Transense Technologies PLC (the 'Company')
20 October 2008
Director/PDMR Shareholding
The Company was notified today of the following transaction by Directors, which took place earlier today:
Norman Smith, Chief Executive Officer, purchased 235,000 ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company ('Ordinary Shares') at a price of 4.3 pence each. As a result of this transaction, Mr Smith is now interested in 320,000 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.42% of the issued share capital of the Company.
David Kleeman, Chairman, purchased 75,000 Ordinary Shares at a price of 4.5 pence each. As a result of this transaction, Mr Kleeman is now interested in 275,000 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.36% of the issued share capital of the Company.
The Company's capital consists of 75,807,138 Ordinary Shares with voting rights. The Company does not hold any Ordinary Shares in Treasury.
Transense Technologies PLC 01869 238398
Melvyn Segal
Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking 0113 241 0126
Neil Baldwin
Sean Wyndham-Quin