3rd October 2011
Ordinary Shares
As at close of business on 30th September 2011, the unaudited net asset value per Ordinary share including current financial year revenue items was 171.7p (and 170.2p including debt marked at fair value). The unaudited net asset value excluding current financial year revenue items was 166.2p (and 164.6p including debt marked at fair value).
The above net asset values incorporate the half year revaluation of the entire direct property portfolio owned by the Ordinary share class which was carried out by Drivers Jonas Deloitte as at 30th September 2011. The valuation of the property portfolio was £53.3m and includes Park Place, Vauxhall purchased by the Trust in July 2011. On a like for like basis (excluding the purchase) this valuation reflects an increase in capital values over a six month period of £1.1m or 2.5%. The property portfolio valuation at 31st March 2011 was £44.325m.
Sigma Shares
As at close of business on 30th September 2011, the unaudited net asset value per Sigma share including current financial year revenue items was 90.2p (and 89.5p including debt marked at fair value). The unaudited net asset value excluding current financial year revenue items was 88.3p (and 87.6p including debt marked at fair value).