Securities Report FY2003 1/3
Toyota Motor Corporation
27 June 2003
Report of Independent Accountant
(English translation)
June 26, 2003
To the Board of Directors
Toyota Motor Corporation
ChuoAoyama Audit Corporation
Engagement C.P.A. /s/
Engagement C.P.A. /s/
Engagement C.P.A. /s/
Engagement C.P.A. /s/
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Toyota Motor
Corporation (the 'Company') and its consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31,
2003, and the related consolidated statement of income, shareholders' equity, of
cash flows and supplementary schedules for the year then ended, to be in
compliance with the Article 193, paragraph 2 of the Security stock Exchange Law.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management;
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in Japan, which require that we perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the financial statements are free to material misstatement. An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provide a
reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly the consolidated financial position of Toyota Motor Corporation and its
consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31, 2003, and the consolidated results of
their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in Japan.
We have no interest in or relationship with the Company which is required to be
disclosed pursuant to the provisions of the Certified Public Accountant Law of
5. The Context of Accounting
1 Principle for the consolidated financial statements and the financial
(1) Toyota Motor Corporation ('TMC') prepares its consolidated financial
statements in accordance with the 'Regulations Concerning the Terminology, Forms
and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements'(1976 - the
ministerial ordinance of Ministry of Finance No. 28, 'Regulations Concerning the
Consolidated Financial Statements').
The consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended March 31,
2002, have been prepared in accordance with the Regulations Concerning the
Consolidated Financial Statements before amendment, and the consolidated
financial statements as of and for the year ended March 31, 2003, have been
prepared in accordance with the Regulations Concerning the Consolidated
Financial Statements after amendment.
(2) TMC prepares its unconsolidated financial statements in accordance with the
'Regulations Concerning the Terminology, Forms and Preparation Methods of
Financial Statements'(1963 - the ministerial ordinance of Ministry of Finance
No. 59, 'Regulations Concerning the Financial Statements').
The unconsolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended March 31,
2002, have been prepared in accordance with the Regulations Concerning the
Financial Statements before amendment, and the unconsolidated financial
statements as of and for the year ended March 31, 2003, have been prepared in
accordance with the Regulations Concerning the Financial Statements after
2 Audit Certification
In compliance with Article 193, paragraph 2 of the Securities and Exchange Law,
the accompanying consolidated and unconsolidated financial statements as of and
for the year ended March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively, have been audited by
ChuoAoyama Audit Corporation in Japan.
1. Consolidated Financial Statements and Other Information
(1) Consolidated Financial Statements
(a) Consolidated Balance Sheets
FY 2002, March 31, 2002 FY 2003, March 31, 2003
Item Notes Yen in millions Percentage Yen in millions Percentage
1 Current assets
1. Cash and deposits 707,233 620,870
2. Trade notes and 1,561,623 1,583,393
accounts receivable
3. Marketable securities 1,605,460 1,661,978
4. Inventories 1,022,718 1,072,947
5. Installment credits 3,334,357 3,430,444
from dealers
6. Short-term loans *6 1,192,054 1,558,161
7. Deferred income taxes 379,668 413,039
8. Other current assets 718,693 826,442
9. Less: allowance for (110,843) (147,670)
doubtful accounts
Total current assets 10,410,966 52.3 11,019,607 53.1
2 Fixed assets
(1) Property, plant and *1
1. Buildings and 1,230,871 1,253,674
2. Machinery and 1,179,305 1,163,778
3. Vehicles and delivery *2 1,269,275 1,238,252
4. Land 1,070,869 1,097,189
5. Construction in 270,497 232,966
6. Other property, plant 416,958 521,123
and equipment
Total property, 5,437,777 27.4 5,506,985 26.6
plant and equipment
(2) Intangible fixed assets
Software 4,328 5,123
Total intangible 4,328 0.0 5,123 0.0
fixed assets
(3) Investments and other
1. Investments in *3 2,642,122 2,695,939
2. Long-term loans 796,349 757,922
3. Deferred income taxes 465,193 446,123
4. Other investments and 159,450 335,618
other assets
5. Less: allowance for (27,251) (24,934)
doubtful accounts
Total investments 4,035,865 20.3 4,210,669 20.3
and other assets
Total fixed assets 9,477,970 47.7 9,722,778 46.9
Total assets 19,888,937 100.0 20,742,386 100.0
FY 2002, March 31, 2002 FY 2003, March 31, 2003
Item Notes Yen in millions Percentage Yen in millions Percentage
1 Current liabilities
1. Trade notes and 1,483,170 1,582,245
accounts payable
2. Current portion of 1,020,930 1,124,035
3. Short-term borrowings 1,104,365 966,243
4. Commercial papers - 1,080,613
5. Accrued expenses and 1,203,969 1,356,294
other accounts payables
6. Income taxes payable 339,304 317,194
7. Deferred income taxes 1,769 1,570
8. Allowance for product 229,246 244,552
9. Allowance for employee 35,838 36,026
10. Other current 1,764,476 848,764
Total current liabilities 7,183,071 36.1 7,557,541 36.4
2 Long-term liabilities
1. Bonds 3,132,372 3,520,344
2. Convertible bonds 13,308 -
3. Long-term borrowings 481,007 573,767
4. Deferred income taxes 398,273 410,330
5. Allowance for 769,714 639,708
retirement benefits
6. Other long-term 121,897 84,218
Total long-term 4,916,572 24.8 5,228,369 25.2
Total liabilities 12,099,644 60.9 12,785,911 61.6
(Minority interest in
consolidated subsidiaries)
Minority interest 464,220 2.3 496,207 2.4
in consolidated
(Shareholders' equity)
1 Common stock 397,049 2.0 - -
2 Capital reserve 415,150 2.1 - -
3 Consolidated earned surplus 6,527,956 32.8 - -
4 Unrealized gain on other 152,809 0.8 - -
securities, net
5 Translation adjustments 22,855 0.1 - -
7,515,821 37.8 - -
6 Less: treasury stock (157,766) -0.8 - -
7 Less: Treasury stock held (32,983) -0.2 - -
by consolidated subsidiaries
Total 7,325,072 36.8 - -
1 Common stock *4 - - 397,049 1.9
2 Capital surplus - - 418,401 2.0
3 Retained earnings - - 7,219,896 34.8
4 Unrealized gain on other - - 78,630 0.4
securities, net
5 Translation adjustments - - (112,350) -0.5
6 Less: treasury stock *5 - - (541,360) -2.6
Total - 7,460,267 36.0
Total liabilities, 19,888,937 100.0 20,742,386 100.0
minority interest
in consolidated
subsidiaries and
(b) Consolidated Statements of Income
FY2002, For the year ended March FY2003, For the year ended March
31,2002 31,2003
Item Notes Yen in millions Percentage Yen in millions Percentage
1 Net revenues 15,106,297 100.0 16,054,290 100.0
2 Cost of revenues * 11,518,782 76.3 12,156,140 75.7
Gross profit 3,587,515 23.7 3,898,149 24.3
3 Selling, general and *
administrative expenses
1. Freight and 211,293 212,364
transportation charges
2. Selling expenses 388,881 354,998
3. Advertisement 331,903 327,793
4. Provision for product 180,100 199,777
5. Salaries and wages 615,181 649,620
6. Provision for 23,233 25,452
employee bonus
7. Net periodic pension 43,435 43,869
8. Depreciation and 88,581 94,975
9. Provision for 59,389 124,011
doubtful accounts
10. Amortization of 1,649 13,498
11. Other 520,395 2,464,044 16.3 488,107 2,534,469 15.8
Operating income 1,123,470 7.4 1,363,679 8.5
4 Non-operating income
1. Interest income 46,958 43,278
2. Dividend income 8,691 10,002
3. Gains on sales of 12,147 12,641
4. Gains on foreign 36,262 27,687
5. Equity in earnings of 15,046 81,966
6. Other 125,004 244,111 1.6 120,523 296,100 1.8
5 Non-operating expenses
1. Interest expenses 29,838 28,687
2. Interests on 2,151 859
commercial papers
3. Losses on disposal of 52,637 53,863
fixed assets
4. Unrealized holding 30,782 55,273
losses on securities
5. Reductions of 6,082 331
acquisition cost of
fixed assets
6. Donations 7,593 11,733
7. Other 124,971 254,057 1.6 95,026 245,775 1.5
Ordinary income 1,113,524 7.4 1,414,003 8.8
6 Extraordinary gains
Gains on return of - - - 235,314 235,314 1.5
substitutional portion
of employees' pension
fund plans
Income before income 1,113,524 7.4 1,649,318 10.3
taxes and minority
interest in consolidated
Income taxes - current 591,327 617,556
Income taxes - deferred (111,169) 480,158 3.2 33,237 650,794 4.1
Minority interest in 17,541 0.1 53,852 0.3
consolidated subsidiaries
Net income 615,824 4.1 944,671 5.9
(c) Consolidated Statements of Capital Surplus and Retained Earnings
FY2002 FY2003
For the year ended For the year ended
March 31,2002 March 31,2003
Item Notes Yen in millions Yen in millions
1 Consolidated earned surplus at 6,162,656 -
beginning of year
2 Decrease in consolidated earned
1. Dividends 98,638 -
2. Bonuses to directors and 2,050 -
corporate auditors
3. Decrease resulting from 16,742 -
increase in consolidated
4. Decrease resulting from 3,874 -
decrease in consolidated
5. Decrease resulting from 129,218 250,524 - -
share retirement by the parent
3 Net income 615,824 -
4 Consolidated earned surplus at 6,527,956 -
end of year
(Capital surplus)
1 Capital surplus at beginning of
Capital reserve at beginning of - - 415,150 415,150
2 Increase in capital surplus
1. Gain on disposal of treasury - 1,430
2. Increase resulting from - - 1,820 3,251
exchange of shares
3 Capital surplus at end of year - 418,401
(Retained earnings)
1 Retained earnings at beginning
of year
Consolidated earned surplus at - - 6,527,956 6,527,956
beginning of year
2 Increase in retained earnings
1. Net income - 944,671
2. Increase resulting from - 3,804
decrease in consolidated
3. Increase resulting from - - 166 948,642
increase in affiliates
accounted for under the equity
3 Decrease in retained earnings
1. Dividends - 109,330
2. Bonuses to directors and - 2,316
corporate auditors
3. Decrease resulting from - 2,062
increase in consolidated
4. Decrease resulting from - - 142,992 256,702
share retirement by the parent
4 Retained earnings at end of year - 7,219,896
(d) Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
FY2002 FY2003
For the year For the year
ended ended
March 31, 2002 March 31, 2003
Item Notes Yen in millions Yen in millions
1 Cash flows from operating activities
1. Income before income taxes and minority interest in consolidated 1,113,524 1,649,318
2. Depreciation 803,607 851,634
3. Losses on disposal of fixed assets 52,637 53,863
4. Increase (decrease) in allowance for retirement benefits 131,187 (113,478)
5. Interest and dividend income (55,649) (53,280)
6. Interest expenses 31,990 29,547
7. Equity in earnings of affiliates (15,046) (81,966)
8. Increase in trade notes and accounts receivable (583,422) (357,746)
9. Increase in loans receivable of consolidated finance subsidiaries (91,321) (407,186)
10. (Increase) decrease in inventories 11,512 (25,842)
11. Increase in trade notes and accounts payable 14,686 108,611
12. Other (174,576) 294,123
Subtotal 1,239,130 1,947,598
13. Interests and dividends received 68,454 69,766
14. Interests paid (31,475) (30,084)
15. Income taxes paid (516,959) (657,808)
Cash flows from operating activities 759,149 1,329,472
2 Cash flows from investing activities
1. Net (increase) decrease in time deposits 34,828 (32,195)
2. Purchases of marketable securities and investments in securities (667,893) (1,111,584)
3. Proceeds from sales of marketable securities and investments in 159,139 208,776
4. Proceeds on maturity of marketable securities and investments in 604,080 723,981
5. Additions to property , plant and equipment (excluding vehicles (961,402) (1,012,803)
for lease)
6. Additions to vehicles for lease (566,690) (540,945)
7. Proceeds from sales of property , plant and equipment (excluding 65,119 64,074
vehicles for lease)
8. Proceeds from sales of vehicles for lease 408,422 283,840
9. Other (29,635) 31,042
Cash flows from investing activities (954,031) (1,385,814)
3 Cash flows from financing activities
1. Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings 26,112 (202,190)
2. Net increase in commercial papers 78,331 179,453
3. Proceeds from origination of long-term borrowings 261,823 189,693
4. Payments for long-term borrowings (293,559) (144,933)
5. Proceeds from issuance of bonds 1,493,896 1,564,564
6. Payments for redemption of bonds (830,294) (984,848)
7. Purchase of treasury stock (282,849) (454,611)
8. Dividends paid (98,638) (109,330)
9. Other (6,816) (4,241)
Cash flows from financing activities 348,005 33,555
4 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 32,375 (42,098)
5 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 185,499 (64,884)
6 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 1,507,280 1,688,126
7 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents due to changes in scope of consolidated (4,654) -
8 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 1,688,126 1,623,241
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Significant Matters for Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements
FY2002, For the year ended March 31, 2002 FY2003, For the year ended March 31, 2003
1. Scope of Consolidation 1. Scope of Consolidation
Number of consolidated subsidiaries: 564 Number of consolidated subsidiaries: 581
(1) Number of consolidated (1) Number of consolidated subsidiaries in
subsidiaries in Japan: 355 Japan: 355
Tokyo Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Tokyo Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Toyo-Pet Motor Sales Co., Ltd. Tokyo Toyo-Pet Motor Sales Co., Ltd.
Osaka Toyopet Co., Ltd. Osaka Toyopet Co., Ltd.
Toyota Tokyo Corolla Co., Ltd. Toyota Tokyo Corolla Co., Ltd.
Hino Motors, Ltd. Hino Motors, Ltd.
Toyota Motor Kyushu, Inc. Toyota Motor Kyushu, Inc.
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.
Toyota Motor Hokkaido, Inc. Toyota Motor Hokkaido, Inc.
Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd.
Kanto Auto Works, Ltd. Kanto Auto Works, Ltd.
Araco Corporation Araco Corporation
Toyota Financial Services Corporation Toyota Financial Services Corporation
Toyota Finance Corporation Toyota Finance Corporation
Others Others
(2) Number of overseas (2) Number of overseas consolidated
consolidated subsidiaries: 209 subsidiaries: 226
Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. Toyota Motor Europe n.v./s.v.
Toyota Motor Europe Marketing & Engineering n.v./s.a. Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
Toyota Deutschland G.m.b.H. Toyota Motor Marketing Europe n.v./s.a.
Toyota (GB) PLC Toyota Deutschland G.m.b.H.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, North America, Inc. Toyota France S.A.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. Toyota Motor Italia S.p.A.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc. Toyota (GB) PLC
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, North America, Inc.
Toyota Motor Europe Manufacturing n.v./s.a. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc.
Kuozui Motors Ltd. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.
Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd. Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing Europe n.v./
Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd.
Toyota Motor Credit Corporation
Toyota South Africa Motors (Pty) Ltd.
Toyota Credit Canada Inc.
Kuozui Motors Ltd.
Toyota Kreditbank G.m.b.H.
Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd.
Toyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V.
Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd.
Toyota Financial Services (UK) PLC
Toyota Motor Credit Corporation
Toyota Finance Australia Ltd.
Toyota Credit Canada Inc.
Toyota Kreditbank G.m.b.H.
Toyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V.
Toyota Financial Services (UK) PLC
Toyota Finance Australia Ltd.
During this fiscal year, 146 companies, including Hino During this fiscal year, 41 companies, including
Motors, Ltd., newly became subsidiaries of Toyota Motor Toyota Motor Europe n.v./s.v., newly became
Corporation ('TMC') and were consolidated. Subsidiaries subsidiaries of Toyota Motor Corporation ('TMC') and
excluded from the scope of consolidation included (i) were consolidated. Subsidiaries excluded from the
11 companies, including Toyota L&F Tokyo Co., that scope of consolidation included (i) 6 companies,
ceased to be subsidiaries of TMC due to decreases in including Toyota Kyoei Service Co., Ltd., that ceased
shareholding ratios resulting from sales of their to be subsidiaries of TMC due to decreases in
respective voting shares or other reasons; (ii) 8 shareholding ratios resulting from sales of their
companies, including Toyota Industrial Equipment Europe respective voting shares or other reasons; (ii) 12
s.a.r.l., in which TMC no longer holds any voting stake companies, including Toyota Media Station Inc., that
as a result of selling all of their shares; (iii) 5 were liquidated; and (iii) 6 companies, including
companies, including Istarsystems, Inc., that were Toyota Modellista Fukuoka Corporation, that were
liquidated; and (iv) 3 companies, including Toyota Soft merged into other consolidated subsidiaries.
Engineering Inc., that were merged into other
consolidated subsidiaries.
2. Application of Equity Method 2. Application of Equity Method
(1) Number of affiliates accounted for (1) Number of affiliates accounted for
under the equity method: 50 under the equity method: 51
(a) Number of domestic affiliates accounted for under (a) Number of domestic affiliates accounted for under
the equity method: 35 the equity method: 34
Toyota Industries Corporation Toyota Industries Corporation
Aichi Steel Corporation Aichi Steel Corporation
Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd. Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd.
Toyota Tsusho Corporation Toyota Tsusho Corporation
Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd. Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.
Denso Corporation Denso Corporation
Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.
Aisin AW Co., Ltd. Aisin AW Co., Ltd.
Aioi Insurance Co., Ltd. Aioi Insurance Co., Ltd.
Others Others
(b) Number of overseas affiliates accounted for under (b) Number of overseas affiliates accounted for under
the equity method: 15 the equity method: 17
New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.
Others Toyota Canada Inc.
From this fiscal year, 2 affiliates, including Taiho From this fiscal year, 6 affiliates, including Tianjin
Kogyo Co., Ltd. were accounted for under the equity Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. were accounted for under the
method in consideration of their materiality. In equity method in consideration of their materiality.
addition, 3 companies previously accounted as equity In addition, 4 companies previously accounted as
method affiliates, including Hino Motors, Ltd., have equity method affiliates, including Toyota Woodyou
newly become subsidiaries of TMC and have consequently Home Corporation and Toyota Espana S.L., have newly
been consolidated. become subsidiaries of TMC and have consequently been
consolidated. Jeco Co., Ltd. was no longer accounted
for under the equity method in consideration of its
materiality, resulting from the sale of its shares
(2) Number of unconsolidated subsidiaries and (2) Number of unconsolidated subsidiaries and
affiliates not accounted for under the equity method affiliates not accounted for under the equity method
Affiliates: 189, including Aisin Takaoka Co., Affiliates: 182, including Aisin Takaoka Co.,
Ltd. Ltd.
(3) Affiliates not accounted for under the equity (3) Affiliates not accounted for under the equity
method are all insignificant in terms of their net method are all insignificant in terms of their net
income (loss), legal reserve and retained earnings, and income (loss), legal reserve and retained earnings,
impact on the consolidated financial statements is and impact on the consolidated financial statements is
immaterial. immaterial.
3. Fiscal Year Ends of Consolidated 3. Fiscal Year Ends of Consolidated
Subsidiaries Subsidiaries
(1) The fiscal year ends of the following consolidated (1) The fiscal year ends of the following consolidated
subsidiaries differ from that of TMC, which is March subsidiaries differ from that of TMC, which is March
31. During this fiscal year, 94 subsidiaries, including 31.
Toyota Motor Europe Manufacturing n.v./s.a., changed
their fiscal year ends from December 31 to March 31. As A total of 39 subsidiaries whose fiscal year ends on
a result, the fiscal years of these subsidiaries lasted December 31 includes:
15 months. The impact, however, on the consolidated
financial statements, was immaterial. OOO Toyota Motor
A total of 34 subsidiaries whose fiscal year ends on Tianjin Toyota Forging Co., Ltd.
December 31 includes:
Tianjin Fengjin Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
Toyota Motor Italia S.p.A.
Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
OOO Toyota Motor
Toyota Motor Technical Center (China) Co., Ltd.
Toyota Motor Thailand Co., Ltd.
Toyota Motorsport GmbH
Siam Toyota Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Toyota Forging Co., Ltd.
In addition, the following subsidiaries' fiscal years
Tianjin Fengjin Auto Parts Co., Ltd. end on the date specified in parentheses:
Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Fahren Miyagi Co., Ltd. (April 30)
Toyota Motor Technical Center (China) Co., Ltd. Itagaki Syouji Co., Ltd. (June 30)
Toyota Motorsport GmbH Itagaki Kousan Co., Ltd. (September 30)
(2) Of the above subsidiaries, 13 subsidiaries whose (2) Of the above subsidiaries, Fahren Miyagi Co., Ltd
fiscal years end on December 31, including Toyota Motor (whose fiscal year ends on April 30), Itagaki Syouji
Thailand Co., Ltd., were consolidated based on the Co., Ltd (whose fiscal year ends on June 30), Itagaki
amounts for a year ended March 31 prepared for the Kousan Co., Ltd (whose fiscal year ends on September
purpose of consolidation. In addition, 21 30) and 10 other subsidiaries whose fiscal years end
subsidiaries, including OOO Toyota Motor, were on December 31, including Banco Toyota do Brasil S.A.,
consolidated based on their respective financial were consolidated based on the amounts for a year
statements. ended March 31 prepared for the purpose of
consolidation. In addition, 29 subsidiaries, including
OOO Toyota Motor, were consolidated based on their
respective financial statements.
4. Significant Accounting Policies 4. Significant Accounting Policies
(1) Valuation of assets (1) Valuation of assets
(a) Securities (a) Securities
Securities with fair value Securities with fair value
Principally stated at fair value based on market prices Principally stated at fair value based on market
at end of fiscal year. (Unrealized holding gains and prices at end of fiscal year. (Unrealized holding
losses are accounted for as a component of gains and losses are accounted for as a component of
shareholders' equity; cost of sales is determined using shareholders' equity; cost of sales is determined
the moving average method.) using the moving average method.)
Securities not practicable to fair value Securities not practicable to fair value
Principally stated at cost using the moving average Principally stated at cost using the moving average
method. method.
(b) Derivatives (b) Derivatives
Principally stated at fair value. Principally stated at fair value.
(c) Money trusts for trading purposes (c) Money trusts for trading purposes
Stated at fair value. Stated at fair value.
(d) Inventories (d) Inventories
TMC and domestic consolidated subsidiaries TMC and domestic consolidated subsidiaries
Principally stated at cost, as determined using the Principally stated at cost, as determined using the
periodic average method or the specific identification periodic average method or the specific identification
method. method.
Overseas consolidated subsidiaries Overseas consolidated subsidiaries
Principally stated at the lower of cost or market value Principally stated at the lower of cost or market
based on the specific identification method, value based on the specific identification method,
first-in-first-out method or last-in-first-out method. first-in-first-out method or last-in-first-out method.
(2) Depreciation and amortization (2) Depreciation and amortization
(a) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (a) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
TMC and domestic consolidated subsidiaries: TMC and domestic consolidated subsidiaries:
Principally computed using the declining balance Principally computed using the declining balance
method. The determination of useful life and residual method. The determination of useful life and residual
value is based on the same standards as in the value is based on the same standards as in the
Corporation Tax Laws of Japan. Corporation Tax Laws of Japan.
Buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, Buildings and structures, machinery and equipment,
vehicles and delivery equipment and other property, vehicles and delivery equipment and other property,
plant and equipment of TMC are depreciated to their plant and equipment of TMC is depreciated to their
actual residual value after they have been depreciated actual residual value after they have been depreciated
to their depreciable limit under the Corporation Tax to their depreciable limit under the Corporation Tax
Laws of Japan. Laws of Japan.
Overseas consolidated subsidiaries: Overseas consolidated subsidiaries:
Principally computed using the straight-line method. Principally computed using the straight-line method.
(b) Amortization of intangible fixed assets (b) Amortization of intangible fixed assets
Software for internal use is amortized over its Software for internal use is amortized over its
estimated useful life of 5 years using the estimated useful life of 5 years using the
straight-line method. straight-line method.
(3) Accounting for deferred assets (3) Accounting of deferred assets
Organization expenses, business commencement expenses, Organization expenses, business commencement expenses,
share issuance expenses, bond issuance expenses and share issuance expenses, bond issuance expenses and
bond discounts are expensed when the payment is made. bond discounts are expensed when the payment is made.
(4) Significant allowances (4) Significant allowances
(a) Allowance for doubtful accounts (a) Allowance for doubtful accounts
To prepare for losses from uncollectible receivables, To prepare for losses from uncollectible receivables,
allowance for doubtful accounts is provided in an allowance for doubtful accounts is provided in an
amount equivalent to the maximum limit deductible for amount equivalent to the maximum limit deductible for
tax purposes which is determined by the Corporation Tax tax purposes which is determined by the Corporation
Laws or an amount determined by considering the Tax Laws or an amount determined by considering the
collectibility of receivable collectibility of receivable
Consolidated subsidiaries: Consolidated subsidiaries:
Principally computed based on the maximum limit Principally computed based on the maximum limit
deductible for tax purposes which is determined by the deductible for tax purposes which is determined by the
Corporation Tax Laws or the historical loss experience. Corporation Tax Laws or the historical loss
(b) Allowance for product warranties
(b) Allowance for product warranties
To prepare for expenses related to after-sale services,
allowance for product warranty is provided based on the To prepare for expenses related to after-sale
terms of the warranties and historical experience. services, allowance for product warranty is provided
based on the terms of the warranties and historical
(c) Allowance for employee bonuses
To provide for employee bonuses, some of the (c) Allowance for employee bonuses
consolidated subsidiaries accrue part of the estimated
bonus payments for the following fiscal year which are To provide for employee bonuses, some of the
attributed to the current fiscal year. consolidated subsidiaries accrue part of the estimated
bonus payments for the following fiscal year which are
attributed to the current fiscal year.
(d) Allowance for retirement benefits
Principally to provide for the retirement benefits for (d) Allowance for retirement benefits
employees, including those already retired, allowance
for retirement benefits obligations deemed to have been Principally to provide for the retirement benefits for
incurred during the current fiscal year is stated based employees, including those already retired, allowance
on estimated retirement benefit obligations and for retirement benefits obligations deemed to have
estimated pension assets at the end of the fiscal year. been incurred during the current fiscal year is stated
based on estimated retirement benefit obligations and
estimated pension assets at the end of the fiscal
(5) Accounting for Lease Transactions (5) Accounting for Lease Transactions
Finance lease transactions other than those which are Finance lease transactions other than those which are
deemed to transfer the ownership of the leased assets deemed to transfer the ownership of the leased assets
to lessees are accounted for by a method similar to to lessees are accounted for by a method similar to
that used for ordinary operating lease transactions. that used for ordinary operating lease transactions.
(6) Accounting for Hedges (6) Accounting for Hedges
Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of
the derivatives designed as 'hedging instruments' are the derivatives designed as 'hedging instruments' are
deferred as assets or liabilities, or those derivatives deferred as assets or liabilities, or those
are used for valuating hedged assets or liabilities. derivatives are used for valuating hedged assets or
TMC and its consolidated subsidiaries enter into the
following hedge transactions: (i) foreign exchange TMC and its consolidated subsidiaries enter into the
forward contracts and foreign currency options, following hedge transactions: (i) foreign exchange
primarily to hedge against exchange rate fluctuation forward contracts and foreign currency options,
risks related to accounts receivable denominated in primarily to hedge against exchange rate fluctuation
foreign currencies, primarily the U.S. dollar; (ii) risks related to accounts receivable denominated in
interest rate options, primarily to hedge against foreign currencies, primarily the U.S. dollar; (ii)
interest rate fluctuation risks related to interest rate options, primarily to hedge against
floating-rate liabilities; and (iii) interest rate interest rate fluctuation risks related to
currency swaps and interest rate swaps, primarily to floating-rate liabilities; and (iii) interest rate
hedge against currency and interest rate fluctuation currency swaps and interest rate swaps, primarily to
risks related to the principal and interest of bond hedge against currency and interest rate fluctuation
portfolios denominated in foreign currencies and risks related to the principal and interest of bond
straight bonds issued in foreign currencies. portfolios denominated in foreign currencies and
straight bonds issued in foreign currencies.
The assessment of hedge effectiveness is conducted by
comparing the accumulated fluctuation in fair value or The assessment of hedge effectiveness is conducted by
cash flow of the hedged item and the hedge instrument comparing the accumulated fluctuation in fair value or
in the period between the start date of the hedge cash flow of the hedged item and the hedge instrument
transaction and the day of assessment. in the period between the start date of the hedge
transaction and the day of assessment.
TMC believes that its exposure to credit risk is
immaterial as the counterparties of the transactions TMC believes that its exposure to credit risk is
entered into by TMC and its subsidiaries are immaterial as the counterparties of the transactions
diversified among financial institutions with strong entered into by TMC and its subsidiaries are
credit profiles. The execution and management of hedge diversified among financial institutions with strong
transactions are conducted by the financial department credit profiles. The execution and management of
of each company upon obtaining approval from directors hedge transactions are conducted by the financial
overseeing the accounting and financial operations. The department of each company upon obtaining approval
status of these transactions is periodically reported from directors overseeing the accounting and financial
to these overseeing directors. operations. The status of these transactions is
periodically reported to these overseeing directors.
(7) Accounting of consumption taxes (7) Accounting of consumption taxes
Consumption tax is computed using the net-of-tax Consumption tax is computed using the net-of-tax
method. method.
5. The valuation of assets and liabilities of 5. The valuation of assets and liabilities of
consolidated subsidiaries consolidated subsidiaries
Assets and liabilities of consolidated subsidiaries are Assets and liabilities of consolidated subsidiaries
revalued at their fair value not recognizing minority are revalued at their fair value not recognizing
interest as of the date of acquisition minority interest as of the date of acquisition
6. Amortization of goodwill 6. Amortization of goodwill
Goodwill is principally amortized over 5 years using Goodwill is principally amortized over 5 years using
the straight-line method. If the amount of goodwill is the straight-line method. If the amount of goodwill
immaterial, however, it is expensed as incurred. is immaterial, however, it is expensed as incurred.
Goodwill recorded in this fiscal year was expensed as Goodwill recorded in this fiscal year was expensed as
incurred due to its immateriality. incurred due to its immateriality.
7. Appropriation of retained earnings 7. Appropriation of retained earnings
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings and Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings and
Capital Surplus are prepared based on the appropriation Capital Surplus are prepared based on the
of retained earnings approved during this fiscal year. appropriation of retained earnings approved during
this fiscal year
8. Definition of funds on consolidated statements 8. Definition of funds on consolidated
of cash flows statements of cash flows
Cash and cash equivalents on the consolidated Cash and cash equivalents on the consolidated
statements of cash flows include cash on hand, statements of cash flows include cash on hand,
immediately accessible bank deposits, and short-term immediately accessible bank deposits, and short-term
investments with original maturities of 3 months or investments with original maturities of 3 months or
less, that are readily convertible into cash and that less, that are readily convertible into cash and that
bear insignificant risk of changes in value. bear insignificant risk of changes in value.
(Changes in Accounting Policy)
FY2002, For the year ended March 31, 2002 FY2003, For the year ended March 31, 2003
1. Accounting Standards for Treasury Stock and the
Withdrawal of Legal Reserve
In conjunction with the implementation of 'Accounting
Standards for Treasury Stock and the Withdrawal of
Legal Researve' (Financial Accounting Standards No.1)
effective from April 1, 2002, TMC and its domestic
subsidiaries have adopted this statement for this
fiscal year. The adoption of the new standard had no
material impact on the results for this fiscal year.
In connection with the amendment of the Regulations
Regarding Consolidated Financial Statements,
shareholders' equity in the consolidated balance sheet
and consolidated statements of retained earnings and
capital surplus for this fiscal year have been prepared
in accordance with the amended regulations.
2. Earnings per share
In conjunction with the implementation of 'Accounting
Standard for Earnings Per Share' (Financial Accounting
Standards No. 2) and 'Implementation Guidance of
Accounting Standard for Earnings Per Share'
(Implementation Guidance of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 4) for the year beginning on and after
April 1, 2002, TMC has adopted these statements for
this fiscal year. The impact due to the adoption of
these new standards is described in (Per share data)
(Changes in Presentation)
FY2002, For the year ended March 31, 2002 FY2003, For the year ended March 31, 2003
'Commercial papers' is presented as a separate line
item in the consolidated balance sheet because it
exceeded 5% of the total amount of liabilities,
minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries and
shareholders' equity as of March 31, 2003.
The line item 'Other current liabilities' under
'Current liabilities' in the consolidated balance sheet
of the previous year included commercial papers in the
amount of JPY952,553 million.
(Additional Information)
FY2002, For the year ended March 31, 2002 FY2003, For the year ended March 31, 2003
In conjunction with enforcement of the Defined Benefit
Enterprise Pension Plan Law, TMC, some of its domestic
consolidated subsidiaries and domestic affiliates
accounted for under the equity method received approval
from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, for
exemption from the obligation for benefits related to
future employee service under the substitutional
portion. (TMC received the approval on April 1, 2002)
TMC and these subsidiaries and affiliates applied the
transitional provision stipulated in paragraph 47-2 of
the 'Practical Guidelines of Accounting for Retirement
Benefits (Interim Report)' (Accounting Committee Report
No. 13 issued by the Japanese Institute of Certified
Public Accountants), and recognized an extinguishment
of retirement benefit obligation related to the
substitutional portion as of the date of the approval.
As a result, JPY32,341 million was recognized as
'Equity in earnings of affiliates' under 'Non-operating
income', and JPY235,314 million was recognized as
'Gains on return of substitutional portion of
employees' pension fund plans' under 'Extraordinary
gains' in this fiscal year.
Perspective amount to be returned is JPY474,400 million
as of March 31, 2003.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
(Consolidated Balance Sheets)
FY2002, March 31, 2002 FY2003, March 31, 2003
1. 1.
(*1) Accumulated depreciation of property, (*1) Accumulated depreciation of property,
plant and equipment plant and equipment
JPY7,771,307 million JPY7,931,514 million
(*2) Vehicles and delivery equipment include assets (*2) Vehicles and delivery equipment include assets
under lease contracts (Toyota as lessor) in the amounts of under lease contracts (Toyota as lessor) in the amounts of
JPY1,153,861 million. JPY1,134,883 million.
(*3) Assets related to affiliates (*3) Assets related to affiliates
(Assets) (Assets)
Yen in millions Yen in millions
Investments in securities (Stock) 1,104,863 Investments in securities (Stock) 1,028,941
Investments in securities (Bonds) 304 Investments in securities (Bonds) 200
Investments in 68,005 Investments in 48,990
securities (Convertible securities (Convertible
bonds bonds)
(*4) Number of outstanding shares of TMC is 3,609,997,492
shares (common share).
(*5) Number of treasury stock held by TMC, its consolidated
subsidiaries, and affiliates accounted for under the
equity method is 259,094,384 shares (common stock).
(*6) Fair value of securities held as collateral of
repurchase agreement transactions, which TMC and its
consolidated subsidiaries have the right to dispose of,
are JPY24,999 million.
2. Assets pledged as collateral and secured liabilities 2. Assets pledged as collateral and secured liabilities
(1) Assets pledged as collateral (1) Assets pledged as collateral
Yen in millions Yen in millions
Notes receivable 47,007 Notes receivable 38,134
Installment credit from dealers 138,102 Installment credit from dealers 66,013
Buildings and structures 67,504 Buildings and structures 58,691
Machinery and equipment 18,028 Machinery and equipment 12,190
Land 106,072 Land 98,248
Other 20,618 Other 27,445
Total 397,334 Total 300,723
(2) Secured liabilities (2) Secured liabilities
Yen in millions Yen in millions
Short-term borrowings 141,136 Short-term borrowings 143,266
Long-term borrowings 73,220 Long-term borrowings 56,769
Bonds 138,102 Bonds 66,013
Total 352,459 Total 266,048
3. Liabilities for guarantees 3. Liabilities for guarantees
Yen in millions Yen in millions
Debt guarantees related to the operation of 783,339 Debt guarantees related to the operation of 841,871
consolidated finance subsidiaries consolidated finance subsidiaries
Other liabilities for guarantees 25,336 Other liabilities for guarantees 35,619
Other acts similar to guarantees 34 Other acts similar to guarantees 13
Total 808,710 Total 877,504
4. Notes receivable 4. Notes receivable
Yen in million Yen in million
Discounted 7,109 Discounted 17,343
Endorsed 61 Endorsed 11
5. Unfunded loans under overdraft 5. Unfunded loans under overdraft
contracts and loan commitments contracts and loan commitments
Unfunded loans provided by consolidated finance Unfunded loans provided by consolidated finance
subsidiaries under overdraft contracts and loan commitments subsidiaries under overdraft contracts and loan
JPY731,702 million JPY1,306,483 million
The above funds are not necessarily fully executed, as The above funds are not necessarily fully executed, as
some of the overdraft contracts and loan commitments referred some of the overdraft contracts and loan commitments
above are contingent upon a satisfactory review of the referred above are contingent upon a satisfactory
creditworthiness of the customer. review of the creditworthiness of the customer.
(Consolidated Statement of Income)
FY2002, For the year ended March 31, 2002 FY2003, For the year ended March 31, 2003
*Research and development related expenses included in *Research and development related expenses included in
general and administrative expenses and manufacturing general and administrative expenses and manufacturing
costs are JPY592,523 million. costs are JPY671,608 million.
(Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows)
FY2002, For the year ended March 31, 2002 FY2003, For the year ended March 31, 2003
1. Reconciliation between cash and cash equivalents 1. Reconciliation between cash and cash
presented in the consolidated balance sheets equivalents presented in the consolidated balance sheets
Yen in millions Yen in millions
Cash and deposits 707,233 Cash and deposits 620,870
Marketable securities 1,605,460 Marketable securities 1,661,978
Total 2,312,694 Total 2,282,848
Time deposits and securities with (624,568) Time deposits and securities with (659,606)
maturities over 3 months maturities over 3 months
Cash and cash equivalents 1,688,126 Cash and cash equivalents 1,623,241
2. Assets and liabilities of newly consolidated subsidiaries
due to the acquisition of shares
In connection with the consolidation of Hino Motors, Ltd. and its subsidiaries,
resulting from the acquisition of shares of Hino Motors, Ltd. during FY2002, the
following shows the assets and liabilities of Hino Motors, Ltd. and its
subsidiaries, the acquisition cost of shares, and the net payment for
Yen in millions
Current assets 381,853
Fixed assets 436,295
Current liabilities (461,628)
Long-term liabilities (157,665)
Goodwill (3,575)
Minority interest and others (128,994)
Acquisition cost of shares of Hino Motors, Ltd. 66,286
Cash and cash equivalents of Hino Motors Ltd. and (36,972)
its subsidiaries
Net cash paid for acquisition 29,314
The above net cash paid for acquisition is included in 'Other'
under 'Cash flows from investing activities'.
3. Significant non-cash transactions 2. Significant non-cash transactions
During FY2002, no non-cash transaction that will have During FY2003, no non-cash transaction that will have
a material impact on cash flows in subsequent fiscal a material impact on cash flows in subsequent fiscal years
have occurred. years have occurred.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange