11 October 1999
New Chief Executive named for Travis Perkins
Mr Frank J. McKay, currently a main board director at Blue
Circle Industries PLC, is to join the board of Travis
Perkins plc as chief executive designate with effect from 1
November 1999. Mr McKay, who spent 24 years with the
Rockwell Corporation before joining Blue Circle in 1995,
will become chief executive of Travis Perkins on 1 January
2000 when Ted Adams, managing director, retires from that
position after 33 years service with the company. Mr Adams
will remain on the Travis Perkins board as a non-executive
With this appointment the role of managing director is being
broadened into that of chief executive through the addition
of certain responsibilities previously undertaken by the
executive chairman. Accordingly, Tony Travis, currently
chairman and chief executive, will relinquish his
responsibilities as chief executive from 1 January 2000
while continuing as chairman.
These appointments will strengthen the board as the group
continues to develop.
Press Enquiries:
Tony Travis
Travis Perkins plc
01604 752 424
Issued on behalf of Travis Perkins plc by Tavistock
Communications Limited
(contact Keith Payne, Tel: 0171 600 2288)
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