Substantial Shareholdings

Toyota Motor Corporation 7 October 2002 (TRANSLATION) Form No. 1 (1) Substantial Shareholding Report Amendment No.1 (a) (Report in accordance with Article 27-23, (Report in accordance with Article 27-25, Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) To: Director of Tokai Local Finance Bureau Name Fujio Cho, President, Toyota Motor Corporation (b) Effective date of reporting duty September 30, 2002 (c) Address or head office location 1 Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture (b) Submitted on October 7, 2002 I. Matters Regarding Submitter 1. Issuing company (d) Name of issuing company Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd. Company code 6470 * (1). Listed 2. Over-the-counter Listed securities exchange * (1). Tokyo 2. Osaka (3). Nagoya 4. Fukuoka 5. Sapporo Head office location 65, Midorigaoka 3-chome, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 2. Submitter (Substantial Shareholder) (f) * 1. Individual (2) Judicial person ( (1) Joint stock company 2. Limited liability company 3. Other ( )) (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Name Toyota Motor Corporation (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Address or head office location 1 Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, 471-8571 (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Former name (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Former address or head office location Individual Date of birth (pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Office's name Occupation Office's address Judicial Date of incorporation (pronunciation) (omitted in Title of person translation) Representativ August 27, 1937 e President Name of representative Fujio Cho Business purposes The manufacture, sale, leasing and repair of motor vehicles, industrial vehicles, ships, aircraft, other transportation machinery and apparatus, space machinery and apparatus, and parts thereof, etc. Place to contact and name Toyoaki Kawaji, Project General Manager of Planning Department, Accounting of person in charge Division Telephone number 0565 (28) 2121 3. Holding purposes (g) For strategic investment (maintenance and development of the business relationship) Form No. 1 (1) Form No. 1 (2) Company code of 6470 issuing company Name of submitter Toyota Motor Corporation (Substantial Shareholder) 4. Breakdown of stock, etc. held by the submitter (h) Main Text of Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3, Paragraph 3, Item 1 Item 2 Shares 9,676,691 shares --- shares --- shares Warrants A --- shares G shares Certificate of stock B --- shares H shares acquisition rights Bonds with stock acquisition C --- shares I shares rights Covered warrants D --- J relating to applicable securities Depositary receipts --- representing ownership interest in shares Other related depositary E --- K receipts Bonds redeemable by applicable F --- L securities Total M 9,676,691 shares N --- shares O --- shares Number of shares, etc., which were P --- transferred through a margin transaction and which are to be deducted Number of held shares, etc. (Total) Q 9,676,691 (M+N+O-P) Number of potentially diluted shares held R --- (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L) 5. Conditions concerning acquisition or disposal during the last sixty (60) days of shares, etc. issued by issuing company (i) Date Kind of stock, etc. Number Distinction between Unit Price acquisition and disposal Not applicable * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal * 1 Acquisition 2 Disposal Form No.1 (2) Form No. 1 (3) Company code of 6470 issuing company Name of submitter Toyota Motor Corporation (Substantial Shareholder) 6. Material agreements including security agreements related to the shares, etc. (j) Not Applicable 7. Funds for acquiring held shares, etc. (k) (1) Breakdown of funds for acquisition Amount of own funds (JPY1,000) T 2,007,600 Total amount of borrowed funds (JPY1,000) U --- Other funds (specifically) Not Applicable Total amount of other funds (JPY1,000) V --- Total amount of funds for acquisition 2,007,600 (T+U+V) (JPY1,000) (2) Breakdown of loans Number * Name (Name of Type of * Name of * Location 'Purpose' of Amount branch) business representative borrowing (JPY1,000) 1 Not Applicable * 1 2 2 * 1 2 3 * 1 2 4 * 1 2 5 * 1 2 6 * 1 2 7 * 1 2 8 * 1 2 9 * 1 2 10 * 1 2 Form No. 1 (3) (TRANSLATION) Form No. 1 (1) Substantial Shareholding Report Amendment No.1 (a) (Report in accordance with Article 27-23, (Report in accordance with Article 27-25, Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) To: Director of Tokai Local Finance Bureau Name (b) Effective date of reporting duty September 30, 2002 (c) Address or head office location (b) Submitted on October 7, 2002 I. Matters Regarding Submitter 1. Issuing company (d) Name of issuing company Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd. Company code 6470 * (1) Listed 2.Over-the-counter Listed securities exchange * (1). Tokyo 2. Osaka (3) Nagoya 4. Fukuoka 5. Sapporo Head office location 65, Midorigaoka 3-chome, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 2. Submitter (Substantial Shareholder) (f) * 1. Individual (2) Judicial person ( (1) Joint stock company 2. Limited liability company 3. Other ( )) (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Name Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Address or head office location 1-1, Daihatsu-cho, Ikeda City, Osaka, 563-8651 (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Former name (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Former address or head office location Individual Date of birth (pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Office's name Occupation Office's address Judicial Date of incorporation (pronunciation) (omitted in Title of person translation) Representativ March 1, 1907 e President Name of representative Takaya Yamada Business purposes The manufacture, sale, leasing and repair of motor vehicles, industrial vehicles, other various vehicles, and parts thereof, etc. Place to contact and name Miehiro Morita, Managing Director of person in charge Telephone number 0727 (54) 3062 3. Holding purposes (g) For strategic investment (maintenance and development of the business relationship Form No. 1 (1) Form No. 1 (2) Company code of 6470 issuing company Name of submitter Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (Substantial Shareholder) 4. Breakdown of stock, etc. held by the submitter (h) Main Text of Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3, Paragraph 3, Item 1 Item 2 Shares 50,000 shares --- shares --- shares Warrants A --- shares G shares Certificate of stock acquisition B --- shares H shares rights Bonds with stock acquisition C --- shares I shares rights Covered warrants D --- J relating to applicable securities Depositary receipts representing --- ownership interest in shares Other related depositary E --- K receipts Bonds redeemable by applicable F --- L securities Total M 50,000 shares N --- shares O --- shares Number of shares, etc., which were P --- transferred through a margin transaction and which are to be deducted Number of held shares, etc., (Total) Q 50,000 (M+N+O-P) Number of potentially diluted shares held R --- (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L) 5. Conditions concerning acquisition or disposal during the last sixty (60) days of shares, etc. issued by issuing company (i) Date Kind of stock, etc. Number Distinction between acquisition and disposal Unit Price Not applicable *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal Form No.1 (2) Form No. 1 (3) Company code of 6470 issuing company Name of submitter Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (Substantial Shareholder) 6. Material agreements including security agreements related to the shares, etc. (j) Not Applicable 7. Funds for acquiring held shares, etc. (k) (1) Breakdown of funds for acquisition Amount of own funds (JPY1,000) T 32,500 Total amount of borrowed funds (JPY1,000) U --- Other funds (specifically) Not Applicable Total amount of other funds (JPY1,000) V --- Total amount of funds for acquisition (T+U+V) (JPY1,000) 32,500 (2) Breakdown of loans Number * Name (Name of Type of * Name of * Location 'Purpose' of Amount branch) business representative borrowing (JPY1,000) 1 Not Applicable * 1 2 2 * 1 2 3 * 1 2 4 * 1 2 5 * 1 2 6 * 1 2 7 * 1 2 8 * 1 2 9 * 1 2 10 * 1 2 Form No. 1 (3) (TRANSLATION) Form No. 1 (1) Substantial Shareholding Report Amendment No.1 (a) (Report in accordance with Article 27-23, (Report in accordance with Article 27-25, Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) To: Director of Tokai Local Finance Bureau Name (b) Effective date of reporting duty September 30, 2002 (c) Address or head office location (b) Submitted on October 7, 2002 I. Matters Regarding Submitter 1. Issuing company (d) Name of issuing company Taiho Kogyo Co., Ltd. Company code 6470 * (1). Listed 2.Over-the-counter Listed securities exchange * (1) Tokyo 2. Osaka (3) Nagoya 4. Fukuoka 5. Sapporo Head office location 65, Midorigaoka 3-chome, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture 2. Submitter (Substantial Shareholder) (f) * 1. Individual (2) Judicial person ( (1) Joint stock company 2. Limited liability company 3. Other ( )) (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Name Horie Metal Co., Ltd. (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Address or head office location 26, Konosu-cho 2-chome, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, 471-8510 (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Former name (Pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Former address or head office location Individual Date of birth (pronunciation) (omitted in translation) Office's name Occupation Office's address Judicial Date of incorporation (pronunciation) (omitted in Title of person July 7, 1942 translation) Representativ e President Name of representative Taketo Matoba Business purposes The manufacture, sale and designing of auto parts, and processing and sale of steel sheets Place to contact and name Takashi Ogasawara, General Manager of Accounting Division, Operating of person in charge Department Telephone number 0565 (29) 8364 3. Holding purposes (g) For strategic investment (maintenance and development of the business relationship) Form No. 1 (1) Form No. 1 (2) Company code of 6470 issuing company Name of submitter Horie Metal Co., Ltd. (Substantial Shareholder) 4. Breakdown of stock, etc. held by the submitter (h) Main Text of Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3, Paragraph 3, Item 1 Item 2 Shares 10,000 shares --- shares --- shares Warrants A --- shares G shares Certificate of stock acquisition B --- shares H shares rights Bonds with stock acquisition C --- shares I shares rights Covered warrants D --- J relating to applicable securities Depositary receipts representing --- ownership interest in shares Other related depositary E --- K receipts Bonds redeemable by applicable F --- L securities Total M 10,000 shares N --- hares O --- shares Number of shares, etc., which were P --- transferred through a margin transaction and which are to be deducted Number of held shares, etc., (Total) Q 10,000 (M+N+O-P) Number of potentially diluted shares held R --- (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L) 5. Conditions concerning acquisition or disposal during the last sixty (60) days of shares, etc. issued by issuing company (i) Date Kind of stock, etc. Number Distinction between acquisition and disposal Unit Price Not applicable *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal *1 Acquisition 2 Disposal Form No.1 (2) Form No. 1 (3) Company code of 6470 issuing company Name of submitter Horie Metal Co., Ltd. (Substantial Shareholder) 6. Material agreements including security agreements related to the shares, etc. (j) Not Applicable 7. Funds for acquiring held shares, etc. (k) (1) Breakdown of funds for acquisition Amount of own funds (JPY1,000) T 9,441 Total amount of borrowed funds (JPY1,000) U --- Other funds (specifically) Not Applicable Total amount of other funds (JPY1,000) V --- Total amount of funds for acquisition (T+U+V) (JPY1,000) 9,441 (2) Breakdown of loans Number * Name (Name of Type of * Name of * Location 'Purpose' of Amount branch) business representative borrowing (JPY1,000) 1 Not Applicable * 1 2 2 * 1 2 3 * 1 2 4 * 1 2 5 * 1 2 6 * 1 2 7 * 1 2 8 * 1 2 9 * 1 2 10 * 1 2 Form No. 1 (3) Form No. 1 (6) Company code of 6470 issuing company Page number/Total page number 10/10 Name of submitter Toyota Motor Corporation Total number of submitter and joint holders 3 (Substantial Shareholder) Submitting method * (1). Jointly 2. Others III. Summary List Regarding Submitter and Joint Holders 1. Submitter and joint holders (n) Toyota Motor Corporation Daihatsu Motors Co., Ltd. Horie Metal Co., Ltd. 2. Breakdown of stock, etc. held by the submitter and the joint holders (o) Main Text of Article Article 27-23, Article 27-23, 27-23, Paragraph 3 Paragraph 3, Item 1 Paragraph 3, Item 2 Shares 9,736,691 shares --- shares --- shares Warrants A --- shares G shares Certificate of stock B --- shares H shares acquisition rights Bonds with stock acquisition C --- shares I shares rights Covered warrants D --- J relating to applicable securities Depositary receipts --- representing ownership interest in shares Other related depositary E --- K receipts Bonds redeemable by F --- L applicable securities Total M 9,736,691 shares N --- shares O --- shares Number of shares, etc., which were P --- transferred through a margin transaction and which are to be deducted Total number of issued S 24,931,000 shares and outstanding shares (as of September 30, 2002) Number of held shares, etc., (Total) Q 9,736,691 (M+N+O-P) Percentage of shares, etc. held by the 39.05 % above-stated submitter (Q/(R+S)x100) Number of potentially diluted shares held R --- (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L) Percentage of shares, etc. held stated in 48.80 % preceding report Form No. 1 (6) This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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