28 March 2013
Treatt Plc (the "Company")
The EGM of Treatt plc, to approve the reappointment of Tim Jones as a director of the Company, was held today at 10.30am at the Registered Office of the Company.
The resolution was approved on a poll, the full results of which are given below. The Bovill Family, who hold a total of 2,972,405 shares and Bjornstad and Jendal A/S, who hold 348,453 shares and who were party to the announcement by the Bovill Family on 19 March 2013, abstained from voting.
Resolution |
Votes For |
% For |
Votes Against |
% Against |
Total Votes Cast |
% of Voting Rights Voted |
Votes Withheld |
Re-election of Tim Jones as a director |
4,366,871 |
99.10% |
39,463 |
0.90% |
4,406,334 |
43.09% |
61,700 |
NB: "For" votes include those giving the Chairman discretion. Percentages of votes excludes votes Withheld
The total number of voting rights at the date of the EGM was 10,224,726.
The full text of the resolution can be found in the Notice of EGM set out in the Circular that was sent to shareholders on 4 March 2013, which was submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and is available for inspection at www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do and on the Company's website www.treatt.com.
Commenting on the result of the EGM, Tim Jones, the Chairman of Treatt, stated:
"I would like to thank shareholders for their support and confirm that I and the other members of the Board will get on with creating long term sustainable value for shareholders by delivering the improved performance that we believe the Company can achieve."
For further information please contact:
Daemmon Reeve
Chief Executive Officer
Richard Hope
Group Finance Director
01284 702500