclassified as a development and production asset,
but only after the carrying value of the relevant E&E asset has been
assessed for impairment, and where appropriate, its carrying value
adjusted. If after completion of appraisal activities in an area, it is
not possible to determine technical feasibility and commercial viability
or if the legal right to explore expires or if the Company decides not
to continue exploration and evaluation activity, then the costs of such
unsuccessful exploration and evaluation is written off to the income
statement in the period the relevant events occur.
If and when facts and circumstances indicate that the carrying value of
an E&E asset may exceed its recoverable amount an impairment review is
Tangible fixed assets and depreciation
Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Depreciation
is provided at rates calculated to write off the cost less estimated
residual value of each asset over its expected useful life, as follows:
Fixtures, fittings & equipment 25% straight line basis
Share issue expenses and share premium account
Costs of share issues are written off against the premium arising on the
issue of share capital.
Foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into Sterling at the
rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets
and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the
rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The resulting
exchange gain or loss is dealt with in the profit and loss account.
3 Loss per ordinary share
The basic and diluted losses per ordinary share have been calculated
using the loss for the six months of £127,010 and the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue of 428,867,403 (see note 13).
4 Taxation
No liability to UK or overseas taxation has arisen during the period and
no provision for deferred tax was considered necessary.
5 Intangible fixed assets
Cost £
At 01 January 2006 -
Additions 4,565,721
Net book value
At 30 June 2006 4,565,721
At 31 December 2005 -
Intangible assets represent the cost of acquiring both the right and
licenses to carry out oil and gas exploration in Namibia and Uganda.
The cost of the intangible asset has not been amortised as the appraisal
of the exploration activity has not been concluded (see note 2).
6 Tangible fixed assets
Cost £
At 01January 2006 -
Additions 1,615
At 1 July 2005 -
Charge for the period 135
At 30 June 2006 135
Net book value
At 30 June 2006 1,480
7 Trade and other receivables 2006 2005
£ £
Other receivables 39,105 -
Prepayments and accrued income 9,625 -
------- -------
------- -------
8 Trade and other payables
2006 2005
£ £
Trade and other payables 172,135 63,057
------- -------
172,135 63,057
------- -------
9 Called-up Share capital 2006 2005
£ £
10,000,000,000 Ordinary shares
of 0.1p each 10,000,000 10,000,000
---------- ---------
Allotted, called up and fully paid
458,333,333 Ordinary shares
of 0.1p each 458,333 125,000
------- -------
On 16 January 2006, the Company issued 200,000,000 Ordinary shares at 2
pence per share to purchase the entire issued share capital of Neptune
Petroleum Limited.
On 16 January 2006 and in conjunction with the acquisition of Neptune
Petroleum Limited the Company issued 133,333,333 Ordinary shares at 1.5
pence per share to raise £2,000,000 before costs.
10 Reserves
The movement in the share premium and profit and loss account in the
period was as follows:
Share Profit and
premium loss
account account
£ £
2006 2005
Balance at 01 January 2006 585,000 (323,612)
Retained loss for the period - (127,010)
Premium on shares issued during the period 5,564,483 -
-------- -------
Balance at 30 June 2006 6,149,483 (450,622)
-------- -------
11 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders'
funds 2006 2005
£ £
Loss for the financial period (127,010) (166,024)
Proceeds from issue of shares 5,897,816 -
------- -------
Net addition to/(depletion in)
shareholders' funds 5,770,806 (166,024)
Opening shareholders' funds 386,388 552,412
------- -------
Closing shareholders' funds 6,157,194 386,388
------- -------
12 Net cash flows from operating activities 2006 2005
£ £
Operating loss (127,010) (166,024)
Depreciation 135 -
Interest income (29,217) (8,167)
Movements in working capital:
Receivables movement (48,730) -
Payables movement 109,078 63,057
------- -------
Cash generated from operating activities (95,744) (111,134)
------- -------
13 Earnings per share
The basic earnings per ordinary share of (0.03) pence (2005: (0.13)
pence) is calculated on the loss for the period attributable to equity
holders of £ (127,010) and divided by the weighted average of
428,867,403 ordinary shares (2005: 125,000,000).
The diluted earnings per share have been calculated on the same basis
as there are no dilutive potential ordinary shares in issue.
14 Subsequent events
The major events subsequent to 30 June 2006 are set out in the
Chairman's Statement.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange