1st October 08
Ordinary Shares
As at close of business on 30th September 2008, the unaudited net asset value per ordinary share including current financial year revenue items was 177.3p (and 175.5p including debt marked at fair value). The unaudited net asset value excluding current financial year revenue items was 173.0p (and 171.2p including debt marked at fair value).
The properties held in the Ordinary Share portfolio were externally revalued as at
30 September 2008 and the NAVs stated above reflect the result of this revaluation.
The total value of the properties, which were all last revalued at the end of March 2008, fell by £5.3m or 7.7% to £63.5m during the six month period.
Sigma Shares
As at close of business on 30th September 2008, the unaudited net asset value per ordinary share including current financial year revenue items was 83.1p (and 82.2p including debt marked at fair value). The unaudited net asset value excluding current financial year revenue items was 81.7p (and 80.2p including debt marked at fair value).
The Trust's interim results for the year to 31st March 2009 are due to be published on 26th November 2008.