Result of AGM
Toyota Motor Corporation
26 June 2006
June 23, 2006
To All Shareholders:
President Katsuaki Watanabe
1, Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture
Notice of Resolutions Adopted at FY2006 Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
(Unless otherwise stated, all financial information has been prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Japan)
English translation from the original Japanese-language document
Dear Shareholder,
The reports made and resolutions adopted at the FY2006 Ordinary General
Shareholders' Meeting today are as follows:
Report 1:Reports on business review, unconsolidated balance sheet and statement
of income for the FY2006 term (April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006)
Report 2:Reports on consolidated balance sheet and statement of income for the
FY2006 term (April 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006) and report by accounting auditors and
board of corporate auditors on the audit results of the consolidated financial
Details pertaining to the above Reports, 1 and 2 were reported.
Proposed Resolution 1: Approval of Proposed Appropriation of Retained
Earnings for the FY2006 Term
Payment of 676 million yen in bonuses
to the 26 Directors and 51.5 million yen in bonuses to the 7 Corporate Auditors
in office at the end of the fiscal year and an year-end dividend of 55 yen per
share were approved as proposed.
The total amount of the annual
dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006 will be 90 yen per share
combined with the interim dividend.
Proposed Resolution 2: Partial Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation
Approved as proposed. Details of the
amendments can be found on pages 3 through 8.
Proposed Resolution 3: Election of 26 Directors
Approved as proposed. The following 26 persons were elected and have taken up
their positions as directors:
Hiroshi Okuda, Fujio Cho, Katsuhiro Nakagawa, Katsuaki Watanabe, Tokuichi
Uranishi, Kazuo Okamoto, Kyoji Sasazu, Mitsuo Kinoshita, Yoshimi Inaba, Takeshi
Uchiyamada, Masatami Takimoto, Akio Toyoda, Tetsuo Hattori, Yukitoshi Funo,
Takeshi Suzuki, Atsushi Niimi, Hajime Wakayama, Hiroshi Takada, Teiji Tachibana,
Shinichi Sasaki, Shin Kanada, Akira Okabe, Yoshio Shirai, Yoichiro Ichimaru,
Shoji Ikawa and Shoichiro Toyoda.
Proposed Resolution 4: Election of 3 Corporate Auditors
Approved as proposed. The following 3 persons were elected and have taken up
their positions as auditors:
Yoichi Morishita, Akishige Okada and Masaki Nakatsugawa.
Mr. Yoichi Morishita and Mr. Akishige Okada satisfy the qualifications of
outside corporate auditors as provided in Article 2 Paragraph 16 of the
Corporation Act.
Proposed Resolution 5: Issue of Stock Acquisition Rights without
Consideration to Directors, Managing Officers and Employees, etc., of Toyota
Motor Corporation and its Affiliates
Approved as proposed. Pursuant to
Articles 236, 238 and 239 of the Corporation Act, Stock Acquisition Rights shall
be granted without consideration, for the purpose of granting stock options, to
directors, managing officers and employees, etc., of TMC and its affiliates, and
the terms and conditions of such grants shall be determined by the Board of
Stock acquisition rights granted to
TMC directors without consideration constitute non-monetary compensation of
indeterminate value to directors. The method of calculating the value of Stock
Acquisition Rights allotted to the board as remuneration, etc. was also
Proposed Resolution 6: Acquisition of Own Shares
Approved as proposed. In order to
improve capital efficiency and to implement flexible capital policies tailored
to the business environment, the right to acquire shares of TMC common stock, of
up to a maximum of 30 million shares and to a maximum value of 200 billion yen
was obtained, pursuant to the provisions of Article 156 of the Corporation Act,
during the one-year period from the day after the conclusion of this Ordinary
General Shareholders' Meeting.
Proposed Resolution 7: Award of Bonus Payments to Retiring Corporate
Auditors, and Payment of the Final Retirement Bonus to Directors Due to the
Abolishment of the Retirement Bonus System for Directors
Approved as proposed. Bonuses shall be
paid to the 3 retiring Corporate Auditors, Yoshiro Hayashi, Hiromu Okabe and
Tadashi Ishikawa, for their dedicated efforts in the past. Actual amounts,
timing and method of payment, among others, shall be determined in accordance
with TMC standards by the Board of Auditors.
In conjunction with the abolishment of the retirement bonus system for
directors, the 26 directors reappointed as a result of the approval of the
Proposed Resolution 3, 'Election of 26 Directors', shall be paid final bonuses
within a range of suitable amounts determined in accordance with standards
adopted by TMC for their service until the conclusion of this shareholders'
meeting. Actual amounts and method of payment, among others, shall be determined
by the Board of Directors. The payment shall be made at the time of each
Director's retirement.
Proposed Resolution 8: Revision of the Amount of Remuneration for Directors
Increasing the amount of Director
compensation, to a total of 200 million yen monthly, was approved as per
proposed resolution.
Partial Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation is as below:
(Amended parts are underlined.)
Current Articles of Incorporation Proposed Amendments
Article 5. (Total Number of Authorized Shares, Number Article 5. (Total Number of Authorized Shares and
of Shares Constituting One Unit (tangen) and Issuance of Share Certificates)
Non-issuance of Share Certificates for Less than a Unit
(tangen) of Shares)
1. The total number of shares authorized to be issued 1. The total number of shares which the Corporation is
by the Corporation shall be ten billion authorized to issue shall be ten billion
(10,000,000,000). Provided, however, that in the event (10,000,000,000).
the Corporation repurchases and cancels any of its
issued shares, the total number of such authorized
shares shall be reduced by the number of such
repurchased and cancelled shares accordingly.
(New) 2. The Corporation shall issue share certificates
representing its issued shares.
(New) Article 6. (Number of Shares Constituting One Unit
(tangen), Rights to Shares Constituting Less than One
Unit (tangen) and Non-issuance of Share Certificates
for Shares Constituting Less than One Unit (tangen))
1. The number of shares constituting one unit (tangen)
of shares of the Corporation shall be one hundred
2. The number of shares constituting one unit (tangen)
of shares of the Corporation shall be hundred (100).
(New) 2. The shareholders of the Corporation are not
entitled to exercise any rights to shares constituting
less than one unit (tangen) of shares held by the
shareholders, other than the rights provided for in
each Item of Article 189, Paragraph 2 of the
Corporation Act (Kaisha-hou).
3. The Corporation shall not issue shares certificates 3. Notwithstanding Paragraph 2 of the preceding
for shares less than one unit (tangen) of shares. Article, the Corporation may choose not to issue share
Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply certificates representing its shares constituting less
if the Share Handling Regulations established by the than one unit (tangen) of shares.
Board of Directors provide otherwise.
Article 6. (Repurchase of Shares) Article 7. (Acquisition of Own Shares)
The Company may repurchase its own shares upon approval The Corporation may acquire its own shares by a
by the Board of Directors by resolution in accordance resolution of the Board of Directors in accordance with
with the provisions of the Commercial Code Article the provisions of Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the
211-3 Paragraph 1 Item 2. Corporation Act.
Article 7. (Transfer Agent) Article 8. (Transfer Agent)
1. The Corporation shall have a transfer agent for its 1. The Corporation shall have a transfer agent
shares. (kabunushimeibo-kanrinin).
2. The transfer agent and the location of its office 2. The transfer agent and the location of its office
shall be selected by a resolution of the Board of shall be designated by a resolution of the Board of
Directors, and public notice thereof shall be given. Directors, and public notice thereof shall be given.
3. The register of shareholders (including the 3. The register of shareholders (including the
register of beneficial shareholders; hereinafter the register of beneficial shareholders; hereinafter the
same interpretation being applicable) and the register same interpretation being applicable), the register of
of lost stock certificates shall be kept at the office lost share certificates, and the register of stock
of the transfer agent. The registration of the transfer acquisition rights shall be kept at the office of the
of shares, the purchase of shares constituting less transfer agent. The entry or recording into the
than one unit(tangen)and any other matters related to register of shareholders, the register of lost share
the shares shall be handled by the transfer agent and certificates and the register of stock acquisition
not by the Corporation. rights, the purchase of shares constituting less than
one unit (tangen) and any other matters related to the
shares and stock acquisition rights shall be handled by
the transfer agent and not by the Corporation.
Article 8. (Share Handling Regulations) Article 9. (Share Handling Regulations)
The denomination of the share certificates of the The denomination of the share certificates issued by
Corporation, and the procedures for and fees for the Corporation, and the procedures for and fees for
registering the transfer of shares, purchasing shares the entry or recording into the register of
constituting less than one unit (tangen) and any other shareholders, the register of lost share certificates
matters relating to the handling of shares shall be and the register of stock acquisition rights,
subject to the Share Handling Regulations established purchasing shares constituting less than one unit
by the Board of Directors. (tangen) and any other matters relating to the handling
of shares and stock acquisition rights shall be subject
to the Share Handling Regulations established by the
Board of Directors.
Article 9. (Record Date) Article 10. (Record Date)
1. The Corporation shall, with respect to the shares 1. The Corporation shall deem any shareholder
issued on or before March 31 in each year, deem any (including beneficial shareholders; hereinafter the
shareholder (including the beneficial shareholder; same interpretation being applicable) entered or
hereinafter the same interpretation being applicable) recorded in the final register of shareholders as of
entered or recorded in the final register of March 31 in such year to be a shareholder entitled to
shareholders as of March 31 in such year to be a exercise its rights at the ordinary general meeting of
shareholder entitled to exercise its rights at the shareholders for that business year.
ordinary general meeting of shareholders for that
particular accounting period. With respect to the
shares issued during the period from April 1 to the
date of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders,
the Corporation shall deem any shareholder entered or
recorded in the final register of shareholders as of
the date of issue of such shares to be a shareholder
entitled to exercise its rights at such ordinary
general meeting of shareholders.
2. (Omitted) 2. (Unchanged)
Article 11. (Resolutions) Article 12. (Resolutions)
1. All resolutions of a general meeting of 1. All resolutions of a general meeting of
shareholders shall be adopted by a majority vote of the shareholders shall be adopted by a majority vote of the
shareholders present at the meeting, unless otherwise shareholders present at the meeting who are entitled to
provided by laws and regulations or the Articles of vote, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations
Incorporation of the Corporation. or these Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation.
2. Special resolutions as specified by Article 343 of 2. Special resolutions as specified by Article 309,
the Commercial Code shall be passed by not less than Paragraph 2 of the Corporation Act shall be adopted by
two-thirds of the voting rights held by the attending not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of the
shareholders who hold not less than one-third of the shareholders present at the meeting who hold shares
voting rights of all shareholders. representing in aggregate not less than one-third (1/3)
of the voting rights of all shareholders who are
entitled to vote.
Article 13. (Exercise of Voting Rights by Proxy) Article 14. (Exercise of Voting Rights by Proxy)
1. (Omitted) 1. (Unchanged)
2. In cases where the preceding paragraph applies, the 2. In cases where the preceding paragraph applies, the
shareholder or its proxy shall file with the shareholder or its proxy shall file with the
Corporation a document establishing the proxy's power Corporation a document establishing the proxy's power
of representation. of representation for each general meeting of
(New) 3. The Corporation may refuse a shareholder having two
(2) or more proxies attend a general meeting of
(New) Article 15. (Deemed Delivery of Reference Documents,
etc. for General Meeting of Shareholders)
Upon convening a general meeting of shareholders, the
Corporation may deem that the information which is
required to be described or indicated in reference
documents for the general meeting of shareholders,
business reports, financial statements and consolidated
financial statements shall be provided to the
shareholders, in the event that it is disclosed,
pursuant to laws and regulations, through the method by
which shareholders may receive such information through
an electronic means.
Article 14. (Number of Directors) Article 16. (Number of Directors)
The Corporation shall have no more than thirty (30) The Corporation shall have no more than thirty (30)
Directors. Directors.
Article 15. (Election of Directors) Article 17. (Election of Directors)
1. Directors shall be elected at general meetings of 1. Directors shall be elected by a resolution of a
shareholders. general meeting of shareholders.
2. Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of 2. A resolution for the election of Directors shall be
the shareholders present at the meeting who hold shares adopted by a majority vote of the shareholders present
representing in aggregate not less than one-third (1/3) at the meeting who hold shares representing in
of the voting rights of all the shareholders. aggregate not less than one-third (1/3) of the voting
rights of all the shareholders who are entitled to
3. (Omitted) 3. (Unchanged)
Article 16. (Term of Office of Directors) Article 18. (Term of Office of Directors)
1. The term of office of Directors shall expire at the 1. The term of office of Directors shall expire at the
closing of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders closing of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders
to be held for the last fiscal year of the Corporation to be held for the last business year of the
ending within one (1) year after their assumption of Corporation ending within one (1) year after their
office. election.
2. The term of office of any Director elected in order 2. The term of office of any Director elected in order
to increase the number of Directors or to fill a to increase the number of Directors or to fill a
vacancy shall be the balance of the term of office of vacancy shall be the balance of the term of office of
the other Directors who hold office at the time of his/ the other Directors who hold office at the time of his/
her election. her election.
Article 17. (Representative Directors and Executive Article 20. (Representative Directors and Executive
Directors) Directors)
1. The Corporation shall, by a resolution of the Board 1. The Board of Directors shall designate one or more
of Directors, designate one or more Directors who shall Representative Directors by its resolution.
represent the Corporation.
2. The Corporation may, by a resolution of the Board 2. The Board of Directors may appoint one Chairman of
of Directors, appoint one Chairman of the Board, one the Board, one President and one or more Vice Chairman
President and one or more Vice Chairmen of the Board, of the Board, Executive Vice Presidents and Senior
Executive Vice Presidents and Senior Managing Managing Directors by its resolution.
Article 18. (Honorary Chairmen and Senior Advisors) Article 21. (Honorary Chairmen and Senior Advisors)
The Corporation may appoint Honorary Chairmen and The Board of Directors may appoint Honorary Chairmen
Senior Advisors by a resolution of the Board of and Senior Advisors by its resolution.
Article 19. (Board of Directors) Article 19. (Board of Directors)
(New) 1. The Corporation shall have a Board of Directors.
1. (Omitted) 2. (Unchanged)
(New) 3. With respect to matters to be resolved by the Board
of Directors, the Corporation shall deem that such
matters were approved by a resolution of the Board of
Directors when all the Directors express their
agreement in writing or by electronic records.
Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply
when any Corporate Auditor expresses his/her objection
to such matters.
2. In addition to the provisions of the preceding 4. In addition to the preceding two (2) paragraphs,
paragraph, the management of the Board of Directors the management of the Board of Directors shall be
shall be subject to the Regulations of the Board of subject to the Regulations of the Board of Directors
Directors established by the Board of Directors. established by the Board of Directors.
Article 20. (Exemption from Liability of Directors) Article 22. (Exemption from Liability of Directors)
The Corporation may exempt Directors(including former In accordance with the provisions of Article 426,
Directors)from liability for their actions as Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Act, the Corporation
stipulated in Article 266, Paragraph 1, Item 5 of the may, by a resolution of the Board of Directors, exempt
Commercial Code within the limits specified in Article Directors (including former Directors) from liabilities
266 Paragraphs 12,17,and 18 of the Commercial Code by provided for in Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the
resolution of the Board of Directors adopted in Corporation Act within the limits stipulated by laws
accordance with applicable law when such Directors were and regulations.
performing their duties in good faith and in the
absence of gross negligence.
Article 21. (Number of Corporate Auditors) Article 23. (Establishment of Corporate Auditors and
Number of Corporate Auditors)
The Corporation shall have no more than seven (7)
The Corporation shall have no more than seven (7) Corporate Auditors.
Corporate Auditors.
Article 22. (Election of Corporate Auditors) Article 24. (Election of Corporate Auditors)
1. Corporate Auditors shall be elected at general 1. Corporate Auditors shall be elected by a resolution
meetings of shareholders. of a general meeting of shareholders.
2. Corporate Auditors shall be elected by a majority 2. A resolution for the election of Corporate Auditors
vote of the shareholders present at the meeting who shall be adopted by a majority vote of the shareholders
hold shares representing in aggregate not less than present at the meeting who hold shares representing in
one-third (1/3) of the voting rights of all the aggregate not less than one-third (1/3) of the voting
shareholders. rights of all the shareholders who are entitled to
Article 23. (Term of Office of Corporate Auditors) Article 25. (Term of Office of Corporate Auditors)
1. The term of office of Corporate Auditors shall 1. The term of office of Corporate Auditors shall
expire at the closing of the ordinary general meeting expire at the closing of the ordinary general meeting
of shareholders to be held for the last fiscal year of of shareholders to be held for the last business year
the Corporation ending within four (4) years after of the Corporation ending within four (4) years after
their assumption of office. their election.
2. The term of office of any Corporate Auditor elected 2. The term of office of any Corporate Auditor elected
to fill a vacancy shall be the balance of the term of to fill a vacancy shall be the balance of the term of
office of the Corporate Auditor whom he/she succeeds. office of the Corporate Auditor whom he/she succeeds.
Article 24. (Full-time Corporate Auditor) Article 27. (Full-time Corporate Auditor)
One or more full-time Corporate Auditors shall be The Board of Corporate Auditors shall, by its
elected by the Corporate Auditors from among resolution, select one or more full-time Corporate
themselves. Auditors.
Article 25. (Board of Corporate Auditors) Article 26. (Board of Corporate Auditors)
(New) 1. The Corporation shall have a Board of Corporate
1. (Omitted) 2. (Unchanged)
2. (Omitted) 3. (Unchanged)
Article 26. (Exemption from Liability of Corporate Article 28. (Exemption from Liability of Corporate
Auditors) Auditors)
The Corporation may exempt Corporate Auditors In accordance with the provisions of Article 426,
(including former Corporate Auditors) from liability Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Act, the Corporation
for their actions as stipulated in Article 266 may, by a resolution of the Board of Directors, exempt
Paragraph 1 Item 5 of the Commercial Code within the Corporate Auditors (including former Corporate
limits specified in Article 266 Paragraph 12 of the Auditors) from liabilities provided for in Article 423,
Commercial Code as applied mutatis mutandis under the Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Act within the limits
provisions of Article 280 Paragraph 1 of the Commercial stipulated by laws and regulations.
Code by resolution of the Board of Directors adopted in
accordance with applicable law when such Corporate
Auditors were performing their duties in good faith and
in the absence of gross negligence.
(New Article) Article 29. (Liability Limitation Agreement with
Outside Corporate Auditors)
In accordance with the provisions of Article 427,
Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Act, the Corporation may
enter into an agreement with outside Corporate
Auditors, limiting liabilities provided for in Article
423, Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Act.
(New Article) Article 30. (Accounting Auditor)
The Corporation shall have an Accounting Auditor
Article 27. (Fiscal Year and Closing Date of Accounts) Article 31. (Business Year)
The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be from April The business year of the Corporation shall be one (1)
1 in each year to March 31 of the following year, and year from April 1 of each year until March 31 of the
the closing date of the Corporation's accounts shall be following year.
the last day of each fiscal year.
Article 28. (Dividends, etc.) Article 32. (Dividends from Surplus, etc.)
1. Dividends of the Corporation shall be paid in 1. Dividends from surplus of the Corporation shall be
accordance with the register of shareholders as of the paid to the shareholders or registered share pledgees
closing date of the Corporation's accounts. entered or recorded in the final register of
shareholders as of March 31 of each year.
2. The Corporation may, pursuant to a resolution of 2. The Corporation may, by a resolution of the Board
the Board of Directors, distribute such money as of Directors, distribute dividends from surplus as
provided for in Article 293-5 of the Commercial Code provided for in Article 454, Paragraph 5 of the
(hereinafter referred to as interim dividends) in Corporation Act to the shareholders or registered share
accordance with the final register of shareholders as pledgees entered or recorded in the final register of
of September 30 of each year. shareholders as of September 30 of each year.
(New) 3. In addition to the preceding two (2) paragraphs,
the Corporation may, by a resolution of the Board of
Directors, decide on matters provided for in each Item
of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Act.
3. No interest shall be paid on unpaid dividends or 4. No interest shall be paid on unpaid dividends from
unpaid interim dividends. surplus.
Article 29. (Dispensation from Payment of Dividends) Article 33. (Dispensation from Payment of Dividends
from Surplus, etc.)
The Corporation shall not be obliged to pay any
dividends or interim dividends after three (3) years In the case where the dividends from surplus are paid
have expired from the date of tender thereof. by cash, the Corporation shall not be obliged to pay
any dividends from surplus after three (3) years have
expired from the date of tender thereof.
Article 1. (Term of Office of Corporate Auditors) (Delete)
With respect to the term of office of Corporate
Auditors in office prior to the closing of the ordinary
general meeting of shareholders held for the fiscal
year ending in March 2003, 'within four(4)years after
their assumption of office' as it appears in Article 22
shall be read as 'within three(3)years after their
assumption of office.'
At the Board of Directors meeting held today after the conclusion of the
Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting, 26 persons were elected as directors
with special titles and took up their respective positions.
Chairman of the Board Fujio Cho, Vice Chairman Katsuhiro Nakagawa, President
Katsuaki Watanabe, Executive Vice Presidents Tokuichi Uranishi, Kazuo Okamoto,
Kyoji Sasazu, Mitsuo Kinoshita, Yoshimi Inaba, Takeshi Uchiyamada, Masatami
Takimoto and Akio Toyoda were elected and assumed positions as representative
In addition, at the conclusion of today's Ordinary General Shareholders'
Meeting, a Board of Directors meeting was held where 49 managing officers were
also elected and took up their respective positions.
The new directors are as follows:
Chairman of the Board Fujio Cho Senior Managing Director Teiji Tachibana
Vice Chairman Katsuhiro Nakagawa Senior Managing Director Shinichi Sasaki
President Katsuaki Watanabe Senior Managing Director Shin Kanada
Executive Vice President Tokuichi Uranishi Senior Managing Director Akira Okabe
Executive Vice President Kazuo Okamoto Senior Managing Director Yoshio Shirai
Executive Vice President Kyoji Sasazu Senior Managing Director Yoichiro Ichimaru
Executive Vice President Mitsuo Kinoshita Senior Managing Director Shoji Ikawa
Executive Vice President Yoshimi Inaba Honorary Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda
Executive Vice President Takeshi Uchiyamada Senior Advisor Hiroshi Okuda
Executive Vice President Masatami Takimoto Full-time Corporate Auditor Hideaki Miyahara
Executive Vice President Akio Toyoda Full-time Corporate Auditor Chiaki Yamaguchi
Senior Managing Director Tetsuo Hattori Full-time Corporate Auditor Masaki Nakatsugawa
Senior Managing Director Yukitoshi Funo Corporate Auditor Yasutaka Okamura
Senior Managing Director Takeshi Suzuki Corporate Auditor Yoichi Kaya
Senior Managing Director Atsushi Niimi Corporate Auditor Yoichi Morishita
Senior Managing Director Hajime Wakayama Corporate Auditor Akishige Okada
Senior Managing Director Hiroshi Takada
Managing Officers
Koichi Ina Tadashi Yamashina Hironobu Inoue Tokuyuki Takahashi
Yoshikazu Amano Takashi Hata Kazuhiko Takarada Real C. Tanguay
Takeshi Yoshida James E. Press Masayuki Nakai Ryoichi Sasaki
Shinzo Kobuki Gary L. Convis Toshiki Hayama Seiho Kawakami
Akira Sasaki Wahei Hirai Takahiro Iwase Yasuhiko Yokoi
Hiroshi Kawakami Tatehito Ueda Akihito Tsuji Takahiro Fujioka
Iwao Nihashi Takashi Shigematsu Yoshihiko Masuda Masanobu Kawase
Tadashi Arashima Yuzo Ushiyama Nobuo Kobayashi Yukio Nishikawa
Masamoto Maekawa Yasumori Ihara Yoshimasa Ishii Hirofumi Muta
Mamoru Furuhashi Takahiko Ijichi Tatsuya Kaneko Thierry P.H.B. Dombreval
Satoshi Ozawa Toshio Furutani Takeshi Shirane
Seiichi Sudo Tetsuo Agata Masanao Tomozoe
Yasuhiko Ichihashi Senta Morioka Katsunori Itasaka
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange