6 October 2009
(the 'Company')
Results of Annual General Meeting and re-appointment of Chairman
The Chairman adjourned the Annual General Meeting ('AGM') for 1 hour and the meeting was reconvened at 11.00am (local time) on 6 October 2009. The Chairman accepted all proxies received up to the date and time of the adjourned AGM, as permitted by article 49.1.4 of the Company's articles of association. The Company announces that resolutions 1 - 5 and 8 - 10 were duly passed.
As Mr. George Krumov had resigned as a Director of the Company on 8 September 2009, which was after the date of posting of the AGM notice, Resolution 6 to reappoint Mr. Krumov as a Director of the Company was not put to the meeting. Resolution 7, the approval of the reappointment of Mr. Petri Karjalainen who retired by rotation, was not carried at the AGM and he stepped down today as a Director of the Company.
The Board of the Company also announces the re-appointment today of Mr. Ian Schmiegelow as a Non-executive Director and Chairman of the Company with effect from the closing of the AGM. Mr. Schmiegelow was re-appointed by the Board of Directors after an oversight with respect to the resolutions put forward for the AGM. Mr. Schmiegelow will stand for re-appointment at the next AGM.
Equest Investments Balkans Limited Tel: + 44 20 7630 3350 Ian Schmiegelow Tel: + 44 20 7240 7600 Petri Karjalainen Naomi Kora |
Financial Dynamics Tel: + 44 20 7831 3113 Nick Henderson Ed Gascoigne-Pees |
Collins Stewart Europe Limited (Nomad) Tel: +44 20 7523 8350 Hugh Field |
KBC Peel Hunt Limited (Broker) Tel: + 44 20 7418 8900 Capel Irwin |
Mr. Schmiegelow is Chairman and Chief Executive of Hamilton Lunn which he set up, together with his then business partner, in 1988 as a regulated corporate advisory firm. Hamilton Lunn now provides corporate finance, property investment advisory and management services to its clients.
Ian Lunn Schmiegelow (aged 66) holds or has held the following directorships, and is or was a member of the following partnerships during the past five years:
Current Directorships / Partnerships: |
Past Directorships / Partnerships: |
Hamilton Lunn Limited |
Brinkley Estates Limited |
Hamilton Lunn Management Services Limited |
Abington Property Investment Company Limited |
Hamilton Lunn Asset Management Limited |
Quickcape Limited |
Hamilton Lunn (Bermuda) Limited |
Apollo Fund Plc |
CedarHolt Fund Limited |
BeechHolt Fund Limited |
Sohoul Foundation |
Oundle School Building Company Limited |
Mr. Schmiegelow was Non-Executive Chairman of Ebury Property Holdings Limited ('Ebury') with no shareholding interest. This appointment arose at the request of the two shareholder groups, which controlled the business equally. During 1991, financial pressures caused by a worsening property market were compounded by an irreconcilable dispute between the two shareholder groups involving the freezing of certain funds of a subsidiary company. As soon as it became clear that the release of these frozen funds could not be negotiated between the two shareholder groups, the Directors unanimously decided to invite Ebury's banker, pursuant to a charge, to appoint an administrative receiver.
There are no further disclosures required under paragraph (g) of Schedule Two of the AIM Rules for Companies in respect of Mr. Schmiegelow.