Holding(s) in Company
Toyota Motor Corporation
08 October 2004
Toyota Motor Corporation
Summary of Amendment Reports on Bulk Holding
1) The following is a summary of the amendment reports on bulk holding prepared pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 27-25
of the Securities and Exchange Law
2) On October 1, 2004, due to the corporate split of ARACO Corporation, the automobile division was transferred to
Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd., and on the same day, the merger of Toyota Boshoku Corporation (the surviving company),
TakaNichi Co., Ltd. and ARACO Corporation took place. As a result of the dissolution of ARACO Corporation due to
this merger, there was a change in the joint holders, and concurrently, the percentage of shares of Toyota Boshoku
Corporation held by Toyota Motor Corporation has increased.
3) Holding purposes are for strategic investment (maintenance and development of the business relationship).
4) These amendment reports were filed with the Director of the Tokai Local Finance Bureau on October 8, 2004.
Issuing Company: Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. Total
Total number of issued 113,566,786
shares (shares)
Name of submitter Toyota Motor Kanto Auto Toyota Kyoho Toyota Auto
Corporation Works, Hokkaido Machine Body Co.,
Ltd. Parts Works, Ltd Ltd.
Co., Ltd.
Number of shares held 63,631,659 35,000 7,000 11,576 1,828,847 65,514,082
Number of potentially - - - - - -
diluted shares held (shares)
Percentage of shares 56.03% 0.03% 0.01% 0.01% 1.61% 57.69%
currently held
Percentage of shares 50.01% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% - 50.18%
previously held
Acquisition and disposal of 20,505,520 - - - 1,817,409
shares during the last sixty
(60) days (Acquisition) (Acquisition)
Amount of funds for 11,780,738 - - - -
acquisition (thousand yen)
Issuing Company: Toyota Tsusho Corporation Total
Total 282,867,304
number of
Name of Toyota Toyofuji Central Daihatsu Hino Kanto Toyota Horie
submitter Motor Shipping Motor Motor Motors, Auto Auto Metal
Corporation Co., Wheel Co., Ltd. Works, Body Industry
Ltd. Co., Ltd. Ltd. Co., Ltd Co.,
Ltd. Ltd.
Number of 65,030,725 72,765 72,636 66,701 294,819 147,409 308,826 25,467 66,019,348
shares held
Number of - - - - - - - - -
shares held
Percentage 22.99% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.10% 0.05% 0.11% 0.01% 23.34%
of shares
Percentage 22.99% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.10% 0.05% 0.11% 0.01% 23.36%
of shares
Acquisition - - - - - - - -
disposal of
during the
last sixty
(60) days
Amount of 4,895,056 - - - - - - -
funds for
Issuing Company: Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. Total
Total number 130,010,011
of issued
Name of Toyota Motor Daihatsu Hino Kanto Toyota Central Horie
submitter Corporation Motor Motors, Auto Auto Motor Metal
Co., Ltd. Ltd. Works, Body Wheel Industry
Ltd. Co., Co., Co., Ltd.
Ltd. Ltd.
Number of 55,459,486 44,005 44,005 44,005 46,807 14,668 16,000 55,668,976
shares held
Number of - - - - - - - 0
shares held
Percentage 42.66% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 42.82%
of shares
Percentage 44.67% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.01% 0.01% 44.85%
of shares
Acquisition - - - - - - -
and disposal
of shares
during the
last sixty
(60) days
Amount of 14,484,087 - - - - - 1,000,000
funds for
Issuing Company: Toyota Boshoku Corporation Total
Total number of issued shares 187,665,738
Name of submitter Toyota Motor Toyota Auto
Corporation Body Co.,
Number of shares held 87,873,995 5,016,000 92,889,995
Number of potentially diluted - - -
shares held (shares)
Percentage of shares 46.82% 2.67% 49.50%
currently held
Percentage of shares 15.56% - 15,56%
previously held
Acquisition and disposal of 77,420,995 5,016,000
shares during the last sixty
(60) days (Acquisition) (Acquisition)
Amount of funds for 1,152,097 -
acquisition (thousand yen)
Issuing Company: Aioi Insurance Company Limited Total
Total number of issued shares 756,201,411
Name of submitter Toyota Toyofuji Toyota Auto
Motor Shipping Body Co.,
Corporation Co., Ltd. Ltd.
Number of shares held 252,567,758 42,194 84,388 252,694,340
Number of potentially diluted - - - -
shares held (shares)
Percentage of shares 33.40% 0.01% 0.01% 33.42%
currently held
Percentage of shares 33.40% 0.01% 0.01% 33.42%
previously held
Acquisition and disposal of - - 42,194
shares during the last sixty
(60) days (Acquisition)
Amount of funds for 53,675,288 - -
acquisition (thousand yen)
Issuing Company: Trinity Industrial Corporation Total
Total number 18,220,000
of issued
Name of Toyota Motor Daihatsu Hino Kanto Toyota Auto Central
submitter Corporation Motor Motors, Auto Body Co., Ltd. Motor
Co., Ltd. Ltd. Works, Wheel
Ltd. Co.,
Number of 7,595,480 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 50,000 8,095,480
shares held
Number of - - - - - - -
shares held
Percentage of 41.69% 0.55% 0.55% 0.55% 0.82% 0.27% 44.43%
Percentage of 41.69% 0.55% 0.55% 0.55% 0.55% 0.27% 44.43%
Acquisition - - - - 50,000 -
and disposal (Acquisition)
of shares
during the
last sixty
(60) days
Amount of 679,745 - - - - -
funds for
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange